Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #53

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We have better weather! :p

Well, that is true.
Here, we don't know from day to day what to expect.
Today it is just beautiful and sunny, tomorrow it is going to pour: a great day to be on Websleuths for sentencing, and DA's report.
I certainly hope, I don't need to stand on one leg, trying to get reception, leaning out of the window, like our poor Brisbane person.:):):)
Maybe there are no examples of him showing empathy, and helping others.

Thus far, it seems that his entire life has been about CW looking out for CW.

I think they’ll talk about how great a father he was, but unfortunately for them, this narrative will be juxtaposed with what he did to them.

They have an impossible hill to climb, and I just don’t think they’re equipped to even take the first step.
I was thinking more along the lines of what the neighbor with the birthday party that Sunday had said about him - he was always willing to lend a hand or give advice re car trouble, etc. I'm most certainly not saying CW actually had empathy (I don't see how it can be possible and still do this without brain damage/tumor or something) - but I'm sure there are examples from his past that make him appear as if he did. After all, nobody saw this coming. IMO
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I was thinking more along the lines of what the neighbor with the birthday party that Sunday had said about him - he was always willing to lend a hand or give advice re car trouble, etc. I'm most certainly not saying CW actually had empathy (I don't see how it can be possible and still due this without brain damage/tumor or something) - but I'm sure there are examples from his past that make him appear as if he did. After all, nobody saw this coming. IMO
Yeah. You’re right. There would certainly be examples that could be used in order to humanize him somewhat.

My belief is that these actions were simply part of a mask he wore, one which he was able to fool countless people.

He could have been Mother Teresa, and it wouldn’t impact his sentencing, nor make him something other than a monster.
It would really surprise me if she wasn't there, but it is odd that they don't mention her. MOO

Maybe her family and the attorney they finally have advising them decided it wouldn't be a good idea.

Perhaps Ron Watts will read a statement on her behalf or one from the whole family.

He picked his Dad up in the morning and they went to the police station. Mom said five hours later, Ronnie got a call to come back. CW's arrest was 11:02 pm per the arrest affidavit. It sounds like he had legal representation when he made his confession, but it's a little hard to follow what Mom is saying.

If he was questioned for seven hours, it could have been Monday. I don't see how he could have squeezed that in on Tuesday with all those porch interviews. Or maybe seven hours is exaggerated? MOO

Five hours after he went to the police station he was called back?

I'm confused!

Oh my lanta, I can’t believe they allowed that.

Yes but that was a death penalty mitigation phase. And it worked.

It’s very interesting to read everyone’s thoughts on if CW will speak tomorrow. Great question @gitana1.

(As I said I expect a few mumbles “I’m sorry” and maybe even as admission of committing an unspeakable crime, but not much other than a few sentences at most.)

We will see!!

He is likely a narcissist after all, so maybe he will choose to speak, but at this point I think he probably has so much shame, etc and he knows after his last interviews nobody is going to believe him anyway and no matter what he says they’re throwing away the key anyway, moo.

Surely he must know how much he is hated.

His lawyers maybe even wrote his statement out for him anyway.

I imagine it could go something like this:

“Nothing can ever take back what I have done and I accept the consequences of my actions.”

I imagine he will look at Shannan’s family and mumble “I’m sorry.”

He knows imo that there is really little he can say at this point.

He is coward.

I wonder if he will be balling like a baby this time, or show no emotion like he did in his interviews.

My question now is tears or no tears?

What did Scott Peterson do during his sentencing? (Sorry if already mentioned). Because you know he and SP might as well be twins.

Oh man. I don't recall but the description of Laci's mom's statement (she was allowed to speak directly to him I believe), how she wailed and said Laci didn't even have arms left so she could be buried holding her baby, it was awful.

It wasn't video or audio recorded and I wasn't there yet I will never forget it.

Gitana you've been right so far so I think you could be right on this! Did you see the post that Mr. Watts will be attending the hearing? I wonder if that means Cindy won't be there?

No matter what they say, I truly hope they apologize to Shanann's family!

I saw. I'm thinking they decided it wouldn't be wise for her to bethere in person? I'm betting she's going to manage to have at least some of her feelings known and on the record though.

It would be a smart decision not to send her. She seems unpredictable.
Exactly! One of my first thoughts when the case broke (still only on FB), was whether the mom went nuts and took the kids somewhere to kill.

That was before I got to know Shanann through her true friends and loved ones.

So they didn't have that immediate thought about an insane, "dangerous" witch?

Of course not. Because she was none of those things? Perfect? No. But a decent person, a hard worker, a devoted and loving mother and a committed and supportive sister, daughter and friend.
Yes, it would have made for an interesting moment on the witness stand under cross examination for Cindy to be asked how she expressed zero concern at all when she thought her DIL had taken off with her grandchildren...yet she can be sure she is dangerous and capable of murdering them out of spite? It would have been something. IMO
Yeah. You’re right. There would certainly be examples that could be used in order to humanize him somewhat.

My belief is that these actions were simply part of a mask he wore, one which he was able to fool countless people.

He could have been Mother Teresa, and it wouldn’t impact his sentencing, nor make him something other than a monster.
It's too late. I can't even look at a photo of him without getting disgusted and angry and wanting to pick up a 2X4. There is no way they will lessen the sentence just cuz someone posts a smiley photo of him changing a tire. Or diapers.
It's too late. I can't even look at a photo of him without getting disgusted and angry and wanting to pick up a 2X4. There is no way they will lessen the sentence just cuz someone posts a smiley photo of him changing a tire. Or diapers.
Oh no. Certainly not. His sentence is written in stone, and has been since he pleaded guilty.

It will simply be a public relations effort on their part, one that is destined to failure.
Will he be allowed to grant interviews in the future from prison, “Dateline style”?

There is a law of course that he can not profit from his crimes, right?

Maybe one day he will speak from prison.


I know I always say this, but I wonder if he’d let me interview him (even though I’m not sure I’d really want to).

(I can just see it now, “Hey Chris, I’m a huge Metallica fan too...nice plank...”)

He can give an interview if the prison allows it. He can't profit.
My prediction for tomorrow is that nobody is going to have the nerve to victim bash tomorrow. I expect (and hope of course) that the focus will solely be on Shanann, Bella and CeCe as victims and CW’s atrocious’ actions and resulting penalties. Moo.
I really hope for everyone's sake that you're right, @margarita25 . And I could be totally wrong here, but given my experience with my ex-husband and former in-laws who remind me so much of the Watts family, I just can't help thinking they might really cause some drama tomorrow. I simply don't think Chris and Mother Watts are capable of behaving better. I hope you are right and I am wrong, though. It would be nice to see some decorum and respect tomorrow.
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