Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #112


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Jul 14, 2015
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The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.
There have been 41 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700.
New virus in China ‘will have infected hundreds'
Up to 4,500 patients in China may have caught the same strain of coronavirus that has killed two people, scientists fear.
Health officials in Wuhan – the city at the heart of the outbreak which started in December – confirmed four new cases today, taking the total to 48.
But Imperial College London researchers say this may be the 'tip of the iceberg' after analysing flights out of the city.

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Tricia set up the Covid forum for people who are genuinely concerned about Covid-19. It is not for anyone who is here with a view to minimizing its existence or downplaying the severity of it. Please know that MSM, scientists, politicians, government agencies worldwide are not involved in the biggest conspiracy in the history of man to convey the pandemic as more serious than it is.

If you aren't concerned about Covid-19, this Covid forum is not for you. There are lots of other Websleuths threads you can participate in that need your help.

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We are still giving away around 5 boxes of tests every day at work.
They are right on the desk.
Coworker masked on a cruise to Alaska. Had a great trip, but still caught it in her way home.
Yes, I believe the uptick in L.A.
I’m in new England and it’s been going around at work. Started seeing more of it a month or so ago.
It’s popping up again among my friends here in Oregon. My daughter in Atlanta had avoided it until a large work event a couple of months ago. It’s not like it was at the height of the pandemic in 2020-21, but it’s still with us and we need to pay attention and take it seriously. This thread is a lifesaver…literally in some cases, I’m sure.
If more people around you seem to be coming down with Covid lately, that’s because infections are indeed on the rise nationally.

Cases are most likely increasing in 39 states and aren’t declining anywhere in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — evidence that an anticipated summer wave is underway.

The CDC no longer tracks Covid cases, but it estimates transmission based on emergency department visits. Both Covid deaths and ED visits have risen in the last week. Hospitalizations also climbed 25% from May 26 to June 1, the latest data available.

California in particular appears to be experiencing a notable rise in infections. The state’s data suggests high levels of coronavirus in wastewater, and Covid has gotten more prevalent there since May. The documented share of Covid tests in California that came back positive has risen from around 3% to 7.5% in the last month or so.

“It looks like the summer wave is starting to begin,” said Dr. Thomas Russo, chief of infectious diseases at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences...
If you're traveling, don't let down your guard. I masked on planes and boats but still got it. I heard so much coughing in the last airport I traveled through. I also may have let guard down on other preventive measures such as taking vitamins daily.

“He has notified those he recently came into close contact with regarding his test result, and he has encouraged them to take tests, as well. He’s informed his staff that they can expect him to work remotely for the time being,” the statement read.

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