compare the parent's statements to media here

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DB has done a number of incredibly stupid things in this case regardless of guilt so I don't think initially telling LE about 10:30 in order to not look like worst mother in the world is a stretch. Hasn't it been mentioned that she follows cases such as these? Perhaps the first thought in her head is 'they are all going to point the finger at me, I can't make it look like I didn't give a damn because I was drinking at night'. The drinking makes her look bad if she's innocent. The staying outside all night with kids in the house makes her look bad if she's innocent. On top of that, she doesn't strike me as the most mature person in the world who knows what the right decision is to make, especially in a crisis situation such as this.

This line of thinking seems very creditable until you examine the motive. The primary motivation presented here would be more self-preservation than revelations helping to find one's missing baby, wouldn't it? That alone is enough for me to question the difference between stupidity and cunningness. The gray area between the two priorities gives me so much discomfort that I can't lean on stupidity as a convenient excuse.

So are we down to being stupid, losing your baby and then trying to be cunning by trying to cover the stupidity up versus so cunningly stupid as to be responsible for your baby's disappearance?

Neither choice sounds like very good or responsible actions for a mother, do they . . . and I think this is one of my big problems with DB. I want her to be totally innocent and as victimized as she claims to be ~ but her words and actions seem to paint a different picture in my eyes no matter how many times I blink and try to refocus.
This line of thinking seems very creditable until you examine the motive. The primary motivation presented here would be more self-preservation than revelations helping to find one's missing baby, wouldn't it? That alone is enough for me to question the difference between stupidity and cunningness. The gray area between the two priorities gives me so much discomfort that I can't lean on stupidity as a convenient excuse.

So are we down to being stupid, losing your baby and then trying to be cunning by trying to cover the stupidity up versus so cunningly stupid as to be responsible for your baby's disappearance?

Neither choice sounds like very good or responsible actions for a mother, do they . . . and I think this is one of my big problems with DB. I want her to be totally innocent and as victimized as she claims to be ~ but her words and actions seem to paint a different picture in my eyes no matter how many times I blink and try to refocus.


great post
But since it came from him I would say it's not very credible. Therefore there is no way to know if BL was in or out of the crib, ate dinner, etc.

and maybe that is why mom wanted to get drunk and stay outside!
Yes, this was part of the time line provided by BS -- Samantha B. saw Lisa IN HER CRIB at 4:30.

Seems that's where she spent most of her time that day, IF you believe the timeline provided by BS.

How do we know Lisa was alive when SB saw her.? Perhaps she saw a dead Lisa and SB (and her daughter) thought she was just asleep.
This line of thinking seems very creditable until you examine the motive. The primary motivation presented here would be more self-preservation than revelations helping to find one's missing baby, wouldn't it? That alone is enough for me to question the difference between stupidity and cunningness. The gray area between the two priorities gives me so much discomfort that I can't lean on stupidity as a convenient excuse.

So are we down to being stupid, losing your baby and then trying to be cunning by trying to cover the stupidity up versus so cunningly stupid as to be responsible for your baby's disappearance?

Neither choice sounds like very good or responsible actions for a mother, do they . . . and I think this is one of my big problems with DB. I want her to be totally innocent and as victimized as she claims to be ~ but her words and actions seem to paint a different picture in my eyes no matter how many times I blink and try to refocus.

Ask yourself this, is it entirely possible to be a bad irresponsible mother but innocent of killing your child? If so, then my explanation makes sense.
How do we know Lisa was alive when SB saw her.? Perhaps she saw a dead Lisa and SB (and her daughter) thought she was just asleep.

I don't think she saw her. I think she, SB, was home talking to JB about his leaving the house. I don't believe she was at DB's with M 30 minutes before JB leaves for the trial separation.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - JI and DB Statements

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - JI and DB Statements

Those two posts contain links and transcripts of all DB/JI interviews and statements in chronological order to the best of my ability. Definitely worth reading through. Let me know if you notice anything missing.

More transcripts, statements added to this thread in the reference forum.

[ame=""]JI and DB Statements - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

October 28th snipped from article

KCTV5's Jeanene Kiesling asked baby Lisa's parents, Debbie Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, about Short no longer representing them when they returned to a relative's home Thursday night.

"This is the first I've heard of it," Bradley replied. "You know as much as I do."

February 2nd, video @ link.

Reporter: Tomorrow, her parents hope a national interview will breathe new life into the investigation.

Jeremy: Thank everybody for looking, keeping their eyes peeled. She's out there somewhere.

Reporter: On his front porch this evening, Jeremy Irwin answered just a few quick questions about he and Deborah Bradley's decision to go on the Dr. Phil Show tomorrow and talk about their daughter Lisa's disappearance.

Jeremy: Hopefully a new audience of people that can see recent pictures and find out, hopefully, where she's at.


Reporter: Irwin says communication with police continues.

Jeremy: We're talking to the people we need to be talking to. We're- we talked to the police actually earlier today, so. <cut> I can't talk about it other than that. But, I gotta go, thank you guys for stopping by.

[ame=""]Baby Lisa's Mom Calls KMBC's Kris Ketz - YouTube[/ame]

April 4th, Deborah calls Kris Ketz

Kris Ketz: When the phone rang, it came in as a blocked call. No return number, just one more illustration of how careful Deborah Bradley is who she's calling these days. And, in a nearly half hour conversation, there were moments where she broke down and cried about what she says has been another difficult day.


Kris Ketz: Late this day, Deborah Bradley called us. Again, the first time she's said anything in weeks. There's still a lot about this case she's not talking about, and as police privately still have doubts about her story, she remains hopeful her daughter is alive and will eventually be home. Why is she hopeful? "Three very important leads" she says police and the FBI have, but she wouldn't tell us what they are. And as for the appearances on national TV, and hardly any on local, Deborah Bradley told me she doesn't care if people think she's not cooperating; that she doesn't feel a need to go on TV. She says she's been proactive in work to find her daughter, relying on a team put together by New York private investigator Bill Stanton. What they're doing, and how they are doing it- she's not saying.

Again, there's a lot about this story Deborah Bradley is not talking about. The timeline that night, word of a failed polygraph, the missing cell phones, but she and others have put together a website. It is her side of the story.

April 4th, Jeremy speaks at balloon release

Jeremy: We're just, um- it doesn't get any easier. We're still out there, we're still looking, and we just want to- have- take this opportunity to thank everybody for coming out and showing support. Even though there's been a lot of crazy stuff going on lately, there's still people out here that- they're still looking and they're still helping. We just want to say thank you to everybody for coming out, showing support. So.

Q: The fact that people still come out, even after six months, what does that say to them about- you know, Lisa?

Jeremy: Well, hopefully, they're out here, and it show that they care. That they care about where she's at and who she's with and they care about bringing her home safely- that's I hope what everybody wants.

Q: You haven't, um- you guys have kind of been keeping a low profile- why come out to this vigil on the 6 month- because they've been having several. Why this one?

Jeremy: We- I can't answer that in detail but I will say there's reasons for most of the stuff we're doing. So, um, but- it's- it's been a while and, um, obviously it's a pretty hard time for us today. So, uh, just wanted to come out and let everybody know we're still here- we still really appreciate everything that everybody is doing for Lisa.

Q: Police say they've cleared over 1500 leads so far- the fact that they're still plugging away on this case, I mean, is there anything to say about the police effort to find Lisa?

Jeremy: Umm, no. I mean from what I understand they're still working on it, so.

Q: Have you been happy with the investigators?

Jeremy: Um, different interview guys. Thank you.

Q: How is the family doing?

Jeremy: Um, as well as can be expected I guess. I mean, we're just trying to protect the boys from all the other stuff that's going on and we're still out here. We're still looking, so.

Q: Are you guys doing anything as a family- this is public, but privately?

Jeremy: Yeah, we have-we have family stuff, private things constantly, obviously. You know, we try to get together once a week and just kind of, um- try to stay together, stay strong and, um, hopefully we'll find her soon. It's been going on long enough.

Q: Is it harder when you hear these anniversaries- 6 month, you know- the one month. So, does it get harder or- does it, I mean, describe for us what that is like.

Jeremy: We try not to structure our life around- it's been three months, it's been six months. But it's- the hardest are, you know- holidays, birthdays, family type stuff that she can't be at. Um.

Jeremy: Thank you guys for coming out.
I don't think she saw her. I think she, SB, was home talking to JB about his leaving the house. I don't believe she was at DB's with M 30 minutes before JB leaves for the trial separation.

That would make more sense to me. But, why would she lie? At that point she realized how serious this case was, and I can't understand why she would lie for a neighbor/friend.
Thank you, Donjeta, for posting those - I didn't have a chance to watch the original, so I appreciate it.

This is the first time I have watched Jeremy and Deb in an interview and felt positive that they are telling the truth. Other times, I have had weird feelings, but not now.

It's so odd how we all can watch the same interview and come away with such different perspectives on it.
JI: "'She&#8217;s out there, and we&#8217;re gonna find her, and people are eventually going to get sick of seeing us, because we&#8217;re not going to stop until we find out where she is,' said Irwin."

Oh please . . . Like there's lack of public interest in this case now because we have been overly saturated with public appearances by JI and/or DB begging for help to find or search for their missing baby? Nope.

JI's statement from his 5/21 interview with FOX's MK was said, not because there is any truth in it whatsoever, but because it made a good sound bite. They've been in hiding ~ not out pounding the pavement in any form at all trying to find help looking for their beautiful daughter. :cow:
Knows that nobody will believe that a SODDI broke into the house, stole the phones...

it was said in another thread that the window screen and the missing phones could be evidence of a SODDI... but i have to disagree. these two phenomena do not exclude parental/familial involvement (a parent/fam member could've messed with the screen and hid the phones), but real evidence of a SODDI would be hair, fingerprints, other DNA, being seen at the scene, item(s) left behind that the parents don't recognize etc...

it was said in another thread that the window screen and the missing phones could be evidence of a SODDI... but i have to disagree. these two phenomena do not exclude parental/familial involvement (a parent/fam member could've messed with the screen and hid the phones), but real evidence of a SODDI would be hair, fingerprints, other DNA, being seen at the scene, item(s) left behind that the parents don't recognize etc...

Exactly, and thank you. I have been saying that over and over. If none of the above didn't exist, then you have your murders!!

Come on Karma, and be bad, be very,very bad!!
it was said in another thread that the window screen and the missing phones could be evidence of a SODDI... but i have to disagree. these two phenomena do not exclude parental/familial involvement (a parent/fam member could've messed with the screen and hid the phones), but real evidence of a SODDI would be hair, fingerprints, other DNA, being seen at the scene, item(s) left behind that the parents don't recognize etc...

Good post redheadedgal. But I do have a question along the lines of your post. Is the lack of evidence, evidence in it's self? In other words , can it be said with certainty, that a lack of fingerprints of an intruder mean that there was no intruder?

We could go down a list of potential evidence and do the the same questions. Without knowing what LE has in the way of forensic evidence, inculpatory or exculpatory, how can we fix blame on anyone?
Come on Karma, and be bad, be very,very bad!!

LOL-- but we don't need karma to be "very, very bad"... we just need justice for lisa

i.e. the guilty party/parties arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced appropriately/justly for the crime(s) done to this beautiful baby girl

i doubt LE has any evidence of a SODDI that they are keeping to them self... they say they have no other suspects... and the parents have not been cleared... hmmm.

wishing everyone here a great canada day/fourth of july holiday!!! :seeya:

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