Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #85

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Something off the beaten path here. But the relationship between SM and BM is very strange. There is that bit about not talking to each other on cell phones for three months...yet, BM is monitoring SM and SM is monitoring BM (cameras and spy pens). But the thing that is so odd to me is how Suzanne managed to go out of town at least 6 times, alone, in order to see JL...for days at a time; and if you look at the map, they were all over the place....various states. How did that activity not strike BM as suspicious, and then some? We know about the Florida surprise...but that was only one trip....SM took 6 of them. I can't help but think BM is hiding some knowledge here. What reasonable thinking person would not be suspicious, regardless of the condition of the marriage?
Something off the beaten path here. But the relationship between SM and BM is very strange. There is that bit about not talking to each other on cell phones for three months...yet, BM is monitoring SM and SM is monitoring BM (cameras and spy pens). But the thing that is so odd to me is how Suzanne managed to go out of town at least 6 times, alone, in order to see JL...for days at a time; and if you look at the map, they were all over the place....various states. How did that activity not strike BM as suspicious, and then some? We know about the Florida surprise...but that was only one trip....SM took 6 of them. I can't help but think BM is hiding some knowledge here. What reasonable thinking person would not be suspicious, regardless of the condition of the marriage?

I can only speculate that Suzanne took advantage of the times Barry was also away (business, hunting, being a creep, whatever) to also plan her trips away to see JL. Just a guess.
Something off the beaten path here. But the relationship between SM and BM is very strange. There is that bit about not talking to each other on cell phones for three months...yet, BM is monitoring SM and SM is monitoring BM (cameras and spy pens). But the thing that is so odd to me is how Suzanne managed to go out of town at least 6 times, alone, in order to see JL...for days at a time; and if you look at the map, they were all over the place....various states. How did that activity not strike BM as suspicious, and then some? We know about the Florida surprise...but that was only one trip....SM took 6 of them. I can't help but think BM is hiding some knowledge here. What reasonable thinking person would not be suspicious, regardless of the condition of the marriage?
Yeah, I still have issues with all of it. Some people traveled all of the time prepandemic , so it would not be out of the ordinary. I think Barry did his own thing much of the time, and really did not concern himself with Suzanne’s day to day unless his radar picked up on something. I do wonder exactly how the trips were planned around a teen’s schedule. Did Barry prepare dinner and make sure that a child got on the bus? Pandemic changed a lot of habits and Suzanne was stuck mostly at home, I imagine. I think Barry cared about Barry, period.
If I recall his GPS did not show he took a left that morning. When LE questioned him and implied they had him on GPS turning left he told the story of chasing the Elk. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Correct ME if I am wrong but I thought the GPS and telematics didn't line up.

Somewhere 18 miles were unaccounted for ....

AND the telematics indicated a left turn signal.

IMO LE probably didn't divulge everything or all at once, but enough that Barry felt compelled to blame not just one elk but a whole herd (which by the way are presently over-running Estes Park, as they do annually-- in October, not May) --

And IMO gave the most plausible explanation for that left turn. No, not the elk, the 18 miles. He volunteered he probably turned around at Garfield... not quite 9 miles each way but very, very close.

If not elk, why did he go that way? Note directions, I think the helmet was tossed -- not from the shoulder but the roadway -- on the return from Garfield, almost as an afterthought. In fact, I might submit that he forgot to dispose of it while doing whatever it was he was doing in and around Garfield plus about 3 miles. (1.5, each way, by my calculation).

IMO if he turned left JUST to stage the helmet, he'd have done a 5 point turn right there. Zero traffic. Zero reason to drive another 6+ miles, just to turn. It's not like he was going to get hit.... by an elk.

Do Bobcat Sim cards work in Backhoes?

Among the things Barry might have barried remains a hunting cooler or coolers...

I wonder if there's a true crime podcast incorporating that.

Something off the beaten path here. But the relationship between SM and BM is very strange. There is that bit about not talking to each other on cell phones for three months...yet, BM is monitoring SM and SM is monitoring BM (cameras and spy pens). But the thing that is so odd to me is how Suzanne managed to go out of town at least 6 times, alone, in order to see JL...for days at a time; and if you look at the map, they were all over the place....various states. How did that activity not strike BM as suspicious, and then some? We know about the Florida surprise...but that was only one trip....SM took 6 of them. I can't help but think BM is hiding some knowledge here. What reasonable thinking person would not be suspicious, regardless of the condition of the marriage?
Maybe he was happy to have her out of town as he had a little something planned with someone himself? MOO.
I’m just gonna throw this out there. Since SD has Covid (what timing:rolleyes:), wondering if E&N are banking on/will suggest at today’s hearing that BM won’t be able to go live with SD in Salida NEAR the COURTHOUSE, where he’s paying rent and where the DA suggested he live, so as to not expose him to the virus. Gotta keep BM healthy dont’cha know.

Soooo, hypothetical E&N argument- since poor ‘ole BM has nowhere else to go i.e., can’t go live with other friend/s in PP area either for obvious reasons, E&N will suggest/ask the Judge, among other things (possibly for BM to get his truck back, etc), that BM be allowed to live in Gunnison with his daughters. You know, out of Chaffee County (where everyone is against him), to Gunnison where he can be with his daughters and better reception for his ankle monitor. Anyhoo, *IF* E&N request at today’s hearing, anyone think the Judge will make concession and allow BM to live in Gunnison?

ETA - IF E&N requests, personally, I hope the Judge doesn’t concede and allow BM to go live in Gunnison, not even temporarily until SD “recovers” (if suggested).


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Just watched SD hearing via WebEx. She appeared in person. Her lawyer was by phone. He said the name of his firm , 3 last names. Judge Murphy asked if one of the names was first name Sean, lawyer said yes. Judge said he’s known S since 6th grade so if this goes to trial, he could not preside.
He is sending to County Court.
This was supposed to be an appearance of counsel hearing. SD lawyer said their request to also do arraignment today was denied. Judge said no it wasn’t, did she want to enter not guilty plea. Lawyer said no.
Back in court November 16
Prosecution said they are waiting to hear back from victim.
This is on the trespassing charge.
I saw that A.Franco, J.Leary and S.Stelle were dialed in,
Also a YouTube creator that rhymes with Sunder.
Haven’t seen any tweets yet.

EBM removed the SS .
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Something off the beaten path here. But the relationship between SM and BM is very strange. There is that bit about not talking to each other on cell phones for three months...yet, BM is monitoring SM and SM is monitoring BM (cameras and spy pens). But the thing that is so odd to me is how Suzanne managed to go out of town at least 6 times, alone, in order to see JL...for days at a time; and if you look at the map, they were all over the place....various states. How did that activity not strike BM as suspicious, and then some? We know about the Florida surprise...but that was only one trip....SM took 6 of them. I can't help but think BM is hiding some knowledge here. What reasonable thinking person would not be suspicious, regardless of the condition of the marriage?

Did BM know where she was each time? She could have said she was visiting her dad each time. The airplane ticket charge on their account wouldn't say. the destination. BM must feel stupid right now, if he didn't know.

Presumably, Suzanne just got a daughter to drive her to the airport and took off. She could also say she was visiting her old hometown, an old friend. That would put her within driving distance of JL.

I don't think it's impossible, at all, for Suzanne to have hidden her actual destinations from Barry. I do think that in marriages where someone is having any type of affair (emotional or physical), the other partner usually has a vague sense of something being off (especially in the bedroom). But BM might have told himself it was due to her cancer treatment and the meds she was taking. He does seem to have realized she was "distant."

I wish we knew whether the two of them were fighting over various things, when the kids weren't around (MM2 seems to say so). Suzanne could have used fights as an opportunity to "go to a hotel" (and then gone anywhere). Since I believe BM was very much into...approaching...other women, he would have seen that as a bachelor's holiday.
I'll shorten this up a bit...

Wednesday, October 13th:
*Hearing (Murder)-Virtual (@ 3:30pm MT) - CO – Suzanne Renee Moorman Morphew (49) (missing May 10, 2020, did not return from bike ride (supposedly), Maysville, Chaffee County, not found) - *Barry Lee Morphew (53/now 53-will be 54 in 4 days) arrested & charged (5/5/21) with 1st degree murder after deliberation, tampering with physical evidence & attempting to influence public servants. And additional charges (5/18/21) with tampering with a deceased human body & possession of a dangerous weapon (short rifle) & amended (5/18/21) to add domestic violence as sentencing enhancement. Plead not guilty. $500K Cash only bond. Bonded out on 9/20/21.
Trial set to begin on 5/3/22 (thru 6/1/22).
*Charged (5/13/21) with felony forgery of public records & misdemeanor elections-mail ballot offense. $1K Bond.

Missing info, Barry’s PP loan & court info from 5/10/21 thru 8/9/21 to 8/24/21 & 9/17/21 (Prelim day 1 to 5) & info on his voter fraud from 5/13/21 to 5/27/21 reference post #478 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #78 *ARREST*

9/17/21 Update: Preliminary hearing Day 5: Morphew entered the courtroom. He is wearing a light grey suit & cowboy boots again. He walked in with a folder with papers. He is wearing a blue medical mask. Judge Patrick Murphy is now in the courtroom. He apologized for the delay because of the extra security screening. Same rules apply like the preliminary hearing. Sean Connelly is a new attorney for the defense & Dan Edwards is a new attorney on the State side. Judge Patrick Murphy is limiting the arguments to 20 minutes for each side. Then he will make a decision. A motion was filed yesterday by the defense. The judge hopes to conclude this hearing by 5p.m. because he also wants to rule on releasing the arrest affidavit. Attorney Edwards has taken the stand talking about Probable Cause. He will take 10 minutes & then Deputy District Attorney Jeff Lindsay will take the other 10 minutes.
for more info see post #740 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Attorney Edwards:
for more info see posts # 752, 753, 755, 759 & 760 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Attorney Edwards & Dep. DA Lindsay:
for more info see posts #762, 764, 774 thru 776 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Dep. DA Lindsay:
for more info see posts #787 to 791, 794, 795 & 797 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Dep. DA Lindsay:
for more info see posts #802, 805, 808, 810 & 811 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Defense attorney Sean Connelly:
for more info see posts #813 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Defense attorney Sean Connelly:
for more info see posts #823, 826, 828, 830, 833 & 838 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Defense attorney Sean Connelly:
for more info see posts #844, 851 & 858 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Defense & prosecutor:
for more info see posts #865, 873 & 874 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Defense & Judge:
for more info see posts #882, 885, 895 & 898 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Judge Patrick Murphy has found probably cause and reminds the court "this is not a mini-trial."
for more info see posts #902, 904 & 911 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
The judge finds that Barry Morphew may have two motivations: That Suzanne Morphew was having an affair and that she wanted a divorce.
Judge -
for more info see posts #945, 950 & 952 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Judge -
for more info see posts #966, 967, 971 & 974 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Judge -
for more info see posts #983, 987, 992 & 993 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Judge -
for more info see posts #1008, 1010, 1013 & 1019 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Judge -
for more info see posts 1029 & 1037 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Judge -
for more info see posts #1045, 1047, 1053 & 1055 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
The Judge finds that the evidence is NOT strong enough against Barry to hold him without bond as he awaits trial. Judge has decided to grant Morphew bail. As the judge is discussing possible bail for Barry Morphew: "Is it possible Mr. Morphew would be convicted? Yes. Is it fairly likely he would be convicted? ... This case could go either way in front of a jury." Judge says there are 3 scenarios: 1. Morphew could have murdered her. 2. Someone else took Suzanne & killed her. 3. Suzanne left on her own. Judge says there is evidence for 1 & possibly 2. He says 3 is highly unlikely.
State asks for a $10M cash only bond. The state believes Morphew doesn't have ties to the community anymore in Colorado. Fears for witnesses' safety. Also, believe he has $3 million since the sale of the home & business. The prosecution is now saying that Barry has received books in jail about how to live off the land, that he’s spent time in Mexico, and they think he’s a “significant danger to flee.” Morphew is a significant danger to flee, according to Deputy D.A. He must surrender all guns. They also want LE to be able to monitor Morphew's whereabouts. Judge asked if he had a criminal history: In Indiana involving assault case.
Defense & Judge on bail:
for more info see posts 1262, 1272 & 1277 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
The defense is asking for a $50,000 cash bond.
for more info see posts #1282, 1289 & 1293 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 #81 *arrest*
Judge settles on $500k cash only. No weapons. No Contact: Moorman family, Brad Oswald, Holly Wilson, Sheila Oliver, Cassidy Cordova, Morgan Gentile, Gene & Martine Ritter (Protection orders). No written contact, no electric contact (email, text), you can't ask someone to contact them. You could be charged with a class-1 misdemeanor. EDIT: Jeff Libler family as well. Passport handed over. Can't reside anywhere but Chaffee County. Must appear at all hearing & must wear an ankle monitor (this is not GPS but will alert court if he leaves the county). The Bond can't be posted until Noon on Monday because there is no private probation here today.
Now to the affidavit: Dru Nielsen said that the AA reads like a tabloid. They wrote this affidavit to try this case in the media & try & taint a jury pool. They don't want the AA to be released. The judge ruled that the arrest affidavit will be unsealed & posted on the Colorado Court’s website. The court has redacted information from the arrest affidavit. "I am not going to redact the affidavit further," Judge Murphy said. "The meat of this case has been disclosed. The Arrest Affidavit will be released online under cases of interest." The #Affidavit for Morphew will be posted by NOON on MONDAY.
The defense wants to set a day for trial now for Morphew case. The state is being asked the length of trial. Deputy D.A. Lindsey says at least 4 weeks. Defense is looking at May of 2022. Trial has been set for May 3 through June 1, 2022. Morphew is entering a NOT GUITLY plea & waives speedy trial.
Iris Eytan is asking for a gag order. Judge is not going to rule on that motion. Motion hearing 11/9/21 @ 1:30pm on discovery violations & contempt for violating the pretrial publicity order.
9/20/21 Update: Morphew bonded out of jail. With the bond comes several stipulations: Morphew will have to wear an ankle monitor, will have to live in & largely remain in Chaffee County, will not be allowed contact with numerous people involved in the case. He will still be permitted contact with his & Suzanne’s two daughters.

10/6/21 Update: Court was advised of the monitoring problem. Prosecutors in Morphew’s murder case asked a judge last month to set stricter terms for his pretrial release from jail because an ankle monitor he is ordered to wear doesn't work in steep terrain west of Monarch Pass where he's been living. But the monitoring system doesn't work in areas where cellular service is spotty, leaving cops in the dark on the location of Morphew, who authorities say has been living in an area with no cellular service since his release. Prosecutors want a judge to order Morphew to move to a place where the monitoring system works. In her filing, Stanley points out that Morphew currently pays rent at a residence in Salida, Colorado, which is near the Chaffee County courthouse, within reach of cellphone towers. Also the prosecution doesn't want him living in that neighborhood, as the Ritters have a no contact order against him. Prosecutors want him to live there so they can keep tabs on his location. Prosecutor Stanley asked Judge Patrick Murphy to reconsider bail in the case, potentially threatening Morphew's freedom ahead of trial unless a compromise can be reached. Hearing for murder charge on 10/13/21. Motions hearing on 11/9/21 for both cases. DA Stanley has filed a motion with the court, requesting BM be prohibited from living in or around Maysville.
Niner, you are amazing!

Thank you:)
Yeah, I still have issues with all of it. Some people traveled all of the time prepandemic , so it would not be out of the ordinary. I think Barry did his own thing much of the time, and really did not concern himself with Suzanne’s day to day unless his radar picked up on something. I do wonder exactly how the trips were planned around a teen’s schedule. Did Barry prepare dinner and make sure that a child got on the bus? Pandemic changed a lot of habits and Suzanne was stuck mostly at home, I imagine. I think Barry cared about Barry, period.
I agree. Suzanne was just a possession. She might as well have been his favorite chair. Sit still. Look beautiful and be there for me for sex on demand, while I’m out with my buddies or girlfriends for days at a time.
She must have been so lonely.
Did BM know where she was each time? She could have said she was visiting her dad each time. The airplane ticket charge on their account wouldn't say. the destination. BM must feel stupid right now, if he didn't know.
RSBM Gosh, this drama has gone on so long, and we have a year yet to trial, I could have it wrong but to me it seems like Barry was very aware of her trips and where she went.
Page 67 AA

SA Grusing told Barry that Agents brought a notebook with evidence they would like to share with him. Barry replied, "Could you answer me some questions first? Was she with him in New Orleans?" SA Grusing said she was. Barry asked, "And was she with him in Florida?" SA Grusing said she was. After a pause, Barry asked, "And Indiana?" SA Grusing said she was. Barry asked, "And how long has this......"

Could be my warped perception I have nothing against hunters but Barry's idea of "hunting" is interchangeable with "stalking" it's all the same to him IMO. And she was his trophy.

Also if I remember correctly it was Barry who brought up she was gone two Valentines days in a row. Which leads me to, when did she write the card he so infamously pulled out for Lauren? Doubt it was 2020 or 2019. And was there any related significance of his picture with SD at the hotel on Valentines 2021? (IDK seemed contrived for a photo op) but a lot of theirs did over the years IMO.
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RSBM Gosh, this drama has gone on so long, and we have a year yet to trial, I could have it wrong but to me it seems like Barry was very aware of her trips and where she went.
Page 67 AA

SA Grusing told Barry that Agents brought a notebook with evidence they would like to share with him. Barry replied, "Could you answer me some questions first? Was she with him in New Orleans?" SA Grusing said she was. Barry asked, "And was she with him in Florida?" SA Grusing said she was. After a pause, Barry asked, "And Indiana?" SA Grusing said she was. Barry asked, "And how long has this......"

Could be my warped perception I have nothing against hunters but Barry's idea of "hunting" is interchangeable with "stalking" it's all the same to him IMO. And she was his trophy.

Also if I remember correctly it was Barry who brought up she was gone two Valentines days in a row. Which leads me to, when did she write the card he so infamously pulled out for Lauren? Doubt it was 2020 or 2019. And was there any related significance of his picture with SD at the hotel on Valentines 2021? (IDK seemed contrived for a photo op) but a lot of theirs did over the years IMO.
I think he knew when she was gone, but I do not believe he knew she was having an affair...or he suspected she was having an affair but did not know with whom. Regardless...I don't think the prosecution will have any trouble proving the marriage was in trouble and they certainly don't need every single thing to get that accomplished and I doubt they will use every single little thing that is known. Even the judge encouraged them to move along in the preliminary in establishing that fact. The case is not about a failed marriage it is about proving Barry murdered his wife. If they want to suggest a motive to the jury they still don't need every single thing to establish this.
I think he knew when she was gone, but I do not believe he knew she was having an affair...or he suspected she was having an affair but did not know with whom. Regardless...I don't think the prosecution will have any trouble proving the marriage was in trouble and they certainly don't need every single thing to get that accomplished and I doubt they will use every single little thing that is known. Even the judge encouraged them to move along in the preliminary in establishing that fact. The case is not about a failed marriage it is about proving Barry murdered his wife. If they want to suggest a motive to the jury they still don't need every single thing to establish this.

Don't faint but, I agree with you. :cool:

I think if Barry knew for sure Suzanne was having an affair, that would have been the first accusation out of his mouth when she went "missing", instead of the bobcat idiocy. Further, I think if Barry knew who JL was it may have been JL that disappeared, instead of Suzanne.

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