Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #36

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To help alleviate any fears for searchers, the link below does a good job of showing the hunting season dates for 2020 for Colorado.

Whenever I am in the woods hiking or hunting, the seasons that concern me the most about a possible other hunter causing a stray bullet are the "Rifle Gun Seasons" for big game. Most all of those do not start till October, so searchers should be fine although there appears to be some sort of Bear season that begins in September but people should not worry too much with bear season as its not easy to mistake a person for a bear (dont wear black).

The Muzzleloader and Archery seasons never concern me and nor should concern any searchers because when you hunt with those weapons, it is very much an up close and personal type of hunting as you have to get pretty darn close to the animal to have any real chance of success with those weapons. So overall, searchers should not have much to worry about being in the woods.

Sincere thanks from all of us here at WS to all the searchers devoting their time and energy to searching for Suzanne. I wish I could join everyone.

Scroll down in this link to section called
"2020 Season Dates"
and specifically the "RIFLE" section within that section.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Aside from the incredible looking sandwich options at Poncha Market, they do claim this in their website:

Summer's are sizzling with a bike shuttle on the property. High Valley Bike Shuttle runs throughout the summer taking bicyclists to the top of Monarch Crest, where they can then enjoy a bike ride down the mountain, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

So while this shuttle only runs in the summer, it makes me think this might be a popular spot for mountain bikers. You’d meet a friend there, one of you leaves their car, and the other drives both bikers and bikes to the top. Then ride down, get in your buddies car and go back to get the car at the top.

So if BM realizes this is a hot biking meet up spot, would he try to plant more biking evidence in their dumpster? Maybe the biking clothes were planted there? And maybe he was planting the clothes in that dumpster when the employees came out which is what lead to the ridiculous helmet, biking clothes note?

The shuttle makes stops at the gravel area on the southwest side of the intersection of US 50 and CR225. I think the evidence around there has already been found. IMO
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I read the reporting on that incident but what we don't know is the entirety of the interaction in that store that occurred at that time.

BM may have hurriedly begun with an 'I'm looking for someone wearing such-and-such!', etc., then a question-answer may have occurred, 'Who is it?', etc. Partial reporting is sometimes worse than no reporting. I've experienced such hurried interaction during which a person is so-focused on their own thoughts they forget to fully explain what they need or doing or looking for, etc. I've done it myself. That's reality. That's life. It happens.
At this point I just can not cut BM any slack.

It bothered the manager herself when BM did not mention who he was looking for, no description, only this a note.

No matter how you cut it, his behavior is one of not searching for his wife. moo
Yeah, this really doesn't make sense to me. Go to a market and ask them to be on the lookout for a bike helmet or cycling clothes? Where? Stuffed between the cans of corn and carrots? Left in the bathroom? Someone walking in wearing a baby blue helmet?

I don't know what he was doing, but I think the note was an attempt to divert attention from whatever he was really doing.
I could see in BM's thinking that he needed to dispose of some evidence after hours, in a place that he thinks LE would never check, which has a lot of through traffic (so even if LE found something they couldn't definitively link it to him and which has a high turnover (gets picked up and hauled away frequently). It's possible that he was making sure whatever it was, it was not on the top but buried underneath other trash so as to not be easily seen. When he was spotted by surprise, he had to think on his feet and thus the nonsensical note.
I could see in BM's thinking that he needed to dispose of some evidence after hours, in a place that he thinks LE would never check, which has a lot of through traffic (so even if LE found something they couldn't definitively link it to him and which has a high turnover (gets picked up and hauled away frequently). It's possible that he was making sure whatever it was, it was not on the top but buried underneath other trash so as to not be easily seen. When he was spotted by surprise, he had to think on his feet and thus the nonsensical note.
This strikes me as the most probable theory for what he was doing, and why he decided to scribble that note.

It’s incredibly bizarre, and seems to be an effort to save himself from appearing overly suspicious.

Of course it backfired, as has just about everything he has done. He can’t get out of his own way.
They didn't say he was actually elk hunting. They used it as an example when they asked, What if BM says he was out looking for his wife and he was really elk hunting? They were asking for examples of compulsive liars and pathological liars.

I don't think BM is necessarily either one in terms of mental health disorders. If he is lying, it's because he is hiding something and doesn't want to be exposed.

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To help alleviate any fears for searchers, the link below does a good job of showing the hunting season dates for 2020 for Colorado.

Whenever I am in the woods hiking or hunting, the seasons that concern me the most about a possible other hunter causing a stray bullet are the "Rifle Gun Seasons" for big game. Most all of those do not start till October, so searchers should be fine although there appears to be some sort of Bear season that begins in September but people should not worry too much with bear season as its not easy to mistake a person for a bear (dont wear black).

The Muzzleloader and Archery seasons never concern me and nor should concern any searchers because when you hunt with those weapons, it is very much an up close and personal type of hunting as you have to get pretty darn close to the animal to have any real chance of success with those weapons. So overall, searchers should not have much to worry about being in the woods.

Sincere thanks from all of us here at WS to all the searchers devoting their time and energy to searching for Suzanne. I wish I could join everyone.

Scroll down in this link to section called
"2020 Season Dates"
and specifically the "RIFLE" section within that section.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife

The shuttle makes stops at the gravel area on the southwest side of the intersection of US 50 and CR225. I think the evidence around there has already been found. IMO

But the shuttle wasn’t running then.

I don’t think my theory is amazing or anything but I can’t quite follow your response if the shuttle isn’t running yet.
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I'm not certain if Chris actually said he was hunting, or if he used that sort of example to bounce another question off. Immediately prior, they ask Dr. Ho to explain the difference between a compulsive liar and a pathological liar. She explains the difference and then Chris responds:

so if somebody says that
they're out every single day looking for
their significant other
but they're actually out elk hunting
uh over the weekend where does that fit
within those two (examples of types of liars)

So... I'm just not sure. Was BM actually out hunting elk at some point when he said he was out searching? Or... was that just a hypothetic scenario?

I will PM Chris for further clarification. Stay tuned.
I think ya'll are giving B too much credit for his intelligence and skill. He not only strikes me as a dumba**, but a lazy one at that. He seems to be tweaking every time I have heard him speak. No need to drag out the old bob cat and dig holes when he could have just driven up the mountain for an outting and just pushed her off a high cliff .No muss no fuss. All this other crap falls under "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bulls**t.
Yeah. Unless he’s lawyered up and his lawyer has told him to do that, I just don’t see it.

He knows law enforcement suspects him, and it’s not like it’s going to convince them that he’s innocent because he’s checking up on bodies.

It’s the facts and the evidence that will bury him, and that’s not going to change.

It won't be just the facts that bury him.

BM's lies are going to shovel dirt on top of his coffin, too.

He can't even manage to get his stories to line up with each other, much less fit with the evidence.

Somebody, get that jar of peanut butter.

He's toast.

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At the time, Barry said the girls were making posters. Baby blue bike helmet was the best he could do in the meantime, I guess. I wonder if he ever came back with a poster.

I wonder if any of the posters he said the girls were working on ever got put up, or was he just using that as an excuse? It would make sense that they might be doing this to help find their mother. But if they weren’t, and he just made that excuse up to explain his picking through the trash, it would really hurt his children when this excuse came out. Of course I’m not sure he ever expected this little interaction to become public knowledge. I’m also not sure of how much empathy he is capable of, if any. MOO

I am brand new to this case and have zero hope of reading all 36 threads, but I had a question after watching Andy on PE the other night. Andy referred to all the sinister things... what is he referring to? Cliff notes version would be a-ok with me.

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