Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #84

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A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned
Chaffee County woman missing since Sunday after neighbor said she went out for bike ride

List of Case Players and Their Relationship to Discussion (Post #440)

Detailed timeline of events in the Morphew case:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA, MAPS &TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

Arrest Affidavit
Suzanne Morphew Case Archive (developed and maintained by WS member AmandaReckonwith)
Hearing Notes (Compliments of @NoSI)
Day 1

Suzanne Morphew FB page
Suzanne Morphew Twitter page

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otto is a Verified Expert
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angelainwi is a Certified Trauma Counselor
gitana1 is a Verified Attorney
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lamlawindy is a Verified Attorney (former Prosecutor, now Defence)
NatureLover (Verified friend of the Moorman family)

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<modsnip: This post has been removed. It is a violation of the law to broadcast this recording.>


Thanks to Seattle1, a reminder that Colorado Court has strict policy that court proceedings including WEBEX cannot be filmed/recorded/rebroadcast or face contempt charges.
Well, it's also interesting that on page 21 of the AA, Barry tells investigators that it was the housekeeper of the Cushman's daughter and boyfriend that possibly did something to Suzanne.

If he didn't know Shoshanna on May 13 (date of the interview), then how did he know her daughter and boyfriend?

I've always found it too coincidental that Shoshanna and her boyfriend at the time were the only 2 witnesses that saw a "strange car" in the neighborhood on the weekend of Suzanne's disappearance, too.

I'm not at all convinced she is uninvolved, especially after this stunt. Imo.

If SD is (or was) the housekeeper of the Cushman’s, that means BM suggested her own daughter may have had something to do with Suzanne’s disappearance. And she then dates BM.. just wow. And the Cushman’s are now letting BM stay there after the accusations about their worker. Barry is quite the conniver.
If SD is (or was) the housekeeper of the Cushman’s, that means BM suggested her own daughter may have had something to do with Suzanne’s disappearance. And she then dates BM.. just wow. And the Cushman’s are now letting BM stay there after the accusations about their worker. Barry is quite the conniver.

Something just does not add up with all that.
Who dates a man who accuses your kid and her boyfriend of disappearing his wife? The same wife he's accused of murdering?
Who lets an accused murderer stay in their home after he falsely accuses your housecleaner's kids of doing what HE was charged with doing? o_O

Nope. This isn't the stuff normal people do.
Something just does not add up with all that.
Who dates a man who accuses your kid and her boyfriend of disappearing his wife? The same wife he's accused of murdering?
Who lets an accused murderer stay in their home after he falsely accuses your housecleaner's kids of doing what HE was charged with doing? o_O

Nope. This isn't the stuff normal people do.
Pandora’s box may be opening !
Cameras conveniently not working, when BM was busy, with his important ideas: to become a wealthy man, all monies would now belong to him.

Oops, money now going down the drain, and fast......
Guess, it was not worth his hard work.:D
It was interesting and documented in the trespass affidavit that the new owners installed a new system.
If SD is (or was) the housekeeper of the Cushman’s, that means BM suggested her own daughter may have had something to do with Suzanne’s disappearance. And she then dates BM.. just wow. And the Cushman’s are now letting BM stay there after the accusations about their worker. Barry is quite the conniver.

It does seem like Barry is a manipulator and that SD is a willing subject (co-conspirator?). At some point SD will understand that Barry has been using her all along and Barry will eventually throw her under the bus (bobcat??!) to save himself. This latest incident may be the impetus she needs.

just my opinion
Exactly. It's hard to feel sorry for SD or have concern for her. She's not a patsy or a puppet in any of this. She made choices (repeatedly!!), to help Barry and possibly hinder LE.

just my opinion
I will also say that I could never date a person who accused my child of murder. That’s a dealbreaker.
SD stated that she needed a Public Defender but she didn’t qualify for one due to her income. If she was in an MVA and suffered an injury how was she able to jog down the PP driveway and retrieve a box that she carried under her arm? If she receives a disability check in addition to her veteran’s pay does she claim her housekeeping earnings as income? This could be a financial nightmare for her because the State will look at all of this and she stands to lose all her income. IMO
Assuming she is indeed a Veteran then she shoots guns and likely excels at it. She may have PTSD even. If she is in legit chronic pain from an accident she may need pain killers. We don’t know what prescription Suzanne picked up and what happened to it? If she is an addict of any kind what would she be willing to do in exchange for medication? How far would she go?
We still don’t know that she is not the lady SM and BM met at the trash receptacle. Perhaps there is something more located at the PP home whether it is a body or other evidence this porch pirating seems like a trial run. The entire property needs to be searched again IMO and this may even be part of the reason bail was granted. I don’t doubt that LE has had eyes and ears on BM since he bonded out.
Also this is beginning to smell of an opportunity for reasonable doubt. I hate it. It also reeks of desperation because BM needed to know if there were working cameras on the property. What was in the box? Guns, ammo or what? I hope we learn of it’s contents.
Ole Barry is reminding me of Casey Anthony. Let me rub my nose in all of it because I am free on bond and there’s zero anyone can do. We shall see. Some people make the bed they lay in; others might be kind or desperate enough to change those sheets they’ve dirtied. IMO
When you lay down with dogs you get fleas or worse. IMO there is something nefarious about this incident and I hope we learn exactly what that is.

ETA we all know what kind of manipulator and gas lighter BM is and his penchant for throwing meth heads under the bus because they made a mistake and were addicted to something? Most God fearing men I know practice forgiveness either falsely or legitimately. Only certain kinds of men would use someone’s addiction to something to manipulate them. IMO
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I think I know why Barry threw out his shoes.

It looks like Barry either walked or rode Suzanne's bike to the bike recovery location, based on these two tweets.

Seeing that his DNA was on the bike seat (Court: Unknown DNA found on Suzanne Morphew's bike amid her disappearance - KRDO) I would lean that he rode her bike, and walked back. Why would Barry not just dump the bike from the back of his truck on the way? Well it's a dirt road, and LE not finding a trail of Suzanne's bike tire impressions would be potential suspicious. Also his truck would register a door event. Now on his way back he's going to leave a trail of footprints, if police would take a molding of those shoe prints and match it to the shoes he has it would be catastrophic.
Assuming she is indeed a Veteran then she shoots guns and likely excels at it

Just an FYI. Depending on the service, this is a myth. I was in the US Air Force from 1979 to 1988. I shot a firearm exactly once in that time as part of my service, only while in basics training and never again. I’ve had navy friends and co workers who have told me it was the same for them.

It is different for marines, as every marine is a rifleman first, then their other duties depending on their career field. I’m not really sure about army people, but I think it depends on their career fields.
A bit off topic, but Hulu has a new series called "Wild Crime," which details the efforts to nail double wife killer Harold Henthorn (I've brought this case up an annoying number of times).

Agent Grusing is mentioned in several of the episode summaries.
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