Condolences for the Shunick Family

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Rest In Peace Sweet Angel
:rose: :rose: :rose:
Going home, going home
I'm just going home
Quiet light, some still day
I'm just going home
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by
Going to fear no more
:rose: :rose: :rose:

Going Home
Chicken Fried, I decided to respond to your post, instead of a general comment because I have been with you on your journey of the last almost 3 months, and somehow I feel like I know you. I came to this forum looking for information. Mickey is my niece, and I felt very guilty that I could not be there, slashing weeds, kicking *advertiser censored*, taking names, whatever it took. My human brain realized that everything that could be done was covered, but my lizard brain wanted to choke someone and find the truth myself. You folks here at WS were my eyes and ears, particularly those of you in the area, I thank you all. I tried to do what I could, but I had to rely on all those people who gave up time and effort to search, post flyers, look around, care. I reached out to everyone I could think of from California to the Atlantic, and I heard from old friends I had not talked to in years. As it turns out, all this effort and love could not save Mickey, but I doubt this case would ever have been solved without all the community, family, friend, and total strangers extrordinary efforts to find her. You have my eternal gratitude. Even those posters who seemed callous in analyzing the facts and conjecture in this case, I am grateful. I had hoped my sister would not find this site. I was more that willing to "take one for the team", to read whatever information and theories were out there, whatever that entailed. I read every word posted, watched traffic cams, read questionable sources of information, reviewed whatever official records I could find, hoped, prayed, theorized and mostly waited. Now, the waiting is over. We know the outcome, although the details are not yet clear. I don't know what demons or defects could cause a human being to commit such a crime, but at least no other family or community will ever suffer at this man's hands. I am somewhat comforted to believe that Mickey was responsible for taking this man out of circulation, but that is small consolation. Not because she is kin, but she really was a special human being, and we are all a bit poorer for her absence. I have no real interest in crime, and would likely never have come across this website if not for Mickey. I appreciate what you guys do, but I will probably never post here again. I came here for answers, I got them, and I will move on, maybe look in from time to time. In conclusion, I am eternally grateful for all the effort you all put in to finding Mickey. Just keep in mind that all these "cases" are, or were, living, breathing people, with someone who cares about them. Most of you seem pretty well-rounded and grounded, but a couple of you should probably stop obsessing so much and get out of the house (seriously, I mean that with love and respect). Again, thank you all for caring. I will be in Lafayette for the memorial service, whenever that happens, and I would be proud to meet any of you who are willing, and would be happy to spring for coffee, or whatever libations you prefer. Much love, take care, John Rowe
I’m posting this You Tube video a second time because it ended up on the last page of the last thread and I believe it is worthy of sharing with as many people as possible not only is it Inspirational but it revolves around a Girl and her Horse!

Also, I have a feeling that Mickey did live her life this way (as portrayed in the video), and she would have hoped for others to do the same!

So here goes…

In Honor of Mickey’s Memory and All the other Bright & Beautiful Souls out there including All Web Sleuthers….

[ame=""]Stacy Westfall Championship Bareback and Bridleless - YouTube[/ame]​
towerguy, Mr. Rowe:

Reading your post, I feel a bit "on the spot" in that I am just one person among hundreds here at Websleuths, and thousands in the community and nation and world, doing our best to try to understand... to try to bring order to something that is so disorderly in essence. The human instinct is to ask, "why?" Yet for your family, in the end there is no "why" to be understood, as you say, when it comes to crimes against love and life. There is only "is." This cannot be understood. I will never understand it. I can only see what is, and see the human outpouring from so many places in response to one missing girl, and refuse to lose faith in the innate goodness of the vast majority of people.

So many folks here at Websleuths, and in so many other places, have spent so much time and energy and heartache following the case, in hopes of somehow being of assistance in bringing home a daughter of our community. You give your thanks to the locals for keeping you informed, yet we did not sacrifice much; we only did what locals do when a neighbor is in need, as best we could. It is the people not in Lafayette who are so unbelievable - in faraway states and across oceans - who never knew Mickey, yet spent time learning everything they could about her case, in hopes of helping separate fact from fiction, providing outside eyes to point out things overlooked, and offering different points of view, all with the common goal of doing anything they could to help see your niece come home safely.

As Brettly said at the beginning, the power of social media is powerful indeed. The same double-edged sword of technology, which with one edge enables gossip and chaos, with the other became a tool to bring together a group of people who, together, through physical, mental and emotional searching, were able to gather an incredible array of resources from people from all walks of life to pursue a common goal.

I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that if sometimes our questing to ponder and discuss the imponderable was a source of worry or pain to the family, we understand and are truly sorry. It must have been so difficult for you, for three long months, to read the theories and discussion that ran the gamut from incisive, to obsessive, to sometimes insensitive, to empathetic. So disorienting to see the lives of your loved ones put under a microscope by people you didn't know from Adam. I can only hope that the underlying sense of care and prayer for your family came through to you as clearly as it has to me, having read some of the nicest sentiments expressed for your family that I have ever seen on the Internet from total strangers. As you and I both learned from reading, many here have lost loved ones, some in the same manner as your family, and I was humbled to see how many of them have chosen to be supportive of others, and a force for good.

It's funny, I was always convinced that at least one member of your family was reading. And actually I had an odd intuition early on that it might have been "towerguy." Something about the way you almost never posted, but occasionally clicked the "thanks" button during key points in the long journey, and stayed with it the whole way...of course that describes many here who have silently read, day after day and night after night. I'll just say that I don't know why, but for some reason I'm not surprised.

I'm glad that you feel you've reached a point where you can back away from your long vigil here. Your burden has been unique. Enduring endless nights of looking for something - anything - here that could possibly help your niece, picking up tips from the CajunNet community that the rest of your family may have missed, all the while reading things that sometimes were so mercilessly forensic, about someone you have known and loved for so long, has to have been such a painful testing of your soul and your strength, forborne out of great love for your family. Each of you has played his or her part, yours as the family watchman, accomplished with dedication and great strength.

Please accept my sincere condolence and deepest sympathy for the untimely passing of your niece into glory. Though I met her only once, briefly, coincidentally on a day when she bought a new bike and wheeled it into Charlie's workplace to show it off, she did seem to radiate happiness. The amazing effort by family, friends and the community at large confirm how much she was, and is, and always will be, loved. Something I hope you and the family will always remember is that your family did everything humanly possible for her. You rallied a community like nothing I have ever seen - stayed positive - and inspired others, as Winston Churchill once urged in England's darkest hour, to "Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give up."

Your family never gave up. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever did. You set an example to follow for everyone who has ever lost someone, one which will always be an inspiration to families looking for a loved one.

So now she is coming home to you soon, and somewhere, in a better place, she is so very proud of you.

I'm sure that some of those reading would welcome the chance to tell you this in person.

Godspeed, sir. And please remember that you and your family are in everyone's prayers.

I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that if sometimes our questing to ponder and discuss the imponderable was a source of worry or pain to the family, we understand and are truly sorry. It must have been so difficult for you, for three long months, to read the theories and discussion that ran the gamut from incisive, to obsessive, to sometimes insensitive, to empathetic. So disorienting to see the lives of your loved ones put under a microscope by people you didn't know from Adam. I can only hope that the underlying sense of care and prayer for your family came through to you as clearly as it has to me, having read some of the nicest sentiments expressed for your family that I have ever seen on the Internet from total strangers. As you and I both learned from reading, many here have lost loved ones, some in the same manner as your family, and I was humbled to see how many of them have chosen to be supportive of others, and a force for good.

Respectfully snipped by me for space

Your response to Mickey's Uncle is wonderfully heartfelt and I agree completely in the sentiments expressed.
Team Mickey Creed & MOTTO:


If we persist, if we continue to Pray,
and if we continue to charge forward, we will succeed !!!

WE will not hear those who weep and complain,

for their disease is contagious.

The accomplishments in life are at the end of each journey,

not near the beginnings,

and it is not given for us to know how many steps

are necessary in order to reach our goal.

WE will never consider defeat,

and WE will remove from OUR vocabulary such words as quit,

cannot, unable, impossible, failure, and retreat,

for these are the words of mere fools and cowards.

When OUR thoughts beckon OUR tired body homeward,

WE will resist the temptation to depart. WE will try again.

WE will make one more attempt to close with victory,

and if that fails, WE will make another.

When others cease their struggle,

then Team Mickey Schunick, will begin, and OUR Prayers shall be answered...

Romans 13:12
The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.
[ame=""]I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion - YouTube[/ame]

A very inspirational music video on being angel to each other.
From the song "I'm your angel" by Celine Dion and R. Kelly.

"Fair the well and rest in peace Mickey Schunick; an Angel to us all"!
[ame=""]Heaven was needing a Hero - YouTube[/ame]
Dearest Shunick family,

Our hearts and prayers go out to your family and friends. May the Holy Spirit give you peace and comfort. I can very plainly see God's hand on finding Mickey. Millions upon millions of prayers have gone up for her return to you all and for justice to be done.

I believe that, after salvation, God's greatest gift to us is free will. Sadly, there are those that abuse that precious gift. I am so sad and sorry that this has happened to your family.

My family lives in NWLA and in early April of this year a precious fifteen year old young man lost his life tragically in a traffic accident. His life too was full of promise for the future. My fourteen year old daughter has struggled to find peace since then.

At his funeral they played this song, 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman. She has played it countless times and I believe it has helped. Maybe it can help you all too.

Even though we don't know each other, we are sisters and brothers in this struggle and Mickey and others like her, our children. You remain in our prayers. May God Bless You.

I pray that you all can find your 10,000 reasons!

[ame=""]Matt Redman - 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) - YouTube[/ame]
I want to say that my heart is hurt. I feel like I lost a friend and I can honestly say that i'd give my life for her to be back with her loved ones. I've lived a long life but there is so much more I could be doing with my life. I feel so guilty because I know Mickey would have done so much more with her life than I could ever do with mine.

I pray that God helps her family get through the hurt and pain of losing her. She was an Angel who touched our lives and we all could see that beautiful ray of sunshine when we looked at her but the evil eyes of bsl also saw her sunshine and instead of embracing it like so many of us have he decided to destroy it, but little did he know that his evil actions would only cause her light to beam even brighter. Even though her physical body is no longer with us, Mickeys beautiful ray of light will shine on forever.

Chicken Fried, thank you for your thoughtful and heart-felt response. Just a couple things: I didn't mean to single you out or put you on the spot. I feel a closeness to many on this forum, even though we have never met, but your opinions, taking the time to photograph the area around Whiskey Bay, as well as your personal revalations shared with the group gave me a lot of clarity, and helped me organize a lot of information in my own mind. Also, though I guess folks of our vintage were taught to be a bit deferential (I am 55, but still feel, mentally at least, like a kid most times), no need for the "Mr."! I still remember the first time a kid called me that, I had to look around to see who he was talking to. Though I like to think I clean up well when required, I am a jeans and t-shirt person by nature, and have little use for formality. I thought about what you said about locals doing what neighbors do, and passing along the praise to the non-locals who kept the fires burning in this incredible effort. Very true, but I think you are being too modest. Your community is not at all typical, you really have shown me what a special place Lafayette, and Acadiana, really is. From time to time on many internet sites, people have expressed indignation that SOME cases get all the attention, while others are barely noticed. This and Nancy Grace referring to Mickey as a "blond bombshell". She had light hair, but she was hardly a "bombshell", just a down-to-earth, caring human being. I don't know why some cases get short shrift from the media, police or whatever, but that has nothing to do with us. We came together to find this one special young woman. This was not one case among many for us, this was personal. I would gladly expend the same effort for anyone, if asked. There is no reality I can imagine where something like this can be considered a normal or expected occurance, and therefore there is no frame of reference for what is an "appropriate" response. Sorry for the rant, but what I am trying to express is that caring more about Mickey does not mean any of us care less about anyone else. The great outpouring of goodness and concern for my niece has restored my faith that whatever evil and cruelty is out there is no match for the collective love, will and character of the rest of us. I thank you all, and wish you nothing but peace and happiness in your own lives.
Thank you Jesus for bringing Mickey home.......
I never met Mickey but she touched my heart; I was compelled to do lots of praying for answers to locate her.

Mickey had a God-given undeniable feisty strength which gave her such courage during this crime. I believe this allowed Mickey to fight hard and leave clues to help capture and unbeknownst to her, solve other crimes that this criminal committed. She had such a full 'purpose in life', having lived only a short 22 yrs.

Mickey is a now a beautiful Angel :angel: with that everlasting smile watching over her family and community.

May God bless the Shunick family with much peace, comfort and future happiness as they bring Mickey home. Justice will prevail for Mickey :angel: and Lisa. :rose: :rose:
[ame=""]Il Divo - Amazing Grace - YouTube[/ame]
OT, but I just have to tell you something Chicken, and I'm sure the other posters here will agree with me. I read your message to towerguy last night and you, like Charlie, are most definitely an "old soul". Your reply was beautifully written. As all of your posts have been, it was comprehensive, showed wonderful clarity of thought, great humanity, and true wisdom. :yourock:
'Inspired by Mickey...Driven by Faith'

[ame=""]Kutless, What Faith Can Do (lyrics!) - YouTube[/ame]
I wanted to bump this thread and say that, with what we know now, Mickey's last hours were indisputably heroic. No words can address her loss.
My God be with Mickey's family and friends through many hard times ahead without her, may they find comfort in remembering what a strong beautiful spirit she was and will always be.
"Mickey Shunick courageously
sacrificed her life,
so that other victims may live the early morning hours of
May 19th, 2012,
a hero was born"

"Sing your death song,
and die like a hero going home"
Shawnee First Nation

Mighty Mick 5/21/1990 - 5/19/2012

[ame=""]In Memory of Mickey Shunick - YouTube[/ame]​
Mighty Mickey has made such an impact on the lives of my 2 little girls. Although they are only 8 and 9 they followed they case and prayed daily (even at meals) for her to be found. Once they found Mickey, my girls were told how are she fought and how she was a princess warrior for God used to protect other innocent little girls and women. I reminded them that Satan wears many masks, and even quotes scriptures but always always use your heart and guts when making decisions on who to trust and where to go because evil lurks in the most unlikely places.....this is just how Satan works. But in this house...we know she won the battle!!!! And soon, very soon she will stand with Jesus to judge BSL and when that happens he will see true justice.

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