Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* *found in 2023* #111

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Leading up to the time SM disappeared, JL had long ago deleted his social media accounts but it was on FB that SM messaged him for the very first time. Perhaps JL restored his FB that weekend? Maybe not having FB after a year+ hiatus was looking suspicious to his family.

From the AA, we know that JL broke things off with SM after his daughter found her text messages when using dad's phone to order pizza. JL said he deleted his social media and SM pursued him again around Christmas when she tracked him down using LinkedIn. After that, he said they communicated daily ever since.

Hard to believe JL didn't contact LE in May 2020. For SM to fall off his radar, he knew she was either incapacitated or dead. It wasn't like she forgot his number! MOO
At least she never knew because she was dead and she died believing she was loved by him.
And I think that is okay..
There's not a lot of difference between delusions and reality on the mental and emotional planes.

Who has not been there?

I'm glad she had it, it was something she had always been denied..

I'd never judge her for her choices even though I wish she had met a man with courage.

He seems to be extraordinarily shallow and self seeking.
But she did not see that or know that apparently.

Hoping she is now experiencing Divine love that fills her completely..

I'm also hoping she will appear and smile when the jury returns that guilty verdict.
(i'm probably deluded too)
I disagree. The CAST expert never was going to testify at the prelim.

The problem was Cahill messed up his testimony for reasons which are hard to understand. Probably he just wasn't good at his job.

...but wouldn't it be fun [and 'aid our understanding!'] were we to consider that there was more substance and connivance in the play which [Cecil B.] IE produced and directed featuring the weak-as-water Cahill?
She might describe her irregular [imo unethical] direct contact with a key government investigator one day before his testimony (& her cross-examination) as naught but her civic-minded/friend of the court/reaching-out/just making sure things run comfortably tomorrow, leading naturally & professionally to:
"How do you feel, Investigator Cahill, about a casual chat, just us ... just now?"

IMO, it's more likely than not that consideration passed and more than a tacit understanding was reached between Eytan and Cahill. And when the disclosure of this contact became apparent in open session, Judge Murphy erred mightily by not excluding Cahill, antecedent sidebar/in-chambers as a courtesy only. Had this happened, thence & thereafter:
- Cahill, et alia, gonzo;
- Ditto, specious glovebox partial/touch DNA originating from lord-knows-where & judge-could-not-care-less;
- 'Conviction-Likely' criteria? - CHECK!
Oh! And Bailiff?
Would you see that this accused receives a freshly-pressed if not laundered
matching ensemble before he's presented to the confinement facility to await trial?
Thank you. Court is now in recess...whoa!
Would defense counsel respectfully restrain her epithets?! There are some ladies present!

...but wouldn't it be fun [and 'aid our understanding!'] were we to consider that there was more substance and connivance in the play which [Cecil B.] IE produced and directed featuring the weak-as-water Cahill?
She might describe her irregular [imo unethical] direct contact with a key government investigator one day before his testimony (& her cross-examination) as naught but her civic-minded/friend of the court/reaching-out/just making sure things run comfortably tomorrow, leading naturally & professionally to:
"How do you feel, Investigator Cahill, about a casual chat, just us ... just now?"

IMO, it's more likely than not that consideration passed and more than a tacit understanding was reached between Eytan and Cahill. And when the disclosure of this contact became apparent in open session, Judge Murphy erred mightily by not excluding Cahill, antecedent sidebar/in-chambers as a courtesy only. Had this happened, thence & thereafter:
- Cahill, et alia, gonzo;
- Ditto, specious glovebox partial/touch DNA originating from lord-knows-where & judge-could-not-care-less;
- 'Conviction-Likely' criteria? - CHECK!
Oh! And Bailiff?
Would you see that this accused receives a freshly-pressed if not laundered
matching ensemble before he's presented to the confinement facility to await trial?
Thank you. Court is now in recess...whoa!
Would defense counsel respectfully restrain her epithets?! There are some ladies present!

So what ethics rule did the defense attorney violate by contacting one of the investigators involved in the case?

The state could have called an actual DNA expert at the prelim...or even at trial. Who was the state's DNA expert?
So what ethics rule did the defense attorney violate by contacting one of the investigators involved in the case?
..."Appearance of evil".
I don't feel obliged to quote code, chapter, section or line re. Standards of Conduct when it comes to much of anything. Thank you. I am certain that in the Navy, in its operating forces, and in it's Judge Advocate General's Corps, IE would have been cautioned, transferred away from Military Justice, trial and appellate, and likely never be offered any other JAGC career-enhancing billet. I have experience with and as to each.
I also have no doubts that IE, bereft of humility and deluded by self-assurance, will persist sailing imprudently too close to the wind. It's not if, but when, she'll jibe, the boom will carry away her supporting shrouds, followed by her main and its topsails.
Alas she'll still retain enough treasure trove to hoist her colors under a flag of convenience... somewhere.
Indeed, it's an ill wind that blows no good. Which would be nonsense except that there are Ill winds.
I have a question.

Concerning consumption testing.

If there's a POI, who has counsel from a previous arrest, charges dismissed without prejudice, how does the State handle consumptive testing?

I'm imagining a tiny bit of dried blood in a port. Perhaps preserved in a way that a decomposing body cannot. Who does the State ask for permission to test if testing will consume the sample? The Court? Do they have to ask the old defense counsel, likely still on retainer? Is it just a warrant situation? Give probable cause and A judge signs off on it? Does the previous defense attorney informed?

As we move toward another Mother's Day, I hope that the discovery of her remains yields great evidence. I find comfort in that eventually she can be laid respectfully to rest, but I want also to find comfort in knowing that the beast who barried her badly, left her to decompose in a barren field, will get his. Day in court. Jury of peers. Guilty on all counts. Caged and held to account.

I have a question.

Concerning consumption testing.

If there's a POI, who has counsel from a previous arrest, charges dismissed without prejudice, how does the State handle consumptive testing?

I'm imagining a tiny bit of dried blood in a port. Perhaps preserved in a way that a decomposing body cannot. Who does the State ask for permission to test if testing will consume the sample? The Court? Do they have to ask the old defense counsel, likely still on retainer? Is it just a warrant situation? Give probable cause and A judge signs off on it? Does the previous defense attorney informed?

As we move toward another Mother's Day, I hope that the discovery of her remains yields great evidence. I find comfort in that eventually she can be laid respectfully to rest, but I want also to find comfort in knowing that the beast who barried her badly, left her to decompose in a barren field, will get his. Day in court. Jury of peers. Guilty on all counts. Caged and held to account.

For what purpose would they need to test it? Are you thinking to analyse for tranquillisers?
I have a question.

Concerning consumption testing.

If there's a POI, who has counsel from a previous arrest, charges dismissed without prejudice, how does the State handle consumptive testing?

I'm imagining a tiny bit of dried blood in a port. Perhaps preserved in a way that a decomposing body cannot. Who does the State ask for permission to test if testing will consume the sample? The Court? Do they have to ask the old defense counsel, likely still on retainer? Is it just a warrant situation? Give probable cause and A judge signs off on it? Does the previous defense attorney informed?

As we move toward another Mother's Day, I hope that the discovery of her remains yields great evidence. I find comfort in that eventually she can be laid respectfully to rest, but I want also to find comfort in knowing that the beast who barried her badly, left her to decompose in a barren field, will get his. Day in court. Jury of peers. Guilty on all counts. Caged and held to account.

Do you mean DNA testing?
Didn't something like this come up in the murdered students Brian whatshisface case??
For what purpose would they need to test it? Are you thinking to analyse for tranquillisers?
Desperate wishful thinking. That there was biological material preserved within her port that could be tested for toxins. Like I said, desperate. Even if it was there once, how likely would it still be there three years later? :/ Suzanne got silenced in life, I just want her body to be able to speak from the grave.

Desperate wishful thinking. That there was biological material preserved within her port that could be tested for toxins. Like I said, desperate. Even if it was there once, how likely would it still be there three years later? :/ Suzanne got silenced in life, I just want her body to be able to speak from the grave.

was her port still in situ?
I'm not sure it was, her next appt was a mere folow through afaik..?
Not sure.

IF the port was in situ and missing from her remains and found elsewhere it might be useful..

those tranqs all have specific half lives and I doubt very much they would stretch for this duration..
It's down to what measures he took to cleanse her body of his machinations and whether any traces of that substance remain, eg bleach? H2O2 or the like..

Shame they never trawled those dump sites when it was a fresh missing person case..

I'm hoping too but I'm prepared for the worst..
Desperate wishful thinking. That there was biological material preserved within her port that could be tested for toxins. Like I said, desperate. Even if it was there once, how likely would it still be there three years later? :/ Suzanne got silenced in life, I just want her body to be able to speak from the grave.

I don’t know how sealed ports are, but my main concern would be contamination if the unit is not sealed or the seal is broken. I am hoping that there was other evidence or testing done that will point to Suzanne’s killer.

But to answer your original question, logically, I don’t think they would need permission from the court. There is no active case.
I don’t know how sealed ports are, but my main concern would be contamination if the unit is not sealed or the seal is broken. I am hoping that there was other evidence or testing done that will point to Suzanne’s killer.

But to answer your original question, logically, I don’t think they would need permission from the court. There is no active case.
sealed while it is within an intact body but this is not an intact body..
here's a few links with pics..

sealed while it is within an intact body but this is not an intact body..
here's a few links with pics..
View attachment 495926

View attachment 495925
Thanks Kitty. Do they have serial numbers on them?
Serial Numbers on Implantable Ports?

I think so. W quick online search for USfed laws/reg's, no luck.
From info below, in US (maybe elsewhere too), seems implanted med devices carry (or are likely to carry) serial numbers, & other data, like manuf. name & model number.
Another article (a nursing journal, sorry lost link), discussing “power ports” said something about using port's serial # on patient intake.

No money back guarantee on ^this^. ;)

Is finding port --- w serial # --- w SM's remains, at Moffat site, or anywhere, of special use in re SM's homicide prosecution here? Other than testing it for drugs or poisons?
Okay, (marginally) better than port w'out serial #.

Welcoming info re reg's or opinion w other interp's. :)
Article about Identifying Remains
"Visual identification is the most common identification method used by medical examiners but is not always possible. Alternative methods include X-ray, fingerprint, or DNA comparison, but these methods require additional resources. Comparison of serial numbers on implanted medical devices is a rapid and definitive method of identification."
"Identification of Bodies by Unique Serial Numbers on Implanted Medical Devices"
J Forensic Sci
. 2018 May;63(3):740-744.

For anyone who wants to see pix of implanted device (not a port) w manu. name, serial #, etc. =>
Last edited:
Serial Numbers on Implantable Ports?

I think so. W quick online search for USfed laws/reg's, no luck.
From info below, in US (maybe elsewhere too), seems implanted med devices carry (or are likely to carry) serial numbers, & other data, like manuf. name & model number.
Another article (sorry lost link, discussing “power ports” said something about using serial # on them on patient intake.

No money back guarantee on ^this^. ;)

Welcoming info re reg's or opinion w other interp's. :)
Article about Identifying Remains
"Visual identification is the most common identification method used by medical examiners but is not always possible. Alternative methods include X-ray, fingerprint, or DNA comparison, but these methods require additional resources. Comparison of serial numbers on implanted medical devices is a rapid and definitive method of identification."
"Identification of Bodies by Unique Serial Numbers on Implanted Medical Devices"
J Forensic Sci
. 2018 May;63(3):740-744.

For anyone who wants to see pix of implanted device (not a port) w manu. name, serial #, etc. =>
Can always count on you @al66pine for good research!

That image of an implanted port really got to me. Plus the image of the device itself -- that's some mean looking hardware.

Made me sad all over again.

She overcame cancer twice! She is a medical marvel and ought to be celebrating her hardfought survival! Living and defining it her way!

How dare anyone take that from her!
Serial Numbers on Implantable Ports?

I think so. W quick online search for USfed laws/reg's, no luck.
From info below, in US (maybe elsewhere too), seems implanted med devices carry (or are likely to carry) serial numbers, & other data, like manuf. name & model number.
Another article (a nursing journal, sorry lost link), discussing “power ports” said something about using port's serial # on patient intake.

No money back guarantee on ^this^. ;)

Is finding port --- w serial # --- w SM's remains, at Moffat site, or anywhere, of special use in re SM's homicide prosecution here? Other than testing it for drugs or poisons?
Okay, (marginally) better than port w'out serial #.

Welcoming info re reg's or opinion w other interp's. :)
Article about Identifying Remains
"Visual identification is the most common identification method used by medical examiners but is not always possible. Alternative methods include X-ray, fingerprint, or DNA comparison, but these methods require additional resources. Comparison of serial numbers on implanted medical devices is a rapid and definitive method of identification."
Since they know it's Suzanne, I don't think the port will play a big role in this investigation. If the body was an Unknown, perhaps. But even in other Unknown cases, such as Trans Julie Doe, serial numbers have not proven helpful.

I suppose if there is trace evidence of a tranquilizer or poison contained in the port there might be an investigative angle.

But, IMO, the port will not have a large part to play in this one.
I have a question.

Concerning consumption testing.

If there's a POI, who has counsel from a previous arrest, charges dismissed without prejudice, how does the State handle consumptive testing?

I'm imagining a tiny bit of dried blood in a port. Perhaps preserved in a way that a decomposing body cannot. Who does the State ask for permission to test if testing will consume the sample? The Court? Do they have to ask the old defense counsel, likely still on retainer? Is it just a warrant situation? Give probable cause and A judge signs off on it? Does the previous defense attorney informed?

As we move toward another Mother's Day, I hope that the discovery of her remains yields great evidence. I find comfort in that eventually she can be laid respectfully to rest, but I want also to find comfort in knowing that the beast who barried her badly, left her to decompose in a barren field, will get his. Day in court. Jury of peers. Guilty on all counts. Caged and held to account.

In the consumptive testing on the tiny fragment of tooth found in the burn pit in the Kelsey Bereth case, they did test it and both the P and D were able to be present while it was done. IIRC

Edited to add: The testing was done to verify that it belonged to Kelsey and for the D to try and explain why a tiny tooth fragment of hers would have been recovered from a burn pit.
In the consumptive testing on the tiny fragment of tooth found in the burn pit in the Kelsey Bereth case, they did test it and both the P and D were able to be present while it was done. IIRC

Edited to add: The testing was done to verify that it belonged to Kelsey and for the D to try and explain why a tiny tooth fragment of hers would have been recovered from a burn pit.
I recall that case, but like most of the cobwebs in my brain, the details are fuzzy. Seems to me PFrazee was already charged when that tooth was recovered (it was only determined to be a female tooth associated with KB's mother IIRC) but in this case here, BM has been dispatched without prejudice.... so.... LE and the State don't have to share discovery or elements of their refreshed investigation, correct?

They're no longer in the loop.

I hope a couple'a armpits are pitting out.

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