Conrad Murray trial -Day nine.

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laying it on really thick now with the milk and cookies comments, I doubt MJ ever said he wanted to be weaned off propofol, he knew he had Dr Adams on call if Dr Murray would not do it, he knew he could find other Drs to do it, and Dr Murray in my opinion wanted this job and the money and prestige and would have given MJ anything he requested

Dr. Adam's attorney was just on JVM's program and said that Dr. Adams didn't give MJ propofol. He said Dr. Adams was going to sue Dr. Murray. JMOO, Dr. Adams is running scared. I believe there are several other Dr's that gave MJ whatever he wanted.
OMG now Murray is going to have more legal problems.

On JVMs show Dr. Adams' attorney just said they are planning to sue him for the lies he put out about Dr. Adams today.

The attorney said this is the first time they have heard his statement.

He knew the address, he said it on the tape during LE interview!

I called 911 about a DV across the street and within a few seconds the 911 dispatcher knew my address!
She asked "Are you located at _________ Avenue?"

Murray might not have known the address, in his defense, I babysat at a house quite a few times in my late teens and when asked the address (I needed a taxi to pick me up) I had to admit I didn't know it. I went looking at their pile of mail on the entry table to get their address so I could give it to taxi service dispatch.
BUT.....with today's technology, Murray didn't need to know the address......his cell phone would have known it for him.
Dr. Adam's attorney was just on JVM's program and said that Dr. Adams didn't give MJ propofol. He said Dr. Adams was going to sue Dr. Murray. JMOO, Dr. Adams is running scared. I believe there are several other Dr's that gave MJ whatever he wanted.

I dont think he is running scared at all. He has always vehemently denied what Murray supposedly said and he said he wants to see Murray make those accusations standing right in front of him.

Murray lied again trying to blame everyone else under the sun except himself. Murray knew he needed someone like Dr. Adams but he wanted the entire money pot all to himself. Greed and incompetence killed MJ.

I have never heard such self serving bs as I did today coming from this one man.

So far for me.
Reasonable doubt:
Mystery Finger Prints on cut saline bag and Mystery Finger Prints on propofol bottle found inside the bag.
Elissa made some bad judgments on the evidence collection.

Guilty: Propofol administered in home setting.
Dr. Murray not monitoring MJ every minute.

I will have to wait to see what I would do if I was on the jury until the defense is finished with their witnesses. I heard on one of the show this morning there is a very knowledgable person going to testify for the defense. Mr. White/or Dr. White.
Anyone know?
So far for me.
Reasonable doubt:
Mystery Finger Prints on cut saline bag and Mystery Finger Prints on propofol bottle found inside the bag.
Elissa made some bad judgments on the evidence collection.

Guilty: Propofol administered in home setting.
Dr. Murray not monitoring MJ every minute.

I will have to wait to see what I would do if I was on the jury until the defense is finished with their witnesses. I heard on one of the show this morning there is a very knowledgeable person going to testify for the defense. Mr. White/or Dr. White.
Anyone know?

The bottle found with the slit saline bag had a fingerprint on it belonging to CM.

There will be a lot of very knowledgeable experts testifying in this trial.

Only one gross negligent act has to be proven......not all of them.

The mere fact he admits he doesn't know much about propofol yet gave the dangerous drug makes him guilty of IM or worse imo.

The mere fact he did not monitor his patiient continuously makes him guilty of IM or worse, imo.

Compound that with his many lies and inconsistent statements and cover up issues that shows deception I think he is guilty as sin and he has known it from moment one.

Just got home from work so jumping in here and trying to get caught up.
I heard part of CM's tape and he said he left the room about 11am to go to the bathroom for 2 minutes. Weren't all those phone calls between 11am and noon? Isn't that when he says he is giving CPR? I am confused.
Without a doubt of any kind... Conrad Murray is guilty.
As a medical professional, he should NEVER have been MJ's PMD without a nurse or a medical assistant.
He should NEVER have given the meds he did in the manner he did.

MJ should NEVER have had all the meds so conveniently close by & within easy reach.

Everything CM did... including that which he did not do for MJ... is wrong.

No matter what MJ did to himself or gave himself, just before he died, it is CM's fault that MJ died.

Patients will constantly tell us how they should be detoxed (ie "Give me more meds!") or how to be medically treated for their conditions,
but it is the medical staff tending to the patient, that is responsible for taking care of them in a safe and controlled manner.

Patients, when addicted, desperate, uncomfortable (in pain, can't sleep, etc) will at times beg for more meds or what they think they
should be given... that doesn't mean doctors and nurses will give the patient what they want!

If patients made their own treatment plan & wrote their own 'scripts & told staff how to take care of them, the patients would be dying
all the time.... there's a reason staff has to be firm & be professional when dealing with ALL patients.
Regardless of the setting or what the patient is used to or what the patient tells us.

(Sorry if this is unclear... Nancy & Jane made me do it, while they were both yelling at the same time.)
Just got home from work so jumping in here and trying to get caught up.
I heard part of CM's tape and he said he left the room about 11am to go to the bathroom for 2 minutes. Weren't all those phone calls between 11am and noon? Isn't that when he says he is giving CPR? I am confused.

OH HO... just wait till you hear the whole thing!!!
Lies. Lies. And more lies.

Oh and Blames. Blames. Blames. Everyone else!
Here's my opinion of this whole case. MJ was an addict who had a huge tolerance to drugs. Of course, CM shouldn't have administered propofol in the home. How long had CM been doing that? Was everyone of his "assistants and security staff" oblivious to what CM and MJ were doing? Many are the cause for MJ's demise. Who is ultimately held accountable... up to the jury, not me. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Agree, either MJ's staff was oblivious or they wanted to keep their jobs, however, the Medical Doctor who provided the anesthesia and/or drugs is the one who should be held accountable. He is the one who should have known the dangers and therefore was reckless and negligent.

The bottle found with the slit saline bag had a fingerprint on it belonging to CM.

There will be a lot of very knowledgeable experts testifying in this trial.

Only one gross negligent act has to be proven......not all of them.

The mere fact he admits he doesn't know much about propofol yet gave the dangerous drug makes him guilty of IM or worse imo.

The mere fact he did not monitor his patiient continuously makes him guilty of IM or worse, imo.

Compound that with his many lies and inconsistent statements and cover up issues that shows deception I think he is guilty as sin and he has known it from moment one.


That alone should convict him.

Dr. Adam's attorney was just on JVM's program and said that Dr. Adams didn't give MJ propofol. He said Dr. Adams was going to sue Dr. Murray. JMOO, Dr. Adams is running scared. I believe there are several other Dr's that gave MJ whatever he wanted.

Dr Adams had a medical clinic in which he did procedures and surgeries. So IF, and only IF, he was giving MJ propofil, at least he was doing so in a proper clinical setting. At least he had monitors and a crash cart and the proper oxygen tanks and qualified people to watch him while he was under. He did not get GREEDY like Murray and try to do it at home and skimp on necessary lifesaving equipment.
I agree with what Dr. Drew just said, Conrad Murray was in a very bad situation, way over his head.
Watching the media legal pundits I am surprised that they are taking at face value the comments made by CM in the interview given at the Ritz-Carlton with his attorney's present. Obviously CM was coached extensively by his lawyers to provide a carefully fabricated version of events that would open the door for acquittal. His claim that MJ wanted to inject himself because he "loved the push" and that Murray forbid MJ to self-inject is not to be believed but provides the DT the foundation to claim that MJ disobeyed CM when the Doctor stepped out of the room.
Further to my last point - I am watching Dr. Drew who just said:

"we hear on this tape the Doctor clearly trying to set the boundaries but MJ didn't know what he was getting into"

Why would anyone think that the interview with the LAPD investigators is anything but carefully crafted propaganda. This is a very clever way for the Jury to hear CM's version of events without putting CM on the stand and being subject to cross-examination. Two days after the fact it probably would have been better for the LAPD not to sit down for this interview.
MJ had been hiding medical info for years. Many suspected drug use because, like him or not, he did have strange behaviors. He had the money to buy privacy concerning his many surgeries, concerning his wives and children. It is rather sad now that he is dead that recordings are played when he is obviously out of it, pictures of the really messy state he was living in. Living in a mansion, scads of money, a staff of security, maids, nannys, a chef - and he kept his family at bay I assume - nobody cared about him but his children who knew no better than the strange life they lived. And it took a greedy doctor who seems just as strange to be responsible for his death.

Beautifully put, lorann. Such a sad, sad situation. No need to add anything except, "May he rest in peace."

Thanks for your eloquence.
I have been watching from day 1 and am confused about how many bags were hanging on the iv pole. We have heard 2 people testify the bottle of propofol was inside a saline bag. We have heard that Dr. Murry asked (forget his name) to unhook that particular bag and put it in another bag. The coroner's investigator testified the bottle was found in the bag, but foolish her, she did not photograph the setup. The toxicologist today testified he ONLY tested one bag, the one with pure saline in it. What about the second bag allegedly containing a bottle of propofol? This one was never tested or what? Of course the saline bag and tubing would show no evidence of drugs if a second bag containing the propofol was connected at the y connection where evidence of drugs were found. I must be missing something here because no testimony of the alleged bag including the bottle of propofol was tested by theis toxicologist. Why not? What am I missing? What happened with the saline bag with the bottle of propofol allegedly in it? Can anyone set me straight regarding the second bag that was removed from the pole and hidden? tia
I called 911 about a DV across the street and within a few seconds the 911 dispatcher knew my address!
She asked "Are you located at _________ Avenue?"

Murray might not have known the address, in his defense, I babysat at a house quite a few times in my late teens and when asked the address (I needed a taxi to pick me up) I had to admit I didn't know it. I went looking at their pile of mail on the entry table to get their address so I could give it to taxi service dispatch.
BUT.....with today's technology, Murray didn't need to know the address......his cell phone would have known it for him.

I know they can get addresses immediately with a land line,but I don't think they can with a cell phone. Even in LE investigations they can only tell what vicinity you were in based on cell towers.
Based on testimony ,there may not have been a landline in the home.
I know they can get addresses immediately with a land line,but I don't think they can with a cell phone. Even in LE investigations they can only tell what vicinity you were in based on cell towers.
Based on testimony ,there may not have been a landline in the home.

You are absolutely correct. A cell phone call to 911 does not show location, only a call to 911 from a landline, of which according to Dr. Murray, Michael had none.

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