CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #73

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Yeah I didn’t think it portrayed her very well which is upsetting. I didn’t realise their whole life was pretty much documented for social media either. Even when Chris hadn’t seen the kids for 5 weeks; Shananns first reaction was like let me know when your on the escalator so I can record it. That would drive me mad to be honest.
Most likely being recorded for the children in their future. If only someone had video taped my Dad, arriving in a plane, coming back to get us in a faraway state, after the death of my Mother had occurred while we were apart. Or when we played and screamed like banshees when he sprayed us with the garden hose on hot days. Not a plant mister, a full pressure garden hose with lovely cold water. Or the day we went to get the Xmas tree, or the day my Mom took me to the first day of Kindergarten. Oh what memories Shan'ann recorded for her children.

I never saw the slightest hint from Watts during all those videos that he wasn't happy with the filming. Even in his last confession he clearly stated for the record that he did not feel belittled by Shan'ann.

He is a coward who killed his wife and babies because he just couldn't bring himself to be a man and tell the wife he had a new lover. Nothing more, nothing less. A Coward.
What gets me too is how well-groomed and fresh he was in that first interview.
I just imagine him putting in his contacts, new shirt and thinking he was sharp... then saying all those stupid things/lies. Blew my mind.
Just like Frazee and another current case.....guys who just can't believe anyone will care if their wife or mother of their children disappears. Of course with Watts, he didn't even seem to think it likely that people would care when his kids disappeared too.
Yep unfortunately that is how some people are these days. Their social media lives become more important to them than their real lives. If all CW did was get a divorce I think people would totally see his point of view.
I followed the case closely, I never saw any hint that Shan'ann's social media was more important than her real life. Same with Chris. He was always pestering co-workers to get them to buy Thrive products, the same ones Sw sold. Only she was more successful.
SBM because Shanann was one of those that was on social media pretty much the entire day.
Many people these days have internet-based businesses. But I don't think these business people can be characterized broadly as "on social media pretty much the entire day", as though the online business person is not doing housework, taking care of children, dealing with a pregnancy, shopping, cooking. By Chris Watts' own account, on tape, she was on the way to equal or surpass his own income the year he murdered her. I've always thought there was a strong element of envy, jealousy, in that she was making so much money. That combined with his inherent cowardice, all came together.
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I just finished the Netflix documentary and wow - I followed loosely on WS but had no idea those babies were alive with her dead body in the car and he killed them apparently at the work site - please tell me they were not alive when he put them in the oil drums ? I had to stop following This case when it seemed mom was being attacked Relentlessly post death
Later, after he was arrested and in prison, he finally told investigators that the girls were alive when he drove them to the site. He smothered Cece first, dropped her in the tank, and then Bella asked him if he was going to do the same thing to her that he did to Cece. He said he didn't remember if he answered but that her last words were, "No, Daddy!"

When they interrogated him before his arrest, after he finally admitted he killed Shanann and dropped the girls bodies into the tanks, he casually described how he opened the lids and dropped them, one at a time in two separate tanks. Bella didn't fit as well so he had to push her body through. He said one tank was almost empty and the other was more full. When they asked him how he knew he said he could tell by the amount of time before he heard each one "splash."

He talked about all this calmly until they asked if there was any way his daughters could have been alive before he dropped them. He blurted out, "No, God no!"
I just watched the Netflix doc; Did they have to make out Shanann was some kind of sex obsessed nympho???

I didn't think they did. I think Shanann was just a wife who expected intimacy and affection from her husband, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's normal. I think being horny for your spouse is usually a sign of a healthy marriage. The fact he stopped being interested in her that way was a huge indicator to her that something was wrong.

Yeah I didn’t think it portrayed her very well which is upsetting. I didn’t realise their whole life was pretty much documented for social media either. Even when Chris hadn’t seen the kids for 5 weeks; Shananns first reaction was like let me know when your on the escalator so I can record it. That would drive me mad to be honest.

I've always thought Shanann probably was annoying him. She was an MLMer (something that really is not my jam), and she was extroverted and always on social media. She'd be a nightmare for someone like Chris who (just for a minute forget he's evil and that I don't actually feel sorry for him at all) seemed like a quiet introvert. She also didn't get along with his family. But of course, like the prosecutor (? or was it just a cop) said in the doco, so if you're not compatible and things are going wrong, you get a divorce. Heck, even just abandoning them all would have been better.

Just saw this -- passing it along.
So sad for Mr. Watts. Bad memories make him sad. :( Grrrrrr.

Chris Watts Is 'Triggered' by Netflix Documentary, Which 'Makes Him Feel a Lot of Shame': Source
"American Murder: The Family Next Door" began streaming on September 30
October 01, 2020 11:15 AM
Chris Watts, the man who murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters, is aware of the explosive new Netflix documentary about his infamous case — and a source tells PEOPLE that it brings back a lot of shame.
The documentary, entitled American Murder: The Family Next Door, began streaming on Netflix on September 30. It includes rarely-seen text messages and letters between Watts and his wife.
"He can't see it, and he'll probably never see it," says the source, who has regular contact with the 35-year-old Watts in prison. "He's curious about it, but he hates even knowing that his texts are out there for the public to read. It brings back awful memories of 2018 for him."

More here:
Chris Watts Is 'Triggered' by Netflix Documentary, Which 'Makes Him Feel a Lot of Shame': Source

Oh boo freakin hoo. Your bad memories... caused by YOUR actions? God this guy is the worst.

Probably had more to do with the fact that he felt if he just divorced her she would of tried to take him for everything he had.

I never really got financial motivation vibes from Chris, though that might have been bubbling away in the back of his mind. I really think he just wanted them gone, even if there were no financial repercussions from separating I think he'd have still done the same thing.
Later, after he was arrested and in prison, he finally told investigators that the girls were alive when he drove them to the site. He smothered Cece first, dropped her in the tank, and then Bella asked him if he was going to do the same thing to her that he did to Cece. He said he didn't remember if he answered but that her last words were, "No, Daddy!"

When they interrogated him before his arrest, after he finally admitted he killed Shanann and dropped the girls bodies into the tanks, he casually described how he opened the lids and dropped them, one at a time in two separate tanks. Bella didn't fit as well so he had to push her body through. He said one tank was almost empty and the other was more full. When they asked him how he knew he said he could tell by the amount of time before he heard each one "splash."

He talked about all this calmly until they asked if there was any way his daughters could have been alive before he dropped them. He blurted out, "No, God no!"
Omg how can people defend him?? I know more information is out there but I’m not sure I can stomach all the evil he inflicted on everyone - I am stunned
I followed the case closely, I never saw any hint that Shan'ann's social media was more important than her real life. Same with Chris. He was always pestering co-workers to get them to buy Thrive products, the same ones Sw sold. Only she was more successful.
ITA - there is a generation like hers that put everything out there - some seem to want to heap blame on her and I don’t understand that at all- she was brutally muttered by the man she loved and her children were too - there is no excuse ever IMO - he is evil and there is no excuse for what he did to his family
Some work friends of mine just watched the netflix thing and were totally shocked. I haven't watched it but I'm glad something is out there with details of what he did.

oh yeah and I saw the article about his poor feelings. Such BS...he obviously has zero real feelings except for himself of course
Poor baby. What a dumb stupid thing for a family destroyer to say.
Totally shows his real self right there.
Today is the release of the Netflix documentary. After the Suzanne Morphew anxiety filled weekend through yesterday and the debacle of the debate last night I am not sure I am emotionally ready to watch this. I did watch a YouTube of the call made to CW at prison where he and one of his new girlfriends speak to...someone..about CW desire to file an appeal due to coercion of his confession and the fact he says he has so much to offer outside of prison now that he has this newfound connection to God.
That video of him claiming that 'God has a plan for me to be free' made me sick to my stomach. What a delusional freak he is.
Tell me he doesn't have a groupie girlfriend.

What are we doing wrong, raising our girls, that there's always a girl to clamp onto these horrendous men?

Girls, you're better than that.

Leave him alone. He's a disease.

Lowest of the low, a baby murderer, three times over. No, Daddy.....

I am certain he has a groupie girlfriend. Probably several of them. He is very popular, no doubt.
Most likely being recorded for the children in their future. If only someone had video taped my Dad, arriving in a plane, coming back to get us in a faraway state, after the death of my Mother had occurred while we were apart. Or when we played and screamed like banshees when he sprayed us with the garden hose on hot days. Not a plant mister, a full pressure garden hose with lovely cold water. Or the day we went to get the Xmas tree, or the day my Mom took me to the first day of Kindergarten. Oh what memories Shan'ann recorded for her children.

I never saw the slightest hint from Watts during all those videos that he wasn't happy with the filming. Even in his last confession he clearly stated for the record that he did not feel belittled by Shan'ann.

He is a coward who killed his wife and babies because he just couldn't bring himself to be a man and tell the wife he had a new lover. Nothing more, nothing less. A Coward.

I made myself watch it all last night, I figured watching it is nothing compared to what Shanann and her babies went through that night.

My take anyway...
Bella singing my daddy is my hero killed me inside :(
Tammy was amazing as we knew anyway, although I don’t know why Ma Watts’ ‘victim impact statement’ was kept in the doc, it was all about Chris as if Chris was some kind of victim :mad:
Watching it all back with all the knowledge we have now sent chills up my spine seeing CW strolling out the bedroom with Shanann’s wedding ring on his outstretched finger, him saying ‘their blankies are gone’ knowing full well he had smothered the girls with them, him watching the neighbours footage made me cringe, he looked guilty as sin from the moment he arrived at the house. His media interview was just something else! He laughed. He actually laughed. And yet there are still some deranged women on SM spouting disgusting accusations towards Shanann, they are like little groupies part of Ma Watts’ fan club!

He is a stone cold psychopath and re watching all the video footage of him interacting with his girls, finding out Shanann was pregnant etc I realised it was all FAKE! You can see his body language is screaming that he is not the happy family man. Even in the sea jumping waves with the girls he looks uncomfortable, his smiles are false, his gym freak image is false. His ridiculously whitened teeth are fake. He is a fraud. Even from the wedding video, I see it now, I never did before I always thought ‘how can he have gone from a great dad to a family annihilator?’ But from this documentary I see it all, it’s all laid bare. He was a psychopath all along, he hid his true colours until he felt invincible after meeting NK. That was when his ego grew even bigger than his head. The things he says on videos, the way he says them, everything is just some sick act. He was only upset when he realised the game was up and that he would be going to prison for the rest of his life. He had NO tears for his beautiful wife Shanann and babies. He isn’t haunted by Bella’s voice saying ‘daddy no’, he isn’t wracked with guilt and wishes he had killed himself instead because he is incapable of feeling remorse, guilt, shame. He is EVIL!!!
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I just watched the Netflix doc; Did they have to make out Shanann was some kind of sex obsessed nympho???
I took it that she was a pregnant wife wanting some intimacy & attention from her husband. I don't think that reflects poorly on Shan'ann.
(sorry I'm new to posting & accidentally posted this somewhere else first :))
I didn't think they did. I think Shanann was just a wife who expected intimacy and affection from her husband, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's normal. I think being horny for your spouse is usually a sign of a healthy marriage. The fact he stopped being interested in her that way was a huge indicator to her that something was wrong.

Yeah, I thought those things just added humanity to her and actually sounded so heartbreaking knowing what was to come. She was still totally committed to their marriage and was trying to save it while this disgusting unspeakable montrosity was looming ahead. Actually I now wish not having seen it. I was aware of the story but had not really followed it and now that it was on Netflix Finland just happened to watch. Was sick to my stomach by the end. Had not known those details about the girls' last moments. Like how evil can people be.
I'm glad they made that doc. I was hoping there would be more on Nickol (sp?). I didn't want them to focus on her, but give a bit more detail on the closeness of her & Chris. Maybe some of their texts during the same timeframe as Chris/Shan'ann's.
I think the relationship was portrayed as it was, purely physical. I doubt Chris ever had a serious relationship before he met Shanann. He had lost weight and was fit and muscular. He probably loved the attention by another woman. When he said he had never felt that way before, I think he mistook infatuation for love.

If he was capable of annihilating his entire family, he had no concept of what love was.
Most likely being recorded for the children in their future. If only someone had video taped my Dad, arriving in a plane, coming back to get us in a faraway state, after the death of my Mother had occurred while we were apart. Or when we played and screamed like banshees when he sprayed us with the garden hose on hot days. Not a plant mister, a full pressure garden hose with lovely cold water. Or the day we went to get the Xmas tree, or the day my Mom took me to the first day of Kindergarten. Oh what memories Shan'ann recorded for her children.

I never saw the slightest hint from Watts during all those videos that he wasn't happy with the filming. Even in his last confession he clearly stated for the record that he did not feel belittled by Shan'ann.

He is a coward who killed his wife and babies because he just couldn't bring himself to be a man and tell the wife he had a new lover. Nothing more, nothing less. A Coward.
ITA - there is a generation like hers that put everything out there - some seem to want to heap blame on her and I don’t understand that at all- she was brutally muttered by the man she loved and her children were too - there is no excuse ever IMO - he is evil and there is no excuse for what he did to his family
Not sure it’s blaming it’s just an observation as to how bizarre this type of lifestyle is to some of us. I would never post pictures of my sleeping toddlers online or constantly film everything - to me it is very strange and I would divorce my spouse if he started doing this. Of course it doesn’t mean they deserved to be killed. It’s really just impossible not to notice because it is odd.
Not sure it’s blaming it’s just an observation as to how bizarre this type of lifestyle is to some of us. I would never post pictures of my sleeping toddlers online or constantly film everything - to me it is very strange and I would divorce my spouse if he started doing this. Of course it doesn’t mean they deserved to be killed. It’s really just impossible not to notice because it is odd.
Facebook and instagram are populated by individuals filming their families, and posting it all. Millions upon millions of families doing this. I just don't understand why it would be relevant to the memory of a woman and her kids who were murdered in cold blood, with their bodies desecrated in the most heinous, grisly way. Due to the toxic crude oil that the father threw them in, the skin sloughed off the girls' little hands and arms, taking their tiny fingernails off too. And one of the workers in a haz matt suit had to go back into the poisonous sludge and fumes just to get that skin. Many don't know that the husband related to the FBI, CBI, and Frederick police, on tape, that Bella "JUST GRUNTED" as he murdered her. Those were his words. "Just Grunted". His 4 year old little girl. The one who sang "Daddy is my Hero" on one of Shan'ann's home videos.

Where is there any record of her husband preferring not to fully participate in the family videos? Where did he imply it was "odd"?

I'd rather criticize the man who murdered her, what did the victims do to deserve this?
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