Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #62 *ARREST*

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There are a few posts on Thread #24 discussing the house security system and whether or not it was actively working or if it was disabled or broken. Did it connect to wifi? IF a home security system that connects to wifi is disabled by unplugging it, does that mean it's totally disabled?

Interesting about the trail cams. Why would he need those if the security system still worked.


Most household security systems focus on the house. They have motion detectors inside the house, glass break alarms etc. They show a part of the driveway and the front/back porches in some cases (outdoor cameras are usually more expensive).

We have several trail cams in addition (to capture the area past our fence where people keep dumping trash, to capture the area near our mail box, etc). It just wasn't cost effective to buy the wireless cameras that go with our security system for outdoors, and the trail cams can be moved (there's a cat getting into our backyard and we'd like to know which one it is - so we moved a trail cam). They are very handy.

Trail cams are motion activated. We have both visible and well hidden ones. They have pretty sharp views of night time scenes, as well. It's kind of a pain having to go retrieve the card inside to see what's going on - but the huge amount of data stored from our house cameras (we have three) is daunting as well. For my DH, it's just way easier to go and retrieve the card when he sees the trash or evidence of the cat.
Leticia Stauch was on the way to getting away with murder. Just one miscalculation about where the bank of the Escambia River was when she tossed him off the bridge led to his discovery, with a piece of luck for Gannon that a highway worker went to the area he was in.
Like PFC Vannessa Guillen, some victims of murder seem to draw help to them to be found.

Actually, they had already arrested her. They were going to prosecute the case. as a no body case and if ever. there was a case in which they would be possible, that's Letecia. Stauch's case (so much blood in the basement).
PE guys with Lauren Scharf talking about the security system at Puma Path and the rentals along with lots of other stuff. It was Barry and Suzanne's wedding anniversary as well.

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As the AA currently remains sealed, I am curious if the Media are seeking its release as they did in the Letecia Stauch case. I am not a lawyer, but do find many of the Media arguments salient to this case, not withstanding the judge's repeated concerns for SM's daughters should even a redacted AA be released and no doubt that is the best we can hope for at this time). What do you think?

Quoting from page 7:
"17. Any party who seeks to continue the sealing of a court record must show, in
addition to a “substantial probability of prejudice” to fair trial rights necessarily flowing from disclosure of the sealed information, that there are no less restrictive measures available to protect the defendant’s fair trial rights short of continued sealing. Cf. P.R., 637 P.2d at 354 (holding that a finding of clear and present danger to the fair administration of justice, by itself, is not sufficient to warrant court closure; such a finding merely “triggers the next level of inquiry – that is, whether reasonable and less drastic alternatives are available” (emphasis added)); Star Journal Publ’g, 591 P.2d at 1030 (same); Press-Enter. Co. v. Super. Ct. (Press-Enterprise II), 478 U.S. 1, 14 (1986) (same); Richmond Newspapers, Inc., 448 U.S. at 580-81(same).5

18. Myriad alternative measures exist to protect the Defendant’s fair trial rights, see Press-Enterprise II, 478 U.S. at 15, that would properly balance the Defendant’s fair trial rights with the news agencies’ free press rights, such as: The trial judge may: (1) cause extensive voir dire examination of prospectivejurors; (2) change the trial venue to a place less exposed to intense publicity; (3) postpone the trial to allow public attention to subside; (4) empanel veniremen from an area that has not been exposed to intense pretrial publicity; . . . or [(5)] use emphatic and clear instructions on the sworn duty of each juror to decide the issues only on the evidence presented in open court."

Link to the Media Motion: to Unseal Forthwith the Affidavit of Probably Cause in Support of Arrest.pdf
Bumping my post.

It has been a week since the judge ordered the AA to remain sealed. I am watching the docket for any Media appeal.

Past time to see a redacted AA released!
I was referring to his truck. He could have 'borrowed' somebody else's truck to tow his BobCat to dig a grave. Nothing he's done would surprise me in the least.

BM would have easily been able to drive the Bobcat up in the woods behind his house , they pretty much will travel in all terrain.
Very good info on the well casing sizes. Yes, it’s a wild theory. I just came across the well permit he applied for after closing on that property. He sure was running around “taking care of business” like life was just normal as could be after he murdered his wife. SMDH MOO
Agree with 100%. I think that LE kept a watchful eye on his business dealings and smoke screening instead of looking for Suzanne.
It was easy for me to rationalize BM reportedly putting up trail cams during AM's private search. I didn't see it as suspicious because he could have been concerned about something being planted on his property, as an example. Emotions were running high during that search. Profiling Evil talked about it constantly, talked about it while the search was happening. The news reported on it. <modsnip> They were asking for volunteer searchers - but who were all these people? I think most were good folks who wanted to help, but I promise you, you have to be careful with volunteer searchers. Today, I still don't believe SM is or ever was buried on PP property. I also didn't believe BM or the girls should have participated in that search. With BM charged and jailed with murdering SM, it's a moot point now anyway. IMO
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IMO, the security system would have been centered around the interior and exterior of the home. Their lot was almost eight acres and wooded. It sounds like BM used the trail cams to monitor the perimeter of his property.

Lauren said the neighbor told her there were cameras all over pointing at every angle of the house, driveway, road. I wonder if the security system was on or off. I don't believe anyone ever knew.
Other than in the early 80's, every search I was involved with that had LE presence, they were carefully and quietly photographing every volunteer searcher, media types, vehicle license plates in the area and any public that showed up to gawk at the search operation or public press conferences.
thanks for finding that - I watched a few of her videos last night and I could not find it ! Good work :)

I made a mistake. It was the neighbor who knew where the cameras were located. She also talked about the cameras in the rentals and said the batteries were dead. After watching the video I had a better feel of what the property is like.
Lauren said the neighbor told her there were cameras all over pointing at every angle of the house, driveway, road. I wonder if the security system was on or off. I don't believe anyone ever knew.
It would not surprise me if the security system had a monthly monitoring charge.
It would also not surprise me if BM had gotten behind in his bills and that was one bill he had stopped paying.

Late night pondering:
Going back to the AA and concern for the “victims”; could BM’s daughters have said something early on that tweaked LE’s interest?
We do not know what time SM’s daughters returned to Puma Path on Mother’s Day 2021. Was it before or after BM’s return? What is certain is that the daughters were questioned immediately by LE upon their return. When did they last see their mother? When did they last talk, orally, to their mother? When did they leave for their camping trip?
Did they say anything that conflicted with BM’s statement? Could the AA shock the daughters into realizing that they may have been the ones who, (inadvertently), turned LE’s sights onto their Dad?
I’m sure both daughters dearly love both their mother and father. Imagine learning that something you said early on may have implicated your father in your mother’s death?
Think about it: you arrive home after being away for several days. You are frantic because your Mom is missing. You tell LE anything they want to know without any filter just because you want your Mom found. It’s almost like a dying declaration. You just say what you know to be true.
Can you imagine the pit in your stomach if you suddenly realize you just screwed your Dad?
Does this equate to concern for victims?
Some thoughts on your late night pondering @OldCop It was an very interesting play (and smart) by the Defense to introduce “protecting the daughters as victims”. Not saying the Defense is heartless, but their #1 goal is BM. Delaying the release of the AA bought the Def a couple of months time to tear into the DA’s evidence and to work on discrediting the “witnesses” before even having a prelim. The Def is going to paint BM as a victim of character assassination by LE, a targeted POI when LE should have looked at others. Def is going to go after evidence as handled sloppily, tainted by errors of an over zealous “in the sticks” sheriff & deputies.

We don’t know when the girls were originally scheduled to return home from the trip that possibly their dad had even arranged. What if they originally planned on being home on Saturday, plans to spend Sunday with their mom? BM calls daughters & says there’s no hurry, he & SM are going hiking/biking, go ahead & spend an extra day, don’t come home until Sunday.

The only information regarding the daughters trip, timing, etc. has pretty much came from BM statements, as LE nor the girls have made statements regarding timing.

I wonder if the girls did get home Sunday before BM (he ret’d about 9pm iirc). If LE talked to the girls right away, they would have been very responsive, unguarded and eager to help find their mom. They may have been the ones to allow LE to walk through the home looking for their mom. BM was never allowed to return to the home until after the first search warrant was completed. Someone had to retrieve an article of SM’s for the prison tracking dogs (for scent purposes) I assume. It could have been the daughters who retrieved it.
I’m starting to ramble and don’t mean to. There’s a ton of info we don’t know. Always enjoy your posts @OldCop.
No links to add, mostly my musings and from memory. MOO
<modsnip- quoted post removed> Imagine what a tragedy this whole thing created for those families and the daughters if it wasn't Barry. There are a few of those cases where LE got the wrong guy and those families never heal. We don't know yet what hard evidence they have that connects Barry and only glimpses at what we might think is the circumstantial evidence so both sides are advantaged to "us". I do not see the defense going down some "wild goose chase" looking for the boogeyman. But I think the AA has been beat to death. We're not going to see it until it is cleaned up of any speculation, extraneous conversations and information inadmissible and Barry is bound over for trial in my opinion.
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Other than in the early 80's, every search I was involved with that had LE presence, they were carefully and quietly photographing every volunteer searcher, media types, vehicle license plates in the area and any public that showed up to gawk at the search operation or public press conferences.

The dog handlers (as an example) I know who get call out's from LE, are very strong and meticulous with their documentation when they arrive at a search area and leave the search area. When they start a search, how many cars are parked from those participating, who from LE is on-scene, is family on the sidelines, media, trash on the ground, animal scat in the search area, anything novel that stands out, etc. This of course is in addition to the wind direction, weather conditions, time of day, condition of their dog (any medication the dog is on, any injuries they have or recently recovered from, etc.) and so on. You never know what could be important to an investigation and end up in court. I remember a handler telling me their first court appearance felt like they were justifying their very existence with their dog. They are use to it now. IMO
I don't know. I'm of the opinion that if he killed her he did something simple near their house that wouldn't be findable. I'm more bothered by the idea that AFTER the night she was determined missing and LE I assume was watching Barry how did he tamper or move the body off his property without anyone knowing?

I think he killed her in the house and took her outside. Somewhere, but on the PP property.

MG said he worked at the beach site Friday night. They both worked at the beach site on Saturday for 2 hours. Then he had to go home and make the wife happy hiking or biking.

JP said he was at DMI fixing the BobCat at lunchtime, 1 or 2 p.m. MG said he was seen in town shopping and JP said he bought chlorine and supplies at the Spa and Stove at 4, 5 or 6 p.m. He probably went home and Suzanne was texting with her bff when ???

I think she's buried at Puma Path. Somewhere.

The dog handlers (as an example) I know who get call out's from LE, are very strong and meticulous with their documentation when they arrive at a search area and leave the search area. When they start a search, how many cars are parked from those participating, who from LE is on-scene, is family on the sidelines, media, trash on the ground, animal scat in the search area, anything novel that stands out, etc. This of course is in addition to the wind direction, weather conditions, time of day, condition of their dog (any medication the dog is on, any injuries they have or recently recovered from, etc.) and so on. You never know what could be important to an investigation and end up in court. I remember a handler telling me their first court appearance felt like they were justifying their very existence with their dog. They are use to it now. IMO

I found it interesting that the only "dog reaction" that was explored by LE from the public search in the fall seems to be that other lot out in the new subdivision. So much brew haha about the "lack of response". But I don't know that we know how much and how frequently LE used dogs in an official capacity. Most of it came out of the public search that Andy organized. I have to believe that LE knew what they were doing as they sifted through the 1400 tips and possible info that was turned in by the public during that fall search. I am also one who thinks you need a whole lot more than a dog reaction to send a person to prison for life and how LE decides what is legitimate and needs more investigation and what is just a dog sniff is important....and their decision to make. That is why we have the justice system we have. Police are people and their job is to find bad guys. We need them in the world. Trials put their theories, facts and findings to the test. It's the very definition of the word trial.
Yeah if the defense raises it, and BM makes some sort of allegation, it only serves to provide motive for him to have done what he did, although I personally think it is most likely monetary, as he is a money obsessed narcissist. Even if there is nothing, emotional or otherwise, to indicate that sort of thing, BM seems so controlling and aggressive that even the perception that she was connecting with anyone else (he was probably even jealous of her friends having close relationships with her) would set him off. I think CM mentioned that Barry travelled all the way to Florida one time to just pop in on one of her girl trips. this is classic abusive psycho controlling behavior.
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I found it interesting that the only "dog reaction" that was explored by LE from the public search in the fall seems to be that other lot out in the new subdivision. So much brew haha about the "lack of response". But I don't know that we know how much and how frequently LE used dogs in an official capacity. Most of it came out of the public search that Andy organized. I have to believe that LE knew what they were doing as they sifted through the 1400 tips and possible info that was turned in by the public during that fall search. I am also one who thinks you need a whole lot more than a dog reaction to send a person to prison for life and how LE decides what is legitimate and needs more investigation and what is just a dog sniff is important....and their decision to make. That is why we have the justice system we have. Police are people and their job is to find bad guys. We need them in the world. Trials put their theories, facts and findings to the test. It's the very definition of the word trial.

What's a real shame for me personally is people will think this is the normal way dogs are utilized. That people show up with their dogs, not invited by LE, and step into a very active investigation of a missing person case. This also took valuable resources away from the community and LE were good sports about looking into potential evidence during the private search.

THIS was a very poor showing for the working dog community. IMO

Suzanne Morphew - Chaffee County Sheriff
It was easy for me to rationalize BM reportedly putting up trail cams during AM's private search. I didn't see it as suspicious because he could have been concerned about something being planted on his property, as an example. Emotions were running high during that search. Profiling Evil talked about it constantly, talked about it while the search was happening. The news reported on it. <modsnip> They were asking for volunteer searchers - but who were all these people? I think most were good folks who wanted to help, but I promise you, you have to be careful with volunteer searchers. Today, I still don't believe SM is or ever was buried on PP property. I also didn't believe BM or the girls should have participated in that search. With BM charged and jailed with murdering SM, it's a moot point now anyway. IMO
I think there was evidence found on the PP property. Evidence bags were shown being removed from the home. I have reason to think someone’s been there digging recently.
I’m really curious too about Count IV which the dates coincide with the sale of PP⬇️

Between and including May 9, 2020 and March 4, 2021, Barry Lee Morphew unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly possessed a dangerous weapon, namely: short rifle; in violation of section 18-12-102(3), C.R.S.
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Most household security systems focus on the house. They have motion detectors inside the house, glass break alarms etc. They show a part of the driveway and the front/back porches in some cases (outdoor cameras are usually more expensive).

We have several trail cams in addition (to capture the area past our fence where people keep dumping trash, to capture the area near our mail box, etc). It just wasn't cost effective to buy the wireless cameras that go with our security system for outdoors, and the trail cams can be moved (there's a cat getting into our backyard and we'd like to know which one it is - so we moved a trail cam). They are very handy.

Trail cams are motion activated. We have both visible and well hidden ones. They have pretty sharp views of night time scenes, as well. It's kind of a pain having to go retrieve the card inside to see what's going on - but the huge amount of data stored from our house cameras (we have three) is daunting as well. For my DH, it's just way easier to go and retrieve the card when he sees the trash or evidence of the cat.

There is a security system at PP. I posted the link with Lauren Scharf and the PE guys here at WS. Lauren interviewed the neighbor and the neighbor said the cameras are everywhere, pointing at the driveway, the property, the road. I have to wonder, though, were they working the night Suzanne was murdered.

I never knew trail cams were so effective. It's great you can capture what's going on so far away, and that you have hidden ones as well. What is it with people dumping trash anyway!

I just have a house security system that works off of wifi. It's got all the bells and whistles to keep the unwanted ones out, but to keep my husband in and to stop him from running away. Dementia does that to a person sometimes. I can see almost everything from my phone which is good. It's working for now.
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