Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #43

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The article said the body was found near the Hinsdale County boarder. So after looking at maps, this is approximately where the unidentified body was found. Forgive the large radius as I drew the line with my finger.
Holy crap that’s not far from Gunnison, which is the area where BM lay down on his back near the “bluff”.
Does anyone know if she went into the house past the garage? I would ask my neighbor to look through the entire house, right?

Welcome JJIsland, with your first post.:):):)
If the neighbour went through the house, looking for SM, she may have more to report to LE.
As, someone stated, was the furniture rearranged, hiding wet carpet areas etc.
The article said the body was found near the Hinsdale County boarder. So after looking at maps, this is approximately where the unidentified body was found. Forgive the large radius as I drew the line with my finger.
Holy crap that’s not far from Gunnison, which is the area where BM lay down on his back near the “bluff”.
Where exactly did he lie down on his back?
Maybe he decided to let them have a lady’s sleepover, from all we think we know, BM isn’t a masochist. MOO
I cannot fathom any person not even BM planning to kill SM with family in town . IMO His Mom and Sister were either not in town yet or on the camping trip with the girls. Even peanut butter would be sticky in that sort of jam. MOO
IIRC he told Andy the reason he went to Broomfield was to set up the job for his people so that he could work locally while the crew was gone to Broomfield.

I have not seen anything about any conversations Andy may or may not have had with Barry's visiting family members who presumably were still there when he arrived on Monday eve.

If there were plans for even a simple family gathering on MD, maybe there would be signs like a fully stocked refrigerator, a table already set? Fresh flowers? Gifts? Things that maybe didn't occur that should have, giving a hint as to the timing of events.

This makes me wonder about the absence of coolers too. You’re right either there would be an abundance of food or fixings for a MD celebration and with Covid they likely planned to either cook at home or pre bought food for the celebration. If BM knew prior that the girls would be late he would need to either make use of the food or dispose of it. What did the work crew eat while in Bloomfield? Did Barry leave them food there to eat during their stay?
Transport food in a cooler, a body in another and wash out only the yucky cooler while affording the work crew adequate food while they awaited BM’s return or word from him. What did they eat while in the HIE? Surely they didn’t spend their own money for food during the wait. I know they get free breakfast but then what? IMO
I totally agree with this statement. Many years ago, in my late 20s I unfortunately got mixed up with hard class A drugs. Rumours soon flooded around the small town I lived in (pop. 12,000) and of course at 1st I denied it. But all of my friends, most who I had known since school days, refused to believe it. They 100% had my back, despite the fact that myself and many of them had enjoyed 'party' drugs since our teens, they never believed that I would cross the line and take that particular drug (heroin for those of you that are curious). Of course eventually I confessed and asked for help and the majority stood by me for the 6 long years it took for me to get clean. But my point is, these people argued my corner and would never ever of thought I would do something like that, they defended me over and over until I finally told the truth.

Nicki, you are very lucky to have such supportive friends.:)
Wonder, if the same, holds for BM, regarding SM's disappearance.
How many of his friends, have been around for years, as only recently he has lived there?
"I consider that question to be Barry's attempt to manipulate Lauren and reel her in to his side. If she believes in God, she will believe his ridiculous explanations.

He has just told Lauren, “This is the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me,” Barry said. “But I have got to keep my faith and trust in God. And Suzanne trusted the Lord and if one person got saved from this, she would think it was worth it. And we are just a Godly, loving, caring, family and this thing is just a tragedy.”

More of what others have pointed out as his "Christian Persona". JMO"

Just thinking out loud... Could BM's questioning about believing in God be some sort of veiled threat to LS? Like if LS were to betray BM by releasing info that she agreed not to, then LS would be breaking her word and lying is not looked kindly upon by God? IMO
I don't see Barry's question about God as trying to be threatening, quite the opposite. I think he is seeking forgiveness.
Do we even know if the girls were going to come home on Mother's Day? Is it because Barry said that?

Maybe it is not true at all. Maybe they weren’t coming for a few days yet. Has anyone else attested to that?

Perhaps we shouldn’t take his word for that statement.
I agree and for all we know maybe they were headed home to Indiana with the Aunt? Idk imo
BTR- When you quoted my post and asked for evidence, it made no sense unless you read the post I was originally responding to.
Thanks @Knox. I think @NatureLover had to be speculating here about the Morphews travel. If not speculating, I hope she clarifies whether or not this was a statement of fact so the thread not derailed by rumors or false information.
I would like to know more exactly where they found the remains... lots of roads that traverse down into Saguache county from the route 50.
According to the article, the body was found near an abandoned mine. Perhaps the person's body was placed inside the mine and an animal, well, let's just hypothetically call it a mountain lion,;)
dragged the person out.

I'm holding on to hope that this is Suzanne. After the search by Andy Moorman and all of the amazing searchers from this group and others, there really needs to be a breakthrough in this case.
Human remains found in Saguache County - KRDO
Perhaps he purposefully picked men. Perhaps for a couple of reasons. Maybe to make it look like she was "in the wrong" like she was seeking out the attention of other men. Perhaps to justify in his psyche why he did what he did. Maybe, he felt that she was the "out of control" crazy person, or unstable, as he witnessed her growing opposition to his control unfold. Perhaps he was so controlling (likely based in his extreme narcissist psyche) that he was looking at the profiles of men that could possibly be influencing her or that might be causing her oppositional behavior towards him. Or, maybe he wanted it to look like it might have been one of these guys that "offed" her? Maybe in the depths of his insecurity, he was comparing himself to these men? Perhaps in his twisted mind, validating what he did. Pure speculation, of course. MOO
Or maybe because BM had a relationship with or at least hoped to with one of the male friend’s wives or significant others? IMO
If my husband is right... An hour from Salida would put him in Colorado Springs. If he was using his phone as his empolyees said then there should be a coordinate showing where he was. I am assuming LE has that info and did not release it. Now do we know if he took the Toll or I25? The Toll would have put him right at the Hotel. The highway would have forced him to exit and actually find the hotel.
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