Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #50

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"Moorman said his sister’s cell phone stopped working the day she disappeared."

Missing Mom: Suzanne Morphew Disappeared 6 Months Ago

So, her phone stopped working (pinging?) on May 10th.

Not necessarily. I believe SUZANNE disappeared on Saturday, May 9, earlier than she was officially reported missing. So that's when I think her phone stopped working.

But AM's statement works no matter what day she disappeared--whenever she was disappeared, that's when her phone stopped working. IMO
One other thing makes it just about impossible for it to have been anyone other than BM.

Suzanne’s phone.

If Suzanne’s phone was turned on after BM left, then he’s pretty much cleared (at least as far as being her killer).

Obviously that isn’t the case.

Some day in the future, we will learn that Suzanne’s phone went dark before Barry left that morning.

She didn’t check it when she woke up.

She didn’t check it to communicate with her daughter’s on Mother’s Day.

She didn’t turn it on before she went on that “bike ride.”

Because she was dead.
You would make a great prosecutor, or at least a prosecutor's opening argument. :D
Thanks for walking through that scenario - we should all revisit options in this case from time to time.

It would seem to me that this person ( I realize you're just floating a theory - so am I ) would be identifiable from social media and phone records. This person would have had to be in contact with Suzanne in some manner.

It does seem to require an ambush (no signs of a struggle) and an ambush in which no clear evidence of physical harm (blood evidence, stranger DNA) is found.

We could theorize that the bike scene was actually the site of the crime and not the house (perp waits till she leaves, waylays her, tosses bike into ravine, etc, all without leaving DNA evidence).

We could also theorize that BM's phone or truck GPS shows him at the job site late on Saturday night, hence the probable cause for the search warrant. In this theory, BM has an innocent reason (a mechanical thingie) for being at the job site.

So LE (in this theory) went on a wild goose chase when they dug up the job site. They apparently have no clue of who this mystery admirer would be or even, where the crime took place. Heck, we could even have a theory that Suzanne, tired of life with BM and pretty convinced BM was capable of murdering her, conspired to disappear with this person "she knew well" (according to BM).

In this theory (convoluted as it is), Suzanne is off somewhere, safe - and could even be in contact with her daughters (who are protected from saying much by having hired lawyers). Odd that LE is still on the case though.

I mean, stranger things have happened in this world. For Suzanne's sake, I wish I could believe it was true. But I know AM has way more information and believes his sister is dead. Murdered. Related somehow to domestic violence.

Personally, the big barrier to any such theory of this kind is that the story would have leaked. Well, perhaps not if Suzanne had a single helper (who was not a romantic interest) who helped her get away from BM.
Warning: Long post ahead (I don’t post often so this makes up for it lol)

Thanks for your response @10ofRods, I really enjoy reading your posts! I appreciate your thoughts, and points well taken. :). When I start following a case, I keep an open mind and consider all options while keeping a close eye on how LE is handling the case and in missing persons cases especially, the behaviors of the person closest to the victim/last to see them before they went missing, and as the case unfolds and the info about the circumstances of how the person ended up missing and other pertinent info/evidence is revealed, draw logical conclusions as to why, what, and in cases where it’s obvious foul play occurred, whom is responsible for causing the person to disappear.

The other day someone here mentioned that SM was potentially harmed by someone she knew well, and I decided to chime in since it’s the only other theory I seriously considered very early on. I attempted to describe what goes on in my head when I consider that Suzanne was harmed by someone she knew well because this person wanted more than just a friendship with her but Suzanne didn’t want same, (I really couldn’t think of any other reason someone she knew well would cause serious harm to this beautiful soul), resulting in this person harming her at her home or abducting her from her home and harming her at a different location. Most people when rejected are hurt sure, but once the initial sting subsides, accept it and move on, but I digress. I concluded this theory isn’t plausible as I couldn’t logically make the pieces fit as it requires me to do too many mental gymnastics for it to add up/make sense, as well as ignore how LE has handled the case from early on and the Spouse’s actions, inaction, since Suzanne went missing.

As far as the theory this person could have waited for her to leave and waylays her on her bike ride, tosses the bike etc., leaving no DNA behind, I find implausible, plus LE never confirmed there was a bike ride, and there was no mention of it their recent Press Release.

Suzanne’s phone records and Social Media activity should reveal who all Suzanne was communicating with, and I would assume LE has all those records by now. And as others have pointed out, the messages could have been erased or deleted and/or SM may have been communicating with this person on an untraceable app and that’s why LE is asking for person(s) to come forward. I don’t believe she was conspiring to take off with them, more likely she was confiding in them about BM abuse and how unhappy she was. The Daughter’s could be afraid to come forward too. They would know what went on in the home, and fearful of getting “someone” in trouble, which is understandable since they’d lose the only parent they have left.

Like you, as much as I’d like to believe it to be true, I really don’t think the theory that Suzanne took off with this person to get away from BM and could be in contact with her Daughters is plausible because as you stated it would be odd for LE to still be on the case. I do think Suzanne wanted to get away from BM, but via getting a Divorce, not running away-I trust Suzanne wouldn’t put her Daughters and her Family through all this anguish.

I personally feel there’s a treasure trove of evidence on SM & BM phones that will prove to be damning for BM.

Honestly, once I really focused in on how LE was handling this case from very early on, calling the CBI & FBI in to assist in the first few days, and BM’s actions and inaction since Suzanne went “missing” , raised ginormous glaring red flags: No immediate public plea for his missing wife via MSM because it was “too soon”; bike ride narrative; staged bike scene; BM offering up ridiculous theories-Mountain Lion attacked SM, she had an accident and got in the river; “let me show you what happened” (how does he know what happened he wasn’t there); not organizing public searches; not handing out flyers; didn’t organize a vigil for SM; petitioning for permanent guardianship of his wife and control over her assets while she is just recently “missing”; buying and selling property/the Family Home; the loud sound heard late at night at the jobsite by the neighbor (if BM, I don’t think it was for innocent reasons); LE dig up his worksite; SM communications with friend being cutoff on Saturday; the whole wall redo job/hotel fiasco and all the circumstances surrounding it-for a job that was not urgent and he didn’t even have the proper tools or permit to be allowed work there on weekends; truck EVI doesn’t match BM timeline according to what CBI told AM; lying about haven taken a polygraph and voice stress analysis test; bashing LE for messing up evidence (how does he know there was evidence at the bike scene); bashing his employees for speaking out, and anyone else who speaks up against him; calling the massive search AM organized for HIS missing wife a publicity stunt; didn’t attend Suzanne’s vigils; AM mentioning things weren’t “hunky dory” and Domestic Violence; there’s more I’m sure but this post is long enough lol ....It is the totality of the way LE has handled this case from early on plus the Spouse’s actions and inaction, in addition to what we’ve learned from AM, that pretty much seals the deal for me that BM is responsible for disappearing Suzanne.



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To me, once you prove the bike is staged, you have your murderer. There is only one person who is going to go to the trouble of staging the bike to throw off the police.

That's why BM is so upset that police botched the bike evidence...

eta: I realize that LE has to put the pieces of the puzzle together to convince a jury of this, and it takes time, especially, without a body.

Warning: Long post ahead (I don’t post often so this makes up for it lol)

Thanks for your response @10ofRods, I really enjoy reading your posts! I appreciate your thoughts, and points well taken. :). When I start following a case, I keep an open mind and consider all options while keeping a close eye on how LE is handling the case and in missing persons cases especially, the behaviors of the person closest to the victim/last to see them before they went missing, and as the case unfolds and the info about the circumstances of how the person ended up missing and other pertinent info/evidence is revealed, draw logical conclusions as to why, what, and in cases where it’s obvious foul play occurred, whom is responsible for causing the person to disappear.

The other day someone here mentioned that SM was potentially harmed by someone she knew well, and I decided to chime in since it’s the only other theory I seriously considered very early on. I attempted to describe what goes on in my head when I consider that Suzanne was harmed by someone she knew well because this person wanted more than just a friendship with her but Suzanne didn’t want same, (I really couldn’t think of any other reason someone she knew well would cause serious harm to this beautiful soul), resulting in this person harming her at her home or abducting her from her home and harming her at a different location. Most people when rejected are hurt sure, but once the initial sting subsides, accept it and move on, but I digress. I concluded this theory isn’t plausible as I couldn’t logically make the pieces fit as it requires me to do too many mental gymnastics for it to add up/make sense, as well as ignore how LE has handled the case from early on and the Spouse’s actions, inaction, since Suzanne went missing.

As far as the theory this person could have waited for her to leave and waylays her on her bike ride, tosses the bike etc., leaving no DNA behind, I find implausible, plus LE never confirmed there was a bike ride, and there was no mention of it their recent Press Release.

Suzanne’s phone records and Social Media activity should reveal who all Suzanne was communicating with, and I would assume LE has all those records by now. And as others have pointed out, the messages could have been erased or deleted and/or SM may have been communicating with this person on an untraceable app and that’s why LE is asking for person(s) to come forward. I don’t believe she was conspiring to take off with them, more likely she was confiding in them about BM abuse and how unhappy she was. The Daughter’s could be afraid to come forward too. They would know what went on in the home, and fearful of getting “someone” in trouble, which is understandable since they’d lose the only parent they have left.

Like you, as much as I’d like to believe it to be true, I really don’t think the theory that Suzanne took off with this person to get away from BM and could be in contact with her Daughters is plausible because as you stated it would be odd for LE to still be on the case. I do think Suzanne wanted to get away from BM, but via getting a Divorce, not running away-I trust Suzanne wouldn’t put her Daughters and her Family through all this anguish.

I personally feel there’s a treasure trove of evidence on SM & BM phones that will prove to be damning for BM.

Honestly, once I really focused in on how LE was handling this case from very early on, calling the CBI & FBI in to assist in the first few days, and BM’s actions and inaction since Suzanne went “missing” , raised ginormous glaring red flags: No immediate public plea for his missing wife via MSM because it was “too soon”; bike ride narrative; staged bike scene; BM offering up ridiculous theories-Mountain Lion attacked SM, she had an accident and got in the river; “let me show you what happened” (how does he know what happened he wasn’t there); not organizing public searches; not handing out flyers; didn’t organize a vigil for SM; petitioning for permanent guardianship of his wife and control over her assets while she is just recently “missing”; buying and selling property/the Family Home; the loud sound heard late at night at the jobsite by the neighbor (if BM, I don’t think it was for innocent reasons); LE dig up his worksite; SM communications with friend being cutoff on Saturday; the whole wall redo job/hotel fiasco and all the circumstances surrounding it-for a job that was not urgent and he didn’t even have the proper tools or permit to be allowed work there on weekends; truck EVI doesn’t match BM timeline according to what CBI told AM; lying about haven taken a polygraph and voice stress analysis test; bashing LE for messing up evidence (how does he know there was evidence at the bike scene); bashing his employees for speaking out, and anyone else who speaks up against him; calling the massive search AM organized for HIS missing wife a publicity stunt; didn’t attend Suzanne’s vigils; AM mentioning things weren’t “hunky dory” and Domestic Violence; there’s more I’m sure but this post is long enough lol ....It is the totality of the way LE has handled this case from early on plus the Spouse’s actions and inaction, in addition to what we’ve learned from AM, that pretty much seals the deal for me that BM is responsible for disappearing Suzanne.



Excellent post. ITA.

If BM is personally not responsible for SM's disappearance, then IMO BM could have possibly, or is in the middle of something more evil, sinister that put her life in jeopardy. Which would also be by BM's doing....
Excellent post. ITA.

If BM is personally not responsible for SM's disappearance, then IMO BM could have possibly, or is in the middle of something more evil, sinister that put her life in jeopardy. Which would also be by BM's doing....
I think he has to be personally involved due to his shoddy alibi. If he had someone do it he would have an “ironclad” alibi. MOO.
I think he has to be personally involved due to his shoddy alibi. If he had someone do it he would have an “ironclad” alibi. MOO.
Exactly. His alibi involved a rushed construction project in which he neglected to order the necessary materials, didn’t bring the right tools, nor did he arrange for proper oversight.

In addition, there would be no reason to stage the bike, and Suzanne’s phone activity should have fooled law enforcement.
If we had access to LE files, we’d see every single bit of evidence points to BM. They know without a shadow of a doubt who did this, but they only have one chance to get a conviction. Without a body, they need concrete evidence that a defense team won’t be able to explain away.

Even his biggest supporters know he did it. They’ve just convinced themselves otherwise. No one wants to believe someone you love could be capable of doing something so heinous. I rewatched the videos of Cindy Watts last night and it was like watching Cindy Anthony all over. You can tell deep down they know the truth, but they absolutely don’t want to believe they raised someone who did the unthinkable. I’m definitely not defending them, but I also couldn’t imagine being in that situation. This is just my two cents for the day. However, anyone that is still riding the fence... LM KNOW who is responsible for SM’s disappearance. This will be evident once the truth comes out.

“LE knows without a shadow of a doubt who did this.”

“Without a body they need concrete evidence...”

So can we assume, that whatever evidence LE has at this point, it’s still possible for a ‘defence team’ to ‘explain away?
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“LE knows without a shadow of a doubt who did this.”

“Without a body they need concrete evidence...”

So can we assume they don’t have it yet? Just where exactly is this ‘concrete evidence’ going to suddenly come from?
Yes, I would assume they have not found Suzanne's body and they may not have enough evidence to prove that she is dead.

It's impossible to know where the evidence will come from, and whether or not they just need one final piece to finish the puzzle, or how far off they are from having enough to take the case to trial and ensure a conviction.

But that's what we have been discussing for several months now and there are many possibilities. It seems that at this point, according to the last update, LE are hoping to find a witness that had communicated with Suzanne on SM.

It does seem to be taking a long time but that's usually the case when there is no body. Some cases aren't solved for years, or at least it can take that long before they have that crucial piece that will "seal the envelope."

I hope it doesn't take that long.
It would seem likely that looking for people who recently communicated with the missing person on social media would NORMALLY come at the beginning of an we have seen, this is NOT a normal investigation. IMO
It would seem likely that looking for people who recently communicated with the missing person on social media would NORMALLY come at the beginning of an we have seen, this is NOT a normal investigation. IMO
Well that’s true, it’s not every day you see this many resources dedicated to a single case. I mean, they assembled a large task force here, and did so quickly.

Suzanne’s friends would have been interviewed early on, and subpoenas would have provided quite a bit of information in regards to her communications.

I’m sure that people also came forward on their own, before they were contacted by law enforcement.

They may believe they have tracked down everyone she communicated with, but want to make sure they haven’t missed anyone.

Also, some of those apps may not leave a communications record, which is why they are asking for people to come forward.

Being critical is fine if you have something to back it up. I see no evidence that law enforcement isn’t taking this seriously, and every indication they are doing this the right way.
I disagree that SM empowered BM to take care of all their financial matters and trusted him with the same when she clearly limited his authority.

Sorry, I misunderstood your link. I didn't realize there was a download.

My full technical staff (children)will thankfully be home next week. :)

Take care all and have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
LE may have only recently discovered communication via less common social media platforms, particularly ones that could be connected to support groups. Individuals she communicated there may have safety reasons of their own not to come forward easily or they may think they haven't much to add. But I think LE would like them to come forward anyway, to determine themselves the value of any contact, all of which could lean toward motive but also fill out the timeline.

Mostly I think LE is committed to monthly updates, and we'll see a perfectly sealed envelope passing the DA's desk come January. Investigation, solid, IMO waiting on the DA's signature for arrest and prosecution.

It's coming.

“LE knows without a shadow of a doubt who did this.”

“Without a body they need concrete evidence...”

So can we assume, that whatever evidence LE has at this point, it’s still possible for a ‘defence team’ to ‘explain away?

Absolutely, isn’t that what they’re hired to do? Even with a body, BM has had plenty of time to perfect his narrative to explain away any and all evidence. That’s why I respect the fact that LE hasn’t jumped the gun on pressing charges. Even though they know he’s responsible. IMO
Absolutely, isn’t that what they’re hired to do? Even with a body, BM has had plenty of time to perfect his narrative to explain away any and all evidence. That’s why I respect the fact that LE hasn’t jumped the gun on pressing charges. Even though they know he’s responsible. IMO
So between now and his inevitable arrest, new evidence will be discovered that will make all the difference?
Well that’s true, it’s not every day you see this many resources dedicated to a single case. I mean, they assembled a large task force here, and did so quickly.

Suzanne’s friends would have been interviewed early on, and subpoenas would have provided quite a bit of information in regards to her communications.

I’m sure that people also came forward on their own, before they were contacted by law enforcement.

They may believe they have tracked down everyone she communicated with, but want to make sure they haven’t missed anyone.

Also, some of those apps may not leave a communications record, which is why they are asking for people to come forward.

Being critical is fine if you have something to back it up. I see no evidence that law enforcement isn’t taking this seriously, and every indication they are doing this the right way.

ITA - I would assume that any defense team would throw out the idea to a Jury that she's still alive, so to me it appears that they are being very through - IMO.
ITA - I would assume that any defense team would throw out the idea to a Jury that she's still alive, so to me it appears that they are being very through - IMO.
Yup. Time can be their friend here. The longer she is completely off the grid, the more likely it is she is dead.
Yup. Time can be their friend here. The longer she is completely off the grid, the more likely it is she is dead.
I have difficulties separating the opinions of wishful thinkers from those that know how these things play out.

In your opinion, does LE have in its possession at this moment in time, enough evidence to convict the killer?
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