Copyright A Person's Name

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Those one or 2 people should have checked on him buying a baby.They should be looked into as well.

there goes the intensive & extensive background checking that the Atty spoke of them having to go through. How could the people who should know not know or be able to find out about this little tidbit and allow several adoptions after this incident?

Makes me wonder how "private" some of the other adoptions are. Private adoptions aren't cheap. The other thing that comes to mind is if these were "private" adoptions and the children were old enough to be part of the system because of the birth mother, DCF would be looking to see what happened to them because they dropped of the radar.
Attorney Spencer said in her press conference that the Billings were eligible for state/federal aid for the children but did not accept it. I assume that if you accept the aid, you also must accept state/federal oversight.

Yet the Billings daughter said they took $1,000 a month in aid. It wasn't clear to me if she meant in total or per child, but they had to be taking for at least two children since it's plural.

Ashley said her parents received about $1,000 a month in government aid to care for the children.

Slain Couple's Daughter to Care for 9 Children
[ame=""]Redemption Manual@@AMEPARAM@@/docinfo/13350740?access_key=key-1we2r9icqmivelhyx2b3@@AMEPARAM@@13350740@@AMEPARAM@@key-1we2r9icqmivelhyx2b3[/ame]

This guide can be used by Sovereigns who need to variously interact with government, down to the exact language as used by the Billingses.
I tried to read that Manual. The only thing I can get out of it-- apparently these people were advocating anarchy, right?
No taxes, not subject to any laws of the land, not to honor the US flag, or any rule by our elected government, etc?

Is this correct? I asked my husband to read it and he said it was so looney tunes he wasn't wasting his time.:confused:

Please forgive me if saying this is out of line, but the thoughts and principles espoused remind me quite a bit of the crap published by Palladin Press when they published the " Hitman" series of " How to murder" or " How to change your identity and leave the country in 30 days" or a hundred other unsavory titles ( before DNA was sophisticated and before travel was documented so thoroughly post 9/11).

If any of you are familiar with the extreme criminality that Palladin Press taught in manual after manual, is any of this bringing back the same memories of " You are the only one who counts- all others are expendable for you".

Who the hell thinks this way?? If the Billings were so egocentric and private, why didn't they take themselves and their children out of mainstream society???

A person either lives in and with society or they drop out- completely. You can't have it both ways. Large sums of money make it harder to disappear now if the consumption is visible like it was with the Billings', not easier. A single, homeless person without a child can blend in anywhere, but common sense says that a millionaire with a 20-something year younger wife and 14-15 severely handicapped children is going to stand out wherever he goes.

Please help me understand what these Billings people were after with their pseudo-grandiosity and why!!!

If they didn't want to live by the laws of our land, respect our flag, pay their fair share of taxes, couldn't Bud have bought himself one of the many small private islands for sale and annointed himself King Byrd??

I'm beginning to believe that paranoid and delusional thinking was present to a pathological degree. Maybe for cause, maybe due to mental issues.
I mean no disrespect, as this sort of thing is my life's work to recognize, but I have seen hints of eccentricities in their lives from the very beginning. I still think there is much we don't know.

I don't think we'll ever really know what provoked Byrd to copyright the children's names. Perhaps it was his immature way of trying to irritate the government. Or perhaps he was some kind of extremist. One thing is for sure, I don't buy the story the attorney spins about the couple simply trying to "protect the children".
TheOnly1, I think it could be important in establishing exactly why the Billings' were murdered. There are threads after threads with bits and pieces of info about this person and that person, and everyone agrees that they don't seem to have "enough in common" or " motive enough" to kill the Billings. But- IF Byrd Billings was paranoid with delusions of grandeur, then perhaps he did audaciously presumptuous and hurtful things to other people, or with others who also were extremists--for a period of time-- thinking it was his self- appointed sovereign right. Their belief systems were not usual or rational IF they believed what is printed in the Sovereign Manual.

An example of an educated anarchist- Timothy McVeigh. An example of a much less educated person who might be enthralled by McVeigh's writings is another type of anarchist- Eric Rudolph.
Both were psychologically disordered and deteriorated over a period of time, of course. Criminally insane, IOW. They could've co-existed as teacher and student for years.. but chances are, one would end up killing the other due to the nature of anarchy and the delusional thinking of " I am an entity unto myself".

I READ that crap the Billings' apparently believed. It takes a megalomaniac to believe they can pull off any of that stuff. I think the children's' names were part of it but only the tip of the iceberg.I think this is some sort of " snake eating its own tail" type of vendetta, certainly with anarchist activities ( extreme planning of a double murder and theft), among a bunch of people who may have shared Byrd's anti-government, anti-law, anti- USA sentiment due to their own miserable or tragic run-ins with organized government agencies. Their perceptions were that government is not to be trusted at all because of bad personal experiences.
It is extremism, but apparently the Billings' believed in a type of extremism which is mind-boggling, also.

A smart person would know how to find the angry and the disillusioned to use or to perhaps recruit. Legal and financial problems seem to be the one common denominator among the killing group. I'm wondering if maybe there was an attempt to organize a group of anarchists, including the Billings, which imploded from within. To death.

I don't know.. I'm just seeing things which cause alarm. Illegal adoptions, paid adoptions to welfare mothers ( illegal as well). Name changes, SSN changes, property deeds and liens which state " You owe me everything you are and have and will have for the rest of your life", signed Byrd Billings.
The threat of penalty for using the children's names on a mailed piece of paper. Maybe this ties into the surveillance cameras and alarm systems on the property. "KEEP OUT" of our world.
What kind of person forces someone in distress to sign over their assets for the rest of their life except a person who believes they have enormous personal power, and who is not considering the basic rights of others at all?

If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. But there are enough anomalies in the Billings' lives to make my head spin.

Name changes, SSN changes, property deeds and liens which state " You owe me everything you are and have and will have for the rest of your life", signed Byrd Billings.

Oh my, I must have missed that little tidbit. Can you direct me to where that is located? Is it something filed in the public records?
Oh my, I must have missed that little tidbit. Can you direct me to where that is located? Is it something filed in the public records?

Hi, I know it's in the case documents. I read it on the old thread before there was a forum so I don't know where to look but I remember that Byrd had 2 people ( that I remember, maybe more) sign some weird lien things stating that they owed him every bit of money, and that he had the right to collect for the rest of their lives. I don't know what this was in reference to exactly, but some of the documents were Maritime documents.

Edited to add link:

This is one of them. I think there was another found. I would copy and paste but I don't know how to with Adobe PDF files. Notice the wording. This appears to be a debt which can never be repaid, not even if someone won the lottery in excess of $100 million dollars.. it is worded that all assets are and will be the property of Byrd Billings.
From Dateline, 08/10/09:

Yet the Billings didn't really want any special attention, didn't want outsiders intruding on their children's little world. In fact, in what seemed a strange twist, Bud Billings tried to copyright the very names of his special needs kids. Ashley Markham's spokeswoman, Attorney Crystal Spencer:

Crystal Spencer: Bud believed that rightfully or wrongly, that by copyrighting their names, it would provide a level of privacy for the family. And Bud and Melanie wanted to protect these children. They wanted to be their voice.

Dateline really sugar-coated the whole Name Copyright issue.
TheOnly1, I think it could be important in establishing exactly why the Billings' were murdered. There are threads after threads with bits and pieces of info about this person and that person, and everyone agrees that they don't seem to have "enough in common" or " motive enough" to kill the Billings. But- IF Byrd Billings was paranoid with delusions of grandeur, then perhaps he did audaciously presumptuous and hurtful things to other people, or with others who also were extremists--for a period of time-- thinking it was his self- appointed sovereign right. Their belief systems were not usual or rational IF they believed what is printed in the Sovereign Manual.

An example of an educated anarchist- Timothy McVeigh. An example of a much less educated person who might be enthralled by McVeigh's writings is another type of anarchist- Eric Rudolph.
Both were psychologically disordered and deteriorated over a period of time, of course. Criminally insane, IOW. They could've co-existed as teacher and student for years.. but chances are, one would end up killing the other due to the nature of anarchy and the delusional thinking of " I am an entity unto myself".

I READ that crap the Billings' apparently believed. It takes a megalomaniac to believe they can pull off any of that stuff. I think the children's' names were part of it but only the tip of the iceberg.I think this is some sort of " snake eating its own tail" type of vendetta, certainly with anarchist activities ( extreme planning of a double murder and theft), among a bunch of people who may have shared Byrd's anti-government, anti-law, anti- USA sentiment due to their own miserable or tragic run-ins with organized government agencies. Their perceptions were that government is not to be trusted at all because of bad personal experiences.
It is extremism, but apparently the Billings' believed in a type of extremism which is mind-boggling, also.

A smart person would know how to find the angry and the disillusioned to use or to perhaps recruit. Legal and financial problems seem to be the one common denominator among the killing group. I'm wondering if maybe there was an attempt to organize a group of anarchists, including the Billings, which imploded from within. To death.

I don't know.. I'm just seeing things which cause alarm. Illegal adoptions, paid adoptions to welfare mothers ( illegal as well). Name changes, SSN changes, property deeds and liens which state " You owe me everything you are and have and will have for the rest of your life", signed Byrd Billings.
The threat of penalty for using the children's names on a mailed piece of paper. Maybe this ties into the surveillance cameras and alarm systems on the property. "KEEP OUT" of our world.
What kind of person forces someone in distress to sign over their assets for the rest of their life except a person who believes they have enormous personal power, and who is not considering the basic rights of others at all?

If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. But there are enough anomalies in the Billings' lives to make my head spin.

Aren't you jumping to some BIG conclusions?

What do we know...Billing did copyright his kids names. He did try to get liens against people when they used the names. He was told by a lawyer to back off, he backed off. He got got arrested for adoption fraud 20 years ago, he paid a penalty for that.

After that, I think you are taking some pretty big leaps. I do not know anything about Name Changes or SSN changes. To say things like "apparently the Billings' believed in a type of extremism " and discussing their "anarchist activities" seems unfair to me.

I think that Billings was a very tough business man. He worked in a very tough and dangerous industry. He tried some things that were shrewed, but except for the adoption arrest, I have seen nothing illegal or anarchist. In any case, none of this deserved to get them murdered. They are the victims here.

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