Conrad Murray Trial - Day Twenty Two

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Flipping channels and stopped on Fox News. Shepperd Smith show was on and I thought, ok a break from MJ for a bit. Low and behold, he has 2 attorneys on and they are going to talk about the trial.

The first to start was a criminal defense attorney and he starts off immediately spouting that this country's criminal court system yada yada yada, shouldn't be dealing with yada yada. Then he says this man's life is on the line - to which Shepperd interrups and says
:rocker:his life is on the line with involuntary manslaughter? Who's life was on the line when he walked out to make a call to his girlfriend? :rocker:
Not to miss a beat the criminal defense atty says people don't realize that when the judge gives the jury instructions they are going to say that in order for you to vote guilty the prosecution must have proved precisely what day and time of day he died and that CM personally injected the lethal dose of propofol. Say what? :banghead::banghead:

To which Talina said to the TV: you have no clue what you are talking about..see ya :seeya: got busy with the remote again channel surfing.

Well, it's late, I'm tired, my DH is o/o/town, and apparentlyI'm feeling a bit "snappy" (I do not drink alcohol, so it's just "me" here..) but I'll stick my liberal neck out of my liberal shell and say that's Fox for you. I've tried to watch it, but just cannot. Fox Sports, OTOH, is just fine.

So let the hate mail begin......
I'm gonna duck now...

I went through 2 trials very close together.
The first one was my divorce from a very short 2nd marriage.

My attorneys did an excellent job of presenting the facts and showed why both my ex-husband
and I should walk away from the marriage with $250k in cash, assets & investments each.

But Connecticut is not a community property state, so we had to go to trial. My ex-husband and his
attys hired witnesses to lie about me and also came each day with new outlandish, cruel lies about me.

My legal fees, over the 3 yr period, including the trial, came to just over $50k. I was awarded by the lady Judge,
$20k. Which means I was in the hole. I paid my atty more than I received!

I was devastated, in shock and furious at the judge's final decision.
It was so unexpected and so maddening what all my ex did, each
day in court, to get everything he got!

My attys seemed stunned and said they could not prove or disprove
what all my ex, his attys, and the phony witnesses said about me.

The final decision was up to the judge and who she believed.

I do have to add, that the judge did smile and laugh and leaned towards my ex
when he was on the stand. At first I blamed her for being so stupid and that she
could not see through his fake charm, charisma & lies.

But, then I had to keep telling myself that he had charmed ME, too!
And he had charmed many women before, during, and after our marriage.

What got me was though when 2 co-workers (who worked in a psychiatric hosp with me)
said I should've know better than to get wrapped up with a sociopath/psychopath!
That I should've been able to spot it, since so many of our patients were sociopaths, too.

But, there were the many others that reminded me that a sociopath is very hard to spot...
and easy to fall under their spell, because of their charm, charisma, and lies!

OK... sorry for the TMI.
I didn't mean to go on & on with that miserable part of my life! LOL

Bless your heart, peace. At least you got away while you were still "you." And the star-struck judge (maybe she's dating him now) let him out the door to keep on doing it. The heart wants what it wants, but again, at least you're DONE WITH IT! More power to you, Woman!! ((hugs))
I have heard that too. I sure hope he looses his medical license. As far as I can tell he only lost it as a condition of bail, and that seems to be debatable at the least. It was posted in one of the earlier threads that he lost it as a condition of bail, but then at a hearing that order was rescinded. So I really can't tell if he has lost it as a condition of bail or not.

Hopefully he will loose it after the trial.

He'll probably go back to Trinidad or Grenada, good riddance, but what is the law on license surrender?? Does anyone know? Is it permanent in a case like this, or can he simply wait a few years and apply for it to be re-instated??
Well, it's late, I'm tired, my DH is o/o/town, and apparentlyI'm feeling a bit "snappy" (I do not drink alcohol, so it's just "me" here..) but I'll stick my liberal neck out of my liberal shell and say that's Fox for you. I've tried to watch it, but just cannot. Fox Sports, OTOH, is just fine.

So let the hate mail begin......
I'm gonna duck now...

LOL!!! :floorlaugh:

Actually, I've seen the same nonsense spouted by THs and attorneys and other commentators on several channels. That uninformed nonsense doesn't play favorites as far as what channel it chooses to infect. :rocker:

I got an email stating that there are several "magical good days" this year....
all with multiple number ones in the dates.

Today, being 11-1-11 ... is one of them.

I hope today is a magical good day for all of you! :)

Here is an article from June 2010 where the judge ruled he could keep his license:,0,2920921.story

At the preliminary hearing, upon hearing the prosecution's evidence and witness testimony, the judge changed his ruling and suspended his license:

Talina - Thx for this article...I noticed the line below in the article, and it made me belch forth a remark.

"Murray is licensed in California, Texas and Nevada, but does not practice in California, his attorney said."

I will agree with his attorney on that statement... He wasn't practicing medicine, all right. More like practicing mal-medicine.... MOO. Grrrrrr.
Felony Complaint for Arrest Warrant Dr. Conrad Murray:

CA Law - Penal Code 192(b)

Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without
malice. It is of three kinds:

(b) Involuntary--in the commission of an unlawful act, not
amounting to felony; or in the commission of a lawful act which might
produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution and
This subdivision shall not apply to acts committed in
the driving of a vehicle.

A BIG thanks, Credence!!!...
My husband's sister died a few years ago in her home in Alabama, from cancer. We were there when she died, and the hospice nurse needed a witness while she wasted the remaining medicine. She asked me to do it, and I agreed. I had to sign a form, I think.

Same here,SC.
LOL!!! :floorlaugh:

Actually, I've seen the same nonsense spouted by THs and attorneys and other commentators on several channels. That uninformed nonsense doesn't play favorites as far as what channel it chooses to infect. :rocker:


Thanks for the reply -- it's nice to have someone who still cares even tho I am of the leftish persuasion -- but murder and negligence has no particular enemies or friends on the left or right, do they?? Equal oppty.

Anyhoots, you're right. I was listening to HLN this afternoon (when we still had daylight) -- these California hours have completely changed my body clock.... everything is off now, and I'm doing nearly everything 2--3 hours later than usual. Bedtime, 2:00am, wake up, 8:00am -- really & truly. Those left coasters have screwed me all up!! LOL I've got to get back to some other heinous crime -- not due to lack of 'em, that's for dayam sure -- on the Atlantic side of this planet.

They're everywhere!! They everywhere!! :eek:..:eek:..:eek:..:panic:..:panic:..:panic:..:noooo:..:froggie:..:froggie:..:frog:....:propeller:....:sumo:.....:eek:hwow:...:eek:hwow:.. :eek:hwow:

ANYway, one of the HLN'ers said something about the PT never really showing "who was responsible" for giving him all that milk, so they would probably get a hung jury & I, being at home by myself & being able to do such w/out my DH calling 911, just stood up and screamed & told him how just plain stoooopid he was. I mean really. So I fired off a biatch-strip somewhere on this poor helpless forum. And I felt much bettah.

Oh heyell, I'm at it agin' Ellie Mae (not you, I'm back in Beverly Hills again...)

shhh, borndem, be quiet, honey...
"No questions on re-cross your honor. This witness was already dead when I concluded cross yesterday". :)

".....He was trampled to death by the 2nd chair defense attorney who has not been seen since that time.. How's that bench-warrant going, anyway, Your Honor? Oh, and BTW, I heard last night that he had done this before. On a similar case he bored the witness to death while the witness was undergoing his re-direct. He just made a little whimper and fell out of the chair dead, poor man."

I just really don't know what to think about Dr. White. He has absolutely no respect for the judge's orders.

Or, he doesn't understand them.

Brillant in one area only but no common sense. Happens all the time with the really smart one.

just my O

So defense rested. Rebuttal done, right? When are closing arguments? TIA
Closing arguments will begin Thursday, I am pretty sure. The jury gets to rest today while the attorneys and judge meet to draft the jury instructions, etc.
I can't wait to hear Walgren's CA... it will be stupendous, magnificent, super-dooper great. I'll probably doze through the defense's statement.
Listening to Murray's interview this morning on IS. He states he knew that if he couldn't ventilate the patient the best thing to do is compressions! OMG. Further listening to the interview leads me to believe that he has flawed critical thinking skills, essential to medical practice.
Or, he doesn't understand them.

Brillant in one area only but no common sense. Happens all the time with the really smart one.

just my O

OMG YES! Just watching the footage of Dr. White leaving the courthouse on IS. Poor guy just seems so out of it. WHY would he choose to walk right through the throngs of supporters and protesters?,3651619.story

excerpt from end of article:

Over defense attorneys' objections, Pastor also accepted a jury instruction that goes to the question of whether Murray could be convicted even if jurors believe the defense's contention that Jackson injected himself.

Jurors will be told that Murray is still criminally liable "if the defendant should have foreseen the possibility of harm that could result from his act.",3651619.story

excerpt from end of article:

Over defense attorneys' objections, Pastor also accepted a jury instruction that goes to the question of whether Murray could be convicted even if jurors believe the defense's contention that Jackson injected himself.

Jurors will be told that Murray is still criminally liable "if the defendant should have foreseen the possibility of harm that could result from his act."


I was floored when White said that Murray himself loaded the propofol up and left in the bedroom. Oh my goodness White helped to cook Murray's goose.

However I don't believe that is what happened for one second.

I believe he gave him a bolus and then a drip. I don't believe he tried to cut back on the nights prior either.

Well ya get my drift! I wouldn't believe Murray if I saw his tongue being notarized right in front of my eyes.:floorlaugh:

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