Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #35

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The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.

There have been 41 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

Up to 4,500 patients in China may have caught the same strain of coronavirus that has killed two people, scientists fear.

Health officials in Wuhan – the city at the heart of the outbreak which started in December – confirmed four new cases today, taking the total to 48.

But Imperial College London researchers say this may be the 'tip of the iceberg' after analysing flights out of the city.

Experts say the fact three Chinese tourists have tested positive for the virus outside Wuhan indicates the disease toll may be higher than reported.

Scientists fear up to 4,500 Chinese patients may have caught the new coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

COVID-19 -Media, Maps, Videos, Timelines, CDC/WHO Resources, etc. ***NO DISCUSSION***


POLL: Confident that US agencies are doing everything to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
POLL: What concerns you most about COVID-19?
POLL: Confident in US medical facilities and personnel to adequately manage COVID-19?
POLL: What do you think the status of COVID-19 will be in six months (September, 2020)?


COVID-19 Coronavirus Memorial Thread

Case details for US and Canada:
COVID-19/Coronavirus Real Time Updates With Credible Sources in US and Canada | 1Point3Acres

Case details for the entire world:
Coronavirus Update (Live): 206,893 Cases and 8,272 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer


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Hey Everyone,

We are putting together a forum for the virus. If you have any ideas for the categories to be included in the forum please send me a private message. Here is what I am thinking so far:
Each state will have its own thread. We will ask everyone to put in information about their state.
A general discussion where this thread and the past threads will be located.
A media thread of course.
Debunking all the kooky crap out there discussion.
Daily count of how many cases are being reported and how many deaths. We would have other countries included. This would be a no discussion thread too.
I have a few more ideas but I am open to anything.

Let me clear something up. We will all be together on this thread discussing just like we are now. The other categories will be added so you all can access certain pieces of info more quickly.
A few things to help keep this vital discussion open and safe:

  • This forum is NOT for debate. It is for the sharing of information and feelings. If someone’s feelings are not in line with yours, DO NOT DEBATE. It is not productive and it negates the purpose of the discussion here. STOP before you reply in anger to someone who posted something you do not agree with or like. REPORT it instead and Mods will determine how to handle it or whether it can stay. DO NOT DEBATE.
  • Discussing personal FB posts of ANY kind, yours included, is a violation of TOS. Apparently Facebook has had a technical glitch and numerous posts by many folks were deleted in error. THAT IS NOT FOR DISCUSSION ON THIS BOARD, and those posts talking about it will be deleted.
  • ANY of the above CAN be discussed in Private Messages. That is where these subjects belong.
This is an extremely difficult and challenging time for all of us. It is not uncommon for fear to manifest itself in anger. We can try our best to direct our fear and anger in ways that do not hurt others, but will still allow for venting anger because that is normal and healthy. We just need to try to keep the anger off the boards so that we can all manage our fear at such a time as this.
Please continue discussion here.

Stay on topic and we'll see about getting a thread set up for some much needed levity. I have no issue with it but will run it by Tricia to make sure she agrees.

In the meantime please keep this thread for the serious discussion that most members and guests come here to read or contribute to.
Coronavirus updates: Millions more ordered to stay at home as coronavirus cases grow

Late on Monday, the United Kingdom went into lockdown as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried to stem the spread of coronavirus, which has infected more than 5,000 people and killed hundreds in his country.

Meawnhile, the pressure is growing on Olympic officials to delay the Summer Games in Tokyo, with Team USA's organizing committee calling for a postponement.


Travel restrictions in and out of Wuhan, the city in central China where the coronavirus is believed to have originated, will lift on April 8, local authorities announced Tuesday.

Life in Wuhan ground to a standstill in January after the Chinese government moved to completely shutter public transportation, highways, airports and businesses as the number of coronavirus infections rose. The city's 11 million residents were told to stay at home and leave only in cases of emergency.


Hospitals across the country are limiting visitors and the number of people who can be in a room with a woman while she gives birth.

One hospital in New York City has enacted the strictest policy yet: Banning partners from delivery rooms.


In Hawaii, where 77 cases have been confirmed, Gov. David Ige said that beginning Wednesday, people should leave their homes only to go to the grocery store, bank or another “essential” business. He said outdoor exercise is allowed as long people remain six feet apart from each other.


In Alaska, officials closed hair salons, barbershops and other businesses where people gather. Visitors from out of state will also be required to self-quarantine for two weeks. The orders go into effect Tuesday and Wednesday, Alaska Department of Health Commissioner Adam Crum told reporters.

What interests me, is not the ongoing escalating numbers of people who have caught COVID19, but what about the people in the community, or same household, who DID NOT get infected with COVID19?

I would be interested in what makes those people different from the rest. Did they eat more garlic? I don't know. Grasping at straws here.

I’ve been wondering the same. And why even in younger patients, some have very mild symptoms and others very serious symptoms, some to the point of requiring a ventilator.

  1. The number of coronavirus deaths in Scotland has increased to 14
  2. Those who have tested positive for Covid-19 stands at 499
  3. In the Scottish Parliament later Health Secretary Jeane Freeman is giving evidence to MSPS on the outbreak
  4. Nicola Sturgeon says new rules announced last night amount to 'lockdown'
  5. All shops selling non essential goods and services have been told they must close
  6. Public gatherings of more than two people who do not live together are to be prohibited
Scotland in 'lockdown' in fight against virus

Stringent new measures to fight coronavirus will see a ban on people gathering in public and restrictions on people leaving their homes.

Nicola Sturgeon said it amounted to a "lockdown" but was necessary to slow the spread of Covid-19, ease pressure on the NHS and save lives.

In a public address at St Andrew's House in Edinburgh, she said people should stay at home.

It came on the day the death toll from the virus rose to 335 in the UK.

The first minister was speaking after Boris Johnson announced draconian measures for at least three weeks which will see the closure of non-essential shops, libraries, playgrounds and outdoor gyms, and places of worship.

From now on, people must stay at home except for:

  • Essential shopping - for food or medicines and only once a day
  • Exercise - only once a day and alone, or with someone from your household
  • Medical reasons or for the care of vulnerable people
  • Travel to and from essential work - all employers should be making provision to work from home
Government expected to announce further restrictions and UK put in lockdown: Today's Covid-19 main points

HEALTH CHIEFS CONFIRMED a further 219 new cases of Covid-19 in the Republic of Ireland last night, bringing the total number of cases here to 1,125.

Two more deaths were also confirmed, meaning six people have died from the virus here.

In Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ordered a tough suite of measures across the UK to enforce people staying in their homes.

Johnson said that from now on people will only be allowed to leave their home for very limited purposes including shopping for basic necessities, one form of exercise a day, medical need and travelling to work only when absolutely necessary.

Here are today’s main Covid-19 points:

  • A further 219 cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the Republic of Ireland last night, bringing the total number of cases to 1,125.
  • The government is expected to announce restrictions for public parks and open spaces today, following large gatherings at Glendalough and other public places over the weekend.
  • Pressure is growing on the construction industry to down tools and clear sites, but industry chiefs have said they have been instructed to continue coming into work but to adhere to HSE guidelines.
  • Queen’s University Belfast has been awarded a €315,000 grant in a bid to find a vaccine for coronavirus.
New York's infection "attack rate" is five times higher than the rest of the US, health expert warns

New York's infection "attack rate" is five times higher than the rest of the US, health expert warns

New York, the hardest-hit state in the US, now has 21,689 coronavirus cases and 157 deaths.

New York City alone has 13,119 cases. At least 2,213 of those patients are hospitalized and 525 are in the intensive care unit.

Earlier today, health expert Dr. Deborah Birx said at a news briefing with President Donald Trump that the greater New York City area has an "attack rate close to one in a thousand" -- five times higher than what other areas are experiencing.


Just joining us? Here’s the latest on the coronavirus pandemic

The global toll: There are 381,293 cases of novel coronavirus and 16,508 deaths globally, according to the Johns Hopkins University, which is tracking figures from the World Health Organization and additional sources.

China: For the first time in six days, China has reported a new case of coronavirus in Hubei province -- ground zero for the pandemic. Mainland China reported 78 new cases on Monday, of which 74 were imported, and seven new deaths, according to the National Health Commission. A total of 73,159 patients in mainland China have recovered and been discharged from hospital.


UK lockdown: Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed the most stringent social restrictions on the British public since the end of World War II. The public is being told stay at home, with exceptions for shopping for basic necessities; one form of exercise a day; medical need; and, for designated key workers, traveling to and from work.


Myanmar reports first two cases of the coronavirus

Myanmar has reported its first two cases of the coronavirus, according to a report in the state-run newspaper Global New Light of Myanmar.

The patients are a 26-year-old man and a 36-year-old man, both of whom reported recent travel history, the report said.


•When you think about it, one person will have ended up possibly infecting the entire world.
•some movie star complaining it cost him nearly $10k to finally get tested. Is he being treated for his symptoms any differently? Some of these people with money really think they are special
•lets test the entire country today. Then what?
•we really are in a pickle right now
•why cant I sleep this week?
•some politicians dragging their feet, I dont think there is a politician that has to worry about feeding her children next week, paying the electric bill, etc
•yes Im self employed and all the sudden I have no work; not complaining though, my choice being self employed and I will perservere
•just some tidbits keeping me up all night
•god bless everyone, and I mean everyone
I’ve been wondering the same. And why even in younger patients, some have very mild symptoms and others very serious symptoms, some to the point of requiring a ventilator.

From all that I am reading, they seem to think that it is to do with the antibodies each of us have in our bodies. Suspecting that people have more or less of the specific antibodies that can help protect them against this onslaught.

It seems that the researchers are trying to identify our antibodies that are effective in fighting this virus. If they can do this, they hope to be able to produce an effective treatment (and vaccination).

When googling 'coronavirus antibodies' some studies, tests, and results are being published already.
No. I am not willing to sacrifice my life for the economy.

Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick (R) on Monday said that he is willing to take a chance on his survival as a senior citizen for the good of the country’s economy amid the coronavirus outbreak and added that thinks “there are lots of grandparents out there in this country” who feel the same way.

"No one reached out to me and said, as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren? And if that's the exchange, I'm all in," Patrick, who turns 70 next week, said during an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program on Monday night.
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