Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* *found in 2023* #113

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I don't know, but I suspect if a new device logged on, FB would have that
But if it was a shared device, like a laptop, we wouldn’t know who sent those friends requests. It could have been Suzanne, thinking Barry was getting to close to finding out about the affair or it could have been Barry trying to find out who it was. I wonder if Barry knew who it was before he was told?
But if it was a shared device, like a laptop, we wouldn’t know who sent those friends requests. It could have been Suzanne, thinking Barry was getting to close to finding out about the affair or it could have been Barry trying to find out who it was. I wonder if Barry knew who it was before he was told?

Yes that is true.
So since Friday’s been brought up again, I remember the possibility being discussed in these threads over the years and remember there were/are some who hold steadfast to the theory that LE has the day of the murder wrong and think BM murdered SM on Friday May 8th sometime after she sent the text message to her Sister that morning around 11am iirc. That BM possibly cloned/hacked her phone and apps and impersonated SM from his phone and he was the one that sent out the FB friends requests Friday evening and messaging himself and JL in the Saturday morning/early afternoon text convos, and sent an old picture of Suzanne to JL as the last “proof of life” sunbathing photo.
Some thought/think the text convos with BM and JL didn’t sound like SM or her normal pattern of sending longer texts to JL, and sending to BM- “wanna hike” why would she be asking him to go hiking after telling him she was done just a few days prior. In this theory, he disposed of SM late Friday evening/early morning hours Saturday. There are probably some other details that were discussed that I’ve forgotten but that’s the basic premise/gist of it.

Personally, I have debunked this theory for a couple of reasons:

1.) If you want people to believe SM was alive when you left for Broomfield at 5am Sunday, why would you only “keep her alive” until 2:11pm Saturday?!? You bothered to text with her lover something like 59 times and yet ignored her BFF Sheila’s messages later that day/evening??? Does not add up or make sense to me if the whole point is to keep SM alive until you left for Broomfield Sunday morning.

2.) I do not believe the FBI digital experts that assisted in this case would miss something as huge as this in their review and analysis of the phones’ digital records.
Even if the phones’ location and Metadata were either wiped/tampered with, imo FBI digital experts would be able to tell/discover it.

IMO BM did not murder SM Friday May 8th, clone SM’s phone, nor outsmart the FBI!


Bbbut: Didn't MG found her boss in a very deplorable condition on Saturday morning? Or do I remember wrong? - I still would like to know the reason for his bad condition.
Suzanne's Jewelry. Worn by BM's GF?

@Gizmo3 Interesting. Thanks for posting.
Yes, in some pix, SM wore ring w big diamond (real or faux? IDK) solitaire, maybe a gold chain & cross.

I wonder what jewelry pieces friend referred to.
Not recalling seeing in particular that would be unusual to the point of being identifiable as belonging to SM, but I am an A-1 bozo ;) on observing things like this.

Yes, if GF was wearing SM's jewelry in Oct 2020,
well, :O hoo-boy-howdy. :/
IDK exactly what friend said, just can't sit thru 43 min of NG, w no time mark specified.
Hair stylist, Tisha Leewaye told Nancy Grace that she was working at the tanning salon in October 2020. She said she noticed SD coming into the salon wearing Suzanne’s jewelry. During this time the Morphew daughters were also tanning at the salon preparing for their annual family trip to Mexico in January 2021.

Leewaye said she was not sure if SD also went to Mexico with the Morphew family in January.

Tisha Leewaye segment begins @ 25:15 on the video.

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Bbbut: Didn't MG found her boss in a very deplorable condition on Saturday morning? Or do I remember wrong? - I still would like to know the reason for his bad condition.
Four years is hard on the memory! I faintly recall BM was supposed to collect MG for work early on Saturday morning but he called her and said he was going to be late because he was called out for a fire, and had been out all night.

MG responding by going to the gym, and BM collected her there a bit later. Then BM cut the workday short and dropped MG off at her vehicle in the gym car park. I don't recall if it was ever confirmed that there was a brush fire and/or if BM responded to the fire. MOO
Bbbut: Didn't MG found her boss in a very deplorable condition on Saturday morning? Or do I remember wrong? - I still would like to know the reason for his bad condition.
Iirc Morgan stated in an interview that BM was acting weird on Saturday morning at the beach site. She went on to state that after he called her on Sunday morning last minute to get the work crew together she hung up and thought he’d just had the worst night of his life. I’ll see if I can find the link and post it.

Found it!
Snipped from link:

“He was acting really weird about [the beach area], I was like Barry what’s up,” Gentile said. “He seemed stressed. He definitely seemed weird on Saturday.”

“Last minute he changed everything. In fact, he called me that Sunday – Mother’s Day – and was really frantic, really didn’t sound like himself,” Gentile said. “I hung up the phone and I thought he just had the worst night of his life.”



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But if it was a shared device, like a laptop, we wouldn’t know who sent those friends requests. It could have been Suzanne, thinking Barry was getting to close to finding out about the affair or it could have been Barry trying to find out who it was. I wonder if Barry knew who it was before he was told?
Barry knew who it was ..... GL, before he was told by LE.

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Hi All, it's so nice to see so many familiar names! I hope all of you are well! I think we are a whole lot closer to justice for Suzanne, which is such a relief! I started going through my notes that I took at the preliminary hearing. I had forgotten so much! I will attach some excerpts as they relate to the tranquilizer darts etc. I will keep looking.
Wow @NoSI it's great seeing you here, you've been missed. It's like a group of long lost friends coming back to support Suzanne and seeing Justice for her finally.


Oh yes! Good old guilt. You think he really has any remorse or guilt? Maybe he does. Some people just don’t. If Barry does, it has to be eating him up. How can he run? How can he leave the States? He knows everyone is now onto him. He has to be waiting, like we all are. This time he knows a high price lawyer won’t help him.
I don't believe BM has one ounce of guilt or remorse now or ever had any. Suzanne was bad (in his mind) and his God allowed him to kill her. Oh, Suzanne...that still plays in mind in his phony video spin. :mad:

He makes me physically nauseous he truly does.

The camel pack (the water thing) - I have a question for those of you who use them.

You would refresh the contents before you go out, yes?
Did the camel pack in the car have water in it?
Why was it left in the car? If she had got back from a ride (at any time), surely she would have taken it back into the house with her?
Yes, first thing I do after using mine is bring it in and wash it out and let dry. It's notorious for mouth saliva around the sipper and it grosses me out lol. Plus they can mold if left in a hot car for a length of time.

Suzanne (with cancer) seemed like a person who would want to keep her environment and things going into her system as clean as possible.

I don't believe BM has one ounce of guilt or remorse now or ever had any. Suzanne was bad (in his mind) and his God allowed him to kill her. Oh, Suzanne...that still plays in mind in his phony video spin. :mad:

He makes me physically nauseous he truly does.


Yes -makes me "nauseous too" (*insert vomit emoji)

The audacity to regift the wife's jewellery to the new "bird" - no regard for the human life taken.

Worse even still is that it is "accepted" by the new "bird" (spew)
Yes, first thing I do after using mine is bring it in and wash it out and let dry. It's notorious for mouth saliva around the sipper and it grosses me out lol. Plus they can mold if left in a hot car for a length of time.

Suzanne (with cancer) seemed like a person who would want to keep her environment and things going into her system as clean as possible.

If she biked on Friday, and then left to get pizza with Barry, perhaps her routine was interrupted. Now we know she didn't ride on Saturday or get an opportunity to prepare for it so perhaps her water bottle wound up forgotten. Because, you're right, it seems very atypical.

Hair stylist, Tisha Leewaye told Nancy Grace that she was working at the tanning salon in October 2020. She said she noticed SD coming into the salon wearing Suzanne’s jewelry. During this time the Morphew daughters were also tanning at the salon preparing for their annual family trip to Mexico in January 2021.

Leewaye said she was not sure if SD also went to Mexico with the Morphew family in January.

Tisha Leewaye segment begins @ 25:15 on the video.

I really cannot imagine that Suzanne's daughters would be happy to see another woman wear their mother's jewellery.
<modsnip - quoted post was removed - about the source instead of the subject>

1. Tishe Leeway who was Suzanne’s friend and hairstylist has been on team Suzanne all the way. She has either spearheaded or been active in so many of the memorials and annual SM Christmas tree etc. She has kept Suzanne’s name front and center in the Salida region all these years. She is straight forward honest and a true gem.
Lauren speaks of her and with her often.
<modsnip - about the source instead of the subject>

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MOD NOTE: This thread is about Suzanne Morphew, not about whether you do or don't like, do or don't trust, certain media personalities. Like who you like and trust who you trust, but that discussion doesn't belong on this thread. Please help us keep the discussion about Suzanne.


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I don't believe BM has one ounce of guilt or remorse now or ever had any. Suzanne was bad (in his mind) and his God allowed him to kill her. Oh, Suzanne...that still plays in mind in his phony video spin. :mad:

He makes me physically nauseous he truly does.

I agree that he makes us all nauseous.
I have followed the Daybell case and trial and that man truly has no remorse. BM looks like he feels guilt and every move he has made shows his stupidity as well. He is a self righteous person and that never gets you anywhere. Always judging others while believing he is righteous. Yes, nausea is a good word.
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