Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #107

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I suspect this Johns Hopkins study--and many more--will be closely analyzed in the years to come in order to come up with a better plan to fight pandemics.

Lockdowns had little or no impact on COVID-19 deaths, new study shows

Making a note to read this study when I have time - as for my initial reaction, it makes zero sense to me, JMO. Seems pretty obvious, if there is no exposure, there is no covid. There is no immaculate conception. However, considering its JHU, I’m open to hearing what they have to say.
here's my Q of the day- if you were told that apart from COVID, if you wore a mask, you could avoid getting the flu, would you? would the inconvenience be worth not getting sick for 3-7 days?
Good question!

Last time I had the flu it was longer than 3-7 days of feeling awful. It was two weeks before I felt a lot of improvement - so I would wear a mask to avoid that experience.

Plus getting the flu and then passing it on to other members of the household that I’m responsible for - me being sick and trying to care for others creates more stress than the inconvenience of wearing a mask.

Do I like wearing a mask for hours? Nope.
But I’ve found ones that work for me and I can tolerate them. I’m probably the oddball in the group lol
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Observation, you know what’s wild? I was expecting a larger proportion of the blue Colorado hippies to be anti-vax due to everything organic, gluten free and free range (metaphorically speaking).

It has not turned out this way for the most part.
New virus in China ‘will have infected hundreds'

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Tricia set up the Covid forum for people who are genuinely concerned about Covid-19. It is not for anyone who is here with a view to minimizing its existence or downplaying the severity of it. Please know that MSM, scientists, politicians, government agencies worldwide are not involved in the biggest conspiracy in the history of man to convey the pandemic as more serious than it is.

If you aren't concerned about Covid-19, this Covid forum is not for you. There are lots of other Websleuths threads you can participate in that need your help.

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WS Administrator

“Globally, as of 7:15pm CET, 2 February 2022, there have been 380,321,615 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 5,680,741 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 2 February 2022, a total of 10,040,766,359 vaccine doses have been administered.”

WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard

eta/disclaimer: we know this number is much less than actual numbers.
In Europe, leaders are starting to turn the page on the pandemic. It's a different story in the US - CNN

The US now ranks fourth globally for per capita Covid-19 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University. The only large European country to exceed the US toll is Poland.

Twenty countries currently most affected by COVID-19 worldwide were taken into account.

ETA: According to Worldometer, there are 13 smaller (mostly Eastern European) countries that exceed the per capita deaths of Poland (and US).
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“Austria will introduce the European Union's strictest Covid-19 vaccine mandate this week, making it compulsory for anyone over the age of 18 to get the shot. While Italy, Greece and other EU countries have introduced mandates for certain groups, like the elderly, health care staff and workers, Austria is the first in the bloc to roll out such sweeping measures.”


Additionally from the above article:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that it is starting to see a worrying increase in deaths in most regions of the world, and that it was premature for any country to give up attempts to halt transmission. "We're concerned that a narrative has taken hold in some countries that because of vaccines, and because of Omicron's high transmissibility and lower severity, preventing transmission is no longer possible, and no longer necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters on Tuesday.

"More transmission means more deaths. We are not calling for any country to return to so-called lockdown. But we are calling on all countries to protect their people using every tool in the toolkit, not vaccines alone. It's premature for any country either to surrender, or to declare victory," he added.”
@lonetraveler , re: Long Covid, Dr. O dedicated his latest podcast to those suffering from LC (BBM/ source)

“And there's no group within the podcast family that I think about more than those who are immunecompromised and those who are suffering long COVID. I think at this point, these are ongoing challenges that we have with this pandemic, something you deal with day in and day out. And it's in that light that today's dedication is to those who are suffering from long COVID. We hear you. We know that this has been a major challenge every day, just some cases just getting out of bed, being able to function in a way that resembles what you were like before COVID ever entered your world. And so to you, we dedicate this podcast.”
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here's my Q of the day- if you were told that apart from COVID, if you wore a mask, you could avoid getting the flu, would you? would the inconvenience be worth not getting sick for 3-7 days?

I was just speaking with my niece about this the other day.

Now that masks have become normalised we were wondering if some/many of us would follow the Asian nations in the practise of wearing a mask, when we felt unwell to avoid infecting others - and to avoid catching the flu ourselves, when in congested areas during flu season.
So Sweden is removing restrictions from February 9th. Restrictions that will stay in place are only few which is stay home if you feel sick and avoid large gatherings if unvaccinated. 83.6 % of swedish population above age 12 ( we don’t vaccinate kids below 12y old) is double vaccinated.

Sweden drops all restrictions against COVID-19

How about booster shots in Sweden? Is there a high percentage of people having had booster shots?

We are seeing many public service announcements of all types, encouraging us all to get our booster shots.

Our epidemiologists are saying that they are seeing less illness in boostered people. We are now boostering at the 3-month mark after our 2nd shots.

Here's how getting a booster shot can protect you — and help end the pandemic faster
Clinical recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines
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How about booster shots in Sweden? Is there a high percentage of people having had booster shots?

We are seeing many public service announcements of all types, encouraging us all to get our booster shots.

Our epidemiologists are saying that they are seeing less illness in boostered people. We are now boostering at the 3-month mark after our 2nd shots.

Here's how getting a booster shot can protect you — and help end the pandemic faster
Clinical recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines

We have 49,4% of population over 18 years old who took booster shot.
Senaste nyheterna om pandemin – varje dag
I know it’s in swedish but high up on the page there are statistics that are updated daily.

Booster after 3 months? That’s fast. Here they shortened to 5 months about two weeks ago, it was 6 month mark before. Many younger people haven’t had the opportunity to take booster yet and many got sick before they could get one ( like me). I hope that we will reach at least 70% of population who are triple vaccinated by summer.

Booster shots definitely make a difference of how /if you get sick. Talking from my own experience and what I heard from family and friends.
Booster after 3 months? That’s fast. Here they shortened to 5 months about two weeks ago, it was 6 month mark before.

Yes, it is fast. First it was 6 months, then 4 months, now 3 months.

What they are trying to do is capture the time periods when huge amounts of Aussies will be eligible for boosters. Due to Omicron. Omicron was a game-changer for us.

We can't really drag the boosters out to 6 or 5 months, as Australia was late in getting the vaccines (compared to other countries). Manufacturers held off on supplying our orders because we were doing so well with our borders closed.

If we wait that long, Omicron will take too great of a toll on Aussie lives.
Yes, it is fast. First it was 6 months, then 4 months, now 3 months.

What they are trying to do is capture the time periods when huge amounts of Aussies will be eligible for boosters. Due to Omicron. Omicron was a game-changer for us.

We can't really drag the boosters out to 6 or 5 months, as Australia was late in getting the vaccines (compared to other countries). Manufacturers held off on supplying our orders because we were doing so well with our borders closed.

If we wait that long, Omicron will take a huge toll on us.

It’s good that they shortened waiting time because of omicron. They waited too long here to change just one month from 6 to 5 imo. Everything is done here by counties not nationwide. Many places shortened it earlier some still didn’t until few days ago.

Sweden didn’t do so well with vaccination at the beginning. It was almost impossible to find booking times when they opened up my year . I spent days trying to book it and got my first dose in July last year . They started with elderly and people with pre-existing conditions then moved down by year of birth, few years at the time.
It’s good that they shortened waiting time because of omicron. They waited too long here to change just one month from 6 to 5 imo. Everything is done here by counties not nationwide. Many places shortened it earlier some still didn’t until few days ago.

Sweden didn’t do so well with vaccination at the beginning. It was almost impossible to find booking times when they opened up my year . I spent days trying to book it and got my first dose in July last year . They started with elderly and people with pre-existing conditions then moved down by year of birth, few years at the time.

I am so glad you are here....... it is a valuable learning experience leaarning about Sweden (my heritage is with you!!).

I have commented many times on hearing from south Aussie, and others from AU, NZ, the UK.... All is valuable.
Thanks for sharing.
Tennis superstar Novak Djokovic is set to sensationally backflip on his coronavirus vaccines beliefs and will get the jab after he witnessed Rafael Nadal's record-breaking win at the Australian Open.

According to Djokovic's biographer, Daniel Muksch, the Serb is driven to equal the tie again with Nadal and does not want to risk him moving too far ahead.

"From what I have heard from those around him, I think he is getting vaccinated," Mr Muksch told an Austrian broadcaster.

..... the chances of him playing at the next major tournament at Roland Garros would be severely compromised if he remained unvaccinated.

Djokovic's shock backflip on COVID-19 vaccine after witnessing Nadal's historic win
The COVID Jerk — The Atlantic

“As COVID-safety standards evolve in the next weeks or months, I recommend the following principles of non-jerkitude:

Be open. Don’t hide your vaccination status. Don’t hide a positive test result. Even if you think these things don’t matter now that COVID caseloads are declining, others might disagree. Respecting others means letting them know what risks you bring so that they can respond according to their own comfort level.

Adhere to rule and custom. If the supermarket requires masks, wear a mask, even if you think it’s silly. People less tolerant of COVID risk still need to work and shop, and they rely on others’ compliance with policy in deciding when, where, and how to appear in public. For the same reason, even if there’s no explicit rule, don’t be the one person violating customary precautions.

Be willing to compromise. Maybe you think that children should start playing together again without restriction, but another parent in your playdate group feels more cautious. Try respectful conversation aimed at compromise. Can you discover a mutually acceptable set of standards? I should stress here that COVID-cautious people can also be COVID jerks by insisting too stridently on precautions that others find excessive rather than respectfully considering alternative points of view.

Don’t inflict unusual risks or costs on others without their consent. Ordinary living entails inflicting some unwelcome risks and costs on others. We drive our cars, putting not only other drivers but also cyclists and pedestrians at risk. We burn firewood for a cozy winter atmosphere, compromising outdoor air quality. We host noisy parties and talk on our cellphones in public, annoying those around us for our own convenience. It’s part of the implicit social contract, so to speak, that we do these things within ordinary bounds. If the noisy party runs unusually late, if you swoop within inches of a pedestrian at 30 mph, or if you’re shouting ragefully into your cellphone right at the edge of an outdoor café, you break the implicit contract—unless the affected people somehow indicate consent. The same applies with COVID. If you’d like to do something that puts others at unusual risk—and what is “unusual” will vary with time and locale—get consent first.

None of these principles requires that you have a particular opinion about COVID safety. Go ahead and argue against mask requirements at town-hall meetings—but wear a mask if that’s the policy. Petition your school to change the quarantine rules—while continuing to abide by them. You might be mistaken, or you might be correct, but either way you are respecting the people around you.

Nor do these principles require you to live according to your most cautious friend’s code of conduct. If you feel comfortable eating at a restaurant or drinking at a bar, that’s your call. Yes, you might catch COVID (perhaps you’ll be seated downwind of Sarah Palin). You might even inadvertently pass the disease to someone else, perhaps a relative. But if you haven’t been a jerk about it—if you’ve been open, rule-compliant, and respectful; if you told Dad how you’ve been living before exposing him to the indirect risk—then that’s bad luck, not an ethical slip.”

The recurring word?
Tennis superstar Novak Djokovic is set to sensationally backflip on his coronavirus vaccines beliefs and will get the jab after he witnessed Rafael Nadal's record-breaking win at the Australian Open.

According to Djokovic's biographer, Daniel Muksch, the Serb is driven to equal the tie again with Nadal and does not want to risk him moving too far ahead.

"From what I have heard from those around him, I think he is getting vaccinated," Mr Muksch told an Austrian broadcaster.

..... the chances of him playing at the next major tournament at Roland Garros would be severely compromised if he remained unvaccinated.

Djokovic's shock backflip on COVID-19 vaccine after witnessing Nadal's historic win

Honestly, the Serbian governments nose is so far up Djok’s butt, I wouldn’t necessarily believe them if they said he’d been vaccinated. Money talks, as does nationalistic pride.
here's my Q of the day- if you were told that apart from COVID, if you wore a mask, you could avoid getting the flu, would you? would the inconvenience be worth not getting sick for 3-7 days?

Is CDC guidance on mask-wearing for flu the same as for the COVID coronavirus? That would mean that, to be effective, we would need to wear N95 masks to protect from the flu? If that is the case, I might wear KN95 masks at the height of flu season, and may do that going forward, or keep one on hand in case I am in a situation at work, for example, with coughing, flu-type symptoms going around in people around me. And to the grocery store.

Flu can be deadly for people over 65 and people with co-morbidities, so wearing masks that are effective is a good idea.
Tennis superstar Novak Djokovic is set to sensationally backflip on his coronavirus vaccines beliefs and will get the jab after he witnessed Rafael Nadal's record-breaking win at the Australian Open.

According to Djokovic's biographer, Daniel Muksch, the Serb is driven to equal the tie again with Nadal and does not want to risk him moving too far ahead.

"From what I have heard from those around him, I think he is getting vaccinated," Mr Muksch told an Austrian broadcaster.

..... the chances of him playing at the next major tournament at Roland Garros would be severely compromised if he remained unvaccinated.

Djokovic's shock backflip on COVID-19 vaccine after witnessing Nadal's historic win

Would love to see him back in the tournaments! Hope he works it out to what is best for him.
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