CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #4

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I thought mom didn't come over to WS. Those statistics are exactly the ones we were discussing yesterday about suicide in Pitkin and Garfield counties.

If anyone is under the assumption that this family were not aware of the high suicide stats and learned this info here they are misinformed..there have been numerous statements and even discussions on and through the blog about the unusually high suicide rate in that area in which they live..this was not a breaking news flash just learned in the last 24hrs(it may be breaking news to some here but the blog has made mention of it long before it was posted here at ws)..


I can definitely see Steve serving as a sort of buffer in his coming here and reading and posting some and then likely relays some different posts content to Toni that hes read over here..that way keeping her from having to read or wade thru any negativity he may feel isnt necessary for her to be reading at this time..and yet still able to keep her abreast on certain info or details that he feels may be relevant or of interest to Toni and therefor shares those particulars with her..

I find that in fact to be the most likeliest of what possibly goes on WRT their visiting/reading here at WS..
Imo i see no problem with any of that, tho understand some do and to each their own..but as far as their learning breaking news from ws about the suicide rate in their area ..the fact is it has long since been broached and discussed on the blog.
Didn't check the statistics.

I understood her comment to mean that she hasn't posted here, not that she hasn't read here.

That's how I was interpreting it, too. She can easily read here without joining. Since the dad is a member, he could also easily share info with mom.

Edited out a "duh" moment. :)
I thought mom didn't come over to WS. Those statistics are exactly the ones we were discussing yesterday about suicide in Pitkin and Garfield counties.

Did you catch the byline under Mom's post....she didn't author that post.
If anyone is under the assumption that this family were not aware of the high suicide stats and learned this info here they are misinformed..there have been numerous statements and even discussions on and through the blog about the unusually high suicide rate in that area in which they live..this was not a breaking news flash just learned in the last 24hrs(it may be breaking news to some here but the blog has made mention of it long before it was posted here at ws)..


I can definitely see Steve serving as a sort of buffer in his coming here and reading and posting some and then likely relays some different posts content to Toni that hes read over here..that way keeping her from having to read or wade thru any negativity he may feel isnt necessary for her to be reading at this time..and yet still able to keep her abreast on certain info or details that he feels may be relevant or of interest to Toni and therefor shares those particulars with her..

I find that in fact to be the most likeliest of what possibly goes on WRT their visiting/reading here at WS..
Imo i see no problem with any of that, tho understand some do and to each their own..but as far as their learning breaking news from ws about the suicide rate in their area ..the fact is it has long since been broached and discussed on the blog.

BBM ... Asking purely out of curiosity, why would someone see a problem with it? What am I not considering as I think through it?
Do we know where the car was when it was keyed? Were there any witnesses? The car keying incident occurred several months before the stalking, I think, are we certain they are really related?

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IIRC, it happened in M's college parking lot (I think in Feb. 2011?). IIRC, nothing about witnesses yea or nay was blogged.

But it's a full-time job (and the pay sucks ;) ) to try to keep up with info given in comments on every post (answers to questions asked by the blog readers).
Did you catch the byline under Mom's post....she didn't author that post.

Mom posted the blog. The byline is for the response that she shared. My point is that once again what we discuss here is being addressed there, which in my opinion is a problem because then we are getting an altered narrative, rather than one purely taken from her notes and memories of the actual events. It's hard enough to sleuth a case like this as it is.

This is my opinion.
We know that Morgan's dad has visited. Maybe he is telling her what he sees being mentioned here.
Yes, makes sense to me.

I would imagine that others who know them are reading here, and I don't see it as an "inconsistency" in TI's comment. JMO.
Is there any official reference to no pill fragments in the gastric contents?

I've read that so many times that I just assumed that I had also read it in Dr. Dobersen's letter. After reading it again (for the 4th or 5th time, if not more), it finally hit me that I don't see it in there. I read it in the blog a couple/few times, and here many times. It would be so helpful if one of the 2 official autopsy reports would be posted.
My point is that once again what we discuss here is being addressed there, which in my opinion is a problem because then we are getting an altered narrative, rather than one purely taken from her notes and memories of the actual events
You have made it clear a few times that you don't want her to address any of our questions or confusion over there, but there are a lot of us who do want that, and some people have asked her to answer things for us. She's agreed to move faster to accomodate us, and she has responded to questions and requests, I don't really understand why that's a problem. I doubt if she has enough time to do all of what she's doing there, in her life outside of the blog and stalking issues, and still come over here and read through all of the insults and accusations to answer questions here rather than on the site where she's already working. MOO :crazy:
IIRC near the beginning of the blog, mom states that the stalking probably started earlier than Aug, but they were not aware of it. I think that is a safe assumption.
I can see (based on my own experiences) that there could have been minor things that didn't ramp up to stalking until Aug. These minor things could have been totally unnoticed by the family (hang up calls, someone coming up to the door to hand out a flyer, someone transferring into a class of M's, a million other things...).
((((Jaime)))) I should have been more sensitive in my reply. I apologize. What I should have said thank you for your input and thank you for sharing. But as it relates to this case we are not going to discuss possible abuse of Morgan.

I am doing many things at once right now and will be more careful about posting on the fly.

JBean, I'm linking to your post because I replied with my own thoughts to Jaime's post ~

I understand the sensitivities here and don't always know how to proceed - it would be very difficult for Morgan's mom to read theories that sound far-fetched, even though possible, or that she feels aren't true. But we don't know what's true or not and are throwing out possibilities as food for thought. If we're are not allowed to discuss a theory, we'll abide by that.

When other cases have gained national attention, I've posted that it seems as if TV shows with similar plots as well as real life cases with like circumstances are featured. Last night I noticed that Lifetime channel was showing several movies having themes surrounding teenage pressures. One movie, Sexting in Suburbia, came on and I hit record. While watching it earlier today, I couldn't help but think about Morgan and wonder if she had any hidden circumstances in her life. The movie wasn't about sexting per se, but focused on a honor student senior in HS who had a scholarship to a top university as she was a star soccer player. She was popular, an A student, had a cute steady boyfriend and was Homecoming queen. After the Homecoming dance, Michael wanted to have sex as they had talked about it earlier. He rented a room and when things were heating up she stopped him. He balked a little and complained that she had said earlier she was ready. After he drove her home, he went to a party where another girl was happy to see him, ready and willing to please him. In the meantime, his gf felt bad for letting him down and when he didn't answer her text, she dropped her dress and sent him a picture of herself. As the story unfolds, her picture went viral and she was harrassed at school, embarrassed, felt betrayed by him and her friends and was understandably brokenhearted. She lost her scholarship and all h broke loose in her life over the bad decision she made to send that one text.

The main focus of the movie is on her Mom trying to get to the bottom of what happened so suddenly in her daughter's life after she found her hanging in her bedroom. It wasn't the bf who released the picture but a series of mishaps and the other girl who got the wicked ball rolling. Faced with pressure from the school and others to disappear the mother wouldn't give up. By the end of the movie the mother gets to the truth of what happened that caused her daughter to spiral down and take her own life - it happened so fast that the mom didn't even know she was having a problem. When she focused on looking back over the past weeks, she identified some signs that almost no one could have realized, without all the information, how serious it was and how profoundly the circumstances had altered her daughter's life. The mother forced herself to face what she saw and heard. At the same time, she had to judge what to believe and not to believe based on what she knew about her daughter yet she didn't give up until she understood what really happened to her precious daughter. In the end, the school began a campaign surrounding the idea of being kind to one another along with how detrimental bullying is to the health of another human being.
I do wonder something about the cell phone that broke and the one she got from her dad. I wonder if she just switched her number over or did she get a new number?

If she got a new number, maybe you could assume she was getting a lot of phone calls from some unknown person. Just something I was wondering.
Woe....nice post.

I think it is possible there were things about m her parents didn't know.

I was watching lifetime yesterday, too. It sucks me in even though I want to turn the channel. My bff calls it the victims network.
?? My brain is low on space, I guess. Nothing is popping out at me.

Sorry ~ I had to get my recent thoughts posted as they drive me nuts if I don't.

Well, I'm not sure I can say. Someone's shape looks familiar to me.
Does the family personally know an author of a book on the subject of bipolar disease?

Also, did Morgan have ties to Anderson Art Ranch in Snowmass (I think)?
I don't believe the blog is fiction either. I DO think it is the hindsight reflections of a grieving mother who will not accept what appears to be obvious to some - that her beloved, intelligent, talented and beautiful daughter ended her own life.

I am reminded of the story of the blind men describing the elephant.............

just using this post as a lead in to my explanation. when I said we do not know what is fact and what is fiction, I meant that portions of the blog may be fact and portions may be fiction and we cannot clearly differentiate between them at times. It is hard because the expected emtions of the mother who is also the author make those lines seem blurred at times. She is mourning her child, who wouldn't be. But those emtions she has, the anger, the heartbreak, the need for answers can cause her to see things the way she needs to to heal her broken heart. Whose heart wouldn't be broken? my worry is that no matter what answers she gets, anything short of accusing someone of murder will never be accepted by her. Again, who wouldn't be the same way?
Is there any official reference to no pill fragments in the gastric contents?

No, you just read the only official document so far.

I'm going to repeat a question here.

I know you guys spent a lot of time looking up dolmane or some such thing that mom mentioned in the radio show.

Could those drugs she mentioned that were trace amounts have been taken a few days before and test positive due to residuals?

Since they were not the cause, I started thinking about it. Hence looking up only the one that was.

I know nothing about medications, how long they stay in your system, how much is or isn't safe. (I will stop taking 5 non-working claritin a day!)

Just wondering if residuals could be left after a few days, even a day?

Also, could the ami drug have been building up if taking, say, only 2 a day?
Woe....nice post.

I think it is possible there were things about m her parents didn't know.

I was watching lifetime yesterday, too. It sucks me in even though I want to turn the channel. My bff calls it the victims network.

What does he mean? We, the viewers, are victims?
I think the movie I watched, probably meant for younger audiences but also good to promote mother awareness, had a strong message.

Stuff like this has happened in real life. Remember the mother who helped her kid bully a neighbor girl? The girl ended up killing herself.
Sorry ~ I had to get my recent thoughts posted as they drive me nuts if I don't.

Well, I'm not sure I can say. Someone's shape looks familiar to me.
Does the family personally know an author of a book on the subject of bipolar disease?

Also, did Morgan have ties to Anderson Art Ranch in Snowmass (I think)?

I really suck at geography, so I'm going to just embarrass myself here by asking: is Colorado close to Arkansas? (In a geography class in college, I somehow ended up with NYC in Pennsylvania during a mid-term.) :blushing:
Hmmm I wonder if there were any behavior changes in the animals.
Someone who understands the breeds of the dogs and their typical behavior might be able to pick up on something. Would not be solid evidence but it could be interesting.

Your post reminded me of an incident I had forgotten happened when I was younger. I was staying with my folks at that time and my younger brother, who was extremely troublesome (to put it mildly), and my aunt was also staying the night. This was a 1600 sq.ft. condo, two-story. I had a dog that was part Border Collie, pretty old at that time. Smartest dog I EVER had. She went up to my room with me every single night - except that night. She went into my parents' bedroom, lay on the floor on my mom's side, and refused to budge. We thought it strange at that time but let her stay there.

Not long after we all retired to bed, I heard my mom scream out, "Someone is IN THIS HOUSE!" My mom had woken up after only being asleep a short while by my dog growling - that deep, guttural growl that dogs do when they mean business. My mom sat up and saw a man crawling on the floor across the room. Of course, he shot up and out of there and went out the kitchen door and through the garage. By now, my brother was up and "supposedly" ran after him.

Later on, we determined that most likely my brother left the garage door up a bit and then unlocked the kitchen door so that his friend could get in and, I guess, steal from my parents. We think he was looking for my mom's purse.

But, now that I think more about it, related to this case, I wonder if the guy was actually IN our house before we even went to bed. Because my dog had never acted that way before, refusing to leave my mom's side and laying by her side of the bed. That dog knew someone was either in that house or the garage, but she KNEW.

By the way, after that night, my dog never slept anywhere but my room.

ETA: The older dog at Morgan's house did the same odd behavior that night.
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