Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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Columbine especially has websites even to this day with people posting theories, case documents, asking questions etc. but other than the occasional news article, no-one (other than us and a handful of people) seems interested in this mentally ill individual that shot down those kids and adults. This was an unprecedented incident but has nowhere near as much interest despite how unique it is, KWIM.?
I know what you are saying. Even on a true crime forum, the full report about the case didn't generate that much interest, when you consider how many victims there were, how much interest is generated by developments in cases involving one victim, etc. Imagine if they released that sort of report, thousands of pages of information in other cases here....There would be thousands of posts discussing every angle of it. IDK...
I too believe Adam's true diagnosis was something other than just Asperger's, if indeed he had that. There are a few children in my own family with autism spectrum disorders and they are in no way violent or antisocial. Meltdowns over inability to concentrate on homework, yes, just like Adam, but I think he had something far worse. Maybe schizophrenia or a delusional type of disorder. On the one hand he seems psychopathic but on the other hand his dad talks about his sense of humor and how he laughed for an hour when they went to the show, so it doesn't sound like he had blunted emotions but was very emotional (although mainly in negative ways). He probably had a combination of disorders. You can tell he was very much in pain the last several years of his life. If it weren't for his fixation on violence/mass killings, etc I would tend to think he may have become so delusional he thought he was saving his mom and those people at the school by taking them out of the world, but that does not at all seem to be the case.

It's not that I blame his mom for what was wrong with him, but I do think she did not possess the type of personality who could give the structure, strength, and discipline that may have been needed.
Adam Lanza's father in 1st interview: He would have killed me 'in a heartbeat'

By Ralph Ellis, CNN

updated 7:54 AM EDT, Mon March 10, 2014

(CNN) -- The father of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza said his son would have killed him if he'd had the opportunity.

"With hindsight, I know Adam would have killed me in a heartbeat, if he'd had the chance," Peter Lanza told New Yorker magazine in an interview that appears in the March 17 issue.

It's the first time Peter Lanza has spoken publicly about his son...

I don't doubt he would have if he could.
Am I the only one that feels as time has gone on, this whole incident has had little to no press (after the immediate flurry of media when it first happened) in comparison to other shootings, like columbine or the James Holmes shooting? Usually you would have family friends, family and everyone and anyone willing to tell stories but everyone just seems to mute, it's odd.

I think there were more articles and examinations of other school shootings because they were the first ones. Over time people have wondered if these analyses helped anyone or created more copy cats and wannabes - like AL.

Also the people around here and in the town are in total shock. It may take years for personal accounts. I met an older lady at the drs last week we were both there with our husbands and she goes to the Church and she was talking about a grief program that was held the night before. She was there at the meeting. It is a small ( weird ish to begin with)( I think ) but it is an old old New England town. Think stoic and closed.

Also these were little tiny bodies of little babies. I have no idea what people want to see pictures of. There was not much left. I know a first responder who is a grown man. Who cannot close his eyes with out seeing tiny pieces of the tiny victims.
I know I am still in shock from what I heard and unwilling to share accounts.

Imho We should spend more time looking at the underlying patterns in our society that are creating school shootings and bully culture. Stop enabling the AL's of the world.
Since you sleuths are probably much more read up upon this case, can you confirm that Adam Lanza was known to be on certain message boards, including a Columbine Massacre message board? It'd be extremely eerie if he was on the message board, since I used to be upon it, *and* the supposed username he was under I can remember as having conversed with several times. o_o Is this simply a rumor or is there truth to it?
Since you sleuths are probably much more read up upon this case, can you confirm that Adam Lanza was known to be on certain message boards, including a Columbine Massacre message board? It'd be extremely eerie if he was on the message board, since I used to be upon it, *and* the supposed username he was under I can remember as having conversed with several times. o_o Is this simply a rumor or is there truth to it?

Yes there are definitely records that he was on a few boards. I'll try to find the names of the sites. He had a detailed study of all the school shootings. Others have also stated as you have that they did know and even correspond with him.
Since you sleuths are probably much more read up upon this case, can you confirm that Adam Lanza was known to be on certain message boards, including a Columbine Massacre message board? It'd be extremely eerie if he was on the message board, since I used to be upon it, *and* the supposed username he was under I can remember as having conversed with several times. o_o Is this simply a rumor or is there truth to it?
Since you sleuths are probably much more read up upon this case, can you confirm that Adam Lanza was known to be on certain message boards, including a Columbine Massacre message board? It'd be extremely eerie if he was on the message board, since I used to be upon it, *and* the supposed username he was under I can remember as having conversed with several times. o_o Is this simply a rumor or is there truth to it?

Oh, my, what a creepy experience for you!
I can't even imagine getting a phone call like this. But I also can't imagine why some guy from another country made 96 calls of this sort...

The Venezuelan man, who had been charged in a 2013 criminal complaint, was arrested Saturday as he traveled through Miami on the way to Mexico from Venezuela, federal officials said.

He allegedly called Newtown residents on Dec. 16, 2012, two days after gunman Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed 20 children and six educators before taking his own life.

The suspect allegedly made 96 calls to the Newtown area from Venezuela, saying on one call: "This is Adam Lanza. I'm gonna [expletive] kill you. You're dead. You're dead. You hear me? You're dead."

On another, he is accused of saying: "This is Adam Lanza. I'm gonna kill you. You're dead. With my machine gun. You're dead."
Active shooter trainer/retired Connecticut law enforcement officer Vincent Riccio has stated publicly that Adam Lanza had "a chest wound and a head wound." He said it casually in a public presentation; I've written to him about it, and he's said he'll get in touch with me in a few weeks after his schedule has calmed down.

The statements occurs in part 5 of a series he's uploaded to YT, entitled, "Sandy Hook/Active Shooter Presentation."

The reason this statement meant the most to me was due to my increasing belief, upon many, many months of listening to Newtown Call 7, that the 9:46:54 gunshot was fired by an NPD officer. (Note: This shot was originally declared the final shot by analyst Paul Ginsberg, hired by the investigation; he later redacted his original analysis. Both versions are included in the final report). I say this was likely fired by NPD, because the sound is very loud and clear, i.e. closer to Rick Thorne's cellphone. If you recall, Rick Thorne is standing/crouching part way down a hall on the opposite side of the building from the north hall--the north hall is where the affected classrooms are located.

I believe very strongly that Sedensky intended for the 9:46:54 shot to be the final shot--if you read how he describes the final shot (which he's now moved, I believe randomly, to 9:40:03), he says it is distinct from the other shots. This description absolutely applies to the 9:46:54 shot sound; it comes after a few moments of silence, is eerily clear, loud, and quite frankly creepy sounding (sorry, a woman's observation).

But upon reading Sgt. Cario's report as to what was happening at that moment--he has entered the school and found NPD officers crouching around a corner in the lobby, looking down the north hall--now, place that sound in context. This is the sound, I firmly believe, of a shot fired by officers who are relatively near to Rick--they're still in the lobby in fact--and they are aiming down the north hall.

The shots in the distance which precede this shot (all of which are also unacknowledged in the report, but clearly audible on Call 7) I now believe were fired from room 2, where casings were indeed found. This room, being on the corner, also looked out on the playscape--the exact location NPD officers told the incoming Cario a "possible threat" existed, causing Cario to immediately run back out of the building toward the playscape.

In sum, I believe a shooter fired shots from room 2 onto the playscape--that is were Capt. Rios and Manfredonia were at that time, possibly sheltering from just those shots--and then, as officers outside the building converged in the direction of room 2, the shooter ran through the classrooms via the connecting doors. There were allegedly connecting doors between every, single set of rooms in the north hall, except between room 8 and 10. Having run into a wall in room 8, he would have had to exit room 8 into the hallway if he needed to keep moving away from the threat. I believe that at the moment he exited room 8, an NPD officer fired his weapon, striking the shooter in the chest. In fact if you look at the photos of the shooter's clothing, you can indeed see several clear depressions--one in particular--which could easily be the result of a bullet impacting that shirt either through a flak jacket, or hitting the shirt directly which was worn over the flak jacket.

In addition, the shooter was said to have been lying "near the door jamb" of room 10 in some reports, but fully inside the room in others. I won't go into what I think that means, but suffice it to say, there are some clear and logical possibilities.

That shot is fired at 9:46:54; it then, for some reason, takes officers on scene until 9:51:31 to announce, "92--we got one suspect down." This is followed immediately by the same officer yelling, "CLEAR!" and "We have a suspect down." This moment, incidentally, is not accurately transcribed by CSP Det Alison Peters and NPD officer Jeff Silver. They change it, for whatever reason, to "Where? Where is suspect down?" The audio is available for anyone to listen to, and you can decide for yourself.

That's a very long way of saying I think the shooter clearly popped out of room 8, and officers who gave sworn statements saying they were monitoring the north hall at that very moment, shot him in the chest. I do not think that shot was fatal.

Just before this moment, a child survivor from room 8 who has remained in her room the entire time, suddenly starts running out of room 8, being told to go back in, and then running out again yelling that she wants to go home. An NPD officer can be heard yelling, "Get back in the classroom!" only moments before the 9:46:54 shot. It is my feeling that the reason she's finally fleeing room 8, at that very moment, and repeatedly refusing to obey officers who tell her to stay in the room, is that the shooter is in there. Lord knows the shooter may have sent her out to draw fire, for that matter.

I don't know if you noticed the recent drama with the Sandy Hook first responders ceremony hosted by Gov. Malloy; 300 dispatchers and first responders and dispatchers were honored; not one, single Newtown dispatcher was invited, and not one of the first officers on scene (McGowan, Chapman, Kullgren, Penna, Bahamonde, Smith, Vanghele, Rios, Kehoe, Seabrook) was invited. This has prompted an impassioned open letter to Gov. Malloy from a Fairfield County EMT asking why Newtown was not invited; via Schriro, the response was a vague allusion apologizing for "overlooking" anyone. In my strong opinion, this does not wash.

Given the very strong statements by SH parents in the past few months alleging negligence on the part of Newtown Public Schools and NPD, I think we can start to draw uncomfortable conclusions, at least in broad terms, that those two organizations are likely targets of pending suits. The statute of limitations for wrongful death suits in CT is 2 years; we're just over four months out.

A searchable version of the Sandy Hook final report is available here:

Additional information, including audio files of the police/fire/EMS transmissions and 911 calls, are available here:

One more note which may be of interest to sleuths: the 911 calls have been artificially divided (one call divided into multiple calls) in a way which omits crucial seconds of the early response--to include the contentious 9:40:03 and 9:46:54 gunshots.
Oh boy.

(Candidate Tom) Ready had just criticized Commissioner Sal Pace and Democrats for higher energy costs in the state and Pace, reacting to Ready in a stern voice, said “I thought we agreed not to go negative, but what about your posting on your Facebook site linking to a story that questioned whether Sandy Hook really happened?”

Ready said he only put that link up because he called for open discussion. “I don’t think (the Sandy Hook shootings have) been proven. And what’s wrong with open discussion?”

After the debate, Ready said did not recall posting the link specifically, but “it would not be the first time I put something out there for discussion.”
Shooting quote stirs commissioner debate (Pueblo Chieftan)

GOP candidate suggests massacre was a hoax to drum up support for tougher gun control laws (Daily Mail)

more at the links above
What would he accept as proof that the shootings happened?
WTF, are there really people who don't believe it happened? I can't imagine how much such ideas hurt the families who have lost their children.
If this *advertiser censored* is elected he'll then move on to run for state legislature on the Holocaust denial platform.
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