Colorado School Bans Tag on Playground

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Jul 29, 2004
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Many schools have already banned kickball and dodgeball. Pretty good I guess they will walk outside and just stand around and look at each other. And we wonder why our kids are getting fatter? Couldn't they designate an area where those who want to play certain games could? It is a wonder my generation grew up with all the "dangerous" games we played at recess.,2933,295165,00.html
Why don't they tell the kids not to run if they don't want to be chased?
Why don't they tell the kids not to run if they don't want to be chased?

My daughter's elementary school does. Beyond Kindergarten, they are not allowed to play chase. I think this is a good thing because last year we had several boys ganging up on the girls, and besides it encourages them to think of other games and playground equipment to use. Who is responsible when they fall and hurt themselves???
My daughter's elementary school does. Beyond Kindergarten, they are not allowed to play chase. I think this is a good thing because last year we had several boys ganging up on the girls, and besides it encourages them to think of other games and playground equipment to use. Who is responsible when they fall and hurt themselves???

Most of the schools I am familiar with have very little playground equipment. Slides, swings, and merry-go-rounds were removed years ago because they were afraid someone would get hurt. Some parents I know wanted to build some playground equipment for the children to play on and they were turned down. Only very expensive equipment from certain manufacturers could be used because of liability. So the kids stand around and do nothing most of the time at recess.
Kids can always find ways to hurt themselves! What's next? Wrapping them in little air-bag suits before letting them out of the house??

Sorry, but all of this stuff makes me go :doh:
Kids can always find ways to hurt themselves! What's next? Wrapping them in little air-bag suits before letting them out of the house??

Sorry, but all of this stuff makes me go :doh:

OMGosh, this cracked me up, air-bag suits!!! :laugh: :laugh:
Wonder how many kids have died playing tag - I think I'll go google that one.
Most of the schools I am familiar with have very little playground equipment. Slides, swings, and merry-go-rounds were removed years ago because they were afraid someone would get hurt. Some parents I know wanted to build some playground equipment for the children to play on and they were turned down. Only very expensive equipment from certain manufacturers could be used because of liability. So the kids stand around and do nothing most of the time at recess.

Why don't the parents hold a fundraiser for the equipment? We do have slides and swing and structures to climb on.
When I was in 4th grade, I was running; I guess playing tag and my best friend pushed me hard - my head hit the monkey bars (but back then they were metal); it knocked me out, I fell to the ground but quickly came too.

I felt this crumbling; it was one of my front teeth - it was broken in half, and I have had untold dental bills since then trying to keep the tooth looking nice. Luckily the nerve was not broken or I would have lost the entire tooth.

I have a veneer now and you can't tell, but my mother was totally hacked off that that happened.

Unfortunately some of the kids can get just TOO rough and push too hard. It's mean and sometimes passive-aggressive. I don't know why kickball and other games wouldn't be allowed though.

It's very sad but true that some kids have absolutely no empathy for what might hurt another child, either physically or mentally - there are bullies that act like you're playing tackle football; and they may even laugh when someone is pushed too hard and gets hurt. Or they'll get defensive, "I didn't push her that hard; she just fell?"

Maybe really good playground monitors could keep things under control, but here they expect the teachers to do it; and teachers need to sit down and rest a little, and can't be in control of everything on the playground.

Also there is the liability issue to consider, for the teachers now and the school. Sad, but true.
I hated the game tag. I constantly got hurt on the playground, the scars are still visable on my knees. And I was one of the athletic ones, lol.
The wounds from field hockey are even worse, I can't believe I played that violent game for four years.
OMG! What?! TAG NOW?! Someone wants to take away TAG?! This is the most ridiculous thing I have EVER heard of!

Why not just put up a bank of computers for the children to play video games at recess and hope they don't hurt their little thumbs so the next group of activist parents can't take that away, too!!! Then we would have to use taxpayer money to put in special lighting so children can get some artificial sunlight...add to this special air units to prevent any allergens from getting into their lungs...which of course leads us to the padded desks and chairs they must have so as to not bump themselves. We should make sure we have plenty of gastric bypass surgeons onhand in the next 20 years to cut out their stomachs because they cannot function due to obesity and enough heart surgeons to unclog their arteries to insure they can live until they are 30.


Tag! You're IT!!!
Kids can always find ways to hurt themselves! What's next? Wrapping them in little air-bag suits before letting them out of the house??

Sorry, but all of this stuff makes me go :doh:

It sure does! Seems like kids can't be kids anymore.
I don't really think the problem is the innocent game of tag really..I think its that some kids don't know how to control theirselves and take things to another level. My son has Autism and last year he had to have a small surgery on his stomach due to guessed it...TAG! For some reason :waitasec: the boys thought it was funny to always chase my son and he always fell and probably came home at least 2 times a week with ripped up jeans well one time we got a call from the nurse that he injured his stomach we get up there and he has this huge purple/blue/red bump sticking out of his stomach. He fell on 'something' during tag and the doctors had to cut it out. He ended up getting 12 stiches. It was a pretty big deal for awhile but all is well now...Like I said I think some kids take it too far they know who they can pick on and they will target those kids in the mean time seriously hurting them.
MygirlSadie~ I am sorry what your son had to endure (I truly can't imagine how difficult it must have been for him~ Hugs~), but I would have to put the blame squarely on the staff controlling the children on the playground for your son's abuse. Any game can turn into a child being picked on and this is why they have teachers etc. on hand to watch them! They obviously weren't doing their jobs.

My grandson is also autistic and I would be furious if this was allowed to take place at his school. Again, I would be taking it up with the staff tho. Children need boundaries and guidelines in all activities. It is their JOB and RESPONSIBILITY to do this! They should take extra precaution to watch out for the children with disabilities.

I still say Tag is an age old game and with adult supervision is great exercise not to mention fun for most children.
OMG! What?! TAG NOW?! Someone wants to take away TAG?! This is the most ridiculous thing I have EVER heard of!

Why not just put up a bank of computers for the children to play video games at recess and hope they don't hurt their little thumbs so the next group of activist parents can't take that away, too!!! Then we would have to use taxpayer money to put in special lighting so children can get some artificial sunlight...add to this special air units to prevent any allergens from getting into their lungs...which of course leads us to the padded desks and chairs they must have so as to not bump themselves. We should make sure we have plenty of gastric bypass surgeons onhand in the next 20 years to cut out their stomachs because they cannot function due to obesity and enough heart surgeons to unclog their arteries to insure they can live until they are 30.


Tag! You're IT!!!

Fantabulous post!:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

It's really a sad reflection on adults when fears of litigation and inattentive playground personnel are so important that adults want to completely take the "childhood" out of being a child. Ludicrous!

Children need to play. I am 36, and tag was one of the funnest things I played when I was a kid. Chasing and being chased was tooo fun. (As long as all participants are willing. If the chasing is done in a manner that is bullying, then why isn't there a playground aide who can end it?)

Before you know it, during recess they ALL will simply stand just like thechildre....oops, I mean Little Adults like people want them to be. Quiet, still and perfect little adult sheeple!:banghead:
Before you know it, during recess they ALL will simply stand just like thechildre....oops, I mean Little Adults like people want them to be. Quiet, still and perfect little adult sheeple!:banghead:


Right you are! You can't have it both way people. Kids need to play and exercise. They aren't meant to sit or stand still for hours on end. They need to run, jump and get down in the dirt. When we take that away from them, we can't be complaining that they are sitting in front of the tv or computer getting fat.

Maybe we need to bow out more often and let these children have some fun and learn to solve problems on their own. That is unless you want to still be wiping their noses and combing their hair when they are 30.

Mygirlsadie, I am so sorry your son was hurt. It must have been terrifying for your family. The little brutes who did this to him should have been severly punished by the school (perhaps even a lawsuit against their families). I hope he is doing much better now. (Where the heck were the teachers who were supposed to be supervising???:furious: )
Wow, thanks for calling this to our attention annie.

Favorite thing to do at recess back in 1939 was chasing the little boys. My two little friends and I, Jeanie Lake and Ardith Mullholland ran our little legs off chasing C. G. Simmons (a handsome little guy). C. G. liked it too.

Not hard to ID the rowdy trouble making kids, but I guess that would be called 'profiling' today.

Back then a 'rowdy' would have been kept in at recess or otherwise made to behave.

Take the rowdys to the gym to run laps, separating each by distance, one rowdy at a time. Get a stop watch, and let each rowdy, time the other rowdy, they might end up being a distance runner for something better than trying to outchase the 'police'.

Seems like the schools took the 'EASY' way out. Too much thinking involved in trying to help the children get their needed exercise and keep injuries at a minimum. Sad commentary, imop.

NOTHING is more fun than playing chase, for those who are NOT mean spirited.


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