Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #7

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I never had to get a physical when I went to college. I am sure they would require one for joining the military but not college.

Not sure if we're talking about the same physical exam, but I had to have physical exams in order to enroll in both undergrad and grad schools.
Not sure that this is the same test that I've taken several times (just to see if my score is always the same :D), but you might be surprised at how many folks have AS traits yet have no difficulty functioning in daily life.
I scored 30.

I have social anxiety ... Growing up it was always said that I was just very shy. It has gotten worse as I have gotten older . The reason I am saying this is because what some/ most people see as strange makes perfect sense to me.

I do not like people over at my house .. Not even family . I have been here two years and have only had others ( family ) inside twice. My house is not dirty and I have nothing to home is my safe place .. I can be myself without worrying what to say - did I say the wrong thing - they must think I am odd..why are they looking at me like that ...My husband and daughter don't have people over for me - they go out and it seems his mom may have done the same for this coward.
I work from home and I only leave my house once a week to have dinner at my grandparents . I know when my neighbors won't be outside - that is when I take my dogs out . Knowing I might have to say hello makes me so nervous. My husband does the shopping - I make the list. If I do go... I go with him.. Never alone . I don't want any "small talk" from the cashier . When I am put in the situation that most seem as the normal " hello how are you" I forget what I am saying - even though I know all I need to say is " fine , how are you? " .. My heart starts to race , I forget the simple answer and am only thinking about what they must be thinking having this weird little person freeze and stumble over words....
From what I have read she seemed like am amazing person who only wanted to help her son . She is also a victim ... IMO he was just evil ... A evil coward.
Thank you for sharing, I can relate to a good few of your thoughts.
Did NL shut her family out of her life?
Didn't anyone see AL deteriating?
What about holidays?
It was stated that NL had someone put lights up on the house.
Was it just the 2 of them always?

How did that guy get into this press conference and why was he allowed to stand there with that sign for that long?

***talking about the NRA press conference that is on right now***

We are truly a nation divded here.....(((((((((((((sigh))))))))))))))

I think I would say they must be mentally "off". Not a diagnosis category but clearly those people are somehow different if they can so easily do things that make everybody else appalled, shocked, sad and disgusted, not necessarily in that order.

BBM. I'm not sure what that's supposed to prove - it's to be expected if he had Asperger. People with Asperger syndrome are by definition relatively high functioning cognitively. It's one of the diagnosis criteria actually: if there is a significant delay in mental development then you don't diagnose the person with Asperger's syndrome. So if you have someone with Asperger syndrome you wouldn't expect them to be completely helpless in every way and if they aren't it surely doesn't mean that the person just uses the symptoms to manipulate others.


That is not to say that there might not be a manipulative aspect in there somewhere but just the fact that he wasn't obviously retarded in every area of his cognitive functioning doesn't prove he faked his difficulties just to annoy mom.

Anyway, "nothing wrong" in his cognitive thinking may be a little too strongly worded. We don't know that. People with Asperger's may have uneven cognitive functioning, high in some respects and more difficulties in other areas.

I agree, and I think when they are talking about cognitive ability they are referring to something similar to my brother--he is a brilliant person but truly has no ability to solve life problems and lots of the time seems to have no common sense at all.
This isn't aimed at you, gngr...

But am I the only one who doesn't keep a loaded gun (we have three unloaded shotguns my husband uses strictly for hunting) in my house because of my children?

Am I the only one who would absolutely REFUSE to send my children to a school where faculty is "packing heat"?

No, you are not the only one. I only have grandkids in school now, but I would refuse to put my kids in a school where teachers are packing heat. We don't have a gun, but I would never keep a loaded gun just lying around a house where there are children or allow any access to a gun and ammunition.

Why are people so loudly complaining about teachers all the time, yet we want to put more responsibility on them, make them teach more kids per class, add more bureaucracy all the time.... and so on. Smaller schools, smaller classes, and teachers who are treated like professionals/intellectuals is the answer to me. And, maybe give them adequate time for planning curriculum during the week!
NRA Wayne Lapierre says this is a time, this is a day, we must create a model school shield program whatever it requires. They want armed police officers inside schools.
:dunno:Has there been any discussion about the possibility NL watched over son from security cameras/or skype. etc. Just thinking A prob'ly would want any easy record of this destroyed from hard drive. She also could have left him home alone with this system in place when she left feeling she was monitoring him.
That is why we as parents try to teach skills and coping mechanisms for our children, so they can learn to be independent, free thinking, functional adults in society.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being by yourself, or wanting to be alone, or doing things on your own -- as long as you (generic you not directing it at you Stephanie) also recognize that there will be times when human interactions with other people are necessary. No man is an island. Adam needed to be taught that as a child and onward as he aged.

God yes. I don't think my mom ever realized that by living "around" my brother's problems the burden would only be passed on to me when she died.

Right or wrong, I am not going to cater to much of the dysfunctional behavior he exhibits. As I said previously, he is attempting vocational rehab job placement, he has to come with me to sporting events I go to, the store, and I purposely put him in situations where he needs to confront his fears but be supported at the same time.
The nation's largest gun-rights lobby is calling for armed police officers to be posted in every American school to stop the next killer "waiting in the wings."

Are they the same people, or some of them, who balk at school funding?

One thing wrong with our schools is that they look more like factories and prisons than places where learning takes place and children can be children. Putting guns in schools is not planning for the future or preventative, it is reactive. One big problem for a lot of kids is that they do not feel they belong, whether that is the reason they join gangs or just lash out at the pain of that. Schools should be focusing on giving students meaningful learning experiences instead of just prepping for standardized tests and becoming one of the anonymous.
I would not allow my kids to go to school where all the teachers were armed. A select few administrators that have undergone extensive psychological testing and rigorous firearms training, as well as armed guards, and I believe metal detectors should be a given. All those things would be fine with me. If they start handing out guns to every teacher, I'm homeschooling. I've met plenty of teachers in my life that should not have access to firearms at all, let alone all the time.
Nope, utility vests and bulletproof vests aren't even close to the same thing. Think of the fishing shows that they have on television. The vests that the fly fishing guys love to wear...those are utility vests. No real protection, just a lot of pockets and storage space, LOL. I have a couple around here somewhere. No bulletproof vests, though.
I'm setting up a new thread, so please be ready to jump over in a few minutes.

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