GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #68

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Ok, just watched a video on youtube called Chris Watts Loading Bodies- Timestamps: 1:20 | 5:25 | 5:55 | 6:48 | 11:22.

Watch the shadows under the car starting around 12:40 into the video. Chris is already at the truck and you can clearly see a shadow under the truck walking towards him. He leans down, picks her up and puts in the truck.
Oh god. You’re right. Omg. There’s a shadow coming from the house while he’s near the front of the truck, he bends over and picks something up.
Oh my god. I don’t want to believe this is true.
PDF pg 479, Discovery pg 543

NICHOL recalled on August 13, 2018 she and CHRIS “facetimed”. During the video call CHRIS was laying on a mattress that did not have sheets on it. CHRIS said he was cleaning his home and trying to keep busy to keep his mind off of things. NICHOL inquired why the bed in the video call did not have sheets on it
and CHRIS told her he had washed the sheets. CHRIS was quiet during this video call and did not say much. NICHOL said CHRIS was fixated on her and was staring at her during the video call.

no comment at this time. I don't like having to re-digest all the details in light of new info.

Maybe he addressed that in the long interview on the 18th. Exactly how he loaded the truck, and if one of the girls was asleep, and one walked out?

I hope so, just because I want to know what I'm seeing. It's actually making me a bit crazy how clear it seems now, but I NEVER saw it before. I watched that video MANY times.
I am having a hard time believing the girls were killed at Chris' worksite (where they were later found). It made more "sense" everything happened at home. Am I missing something? Is it more clearer/understandable by watching Dr Phil? I can't stand him btw.

It really isn't any clearer so you're not missing any info that might connect the dots.

The story is too bad NOT to be true. I can't think of a single thing he'd gain, other than a bruising by his fellow inmates, by telling it. As is, though, it's making even less sense than the idea of them killed at home. I guess I can buy that he chickened out doing it at home so he waited until the 11th hour, but what I can't understand why he's telling it now. There are many possibilities regarding "why", but none really stand out as the most obvious.
I am having a hard time believing the girls were killed at Chris' worksite (where they were later found). It made more "sense" everything happened at home. Am I missing something? Is it more clearer/understandable by watching Dr Phil? I can't stand him btw.

But it also makes sense that he didn’t have the courage to go through with it and so waited until the last minute. It would have been “better” for him to do it at home, but even for a monster like CW, this is his first experience murdering people. He put it off until he “couldn’t” put it off any longer.
I actually still can't see anything on those videos, but my vision sucks.

That one posted a few posts back actually does a good job of pausing and using little arrows to point things out. I'll be honest, I'd never seen the multiple shadows until I watched it just now. For stuff like that, I need diagrams and crap.
At 4:55 timestamp he takes his "last trip to the garage." Maybe he's putting SW's wedding ring in the Lexus? Remember later, when he gets home he gets something out of the Lexus?
I thought that maybe it was her phone. Perhaps he realized he couldn't take and dump it. And when he came back before he let everyone in, he could have stuffed it under the cushions upstairs. I've always wondered what he did with that time before he opened the door.
I’m not sure I believe his story. It’s just too horrible and it doesn’t make a lot of sense. But then, why would he lie at this point? He has nothing to lose or gain, unless, it’s to protect someone.
Didn’t her phone ping in Frederick the morning of the murders?
Did LE ever ask her about why her phone pinged there? And no i do not think she had anything to do with the murders. CW is solely responsible for it. I just wonder what her response was if they asked her
Trying to catch up here...Geez, I guess I shouldn't have slept last night!

Is it possible that this interview CW gave was a depo for the civil case?

As to whether this was perhaps a deposition related to the family's civil wrongful death suit against CW, I don't think so.

It was reported that around 2/13/19, family Attorney Lambert was in contact with CW, and confirmed that CW was not fighting/contesting their civil wrongful death action. In fact, CW never hired an attorney, did not respond to the legal complaint timely, and essentially allowed for a default judgement. Based on this information alone, it's doubtful that there was ever a "deposition."

However, in announcing CW was not fighting the wrongful death action, Attorney Lambert also reported that he was most surprised by CW's cooperation, and his openly answering his questions. He stated he believed that CW had come to accept liability for his criminal actions.

CW relationship with the FBI/CBI/and Frederick PD (the reported interviewers) was tied only to CW's criminal matter (his murder charge and conviction).

Perhaps it was mere coincidence that the multi-agency interview with CW reportedly happened only days later around 2/18/19.

I am curious whether or not SW's family contacted the criminal investigators to request they interview CW given that he was extremely forthcoming with their civil suit attorney. (Or maybe Lambert suggested CW contact investigators).

It's probably irrelevant how it went down, but I believe more than anything, SW's family wanted only one thing from CW and that was for CW to put an end to the ugly, hurtful, speculation that SW killed her children.


Lambert expected a conversation with Watts to be awkward, and possibly even “eerie.” However, when on the phone, Lambert suggested Watts may have come to terms with his new reality, as he answered every question they had openly.

“It wasn’t weird, or anything… He doesn’t seem to be fighting this,” Lambert said. “(Watts is) admitting liability, or giving up things that he might’ve had claim to.”

Lawyers: Shanann Watts’ Parents Lawsuit To Go Uncontested By Chris Watts

Chris Watts not fighting wrongful death lawsuit filed by Shanann Watts’ family
But it also makes sense that he didn’t have the courage to go through with it and so waited until the last minute. It would have been “better” for him to do it at home, but even for a monster like CW, this is his first experience murdering people. He put it off until he “couldn’t” put it off any longer.
I wonder if it took awhile to kill SW and he was running short on time, so it was his priority to get her body to the site rather than stay home and deal with the kids. He is the type "to put off until later" and I know that sounds like I'm being flippant, but I'm not.

Do we know if he buried SW after depositing the girls in the tanks or before? I'm assuming he took care of the girls and then SW at the site??

Did LE ever ask her about why her phone pinged there? And no i do not think she had anything to do with the murders. CW is solely responsible for it. I just wonder what her response was if they asked her

I have read that her phone pinged there briefly as she was driving into work that morning. Apparently she passes by that way on her daily commute.
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I wonder if it took awhile to kill SW and he was running short on time, so it was his priority to get her body to the site rather than stay home and deal with the kids. He is the type "to put off until later" and I know that sounds like I'm being flippant, but I'm not.

Do we know if he buried SW after depositing the girls in the tanks or before? I'm assuming he took care of the girls and then SW at the site??

Yeah. I think he removed Shanann from the car, killed and deposited Cece, then went back to do the same with Bella. He would have buried Shanann last.

That’s my recollection from Dr Phil, although I could be wrong.

If he did it this way, it has to be related to the coming sunrise and the time constraints from other employees arriving at the site.

I do believe that once those kids got in the car, they were as good as dead.

There was no other way he would have ended this.
Yeah. I think he removed Shanann from the car, killed and deposited Cece, then went back to do the same with Bella.

That’s my recollection from Dr Phil, although I could be wrong.

If he did it this way, it has to be related to the coming sunrise and the time constraints from other employees arriving at the site.

I do believe that once those kids got in the car, they were as good as dead.

There was no other way he would have ended this.
And we know for sure the girls were deceased before being shoved into the tanks? Just seems like he'd be likely to put them in there alive and let them drown.

Sorry to be graphic.

Yeah. I think he removed Shanann from the car, killed and deposited Cece, then went back to do the same with Bella.

That’s my recollection from Dr Phil, although I could be wrong.

If he did it this way, it has to be related to the coming sunrise and the time constraints from other employees arriving at the site.

I do believe that once those kids got in the car, they were as good as dead.

There was no other way he would have ended this.

I agree, But additionally I believe CW had decided that all three had to go away, days or even weeks before. MOO
And we know for sure the girls were deceased before being shoved into the tanks? Just seems like he'd be likely to put them in there alive and let them drown.

Sorry to be graphic.

The autopsy report seems to indicate that is correct.

That’s some measure of comfort.
JFC ! Worse than I could have ever imagined. How do you drive with them for 40 minutes??? How do you look in their faces....see such innocence... and then snuff it out?!?!? Bella's little voice pleading for life? WTF!

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