Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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Glad to see you back and I hope you're doing better. I would LOVE to see the Judge rein in Mrs. Watts for all to see and hear! I also hope that the Judge has a great deal to tell CW, about who and what he (CW) is and has done!
It's really too bad that the autopsy has not been officially released to the public, assuming what the podcasters reported is true. RE the condition of Shan'ann. How could his parents and sister rail against SW if the whole world knew the state their son and brother left her in.
Glad to see you back and I hope you're doing better. I would LOVE to see the Judge rein in Mrs. Watts for all to see and hear! I also hope that the Judge has a great deal to tell CW, about who and what he (CW) is and has done!

I really don't think the judge is going to allow Cindy to bash the defense attorneys or talk about SW. So go ahead and let her try. She will look foolish.
I hope you are right, but I was just going off the statute you posted previously which stated (BBM):

Under C.R.S.24-4.1-302.5 (g), a victim has the right to make a written and oral impact statement about the harm that the victim has sustained as a result of the crime. Victims may choose to submit both a written Victim Impact Statement and speak at the sentencing, only speak or only submit a Victim Impact Statement or do neither. The choice is up to a victim. The Victim Impact Statement can be a powerful tool in the recovery process for a victim from the trauma of a crime.

They do not have to submit in writing in advance. They don't have to write anything at all. If they do write something and want it part of the record they can submit it at sentencing. I'm writing this as MOO and everyone is free to sprinkle with salt, because I'm not a verified professional, but for what it's worth I have extensive professional experience with this in CO. Again I'm not verified and don't think it matters to this particular conversation to really become so, so everyone is free to ignore, if you want.

My own theory on this is the PD doesn't plan on calling them to make statements, and asserting their rights as victims is the only way to guarantee they get to speak at sentencing. Well played mama Watts.
I had to deal with a guy I was dating's mother. She encouraged him to cheat then when I complained she suggested that he kill me. I heard her say it. She actually told her son to kill me to shut me up. Not break up but murder. So, I've dealt with enmeshed mothers with their NP Golden Boys before and frankly, it's scary! She went on for years afterward to leave me threatening phone calls and emails. She wanted to see me dead.
OMG! Hope you are far away from that. Sorry, couldn’t “like” that post.
So was it completely ridiculous that they filed for this? When does anyone get to be a party to the case who isn't accused of the crime? This isn't a civil litigation, so I am confused when someone actually get to join the case like this - under what circumstances and how out of norm was it for them to try? Thank you in advance!

Every now and then I've seen a victim hire an attorney to represent them in a criminal case. It just doesn't work that way. There is no way for them to be a party to the case. SW's family couldn't either had they wanted to. Not everyone involved understands the criminal process. It truly is the state v. CW only.
Marking my spot by posting. I stopped paying attention to this case figuring nothing new would come out until sentencing. Then all of of a sudden I saw CW's parent's interview on TV yesterday. I'm beyond disgusted and flabbergasted at their comments. I don't what else to say. Yeah, I know this is old news now. :oops: I read the media thread to catch up but so many of your posts here have been so great and right on, that I want to read the threads too. :)
That's now what Cindy said. She made it quite clear she wants her son to tell her what happened and if he did kill the girls to explain why he told his dad that SW killed the girls. Cindy made it quite clear she would prefer to hear this from her son PRIOR to sentencing. I don't believe her request is unreasonable at all. JMO
Sure it's unreasonable for her to demand this of the judge, DA, or PDS. Her son has already confessed to the mass murders, and has made it clear, IMO, he doesn't want to talk to her. He could have called her any time he wanted to, he could have written her, and yet....he let her find out about his guilty plea to mass murder, of her DIL and grandchildren at the very last minute, so she could not speak with him beforehand.
That's now what Cindy said. She made it quite clear she wants her son to tell her what happened and if he did kill the girls to explain why he told his dad that SW killed the girls. Cindy made it quite clear she would prefer to hear this from her son PRIOR to sentencing. I don't believe her request is unreasonable at all. JMO
CW could have called her. He could have written to her. He could have added her to his visitor list. He made the choice not to do those things. CW has had the option of telling the truth this entire time. Nobody stuck a sock in his mouth. Mommy is blaming the wrong people. It is CW's fault she does not have answers; nobody else's. MOO
That's now what Cindy said. She made it quite clear she wants her son to tell her what happened and if he did kill the girls to explain why he told his dad that SW killed the girls. Cindy made it quite clear she would prefer to hear this from her son PRIOR to sentencing. I don't believe her request is unreasonable at all. JMO
Yet neither her son or the lawyers are reqired or obligated to personally explain it to her. Especially if that is their clients wish. It's not that her request is unreasonable that is what is so offensive. It's pretty much everything else besides that. Jmo
Totally! Didn't he pursue SW like crazy when they first got together... Something Mrs Watts avoided mentioning in her interviews
Another sign of personality disorder, he obviously has/had no boundaries, he rushed into these relationships because they made him feel less inadequate, more of a man. IMO. He needed the adoration of these women like an addict needs drugs.
Chris Watts’ parents expected to make statement at Monday’s sentencing, letter claims son was coerced into plea
Cindy and Ronnie Watts, the parents of Frederick triple homicide suspect Chris Watts, filed an entry of appearance Wednesday in Weld District Court in hopes of making a statement at their son's sentencing hearing on Monday.

On Thursday, the Weld District Attorney's Office announced the sentencing hearing, which takes place at 10 a.m. Monday, has been moved to Division 16 from Division 17. Overflow will be held in Division 17, where a feed will be set up to allow stragglers to listen to the hearing.

The sentencing hearing is scheduled for two hours. It will be followed by a 1 p.m. news conference with the Weld District Attorney's Office.

Also on Monday, the court received an email from a “K Almand,” an assumed representative for Cindy and Ronnie Watts. In the letter to Judge Kopcow, Almand claims the Colorado Public Defenders Office, which is defending Watts, has denied Cindy and Ronnie access to their son.

Cindy, Ronnie and an unnamed sister finally gained access to Watts for 30 minutes each the night before the sentencing hearing, Almand claims. Cindy asked her son if a plea deal is what he wanted.

“Do not ask him that or we will shut this (expletive) down now,” said an unnamed attorney before Watts could respond, according to Almand’s letter.

Almand said that type of “bullying” has been common in the Watts family’s dealings with the public defender’s office.

My advice to her is take a seat and do not speak. Speaking will be a huge mistake and if she thinks the backlash is bad now, just wait. Especially if she dare speak ill of the victims.

Who is Almand? Please tell me it's not the lady from the podcast. If it is, is she even an attorney?
I opened the VIS form in the link and it clearly states to submit the form. Victims have a choice if they want to read the statement during sentencing.

Tippy, they aren't required to use the form. If there were a PSI and they wanted the VIS to be a permanent part of that and follow him throughout DOC the form and submitting in advance is necessary. Otherwise nothing has to be written. All MOO. Hope that helps. :)
If she is admitting that, then what is the problem?

I think her issue is she doesn't believe that her son is guilty, but he is pleading guilty anyway and she wants to know why.

But in the extended interview, she does waiver and have a crack in her voice, when she seems to have an epiphany, that just maybe, he pled guilty because it is the truth.
The pregnancy video was filmed on June 11th. Right around this time according to NK, he introduced himself in the middle of June and told her he was at end of their divorce proceedings. He was truely living 2 different lives. He was a single man for 6 weeks and all his lies to NK were blowing up with SW back in town for good.

What SW walked into that night I can’t even imagine.

I have a question/consideration. If NK and CW were meeting in his empty house when his family was in NC, I have no doubt that someone, and probably some friends of CW, must have seen them. After all, the neighbor with the camera might have seen people entering the house. (I understand, the neighbor might not necessarily be the friend).

But friends living in the town, surely they knew?

I know that we all prefer not to "meddle" into the relationships. But maybe it is a very wrong approach? I would like to discuss it because we need to know how to prevent such events in the future.
My advice to her is take a seat and do not speak. Speaking will be a huge mistake and if she thinks the backlash is bad now, just wait. Especially if she dare speak ill of the victims.

Who is Almand? Please tell me it's not the lady from the podcast. If it is, is she even an attorney?
Almand is the media person for MRS. She's the one who wrote to the judge. I'll eat my hat and my shoes if she's an attorney. ;) MOO
It's really too bad that the autopsy has not been officially released to the public, assuming what the podcasters reported is true. RE the condition of Shan'ann. How could his parents and sister rail against SW if the whole world knew the state their son and brother left her in.
I have missed this. (Been distracted with the Blanchard trial.) What are they saying?
I opened the VIS form in the link and it clearly states to submit the form. Victims have a choice if they want to read the statement during sentencing.
Well, if you fill out the form, they want you to submit it. I was just reading the clear EITHER/OR options in the statute you provided. The form was listed as ONE of the could (1) fill out the form and submit it, (2) fill out the form and submit it and speak, (3) not fill out a form and speak, or (4) do neither. None of the options I read were to fill out the form and don't submit it. So I am confused by your statement.
Right, it was just a teeny tiny bit of humanity, peeking through. But I saw a crack in that wall of hatred. And there is a lot of grief behind that wall, and it's going to flood through soon, in my opinion.

Her petty hatred towards Shanann disgusts me. But I think her karma is headed her way, big time, and she feels it.

I am wondering if Cindy Watts will have a major 'medical meltdown'.
Hope she is seeking Medical Assistance, during this period.
Oh boy!!! I could be way off here and I hope I am, but the Watts recently filed a motion stating they are victims. Was this because they were not heard at his plea hearing? It clearly states that victims have the right to be heard at any court proceeding accepting a plea. :eek:

24-4.1-302.5 - Rights affording to the victim

d) The right to be heard at any court proceeding:

(I) Involving the defendant's bond as specified in section 24-4.1-302(2)(c);

(II) At which the court accepts a plea of nolo contendere;

(III) At which the court accepts a negotiated plea agreement;​
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