GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #61

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Slightly off topic but the delay in the video made it look like there was a stare down between CW and the female interviewer. (Frequently). Im not sure that was really the case though.
It may have been a delay, I thought they were being quite to create an awkward silence hoping Chris would feel the need to speak.
Re Watt's Dad

This is a man in shock/grief

Note the slumped shoulders and rubbing of the head, indicating confusion

He looks away from his son frequently, covers his mouth, rubs his face - another sign of shock/suppressing emotion.

This is not a man taking control of the situation

It's clear he has been sent in there to close the deal, and the interviewers set Watts up for this. My guess another team member worked on Dad.

They knew Watts murdered at least Shannon by this point, so engineered an emotional catharsis

Superbly done
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Lol, why can’t women or men just speak with the voices they were born with? It is the purposeful change in the voice to create some kind of effect that I find puzzling. Be confident in who you are just how you are, no need for false effects.

Not that it matters, but lack of sleep can alter the sound of a persons voice. I don’t know if it’s true or not however, NK said she had not slept.
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Ok I know it was an interrogation techinique to get him talking, but I wish they wouldn’t have fed him the lines about Shanann killing the girls and said something else. I guess it all worked because he pleaded guilty to all, but wish it would have been another story they fed him.
About NK’s Vocal Fry:
Are we policing young women’s voices?
From Upspeak To Vocal Fry: Are We 'Policing' Young Women's Voices?
There are specific ways to make women shut up.
Stop telling women how they should talk
Ridiculing vocal fry is sexist.
This Is Why Ridiculing Vocal Fry Is Sexist

No but it does make her sound fake and immature. just an observation. men also sound fake and immature when they speak in that manner. It is an equal.opportunity annoyance.
Not that it matters, but lack of sleep can alter the sound of a persons voice. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but NK said she had not slept.
I bet she was exhausted. I personally don’t care how she spoke, I care about why she changed voices/inflections when she was being deceptive (per the discovery) - it was like a tell.
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Good Morning everyone,
I myself have never heard of vocal fry and the things I learn on here.
Last night I kept on waking up and thinking about the detective interviews the most. I found it amazing how they worked him, your a good guy, your a good father, everyone likes you. They turn on Shannan and I think that was what really got CW's attention and from there I think they had him in the bag. I found it so amazing but very disappointed that I could not hear everything they were saying.
Someone way above posted that the camera was set up towards his back so that when CW heard noise behind him it would make him apprehensive (not sure if that was the exact wording) but I never saw him even flinch when there was any noise coming from behind him as a door opening. He seemed cool as a cucumber. I really would have liked to see the interview face on with CW and not his back.
Of course the more times you look at these video's we will pick up different things and yesterday was truly overload.
We kept on looking at those driveway videos over and over and now we know that parts are missing as he was seen bringing three bags out which we could not see. Am I correct on that? So today here we go again.....:(

Oh he was not cool as a cucumber. Every time they left the room he touched his face, looked down at the table, put his head in his hands. It is too bad we cannot see what his legs and feet were doing. That is a hard body part to control when lying because the brain can only focus on so much like the hands, facial expressions, the lies coming out of the mouth.
Let me preface this post by saying I have an ex who’s a sociopath. I heard all the alarm bells and still believed the lies.

I listened to the full 2 hour NK interview last night. And about an hour in, a found myself believing her, sympathizing with her about being lied to. And then I stopped myself, just like in my previous relationship, I heard the “alarm bells of lies” when NK speaks but something about the way she delivers it makes my brain gloss it over.

I don’t think she physically had anything to do with the murders nor do I think she thought this would be the outcome. But I do feel like she felt she was smarter than all of them and better than Shanann. It may have been a competition in her mind to “win” CW. It was very hard to listen to after coming to that realization and wow were her a CW a match or what.

**edited to add. Just because her father knew "Jim" doesn't mean she wasn't sleeping with him too. My ex also did this, introduced all AP to family and made them feel safe/like she was being honest.**
Same here. So glad to be away from my ex. This case is really getting to me. I feel such sorrow for the ones who don't get out alive.
As for NK I tried to listen to her interview but just can't stomach, it. She knew exactly what she was getting into,exactly what she was doing,and who ( Shannan,Belle,Ceece,Niko)to.
She's just as decietful,and manipulative,and conniving as CW.
So yeah NK,and CW are perfect for each other. Homewrecker meet Family Anilator.
She may not have helped kill Shannan,Bella,Cece,and Niko,but she sure wanted to snacth Chris away,and worked most diligently to do so.
Good Morning everyone,
I myself have never heard of vocal fry and the things I learn on here.
Last night I kept on waking up and thinking about the detective interviews the most. I found it amazing how they worked him, your a good guy, your a good father, everyone likes you. They turn on Shannan and I think that was what really got CW's attention and from there I think they had him in the bag. I found it so amazing but very disappointed that I could not hear everything they were saying.
Someone way above posted that the camera was set up towards his back so that when CW heard noise behind him it would make him apprehensive (not sure if that was the exact wording) but I never saw him even flinch when there was any noise coming from behind him as a door opening. He seemed cool as a cucumber. I really would have liked to see the interview face on with CW and not his back.
Of course the more times you look at these video's we will pick up different things and yesterday was truly overload.
We kept on looking at those driveway videos over and over and now we know that parts are missing as he was seen bringing three bags out which we could not see. Am I correct on that? So today here we go again.....:(
Ya they really worked him! Right when CW admits to the affair and voices concern he’s going to ruin NKs life if this is made public, the detective said “You’re the type of guy that takes care of a woman. You took care of your wife. You took care of your daughters.”

How the detective could even say that and sound sincere... Brilliant acting, and so effective. Come here, kitty kitty. Eat right out of my hand.
Thoughts and a couple of questions this morning.

1. My head is spinning from all the data released. Is this normal for LE to provide all this info?
I have very little sympathy for NK, but to release her address and phone seems like a recipe for disaster, and a potential lawsuit.

2. Vocal fry - who knows why she sounded this way, could have been a multitude of reasons. But - in the context of this interview, it seems to me to be affected; i.e. it wasn't natural. IMO she used it, when she thought it would give her credibility or give her an advantage.

3. This is my no means meant negatively toward SW. CW seems to gravitate toward women who are similar to his mother. Even SW to some degree. Strong, outspoken, commanding. All good traits, most of the time. Not so much in Cindy or NK. They say that people often attempt to "fix" their childhood experience in their romantic liaisons. Could be the case here to some degree. Add to that his serious lack of empathy, self-centered nature and lying and you have a man who wanted his mom in his mate, and was evil in his attempt to achieve that.

So many horrific cases these days. One after another. :(
NK interview - Spot the Anger Levels!

She is pissed with Watts, humiliated, and upset that he has wrecked her life.

This is what comes spilling out somewhere around 1 hour 40

She is generally comfortable with her innocence, and reacts strongly at attempts to push blame her way. She certainly does a lot of deflection and selective responses. I suspect much of what she talks about happened - she speaks quite directly, apparently from memory (you can tell when she isn't). My feeling is she misleads mainly thru omission.

She distances herself a lot from Watts in this interview and is seeking not only to blame him but to punish him IMO.

We'd expect all this in an innocent person and it is exactly what we don't see with Watts (how many times does he indicate he understands why they suspect him???)

Not sure if she knew about the baby - I tend to believe her that Watts tried to lie about this. He left it out of his porch interviews as well.
2. Vocal fry - who knows why she sounded this way, could have been a multitude of reasons. But - in the context of this interview, it seems to me to be affected; i.e. it wasn't natural. IMO she used it, when she thought it would give her credibility or give her an advantage.

My impression is she is not terribly sophisticated or smart, but quite confident. This is her image - but she comes off quite loud and silly IMO.
Thoughts and a couple of questions this morning.

2. Vocal fry - who knows why she sounded this way, could have been a multitude of reasons. But - in the context of this interview, it seems to me to be affected; i.e. it wasn't natural. IMO she used it, when she thought it would give her credibility or give her an advantage.
snipped quote

I feel like her voice, may or may not be how she speaks all the time but it's part of her personality disorder/manipulation. I believe she manipulates everyone not just LE as part of her daily life. And I got the feeling, after I recognized her for what she is, that she thought she could win over the people interrogating her. IMO
snipped quote

I feel like her voice, may or may not be how she speaks all the time but it's part of her personality disorder/manipulation. I believe she manipulates everyone not just LE as part of her daily life. And I got the feeling, after I recognized her for what she is, that she thought she could win over the people interrogating her. IMO
I bet she was exhausted. I personally don’t care how she spoke, I care about why she changed voices/inflections when she was being deceptive (per the discovery) - it was like a tell.

I finally this morning looked up what vocal fry is. Now you've gone and done it! I'm going to have to go back and listen to her again to see if I hear what you did.
Add me to the list of people impressed by the interrogation. What an interesting job these investigators have, and it is somehow satisfying to see them.knocking it out of the park! I bet they feel like vomiting when they are finished , after being in such close quarters with Evil.
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