CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #1

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There's something about this story that just doesn't sit right with me. I don't know if it's the layout; how it's being told or maybe how quickly things progressed. The stalking started out pretty aggressively. Either she was stalked beforehand and they just didn't know, or she really wasn't the target. If you think about it, he knew she was in the parent's closet. He knew there were cameras and motion detector lights. He also knew the people who responded to the lights going off and the rocks to the window weren't her, his supposed intended victim, but the parents. It was like they were the ones being targeted, and if she was killed, that, too could have been another way of tormenting them. He knew when the cops would arrive and almost mocked everyone by appearing on a known camera to watch them leave. Did either parent have an enemy?

Then again, that person on the camera could have been a curious neighbor wondering what the cops were doing there.

As for her death, it's possible that the stress of living with that amount of stalking dd cause her to commit suicide, but in my book, that would still be murder.

I'm going to follow this story simply because there's something not right in the telling or something not said . . . don't know, and I want to find out.
Add me to the list of most recent folks who just spent a good bit of time thoroughly reading toni's blog from beginning to end..

I'm outraged at the indignant nature in which not only this Le agency is speaking of the Ingram family as if they're straight up paranoid, delusional schizos that have a stalker that is nothing but a mere figment of their overactive imaginations.. BS IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS! They have the tangible proof that imo singlehandedly ramped up not only my heart rate, but sent me into overdrive at the boldness of the perp to have literally emerged from the shadows immediately behind the three Sheriff's deputies leaving the Ingram home as the perp literally leaned back on one of the family vehicles as he watches the LE car lights drive away from his victims home.. It was definitely a moment in time that all at once not only bore the proof that we knew there was a perp, but all at once brought to light exactly what "type" of perpetrator that we are dealing with.. In simplest terms that type being the absolute most dangerous of all perps..

So, yes I am not only outraged at the public officials of this area of Colorado to behave as if the Ingram family are fabricating the events that they personally know for a fact did absolutely occur and that this beautiful young woman's death is simply suicide and nothing more.. But even more so outraged at some of the general public in this area as well that are openly expressing their mockingly toned opinions of this being one big fairy tale with the Ingram family as the author and narrator of it.. Pointing at ludicrous notions as indications there was never even a stalker to begin with.. Really?.. Really people of this local area of Colorado??.. How exactly is it that you are coming to such assanine and incorrect conclusions of this family's having fabricated these events that traumaticly culminated in their beautiful daughters murder..

Are you all really that blindly ignorant, fully engulfed in denial? Because it's baffling that there are really those other than the the public officials(whose motive for cover up is solely about saving face and their azzes).. So for others outside of these local public officials to be of a mindset that this family is fabricating their testimony of the last year's events... That's truly baffling and imo even quite scary.. The only thing I have left to even say toward that mindset is that God hope they never have the misfortune of crossing paths with similar evil individuals such as whom the Ingram have boldly faced and stood up to.. And actually with there being no justice for this family the reality of that is the fact that this evil individual responsible for all of these hellish crimes IS ACTUALLY TO THIS VERY DAY A SCOT-FREE MAN THAT YOU ALL ACTUALLY ARE WALKING AMONGST DAILY UPON YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALKS.. YES, HE STILL IS AMONGST YOU AND RESIDES AS ONE OF YOU ALLS NEIGHBORS... FACT IS HE IS LIVING UNDER THE GUISE OF NORMAL, NEIGHBORHOOD CITIZEN WHO MARK MY WORDS WILL ABSOLUTELY REPEAT AND ESCALATE THE EVIL OF WHICH HE BROUGHT ABOUT TO THIS BEAUTIFUL FAMILY, THE INGRAMS.. GOD FORBID IT BE YOUR DAUGHTER WHO IS HIS NEXT VICTIM AND YOU TOO FACED WITH NO ONE BELIEVING YOU AND NO ONE DOING A DAMN THING TO HELP OR PROTECT YOUR DAUGHTER..

Because there is one absolute certain here that can absolutely be taken to the bank.. If he has not already, he will have more victims.. He will stalk and he will kill again and it'll only be more evil, and likely his evading detection will likely have only been improved with time and experience..<- - Of that you can be 100 % certain!

God bless you, Toni you will find the much needed justice for Morgan and I know one thing you'll have plenty of help and assistance in ensuring that justice is received for your beautiful daughter, Morgan Jennifer Ingram.. You are one helluva momma, Toni and not only were you blessed with having your daughter, Morgan but equally she too was fully blessed and fortunate to have you as her strong and fierce momma!

There's something about this story that just doesn't sit right with me.

I am about halfway through the blog and I completely agree. Something hasn't been sitting right with me since the very beginning of the blog. I'm not exactly sure what it is yet. I am going to have to finish reading tomorrow because it's turning dark here and I will never be able to sleep if I continue
I am about halfway through the blog and I completely agree. Something hasn't been sitting right with me since the very beginning of the blog. I'm not exactly sure what it is yet. I am going to have to finish reading tomorrow because it's turning dark here and I will never be able to sleep if I continue

Me, too! I had to stop last night because my husband is out of town and I was getting really creeped out. Especially by the time I got to the photo captured on the wildlife camera.

I thought that the reason that maybe something wasn't quite sitting right with me about this story was that I recently finished a popular work of fiction that featured some serious psychopathology (okay - it was _Gone Girl_) and I think it made me a little...suspicious.

I also think that the clandestine manner/cause of death don't quite mesh with the profile we're given of the stalker. I know that we don't have all of the details to work with but a tricyclic overdose seems like such an odd way for a "human predator" to kill his victim. Again, I realize we don't have all of the pertinent information so I could be wrong.
Anne, the use of the antidepressant amitriptyline (Elavil) is used for several things, not just depression. It's also used in equine/canine/feline pharmacology, too.

750 mg of Elavil is the dose that is generally thought to cause severe toxicity. The average daily dose is between 50-100 mgs, for a maximum of 300 per 24 hour period (although that's usually used in an inpatient setting), and the daily dose is usually split into several doses. Some of the symptoms of ODing are heart arrythmias, confusion, hypotension, agitation, hallucinations.

Elavil can come in liquid form, as well as injectable form. I know that for large animal use (equine) it can be injected, and maybe for large dogs, but mostly, pills are given for human, and household pet usage.

The shelf life for Elavil states 5 years, but kept in the right conditions (blister packages, dry, in cool environments, et cetera) the meds can be potent a lot longer (some say double the time). However, most folks don't have it stored properly, and in Morgan's case, it was (from what I read) in a prescription bottle and in her room (in her bathroom?). That would limit the meds effectiveness after some time, say, maybe 3 years.

The pills themselves are not rapidly digested; if she voluntarily took enough to OD, I think that the TOD would have been later. I don't know what time she went to bed, or left her parents' sight; and I don't know what time she was found. But I'd suspect that ingesting some 10-15 pills would have left some fragments, if not whole pills, in her stomach.

Moving on...I, too, think that either she had been stalked previously (and was either unaware of it, or didn't realize she was being stalked) by the same man, or her family was being stalked, and likely unaware of it as well.

It starts out fast and furious indeed on the blog, but some stalkers are like that. They choose, watch and wait, and then attack without any "warm-up" so to speak. It could have happened that way, or it could have been missed earlier, and this amping up could have been the attention getter they needed to see they were being stalked.

I'd be interested in seeing if there were any telephonic harassment, or if there was any kerfluffle that Morgan had had in the previous 6-9 months. Turned someone down for a date; got in an argument with someone; something like that.

In my stalking, it started with a woman who swore I was dating her husband. I was not. It went from hangup phone calls at all hours to notes on my car (even in secured parking; in my garage!) or my apartment door (again, a secure building), to calls to my boss at work, to calls to my parents, to following me around town trying to catch me and her husband together. Threats were made to my life, my critters' lives, my boss's career, and so on. It was hell. I was scared, because she was not listening to reason, and not quitting but escalating.

It only ended in the DA's office...after I had gotten the LE to put a trap on my phone, got restraining orders, and documented literally months of this behavior with more than 30 police reports spanning 4 months' time. Only then did she stop...and sometimes, I think she didn't stop there, either...

And I tell you, the ONLY reason I was able to get as far as I did in protecting myself (which, honestly, wasn't much), was because I KNEW her (or rather, I knew of her; her husband and I worked in the same building in downtown Los Angeles) and knew it was her doing this stuff; and once the telephone trap came, some 50 calls in a 36 hour period were traced, all back to her.

If I hadn't known it was her, or if it was random (as it often is), then I'd've been SOL. There are few laws which protect us against harassment, and, in my case, LE was reluctant to believe I wasn't dating her husband, and that I didn't somehow encourage her or that somehow I deserved this. The only thing which could have been mistaken for a "date" was a building party for the holidays which she didn't go to, and I spent some time talking to hubby...but not dating him.

As I said earlier, this definitely has struck a cord with me, and I feel sure that with enough eyes and the brilliant minds here on this site, we can help this family...the murderer may never be prosecuted, but some closure can be had, somehow, for Lori Ingram, her husband, and her family.

Herding Cats
I can personally not imagine what living this nightmare would be like.. And even tho, their beautiful daughter is dead and gone and can never be able to be brought back they continue to not have an "end" to the nightmare. As in no closure.. No resolution..

Imo Toni absolutely has a gift of writing this nightmare testimony in a form of which is captivating.. Draws the reader in.. And leaves the reader wanting more and their coming back for more.. I do understand how or why that comes across to some as strange or hinky.. But imo I also believe I understand moms reasoning behind choosing to write this in such a way.. I believe there is very much a purpose to draw attention and bring about the awareness and support for their daughters case to be given further investigation..

Imo she has absolutely succeeded in being able to draw and most importantly hold the attention of the reader and hoping that a good many of us feel compelled to in any way offer support to them.. If even by just sending kind words of support and positive vibes their way....

Again I do feel as tho I get her reasoning and motive and understand the way she has successfully gone about finding a way to receive justice for her daughter when thus far that has been with held from them..

So, while I understand the how or why some are of the hinky vibe I cannot however follow those hinky suspicions through to actual viable evidence, reasoning, or motive for why this family would in some way be lying or misleading about what it is that they are doing, why they are doing it, or what it is that they wish to have as an end result(ie. Justice for their daughter).. I fail to find what nefarious motive or intent could be this families underlying agenda..
Imo if they had some or even any type responsibility in the least regarding their daughter being "stalked" or regarding her death.. Well..imo it makes no sense that they'd be wanting further investigation into either of those issues.. In fact If any of the fam had any nefarious or ulterior motives period regarding ANYTHING OR ANYONE the last thing they would be seeking is a light shone in their direction.. For me there just is no realistic nefarious motive or intent on the part of this poor family..

Tho, definitely a different and unique way of going about attempting to ensure your child receives justice due to local officials unwise or unfair choices/decisions made along the way.. In the end imo I see that they are seeking exactly what they say they are seeking.. Justice for their Morgan.. Jmo tho!
I've seen Keenans myspace. I have read the blog the best I can within a short amount of time, these are not my words or comments so I will put them into my words. I'll read it better later.

He has a myspace page he titled the playlist "Morgans Love!" It could have been an ex gf.

When it was bow or hunting season and things wouldn't happen example the knocking on the glass etc (Morgans Home). His myspace shows a hunter and has some tattoos also.

Morgan had jewlrey that came up missing, he was pulled over with drugs and jewlrey. Morgans mother had asked to see the jewelry to see if it was Morgans she was not allowed to see the jewerly.

Also it may be easier to click on archives on the side and began with the month of June 2012 and work your way up. Beginning with the 1st blog post.
I had very intense and mixed feelings while staying up until 3am this morning, reading the entire blog.

My heart goes out to Morgan's family (yes the dogs and horse too) and friends.

The photos of Wylah Mae alone and especially, her looking...were/are heartbreaking. I feel the heartbreak of that puppy/dog but wonder if somehow that canine is transitioning faster than the humans thru the reality and acceptance of someone "crossing over"? And will/already has help/ed?

My nature is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt (maybe way too far, to a fault).

Somewhere thru the blog (no, I didn't note the blog date), I felt it should become a book, and then days later (in the blog that I read last nite), there is a book planned.

IMO, it is within TOS to discuss (with respect) all opinions.
Dawgs are so smart and evolved...Wylah Mae and the other dawgs will help this family thru whatever...I believe that so strongly...and of course the horse...the HORSE... ;)

I noticed a bit of "moving on in a positive, spiritual way" when Toni's calling the horse "Morgan's horse" then became "our horse". Really special and so profound...was their horse all along, I suspect. ;) I think Toni said it on the blog in a much more eloquent way, well heck, it's too spiritual to put into words. I'm tired. But I "get it" :heartbeat:
Anyone else else curious about moms feelings or intuitions towRd across the street neighbor, Elliott??.. Am not certain if I read into possible subtleties that mom had made about Elliot in her posts leading up to where she stated she was having a motherly guttural type instinct about his concerns, involvement, suggestions once he became aware of the stalker situation.. Or if I genuinely was personally having questionable intuitions about him??

Anyone else with any thoughts on this issue.??
Anyone else else curious about moms feelings or intuitions towRd across the street neighbor, Elliott??.. Am not certain if I read into possible subtleties that mom had made about Elliot in her posts leading up to where she stated she was having a motherly guttural type instinct about his concerns, involvement, suggestions once he became aware of the stalker situation.. Or if I genuinely was personally having questionable intuitions about him??

Anyone else with any thoughts on this issue.??

I had the feeling she was feeling suspicious toward him, until the night the stalker had been there when Elliot was not home. (I took it to mean the family was out of town on vacation or something like that). I thought maybe she was stressing the point that everything every one did started to look suspicious to her.

Although, I am pretty sure I would have felt suspicious of Elliot in her shoes as well. Something about his eagerness or need to take control of the situation?? did not sit well with me, but our own reality shapes our perceptions, so could just be me.
On Aug. 10, the blog states that something was thrown against the closet window. I've never seen a closet with a window.

Also, they've already seen the footprints outside their windows, fear for their daughter and won't leave her home alone yet they continue to leave the windows open. I find that strange.
On Aug. 10, the blog states that something was thrown against the closet window. I've never seen a closet with a window.

Also, they've already seen the footprints outside their windows, fear for their daughter and won't leave her home alone yet they continue to leave the windows open. I find that strange.
Yeah I noticed that too. Not judging them, tho. I know what it's like to be in denial and feel the rite to live safely in this world we live in.

I sense where you are going with that thought...but I have wished/planned for a place with a closet window (or at least an air vent). KWIM?

Maybe it was so cool, temperature-wise that Morgan was comfortable with sleeping in the closet.
On Aug. 10, the blog states that something was thrown against the closet window. I've never seen a closet with a window.

Also, they've already seen the footprints outside their windows, fear for their daughter and won't leave her home alone yet they continue to leave the windows open. I find that strange.

I don't know about why they left the windows open, but I have closets with windows in them...two closets, two windows.

Egirl, it's all right. I'm impatient, too, but I think this is an interesting (and successful) way to tell the story. We see so many stories in soundbites and small/short articles, and we're used to getting things that way. But her recounting of the story this way allows everyone to feel the pressure and the amped up feelings that the family was experiencing, and it's definitely got a lot of people interested...and wanting more. LOL.

I don't know where the whole story is; I'm not sure it's been written already...I think Morgan's mom is doing this day by day, as her notes and emails and text messages prompt her to remember things.

All I know is from reading the blog to date.

And I am sorry if I came off defensive. I just want to help these folks, and wish I could do something that would make a difference, or that we, here at WS, were able to come up with something (as we have in the past) that would make a difference to the Ingrams...

I know we can. And I know we can't even really start without all the info, right?'s frustrating to me, and to everyone else...but it's also the way Mrs. Ingram wants it, so...we all have to just grit our teeth and bear it. LOL.

Herding Cats
On Aug. 10, the blog states that something was thrown against the closet window. I've never seen a closet with a window.

Also, they've already seen the footprints outside their windows, fear for their daughter and won't leave her home alone yet they continue to leave the windows open. I find that strange.

Hindsight is 20/20 It started out just a stone here, stone there, noise here noise a normal household at the time one might think tree branches like they did...then your mind will try to think of more logical explanations like maybe it is just a kid playing practical jokes.

I believe the stalker was on the roof with a makeshift extended pole with a mirror on the end so he could view inside the house. My guess is he saw inside that closet.

This guy is a killer in the making, a peeping tom that took it to torturing this family then ultimately her death. MOO No way do I think Morgan took those drugs. Like HC stated, there would have been pills at least one in her stomach. Empty bottle somewhere, and one more important thing. Morgan would have been the type to have left a note if it was suicide!

He was on that roof and in the kitchen eating area, it was mentioned that Curtains were not put up on the upper part of the window...therefore the stalker could see what Morgan drank, ate most mornings, nights and what her parents ate. Or he just got in the 20 minutes Morgan was alone and injected her. The sad thing is since the coroner didn't look at this case as a possible homicide he didn't look for a needle prick, like between the toe. Of course she wasn't raped. The stalker clearly showed a high level of hyper vigilance, more so then the cops do. He is smart and knows how not to get caught. I do not find it strange that he would kill her with such a drug. Smart, giving her something that she once took, he didn't want sexual release, he wanted power/torture and it got to the point his little stone throwing wasn't getting him off enough, he moved to murder!
Aug. 23, she states that since they put up the detectors, it has only been alarms that have been triggered, and pebbles against the windows ... and yet there has been no mention of pebbles against windows for awhile and the previous day she spoke about motion lights going off

colour me confused ...
listen everyone ... I'm trying to be really gentle here because I have experienced the terror of a stalker (and someone who appeared in public places too, not just at my home)

I also have a deceased daughter so I understand that and definately don't want to add to these parents guilt and grief

but there's so much not sitting right with me that I can't ignore those feelings ... and there's been a lot of things I've noticed and haven't mentioned simply because I don't have a lot of time right now and am trying to get through the blog quickly

I agree with the members who have an unsettling feeling - something's 'off' about this whole thing - what it is, I can't pinpoint yet but I have some ideas ...
I just finished reading the blog and will continue to read it daily. I don't know what to think yet. I don't get the sense that Morgan was pissed off about all this. Maybe its just in the way the blog is written. I know one thing though, I would have purchased a big kick *advertiser censored* dog before anymore of the sensor lights. :twocents:
funny you mention a dog ... they had at least one (the puppy Morgan got) and I thought they had another older dog (I could be wrong, I'd have to read back to be sure)

so, where are the reports of the dogs barking?

eta: should've read ahead first - she does address this and says that she doesn't understand the lack of barking either
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