Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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It was discussed in one of the earlier threads and people thought that NL might have bought the car used and the registration wasn't updated.
It was discussed in one of the earlier threads and people thought that NL might have bought the car used and the registration wasn't updated.

From what I have read, the Connecticut license tag does NOT stay with the used car when sold.
Actually, IMO, the mental health issue is not all about money or insurance companies. The government does regulate how care is given etc. In other words NL could have believed her son was dangerous and tried to get help (hypothetically) and after a short term "hold", she may have been told that he wasn't severe enough for court ordered (involuntary) inpatient treatment. Again this is all hypothetical. But these issues do exist and bad things happen as a result. Someone like AL would not have gone into inpatient treatment voluntarily IMO. But it seems that is what he needed. MOO I doubt he would have taken meds if he were prescribed them. IMO we have gone too far in the opposite direction from when (in the 60's?IIRC) people could be committed for months for NO reason. Maybe somewhere in between would be better. JMO
IMO, NL was an educated woman, who would have sought professional services for AL. I think we will find out AL has been under psychiatric care for years. What I don't know is: will LE be able to receive ALL info pertaining to his treatment.
IMO, NL was an educated woman, who would have sought professional services for AL. I think we will find out AL has been under psychiatric care for years. What I don't know is: will LE be able to receive ALL info pertaining to his treatment.

BBM -- Most definitely. LE will need a warrant, but I have a feeling they'll be combing through the records from every physician he's ever seen. JMO
From what I have read, the Connecticut license tag does NOT stay with the used car when sold.

Absolutely CORRECT! And as somebody who :floorlaugh: "neglected" :floorlaugh: to return the tags (hey, they just got misplaced under "stuff"!) :blushing: ....there are financial consequences! Depending which of the 169 towns/cities within the Ct. jurisdiction, SOME can be costly! :banghead::banghead:|#52407
In the first article, the lawyer said HE was approached by the parents within a week of the shooting. I wonder if he's waiving his fees to help create a safer world?

Doubtful. Anyone else try an Ebay search for 'Newtown' and see what you come up with- all kinds of hucksters selling stuff with the school name on it. A lot of the listings say the proceeds are to benefit the victims' families but we only have their word for that. Some are just shameless, like the guy selling T-shirts with the school name on it and no mention of the proceeds going anywhere other than his pocket. I sent him a polite note asking about this and got a defensive huffy reply- I was 'the only person' who complained. He never answered my question so I assume he's just another creep making money on this.
:twocents: Just an FYI about medical records: Prior to performing a post, the OCME requests medical records as needed, gathering the information from the decedent's environment. SO if there is a collection of pharmacy bottles present within the death scene and environment, the pharmacy & prescribing HCP are contacted to confirm the details. Other medical records may/can/are often requested & provided prior and during the post mortem examination or after as the physical results are being evaluated. Other documentation can/will/may be present to assist the ME, i.e. response logs of EMS, Tx in the field, phone records/conversations of treating/responding parties, LE notes pertaining to the physical presentation of the decedent, OCME investigator(s) data/notes, photos, on-site ME evaluations, etc.
Since the MEDICAL EXAMINER is a physician/pathologist (in CT.), the decedent remains a patient per se and the MEDICAL component of the record is NOT released to the general public. Supplemental records as needed can be retrieved from licensed HCPs and reviewed by specialists within sub-specialty areas (behavioral health, genetics, etc.), again under the jurisdiction of the OME thus retaining "patient" confidentiality.

:twocents::twocents::twocents: I'm a bit biased but believe that the information provided in this "brochure" is to the point:

The process of investigation these shootings is on-going with many agencies involved, many "media" (in quotes as they are NOT all reputable main stream or um, let's just say "recognized") are seeking LEAKS & "gotchas" to make headlines by an amazing variety of means and methods!
A lawyer who's asking to sue Connecticut for $100 million on behalf of a 6-year-old Newtown school shooting survivor who heard violence over the school's intercom system says the potential claim is about improving school security, not money.

"It's about living in a world that's safe,"

When they find that world, I hope they let us know where it is!!!! Evil can pop up anywhere at anytime, this is not the schools fault JMO

This is wrong on so many levels. No doubt the little one is traumatized, but Newtown has brought in counselors for all students/staff of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Use them!

It has been 2 days over 2 weeks since this tragedy occurred. 52 parents buried their children less than 2 weeks ago! And they have the nerve!?! Staff and teachers DIED trying to save lives and by many accounts, they saved many... including this Jill Doe's. And they have the nerve to say they didn't do enough? Why not spit on their graves? Or slap their parents in the face? I cannot believe the parents, of a child who survived, could be nothing but thankful. And to have the mindframe to even go to a lawyer?? Yeah, their motivations are to make the world a safer place... PLEASE!! It's disgusting and if it were not for the innocent child, I would ask them to be publicly shamed in front of all the families of those who did die.

I have my kids wear their phones on their person with sounds completely off (no vibrate or ring) even though it is against school policy. They don't ever take it out at school, no teachers know that they keep it on their person- but I feel better about them having it in the event of an at school or after school emergency.

I tell them to respect the principle of the rule- the principle is that school is no time for cell phones. We can respect the principle of the rule and keep ourselves safer by making sure it is with us and doesn't get separated from us in our backpack. I honestly can't imagine anyone cares.

Paranoid maybe a bit, but I like to think of it as prepared:blushing:

Would be nice if the companies that make the pendants for the elderly would make something for kids to wear. Would probably require gps, could be worn under clothing and can be activated with a press of the finger, unobtrusively. This would avoid having to get the phone out and make a call. This would be nice for teachers and administration as well and can be activated anywhere on the school grounds. Wow, I think that would be awesome!
This is wrong on so many levels. No doubt the little one is traumatized, but Newtown has brought in counselors for all students/staff of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Use them!

It has been 2 days over 2 weeks since this tragedy occurred. 52 parents buried their children less than 2 weeks ago! And they have the nerve!?! Staff and teachers DIED trying to save lives and by many accounts, they saved many... including this Jill Doe's. And they have the nerve to say they didn't do enough? Why not spit on their graves? Or slap their parents in the face? I cannot believe the parents, of a child who survived, could be nothing but thankful. And to have the mindframe to even go to a lawyer?? Yeah, their motivations are to make the world a safer place... PLEASE!! It's disgusting and if it were not for the innocent child, I would ask them to be publicly shamed in front of all the families of those who did die.


I wouldn't be too quick to blame the parents. Remember the attorney has a lot to gain also and as another poster mentioned, the attorney has been disciplined in the past by the law board. Guarantee either this attorney approached the family or had someone do it for him!
Would be nice if the companies that make the pendants for the elderly would make something for kids to wear. Would probably require gps, could be worn under clothing and can be activated with a press of the finger, unobtrusively. This would avoid having to get the phone out and make a call. This would be nice for teachers and administration as well and can be activated anywhere on the school grounds. Wow, I think that would be awesome!

I like the idea, but I like the idea of a teacher having a "panic button" of sorts more than giving them out to children. Only because children can be little pranksters and you'd have schools all over the country surrounded by SWAT teams. One dare to hit the switch would be enough for a child to press the button. Or a Senior prank. A panic button, like they have in gas stations, would be ideal for teachers though. Let's get it done!
I like the idea, but I like the idea of a teacher having a "panic button" of sorts more than giving them out to children. Only because children can be little pranksters and you'd have schools all over the country surrounded by SWAT teams. One dare to hit the switch would be enough for a child to press the button. Or a Senior prank. A panic button, like they have in gas stations, would be ideal for teachers though. Let's get it done!

<modsnip>Agree children having the panic buttons would be a mess, but teachers and all administrative/janitorial staff should have something that could activate response immediately without having to notify the main office.

ETA: would be best to have a 'panic button' that is worn on the person. A panic button on a wall panel would require a person to reach it in order to use it and that might be fatal. This type of alarm system could also be set up to activate a recording of sirens as one member suggested. That might cause a perp to flee. I think it would be worth the effort!
<modsnip>Agree children having the panic buttons would be a mess, but teachers and all administrative/janitorial staff should have something that could activate response immediately without having to notify the main office.

ETA: would be best to have a 'panic button' that is worn on the person. A panic button on a wall panel would require a person to reach it in order to use it and that might be fatal. This type of alarm system could also be set up to activate a recording of sirens as one member suggested. That might cause a perp to flee. I think it would be worth the effort!

Some gas stations do have them on their attendants. It wasn't around the neck, but on the waistband like a beeper. I also think it would be worth the effort. I wonder if it could set off some kind of silent alarm throughout the school to other teachers in order to get a faster response to lock downs? With all the technology we have today... it has to be possible.
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