Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #49

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A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned
Chaffee County woman missing since Sunday after neighbor said she went out for bike ride

Media, Maps & Timeline thread (No Discussion)

Detailed timeline of events in the Morphew case:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA,MAPS,TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

Suzanne Morphew Case Archive (developed and maintained by WS member AmandaReckonwith)

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Quick rundown of reminders from prior threads:

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A thread specific decision has been made by Tricia to allow members to discuss Barry Morphew and to speculate about him based on how he is being publicly treated by LE, information from MSM and other WS approved sources (except rumors). Do NOT sleuth him or his business and do NOT trash him.

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Please stay on topic. SM is the topic of this thread, not whether anyone connected to the case is believable or not.

Please remember we're a victim/family friendly forum. While it is perfectly okay not to take every word as fact, it is never okay to bash or disrescpect a family member.

Lastly - better to scroll & roll than to take the thread off topic

Thanks everyone :)

We’re having a problem related to some WS approved sources discussing content from sources that are not allowed by WS.

The thread will remain open, but in the meantime we are trusting members to adhere to the following:

Tube Crime remains a non-approved source at Websleuths. This has previously been posted by Admin. That means don’t link to it, don’t promote it, don’t even mention it.

Adventures with Purpose is temporarily approved at WS strictly due to the fact it is an actual physical search for Suzanne. As WS is fact based, members may discuss the physical search but do not discuss any possible psychic involvement being the basis for the search. WS doesn't do the metaphysical.

As for the “blue shirt” (sourced by non-approved Tube Crime), please refrain from discussing it further until such time as Tricia and I can discuss how this is going to be handled.

Thanks to everyone for your understanding and cooperation.

Had a chance to speak with Tricia tonite and it is decided to leave the recently 'found' t-shirt out of the discussion for now. We're not real confident in the source or that it is a legitimate find and don't want members going down that rabbit hole if it's not related to the case. If it is a legit find and has been turned over to LE, nothing lost.

Basically everything else from last nights post remains the same. In summary:

Discussion of the Adventures with Purpose search is approved (minus any/all references to psychic intervention)
Tube Crime is not approved
T-shirt talk is off limits for now

Please remember that if a site (such as the PE guys) posts or discusses information that is NOT allowed here (such as names, initials, etc.), we're still not at liberty to discuss them, or mention their social media pages, etc., per our rules, unless an exception has been made.

At this time, no exceptions have been made, so please post accordingly.

Thanks everyone :)


In the spirit of keeping our discussion forum fact-based, please remember we do not make random accusations, suggest their involvement, nor bash and attack ANY person connected to this case (and this applies to MG, JP, CC, TN, GD and anyone else mentioned by the MSM, LE or other approved source), that has not been named as a suspect or person of interest. Posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data (or insinuations of such) -- even if it is public -- is not allowed.
I think that, when LE elected to drop any illusion of searching for SM on Monarch Pass and concentrated all of the efforts on the slab search / beach comb in Salida, all of the bridges to the immediate family were burned. Allegations were made of the most serious nature possible, even if they weren't specifically spelled out. There is no turning back now. IMO
I'm sorry, but "information given" would be evidence. If they have no potential to divulge information that can be used against the assumed POI, then there is no point in talking to them. IMO
??? Maybe I misunderstand your post Dave. Without talking to those who surrounded the victim and suspect how would other information ever be developed? What am I missing?
I think one of the most important things the girls could provide investigators would be some insight into SM -- her routine, habits, likes, dislikes, etc. I think it's fair to say we really know nothing about SM.

I'd like to know how many times SM rode her bike before church on Sunday or if she's ever done this before! I'd like to know if they knew BM had plans to be away from home on mother's day for whatever reason.

I could go on and on.
Barry told Lauren Scharf - “Suzanne went on a bike ride every day, Lauren. She was an avid biker. If she did not bike around the subdivision, she biked on trails. I don’t remember how the conversation went, but I probably said something like, ‘is her bike there?’ Because her car was there and she’s gone,” Barry said.

Yes, why can't we hear these kinds of details from them? Though I'm sure they have shared those things with LE right?
The point is that LE took a big chance, in acting the way they did early on. All chances taken have consequences. In this case, LE seriously burned bridges to the family. Now, they have to build whatever case they are attempting to put together without any family input. That's all. IMO
I think that, when LE elected to drop any illusion of searching for SM on Monarch Pass and concentrated all of the efforts on the slab search / beach comb in Salida, all of the bridges to the immediate family were burned. Allegations were made of the most serious nature possible, even if they weren't specifically spelled out. There is no turning back now. IMO
But if that's where the evidence led, what else were they to do? Why is Monarch Pass more worthy than the job site? They closed the highway down and searched there, it's not like they jumped immediately to Barry's job site to the exclusion of all else? Respectfully, none of us know the extent of the evidence LE has in this case.
I can see your point.

It makes me wonder if SM was questioning or challenging his schedule, finances, or anything that she rightfully should know - as his partner and equal. No one challenges the great and powerful master of the house. (Insert sarcasm)

And then she had to go.


My experience with the BM type of person (as I see him) is that they're paranoid and look at almost any disapproval or questioning as proof the other person is onto their long, long train of wrongdoing.

There's *so* much that BM was probably covering up (my view from the beginning is that there were financial issues, that view hasn't changed) and he lived with day-to-day anxiety (probably verging on what most of us would call panic) regarding his misdeeds.

His own admission that he hangs out with "meth heads" raises concerns about his own substance use (probably not meth - but people with other problems love to point fingers at meth heads).

His secretiveness and lack of public concern about Suzanne's fate raises concerns about other activities that he may wish to hide. His regret over the loss of Suzanne seems to be centered on the ways it has affected him - no matter how many times he talks, he emerges as the person who is being messed with by these events. But he still shows no public leadership or concern in an event that should bring personal concern to its height.

So poor Suzanne probably couldn't even squeak about most of what she sensed was happening and even if criticizing BM was the furthest thing from her mind. he probably scanned all of her behavior and statements with an eye to protecting himself.

This is not a good situation to be in and I believe such situations correlated with DV and murder.
I think that, when LE elected to drop any illusion of searching for SM on Monarch Pass and concentrated all of the efforts on the slab search / beach comb in Salida, all of the bridges to the immediate family were burned. Allegations were made of the most serious nature possible, even if they weren't specifically spelled out. There is no turning back now. IMO
I don’t think there was any illusion at all. If I recall, they searched that area for 4 days.

Clearly the sheriff was suspicious early on, as he wasted little time bringing in state and federal authorities.

They believed a homicide occurred, and had evidence that allowed them to search Barry‘s job site. It’s not like they had any choice.

There’s no reason to turn back, as the trail is obviously leading one direction, and towards one man.

A trail formed by evidence, which has guided them from the beginning.
I think that, when LE elected to drop any illusion of searching for SM on Monarch Pass and concentrated all of the efforts on the slab search / beach comb in Salida, all of the bridges to the immediate family were burned. Allegations were made of the most serious nature possible, even if they weren't specifically spelled out. There is no turning back now. IMO

I'm really surprised that you see it that way. I see it as two thorough searches (one of them challenged by massive acreage, the other more focused). Do you have anything we could use as evidence that while the small FBI-driven search at the job site was going on...that local LE simply gave up on other searches? We already know that local LE has said they performed way more searches than we're aware of.
I don’t think there was any illusion at all. If I recall, they searched that area for 4 days.

Clearly the sheriff was suspicious early on, as he wasted little time bringing in state and federal authorities.

They believed a homicide occurred, and had evidence that allowed them to search Barry‘s job site. It’s not like they had any choice.

There’s no reason to turn back, as the trail is obviously leading one direction, and towards one man.

A trail formed by evidence, which has guided them from the beginning.

IMO, Spezze was wise to bring in outside agencies. Early on, we learned BM's fire dept. co-workers were told not to join in the searches. Again good choice on the part of Spezze, he was protecting the investigation from the start.

Calling in the CBI & FBI assures that if the case goes to trial, no defense attorney can question the investigation and accuse Local Law Enforcement of false charges, or worse. False Evidence.

Lest the words of Barry's military buddy NOT be ringing in your ears - per Barry, he straight up accused CCSO of botching evidence.

Spezze is not Barney Fife, far from it ...
I think that, when LE elected to drop any illusion of searching for SM on Monarch Pass and concentrated all of the efforts on the slab search / beach comb in Salida, all of the bridges to the immediate family were burned. Allegations were made of the most serious nature possible, even if they weren't specifically spelled out. There is no turning back now. IMO
It seems to me that you forget that CCSO had probable cause for a search warrant signed by a Chaffee County Judge to search the riverfront building site. Were they just supposed to ignore where the evidence led them? I don't think so...
Barry told Lauren Scharf - “Suzanne went on a bike ride every day, Lauren. She was an avid biker. If she did not bike around the subdivision, she biked on trails. I don’t remember how the conversation went, but I probably said something like, ‘is her bike there?’ Because her car was there and she’s gone,” Barry said.

Yes, why can't we hear these kinds of details from them? Though I'm sure they have shared those things with LE right?
My guess? I don’t think they have talked to LE In any meaningful way - I believe they have been kept sequestered
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