Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #8

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Un-bolded by me. :blushing:

This was widely reported and debunked when it was discovered the source of the information was simply spreading rumor he heard; the statement was debunked by the father of the source of the information.

Thanks for your updates....IMO something set off Lanza
I am a grandma of an asperger grandson.
It takes a village to raise a child.
Everyone of us have worked with him.
Taken him to counselors, doctors and teachers.
We take classes also.
We have broken the barriers, he hugs, kisses, shows empathy.
He has come along way.
He has friends, goes to regular classes.
When ever someone has a child with any disability,
they need allot of help.
We are a hands on family and lucky that we all take care of each other.

I'm glad to hear that your family is a close-knit, loving, supportive one to your asperger grandson. Unfortunately in Adam Lanza's case, it looks like his dad and brother as well as other relatives -- where are his grandparents and uncles, aunts, etc. -- had disappeared from his life entirely. To Adam, it likely felt like complete abandonment. Although Adam's 20 years old, he's still a "child" in many ways as he lacked the ability to function as an independent adult in society.

I think the adult family members should have tried a little harder to include Adam in their lives. Maybe a phone call once in a while to Adam, or even an email or e-card or even a handwritten, snail mail card to let Adam know he's still unconditionally loved? I'm not blaming them for what Adam did, but they clearly were not there for him when he most needed it.

I know mental illness has a way of isolating family members from the mentally ill patient. And that saddens me greatly. I wish there was something done for Adam before he exploded. As hard as it may be for some to feel for Adam, I not only see the 27 who are dead as victims, I also see Adam as a 28th victim but he was a victim to mental illness.
Courage of Sandy Hook teacher, 25, who ran back
into elementary school to help co-workers escape gunman
(Daily Mail)
Ted Varga showed colleagues escape route as shots rang out last Friday

Once the shooting began, Mr Varga tried to lock the door to the conference room. When he found out the door would not lock, the teacher then ran down a smoke-filled hallway to safety but turned back to help his fellow staff escape.

:banghead::banghead::banghead: Is this the fourth account of a teacher being unable to lock their door?
C'mon let's not forget who Adam Lanza really is. He showed his real colors

Lanza is no different than the many well publicized mass murderers throughout history

Just because Hitler, Al Quaeda, Bin Laden, Saddam were leaders of their organizations/country does not make Adam Lanza any less a mass murderer than they are.

No one cares about Saddam's or Bin Laden's psychological issues, so why should we care about Lanza's?...Just Saying my opinion
It is what it is and Lanza will be remembered as a mass murderer

I am quite interested in the psychological, as well as social/spiritual/etc issues related to AL and all those people you mentioned. I find it fascinating. It helps explain why those people are so different from the rest of us.
Nancy is a victim, but she is not a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. What the pastor did was wonderful and it is awful that he is getting death threats. However, I do understand why others choose to not include Nancy in the 26.

It appears that Nancy was killed while she slept. She was in her own home and in her own bed. The alleged fact that he afforded his mother a more humane death than he did the 26 victims at Sandy Hook speaks volumes to motive, IMO.

The 26 victims at Sandy Hook were completely opposite. They were outside of their homes. Not safely and peacefully tucked into their beds. They were wide awake. Happy and excited about Gingerbread House making and their upcoming Holiday break. What they endured before their death has to be explained as nothing short of unexplainable terror. They knew it was coming. This is explained by the teacher who saved her entire class by hiding in a closet and telling them that she loved them and they would have Christmas.


The thing is we will never know. He may have stood there with the gun aimed at her face and when she opened her eyes and saw what he was doing he shot her. Not once, not twice but four times!
As hard as it may be for some to feel for Adam, I not only see the 27 who are dead as victims, I also see Adam as a 28th victim but he was a victim to mental illness.

Sorry. AL is not "a victim." He killed twenty first-graders in cold blood. He murdered his mother and six teachers.

To assign him status as "victim" insults those many among us who battle mental illness daily, and do not resort to violence.
Thanks for your updates....IMO something set off Lanza

I sure hope "something set off Lanza" and he didn't do this because he was bored...

I hope a full investigation will bring out the facts about how and why such an epic, horrific tragedy occurred. I hope the media will begin to double-source their reporting from credible sources prior to broadcasting or printing misinformation/rumor/speculation. I hope that when the facts are presented we as a public will have the same high-level of interest in not only learning/understanding the facts but using such information as a tool to aid in preventing future incidents as well as help troubled individuals before their lives reach a breaking point.
Isabelle, thank you for your thoughtful post. You raise a lot of the same feelings that I have been trying to understand as we continue to read "news" reports crucifying Nancy Lanza. After reading endless news stories about the life of Nancy Lanza, I have come to the conclusion that we are reading a plethora of misinformation and rumors from people who casually knew Nancy Lanza or, in some documented cases, didn't know Nancy Lanza at all. It is very troubling to me; I feel like we witnessing the worst exercise of modern "journalism" with the coverage of Adam & Nancy Lanza's background-- It just seems the media is throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks...

I'm really trying to understand why Nancy Lanza is being crucified by the media and the public to the point that many in the media are essentially blaming her for enabling Adam Lanza's actions but Adam's father, Peter Lanza, is not facing any backlash for Adam's actions.

According to USA Today the Lanza's had "joint legal custody" of Adam with Nancy having primary custody.

It is sickening and disgusting to me that the public and media are blaming a dead woman, murdered by her own son, for Adam's actions yet Peter Lanza is not accountable on any level for Adam's actions. I'm sure that Peter Lanza being a Vice President at GE Energy Financial Services and GE owning 49% of both NBC & MSNBC allows that "news" division to give Peter Lanza a pass.

Isn't it interesting that this is one of the few mass shootings that the media isn't giving the accused shooter's middle name? Guess what, the accused shooter's full name: Adam Peter Lanza. If they were using his middle name, Peter, in coverage it might remind us that he has a father too...

It is very simple why the press is not going after the father,he was not the one who taught Adam to shoot guns,he also was not the one who kept many guns and tons of ammo in a house with a very disturbed young adult.When the news first showed the divorce papers the Mom had final say in all things Adam not the father.Adam news reports say refused to see his dad for at least 2 years,you can not make an adult have a relationship with you if they do not want one.The reason she is being blamed is because she was the one who purchased,allowed her son access to lethal weapons.She did pay the ultimate price when her son murdered her but it really is not fair to try to smear the father who most likely was kept in the dark about his ex wife and adult son gun hobbies.If only those guns had trigger locks 20 children would be alive and 6 teachers too.
Do we know Adam actually applied to be in the military? I was under the impression that the mom had stopped him from applying.

I'm purely speculating here, I don't have all of the facts yet...But If NL tried to dampen AL's interest in the military because of AL's behaviors I think part of AL's rage was maybe he was realizing his career options were becoming very limited

He may have come up with the military career idea simply to avoid possibly the group home/special needs option that has been discussed on this thread.

He likely realized he never would be allowed to have access to guns in a group home ( as far as the one's I know of from our brother's group home experience) and possibly be limited on using his computers, cameras, etc ...Having unlimited freedoms at the big home and not having to share or be forced into dealing with strangers seemed to be a big part of AL's life.

This reality could've really set up rage towards his mom for squelching his interests
It appears that Nancy was killed while she slept. She was in her own home and in her own bed. The alleged fact that he afforded his mother a more humane death than he did the 26 victims at Sandy Hook speaks volumes to motive, IMO.


I don't know. If he wanted to afford her a more "humane" death, he would not have shot her four times in the head/face. AL was obviously extremely angry at NL for whatever reason and I am willing to bet he probably woke her up. He would have wanted her to know what was going to happen.
The thing is we will never know. He may have stood there with the gun aimed at her face and when she opened her eyes and saw what he was doing he shot her. Not once, not twice but four times!

You could be right. We will never know. I may be hopeful that she died not knowing. What we do know is that the 26 victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School did know. And that tears at my soul.
AL's father paid NL very generous alimony, which enabled her not to work.
The amount was very large, probably because it was understood she had to take care of AL.
I have followed this from the beginning, or almost the beginning since I am on the West Coast and the whole incident was over by the time I got up and became aware of "a shooting at a school".

To be honest in the first few hours, I really didn't pay a whole lot of attention. A shooting at a school, 2 people dead. Okay, so what else is new?

Then, by early afternoon here, all of a sudden, there were 20 people dead, then shortly after, 26, then, 27, then it took awhile to include the fact that the shooter was dead, leaving 28 people dead.

In other words, it didn't really capture my attention until ALL OF SUDDEN there were 20 people dead. From 2 to 20!!!

While I think the reporting has been atrocious, probably the worst I have ever seen in terms of totally made up interviews and stories, I put the blame squarely on the Connecticut State Police policy to reveal as little information to the public as possible.

That is Lt. Vance's job and he has been doing it for fourteen years. You can read of past cases where information about the investigation is basically not released to the public. Not even after the case is over.

I remarked on this early on. While people praised what a great job he was doing, (I think they thought he was personally investigating the case) I thought it was odd, that we weren't really learning anything at all in the press conferences. For instance it was three days before the names of the shooter and the victim in the house were officially named. And, initially, the name of the shooter they themselves leaked to the press was WRONG! I think that's appalling.

In addition, when the police held those families at that Fire Station for hours, without informing them that their kids were dead, that was the tipping point for me. The Governor finally took control and had the backbone to tell the parents that they were there because, yes, in fact, their kids were dead. I honestly believe had it been left up to the State Police, it would have been a few more days before the people were identified and the names given out.

That's just my opinion and how I saw it as it was unfolding. I think it will be years, if ever, that the Connecticut State Police finishes their investigation and releases a report.

Lt. Vance's only job is to obsfucate for the Connecticut State Police, and that is exactly what he has done.

I think the citizens of Connecticut deserve to know more about what their State Police are up to, in other words, they really deserve more transparency in their government.
I'm glad to hear that your family is a close-knit, loving, supportive one to your asperger grandson. Unfortunately in Adam Lanza's case, it looks like his dad and brother as well as other relatives -- where are his grandparents and uncles, aunts, etc. -- had disappeared from his life entirely. To Adam, it likely felt like complete abandonment. Although Adam's 20 years old, he's still a "child" in many ways as he lacked the ability to function as an independent adult in society.

I think the adult family members should have tried a little harder to include Adam in their lives. Maybe a phone call once in a while to Adam, or even an email or e-card or even a handwritten, snail mail card to let Adam know he's still unconditionally loved? I'm not blaming them for what Adam did, but they clearly were not there for him when he most needed it.

Who is to say they didn't? Maybe NL cut off ties with her family? It's a very odd family dynamic to say the least. Everything we know about NL and AL has come from acquaintances, barbers, and the aunt who had not seen either of them in years.
This Poem is dedicated to All the Families and Friends of the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School:

I’m Spending Christmas With Jesus Christ This Year

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below.
With tiny lights, like Heaven’s stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear.
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear.
But the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart.
I cannot tell you of the splendor or the peace inside this place
Can you just imagine Christmas with our Savior, face to face?

I will ask him to light your spirit as I tell him of your love.
So then pray for one another as you lift your eyes above.
So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear.
And be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
I sent you a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious that pure gold.
It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do.
For I can’t count the blessings or love he has for each of your.
So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

Author Unknown

Special Prayers for Ana Grace Marquez-Greene, her mother, Nelba Marquez-Greene works with our son-in-law at Klingberg Family Centers, New Britian, CT. DH and I returned to Florida yesterday from a 10 Day visit in Connecticut. We were there as all the horror unfolded. Gave extra hugs to our 7 and 11 year old granddaughters. We were there to watch them perform in "The Nutcracker" Ballet...That was Awesome!

Dear God Please Bless the Families & Friends of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Victims!
Who is to say they didn't? Maybe NL cut off ties with her family? It's a very odd family dynamic to say the least. Everything we know about NL and AL has come from acquaintances, barbers, and the aunt who had not seen either of them in years.

People who knew the situation well (someone like AL's brother RL) likely don't want to talk to the press.
Who is to say they didn't? Maybe NL cut off ties with her family? It's a very odd family dynamic to say the least. Everything we know about NL and AL has come from acquaintances, barbers, and the aunt who had not seen either of them in years.

I don't blame the family for not talking to the media. Maybe later when they've had time to process it and get over the worst of the shock.
One thing that has also entered my mind is this...

If he was really angry and really wanted to hurt Nancy, he would have kept her alive and made her live with what he had done. The only thing standing in my way from believing that the motive for Nancy's death being mercy is the fact that he shot her in the face four times. I agree with others who say this is excessive and appears to be more of a rage killing.


I wish they would donate these toys to a children s hospital or toys for tots in honor of the victims.
It is very simple why the press is not going after the father,he was not the one who taught Adam to shoot guns,he also was not the one who kept many guns and tons of ammo in a house with a very disturbed young adult.When the news first showed the divorce papers the Mom had final say in all things Adam not the father.Adam news reports say refused to see his dad for at least 2 years,you can not make an adult have a relationship with you if they do not want one.The reason she is being blamed is because she was the one who purchased,allowed her son access to lethal weapons.She did pay the ultimate price when her son murdered her but it really is not fair to try to smear the father who most likely was kept in the dark about his ex wife and adult son gun hobbies.If only those guns had trigger locks 20 children would be alive and 6 teachers too.

mikeysmommom I appreciate your passionate, heartfelt post; you are right that 27 people needlessly lost their lives. Unfortunately we do not yet know: IF Peter Lanza owns any firearms, IF the Lanza's went shooting together as a family while Peter and Nancy Lanza were married, IF Adam and Peter Lanza had an estranged relationship, IF Nancy Lanza allowed Adam to have access to her firearms, IF Nancy Lanza had a gun safe or trigger locks or too many other IF's to state.

Much of the reporting has been and continues to be based on speculation, rumor or poor sourcing of information. There are several documented examples of misreporting/inaccurate reporting about Nancy Lanza and the shooter.

I am simply urging us to have the patience to allow LE to conduct their investigation, the individuals who were close friends of or related to the Lanza family to come forward and the true facts to come out before we consider or believe that we fully understand the situation. The facts are critically important because when they are revealed they can be utilized to help prevent further tragedies.

Now is the time to honor the victims, not put too much weight on speculations about how or why.
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