Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #39

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So strange to be "in the mix" yet so far out of the loop. I am fairly thick skinned and quite adventurous, I thought I was prepared. The day before arriving we hiked 4 miles from 9k to 11k elevation acclimating. Not far but taking everyone's advice.

I have been somewhat verklempt. I log in to Ws and i'm overrwhelmed by the number of pages and posts that I am behind. So I will do my best to catch up as we make our way home tomorrow.

I have taken photos all along, i've been reticent to share but I know other WSer's have and I am so happy they have. Last night was really emotional, it really depends on your source for the "take" on whether it was successful. I felt eerily similar to @NoSI.

Where is everyone? Even considering COVID. Why is it so quiet? Where were all or most of the searchers? To me it had a resounding sadness that I feel mirrored her life. A loving and vibrant woman taken out of her element and slowly but surely isolated. Nobody except AM spoke; which was beautiful btw, but also terribly sad. Nobody could speak, even via phone? I know everyone is exhausted, it's insane the ground that needs to be covered. I would imagine nobody is more tired both, emotionally and physically than AM. MM & MM weren't there, it was strange and almost surreal.
I'm not judging anyone for going/not going. It just left me tearful and hurt my heart that she still feels so isolated and quieted. ETA:
I wanted to get up on the stage and help. One of those weird moments you go back and visit often. Wondering, did I do the right thing? No photo show, no memories, no friends, no music. Nothing. I felt most sad that if she could sense the gathering, it would have made her even more sad. I hope that makes some sense..

I did not see BM nor TN (the infamous nephew) nor any of Team BM for that matter, or I should say not that I know of. I always felt like he was watching, not only did he brow beat his loved ones, I think he does that to most everyone in his life. The tension was palpable yet I could never put my finger on exactly why. Beyond the loss of this beautiful soul, it seems tension and an anger are BM's baseline... MOO

I understand the photo that PE shared tonight of BM lying on the hill was taken in the initial search AM took part in the first few days following her disappearance. One of the guys he was searching with thought it was really strange and just snapped a photo to show AM later. That's my understanding of that photo!

Today, IMO there was a tad of enthusiasm in the air. I felt it anyway. I understand there were some great leads and possibly some very important pieces of the puzzle located. I hope that is the case. I saw some beautiful country, an amazing community of good hearted people out trying to do the right thing. Nothing at all in it for them, they just want justice. I also just read the search ends tomorrow? The emails I have (as a searcher) say it is from 9/24-9/29. I have nothing saying that has changed??

I'll close by saying the last time I felt this faith in humanity and overwhelming sadness concurrently was when I traveled to ground zero after 9/11. If you are from the area, you likely knew some or many that were taken that day. This had a similar vibe. A strong sense of community, bonded by a terrible travesty.

We never heard what happened to LS. There were some rumors but last night I know people were scratching their heads.

Thank you all for the support. I'll get caught up. #justiceforsuzaane #findsuzanne #shinebrightforsuzanne #bringsuzannehome
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The first picture is Barry on the day in question. The second is the photo apparently from today.

Look at the clouds, and the missing tree.

View attachment 265575 View attachment 265576

I am confused, If that is px of BM, who is photographer? someone has said it is a re-enactment?which brings up another question, who is the person who relayed this to AM?

I get very confused with AMs recollections, and I think I need printed transcript to refer to. I thought I heard AM say he was with BM when he laid on the ground, now we are trying to find out who relayed this story to AM. Is this some form of bad editing? I assumed it was px of BM, now I don’t think so, that was a private moment, whoever was with him...

“There is a pink bike may have been bought for parts....went to a kid named Scott to fix.” Chris M. from PE says this is part of the puzzle. (The Live with Tricia tonight.)

Agree this cryptic talk likely further supports Barry bungled the bike ride scenario.

And Scott the repairman will know why.
Maybe the bike found was damaged and not even in operating condition. Unrideable. If the pink bike was for parts, perhaps they were to be parts for Suzanne's bike. If so, that is how LE knew it was staged.
I am confused, If that is px of BM, who is photographer? someone has said it is a re-enactment?which brings up another question, who is the person who relayed this to AM?

I get very confused with AMs recollections, and I think I need printed transcript to refer to. I thought I heard AM say he was with BM when he laid on the ground, now we are trying to find out who relayed this story to AM. Is this some form of bad editing? I assumed it was px of BM, now I don’t think so, that was a private moment, whoever was with him...

No. AM said he heard about this from the person who was there.

The person BM was with found it so bizarre and concerning, that he took a photo, reported it to the CBI, and told Andy about it.

PE sat on this photo until they were able to get searchers to that location.
So strange to be "in the mix" yet so far out of the loop. I am fairly thick skinned and quite adventurous, I thought I was prepared. The day before arriving we hiked 4 miles from 9k to 11k elevation acclimating. Not far but taking everyone's advice.

I have been somewhat verklempt. I log in to Ws and i'm overrwhelmed by the number of pages and posts that I am behind. So I will do my best to catch up as we make our way home tomorrow.

I have taken photos all along, i've been reticent to share but I know other WSer's have and I am so happy they have. Last night was really emotional, it really depends on your source for the "take" on whether it was successful. I felt eerily similar to @NoSI.

Where is everyone? Even considering COVID. Why is it so quiet? Where were all or most of the searchers? To me it had a resounding sadness that I feel mirrored her life. A loving and vibrant woman taken out of her element and slowly but surely isolated. Nobody by AM spoke, which was beautiful but also terribly sad. Nobody could speak, even via phone? I know everyone is exhausted, it's insane the ground that needs to be covered. I would imagine nobody is more tired emotionally and physically than AM. MM & MM weren't there, it was strange and almost surreal.
I'm not judging anyone for going/not going. It just left me tearful and hurt my heart.

I did not see BM nor TN (the infamous nephew) nor any of Team BM for that matter, or I should say not that I know of. I always felt like he was watching, not only did he brow beat his loved ones, I think he does that to most everyone in his life. The tension was palpable yet I could never put my finger on exactly why. Beyond the loss of this beautiful soul, it seems tension and an anger are BM's baseline... MOO

I understand the photo that PE shared tonight of BM lying on the hill was taken in the initial search AM took part in the first few days following her disappearance. One of the guys he was searching with thought it was really strange and just snapped a photo to show AM later. That's my understanding of that photo!

Today, IMO there was a tad of enthusiasm in the air. I felt it anyway. I understand there were some great leads and possibly some very important pieces of the puzzle located. I hope that is the case. I saw some beautiful country, an amazing community of good hearted people out trying to do the right thing. Nothing at all in it for them, they just want justice. I also just read the search ends tomorrow? The emails I have (as a searcher) say it is from 9/24-9/29. I have nothing saying that has changed??

I'll close by saying the last time I felt this faith in humanity and overwhelming sadness concurrently was when I traveled to ground zero after 9/11. If you are from the area, you likely knew some or many that were taken that day. This had a similar vibe. A strong sense of community, bonded by a terrible travesty.

We never heard what happened to LS. There were some rumors but last night I know people were scratching their heads.

Thank you all for the support. I'll get caught up. #justiceforsuzaane #findsuzanne #shinebrightforsuzanne #bringsuzannehome
Bless you TKG
Thank you for your thoughts tonight.
I am glad you haven't heard of search ending tomorrow.
I am sensing the "vibe" you and @NoSI felt about the vigil.
Bless you both for being there.
I am still feeling positive about the search and realize we are all not privy to info out there.
Digital photos can be altered - this is definitely a concern.

From Popular Science:

In every digital image format-JPEG, TIFF, RAW-a photograph is really just a data file consisting of strings of zeros and ones. A program is required to translate that binary code into pictures, much the way your TV converts digital cable or satellite signals into moving images.

Such programs abound. Five million copies of Adobe Photoshop have been licensed, iPhoto is bundled with all new Apple computers, and Picasa 2 is available free from Google. This software not only interprets the original data; it´s capable of altering it-to remove unwanted background elements, zoom in on the desired part of an image, adjust color, and more. And the capabilities are increasing.

Can Digital Photos Be Trusted?

I'm wondering about the other site that they won't say much about except for the dogs had solid hits there and they're keeping it undisclosed.
Maybe they're feeling so confident that they've discussed tomorrow being the last day, not really realizing that Chris would announce on WS?
sorry guys just getting caught up after the Youtube live show

Act II, Scene IV…Okay, BM, in this scene, you're a distraught husband out searching for his missing wife, suddenly finding yourself completely overcome with emotion and unable to go on.
Ready? Aaaaaaaaaand: Action!


100% could not agree more. this is a man pretending not genuinely feeling grief. IMO he thinks he should seem so over come he must drop to the ground, but in reality all the public needed was tears or some real geniune emotion from him to buy the story and this scene was the best he could come up with. On the bright side I think he'll sweep the razzis this year from this performance. Also your duck icon early was amazing and hilarious

hopefully it's bc the evidence found is so significant, they can focus on that and make an arrest tomorrow.

hey. i can dream. (except for the last 3 nights. i've been up at 3 am glued to my freaking screen, kinda like i am right now.)

um same. For no logical reason, I have held out hope this would be a successful search. Even if they didnt find SM Ive felt in my bones they would find something significant enough to lead to an arrest. So tonights got my all levels of excited. AM has worked so hard to bring his sister home and I pray this is they break LE needs to be about to help him do so. I a positive hit, passive or not can mean anything, but even if its just DNA transfer from machinery, theres still the possibility of being able to collect forensic evidence to prove what happened in court. Nothing like this has ever been done. Its been amazing to watch and I just have to believe this many strangers from across the country be willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and emotions to help find SM during a pandemic purely out of their desire to help bring SM home to her family has to bring about something good in this case. My faith in humanity is slowly being restored through every heartwarming story I hear about the searches

I don’t know, but I hope it’s because they feel they have what they need. The search must be difficult, physically and emotionally.

I will be glad to bring our WS searchers back home.
The fact that WS isn’t an actual home, notwithstanding. :oops:

When I think of WS in my mind, I assume its like going to Cheers. Sometimes you just want to go where everybody knows your name, ya know. This is a great community and I strongly agree Im happy to bring our WS searchers back home. Im so proud to be associated with all you selfless people and all your updates are very much appreciated. special shoutout to @NoSI for sending us pics all day! get some self-care in, you deserve it!
Digital photos can be altered - this is definitely a concern.

From Popular Science:

Can Digital Photos Be Trusted?


This has been my concern in other cases, as well, most notably in the Barbara Thomas case.

The search for Suzanne has me thinking about what was and was not done for Barbara.
I'm wondering about the other site that they won't say much about except for the dogs had solid hits there and they're keeping it undisclosed.
Maybe they're feeling so confident that they've discussed tomorrow being the last day, not really realizing that Chris would announce on WS?
That could be it. I think it’s probable that they’ve already been able to cover all the areas of interest that they intended to cover.

I know they were shooting for a large number of searchers, but maybe they didn’t expect to have this type of response.

Regardless, I’m hopeful that one of the two locations will pay dividends.
I am confused, If that is px of BM, who is photographer? someone has said it is a re-enactment?which brings up another question, who is the person who relayed this to AM?

I get very confused with AMs recollections, and I think I need printed transcript to refer to. I thought I heard AM say he was with BM when he laid on the ground, now we are trying to find out who relayed this story to AM. Is this some form of bad editing? I assumed it was px of BM, now I don’t think so, that was a private moment, whoever was with him...

SM went missing on May 10.
AM flew to Colorado on May 11. He spent 4 days with BM and friends searching for SM.
On May 13 they were split into groups and AM was not with BM group. A friend who was with BM witnessed BM lay down after saying he wanted to stop and look over a bluff, that maybe someone threw her down there. There was no bluff there. Friend thought it was bizarre , took a picture and told AM about it that evening.
This interview with PE was on August 24, which lines up with Chris saying he’s had this photo for about a month now.
Listen at 19:37

@TKG Thank you so much for sharing your first-hand experience from the search with all of us. Your post was beautifully written. Take your time getting caught up, lord knows we'll all still be here ready to debate the finer points of the case until we find the right answers, but don't forget to give yourself a break! I felt so emotional just hearing the updates second hand about the case, so I can only imagine how draining it must be to be in the thick of things as information is getting released. I think I speak for everyone when I say we're all super proud the effort put in from our fellow Websleuthers (and probably also a little jealous we couldn't be there to help too) and we look forward to seeing any photos/hearing more about your experience if and when you feel comfortable sharing, and even if you don't that's okay too, we're all just glad to hear everyone is safe!
SM went missing on May 10.
AM flew to Colorado on May 11. He spent 4 days with BM and friends searching for SM.
On May 13 they were split into groups and AM was not with BM group. A friend who was with BM witnessed BM lay down after saying he wanted to stop and look over a bluff, that maybe someone threw her down there. There was no bluff there. Friend thought it was bizarre , took a picture and told AM about it that evening.
This interview with PE was on August 24, which lines up with Chris saying he’s had this photo for about a month now.
Listen at 19:37

Thank you, thought I had deleted post, Will definitely listen again.
Are you insinuating these searchers with BM falsified this pic to give to AM? o_O
Or that AM himself is presenting a falsified pic?

No, not at all. That is the last thing on my mind.

I'm thinking in terms of evidence presentation to a jury.

I strongly suspect BM is guilty. I want every single piece of possible evidence that may convict him as fool-proof as possible.

That's all.
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