Conrad Murray trial -Day three.

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I am sure his attorneys do NOT want him on the stand. It is a defense attorney nightmare to ever put a defendant on the stand, much less one you know is culpable anyhow.

If Dr. Murray feels he needs to testify and pushes it, or if for any off the wall reason the defense feels it may be helpful in this case, the prosecution will tear him apart. The man was on the phone not paying attention to his patient after administering propofol. Be it rigged up or not, you just don't do that. Not to mention the combo of drugs given. No way, no how. None of it. I don't care if Murray cries and apologizes, says MJ did it himself when he turned away to make phone calls, the man turned away at a crucial time when you are NEVER to turn away.

So, what could the Dr. say in his defense?

I so agree. He brought the mess into the house. Without him MJ wouldn't have had access to it. It all lies on the dr.
I was thinking before yesterday there was no way he would get on that stand.

Now, though, I wonder how on earth his defense team is able to counter anything that Alvarez testified as to what happened in that room with the bag, vials, IV bag with bottle, etc if he does not get on the stand. There were no other witnesses and the cross examination of Alvarez did not, IMO, damage his testimony or his credibility.

Right now, I'm thinking 50/50 chance that he'll testify.

I feel they should just rest and not even try. I see no defense possible which I am sure the jury will too.
This is why every home should have a landline phone. You don't have to know the address if you call from your landline. Even if it's a blocked number, the 911 folks can see it. when you are that upset or shook up it's possible to even forget your own address!

my daughter's baby stopped breathing in Feb and she was hysterical on 911 decribing how to get to her house - She even forgot her own addie....and they made it in the blizzard (2-3-11) and her baby is fine today. But yes you can get 911 to you easily.
do you know where Blanket was on that day? I don't remember if that was mentioned so far. Like some others I haven't followed this since he died.

I wondered this too. Not much talk of him.
I havent even got that far in my thinking about the trial!

I guess because I am only watching the trial and not reading the news or anything. Nothing I have in court has made me want to hear what he has to say so far. Excluding what is mentioned in trial threads here about it.

As a juror (the pretend one I am being ) I don't think there is anything he can say about what has been outed in court so far that he could possibly explain with testimony.

His medical knowledge triumphs all the emotional impact he could have been feeling. Plus he knew what could happen when he took the steps he took. The statements made to LE I heard in opening show him admitting to them.

So I think he is going to have to testify. Otherwise he runs the risk of the jurors staying with these thoughts. The witnesses are not overshadowing these issues. He will have to do it himself.

So I say Yes he will.

if his defence atty is any good he would hogtie Dr Murray before letting him near the stand, it is better for the jury to have questions than for the prosecutor to ask Dr Murray why he as the Dr on scene did not immediately call 911, it is obvious he had a phone that worked as he was calling his girlfriend that day and was able to call the assistant

and then to be challenged over the amount of money and demands he made in the contract,

then very damaging why did you ask for Prince who was a child to come see his father either dead or dying surely your primary concern as a Dr would have been to keep the kids away

then to be asked why were you not performing CPR on the floor standard medical practice,

then state could ask him where are the medical records that record all the drugs you gave MJ, the informed consent for the propofol, the monitoring records,

why did you think you were uniquely qualified to administer a drug that every expert ever would only use it is medical settings with resus equipment available

and why did you lie in order to obtain such drugs

the defence will know that it is better to leave a question unanswered than have the defendant answer it, you can't unring the bell
if his defence atty is any good he would hogtie Dr Murray before letting him near the stand, it is better for the jury to have questions than for the prosecutor to ask Dr Murray why he as the Dr on scene did not immediately call 911, it is obvious he had a phone that worked as he was calling his girlfriend that day and was able to call the assistant

and then to be challenged over the amount of money and demands he made in the contract,

then very damaging why did you ask for Prince who was a child to come see his father either dead or dying surely your primary concern as a Dr would have been to keep the kids away

then to be asked why were you not performing CPR on the floor standard medical practice,

then state could ask him where are the medical records that record all the drugs you gave MJ, the informed consent for the propofol, the monitoring records,

why did you think you were uniquely qualified to administer a drug that every expert ever would only use it is medical settings with resus equipment available

and why did you lie in order to obtain such drugs

the defence will know that it is better to leave a question unanswered than have the defendant answer it, you can't unring the bell

I understand he will have to answer hard questions but I still think he will get up there. They are going to take him from "a doctor" to "a human" or rather attempt to do that. IMO. IMO they are going to need him to get up there. He doesnt look like a regular person. He is a doctor.

They IMO will flip it to sound like him being a regular person who got caught up in MJ's crazy odd strange world.
The chef was a total right off, imo. She scored no points if I was on the jury. Totally unbelievable reaction to the event. Saw the panic in Dr. Murray's, gets Prince and then goes back to cooking? WHAAAAT?

Your 15 minutes are up Ms. Chase. That was very sweet how much allegiance you have towards Michael Jackson but ummm.....oh nevermind. :innocent:

Oh and can someone help me out with the timeline because I'm totally lost. At 12:05 Dr. Murray comes down but head of security was at the bank at that time. Security and paramedics arrived at the same time according to Ms. Chase? :waitasec:

I TOTALLY agree with you. Panic upstairs and she goes back to making spinach salad??? Doesn't make sense to me at all.

And, frankly, I don't like the fact that she went on all of those shows and got paid for it...but, that's just me.
my daughter's baby stopped breathing in Feb and she was hysterical on 911 decribing how to get to her house - She even forgot her own addie....and they made it in the blizzard (2-3-11) and her baby is fine today. But yes you can get 911 to you easily.

That depends on where you live. I live outside the city limits of a very small town. The last time we had to call 911, it took them almost 30 minutes to get here. We used to have an ambulance service with our volunteer fire dept., but they no longer keep one here, for budget reasons, I presume. There is one stationed in a town about 7 miles from us, but if it is on another call they will send one from the hospital which is 20 miles away. People have died waiting for an ambulance to get there.

I do think that Dr. Murray knew Michael was dead before 911 was ever called, and I think he went through the motions of trying to revive him when he knew it was futile. He should NEVER have given him propofol, I don't care how much money he was making. Propofol is meant to be administered in a hospital setting while monitoring the patient very closely. I also don't believe Michael injected himself, or that he was up walking around just prior to being found dead. I also think the defense is blowing smoke, they know that Dr. Murray is the one responsible for his death and all they are accomplishing now is trying to impeach the prosecution's witnesses, and they are not doing a very good job of that.

First time I've posted in these threads... been following the case but just happened to see this. I like it.
I can see that happening in a setting where the doctor is frantically doing everything he possibly can do and just does not want to give up. However, given the circumstances we are seeing testified to in this case, I'm not any where near convinced that was Dr. Murray's reason.

Exactly. In a real world code in the ER whether it's a trauma or whatever, anyone on the team who 'thinks' they feel a pulse anywhere will cause the physician and code to go forward. We will not stop until all efforts are exhausted. I, also, don't think this was Dr. Murray's reason. I think MJ had been dead for quite a few hours already.
This was all for show.

That is why he came down the stars and left his patient. That is why he was waiting with his hands on the banister railing when Alberto came in. He wasnt in the room frantically trying to save his patient. He knew without a shadow of a doubt imo that MJ was long dead and never coming back.

So he needed an audience so he could say someone saw him trying to save Michael.

It really is sickening how underhanded and devious he was.


And, adult CPR dictates that 911 is called first, then CPR starts and does not stop until help arrives and EMT can take over. Dr. Murray knew that this would not do anything for MJ, what he did was for show only.
There are more than one processes for CPR, depending on the situation and age of the victim, but not sure if all are taught to lay persons. Won't go into those there.

But, yes, Call 911 first in the case of an unresponsive adult. There are reasons for this and I won't go into them, just do it.
I honestly don't think Dr. Murray is bright enough to take the stand and should stay away.
Does anyone know if today's testimony will be rebroadcast on the weekend, like they did in the CA trial?
Watching reruns. Alvarez says the saline bag looked clear, but could this be from a distance from light reflecting off the bag and when he removed the bag he noted the bottle in the bag. If Dr. Murray did't spike the bottle in the bag correctly or completely, some of the propofol could have leaked into the bag. The spike on the bag has a sharp beveled opening to allow fluid to enter the tubing, if the beveled opening is not completely in the bag or bottle, fluid could leak from the lower end of the beveled opening.
It has been reported that the euphoria caused by propofol is unlike that caused by other sedation agents, "I even remember my first experience using propofol: a young woman who was emerging from a MAC anesthesia[22] looked at me as though I were a masked Brad Pitt and told me that she felt simply wonderful." —C.F. Ward, M.D.[23]
Propofol has reportedly induced priapism in some individuals.[24][25]

I think MJ wanted CM to record his voicing of goals about the tour during his euphoria as he felt a keen sense of enlightenment on the drug, but later could not remember his thoughts.

Watching reruns. Alvarez says the saline bag looked clear, but could this be from a distance from light reflecting off the bag and when he removed the bag he noted the bottle in the bag. If Dr. Murray did't spike the bottle in the bag correctly or completely, some of the propofol could have leaked into the bag. The spike on the bag has a sharp beveled opening to allow fluid to enter the tubing, if the beveled opening is not completely in the bag or bottle, fluid could leak from the lower end of the beveled opening.

My understanding from the testimony is that there were 2 saline bags. The one on the right hook is the one that had the propofol bottle in it and the milky white substance he described. I believe he also said that bag was empty of saline solution and that is the one Dr. Murray asked him to remove and put in the blue bag.

The one on the left was clear saline solution with no bottle in the bag. In cross examination, Alvarez testified that the IV tube was attached to the bag on the left, not the bag on the right. However, that mean nothing to me at all. Dr. Murray had plenty of time in the room by himself to detach that empty bag that had the bottle in it from the IV tubing.

help, is there a location where we can view the exhibits so far? Some of the ones on TV they didn't have on there long and you couldn't see them very well

I think MJ wanted CM to record his voicing of goals about the tour during his euphoria as he felt a keen sense of enlightenment on the drug, but later could not remember his thoughts.


As private an individual as MJ was, I don't think this is the case. That recording should have been erased as soon as it was made. A written consent is necessary to record a patient by audio or visual means. What Dr. Murray did is totally unacceptable and I think it might violate HIPAA. If I record or photograph a patient without written consent, I violate HIPAA.
help, is there a location where we can view the exhibits so far? Some of the ones on TV they didn't have on there long and you couldn't see them very well

I believe there are some stills/ short vids at

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