Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #36

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Am I the only person here who keeps having to tell myself to stop clenching? I used to hate the dentist and I would tighten my entire body up when the drill would spin.
I've noticed I'm doing that a lot lately! (No dentist)
I keep telling myself to stop it!
I'm actually kinda laughing at myself.
Time to ship Gngr off, she snapped!
Going to the butcher in the am.
I ordered a package deal.
Not going to the grocery store and already sick of gluten free bean and pea soup!
I need meat! Hopefully I can make that last until the end of May?
Breaking my self quarantine.
I have already paid,
I'm hoping there isn't a line of people. It's like I'm headed into enemy territory. We are up to 82 cases in my town. 5 dead and one who was in ICU, on a vent, discharged and in kidney failure, so he has to have dialysis until a kidney becomes available. He is 30!
Immunosuppressed and stressed!
Call ahead and ask if they will bring it to your car. Food providers are proving themselves to be incredibly compassionate human beings.

Last week, my daughter in Oak Park, IL couldn't find any meat after they were the first city in IL ordered to shelter-in-place. I ordered her a gift box from It arrived today. She was elated and sent me photos as they were firing up the grill, our little granddaughter running around their tiny backyard. Frequent customers get discounts and we got free shipping. Many large cities have walk-in stores. They are always having a sale. They also have side dishes, crock pot meals, etc. (disclaimer: I do not work for Omaha Steaks. lol)
Recently, I had occasion to look up the expression/idiom “sea change.” Brian Williams on MSNBC uses it frequently and I hadn’t heard it elsewhere. It actually originates with Shakespeare’s “Tempest” and describes a profound change caused by the sea. But it has come to mean...

“a substantial change in perspective, especially one which affects a group or society at large, on a particular issue.”

Sea change (idiom) - Wikipedia

During this pandemic, I am seeing what seems like a “sea change” in terms of connection, cooperation and sacrifice in this country...qualities that have been in short supply socially. Our perspective has changed.

Instead of using our phones and tablets to isolate, we are using them to connect in creative ways due to our enforced isolation from each other. I’ve just learned about the Zoom app, for example.

Instead of individuals just working independently, we see them coming together and cooperating to make sure the various needs of people are met...from a social distance. The mask-makers come to mind. A group of singers putting on a concert from their individual living rooms, etc.

Instead of self-interest, we are see young and old in the healthcare field sacrificing their dreams of career or retirement to volunteer and risk their lives.

There are many more examples of this “sea change” I see happening...all because of this awful pandemic that has turned the world as we know it upside down in such a short time. I imagine that when this is over, these more noble attributes of humanity will recede once again as we come out of isolation, get busy and start taking each other for granted again. But at least we know what is possible when push comes to shove.

bookmarking / full document is 880 pages / tiny snippet for reference

“AMENDMENT NO.llll Calendar No.lll
Purpose: Providing emergency assistance and health care re- sponse for individuals, families and businesses affected by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.
H. R. 748
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage.
Referred to the Committee on llllllllll and ordered to be printed
Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE intended
1 2
3 4 5 6 7
to be proposed by lllllll
Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the fol-
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Coronavirus Aid, Re- lief, and Economic Security Act’’ or the ‘‘CARES Act’’. SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS.
The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents. Sec. 3. References.
O:\HEN\HEN20312.xml [file 1 of 2]
Sec. 1101. Definitions.
Sec. 1102. Paycheck protection program.
Sec. 1103. Entrepreneurial development.
Sec. 1104. State trade expansion program.
Sec. 1105. Waiver of matching funds requirement under the women’s business
center program. Sec. 1106. Loan forgiveness.
Sec. 1107. Direct appropriations.
Sec. 1108. Minority business development agency.
Sec. 1109. United States Treasury Program Management Authority. Sec. 1110. Emergency EIDL grants.
Sec. 1111. Resources and services in languages other than English. Sec. 1112. Subsidy for certain loan payments.
Sec. 1113. Bankruptcy.
Sec. 1114. Emergency rulemaking authority.
Subtitle A—Unemployment Insurance Provisions
Sec. 2101. Short title.
Sec. 2102. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
Sec. 2103. Emergency unemployment relief for governmental entities and non-
profit organizations.
Sec. 2104. Emergency increase in unemployment compensation benefits.
Sec. 2105. Temporary full Federal funding of the first week of compensable
regular unemployment for States with no waiting week. Sec. 2106. Emergency State staffing flexibility.
Sec. 2107. Pandemic emergency unemployment compensation.
Sec. 2108. Temporary financing of short-time compensation payments in States
with programs in law.
Sec. 2109. Temporary financing of short-time compensation agreements.
Sec. 2110. Grants for short-time compensation programs.
Sec. 2111. Assistance and guidance in implementing programs.
Sec. 2112. Waiver of the 7-day waiting period for benefits under the Railroad
Unemployment Insurance Act.
Sec. 2113. Enhanced benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance
Sec. 2114. Extended unemployment benefits under the Railroad Unemployment
Insurance Act.
Sec. 2115. Funding for the DOL Office of Inspector General for oversight of
unemployment provisions. Sec. 2116. Implementation.
Subtitle B—Rebates and Other Individual Provisions
Sec. 2201. 2020 recovery rebates for individuals.
Sec. 2202. Special rules for use of retirement funds.
Sec. 2203. Temporary waiver of required minimum distribution rules for cer-
tain retirement plans and accounts.
Sec. 2204. Allowance of partial above the line deduction for charitable contribu-

O:\HEN\HEN20312.xml [file 1 of 2]
Sec. 2205. Modification of limitations on charitable contributions during 2020. Sec. 2206. Exclusion for certain employer payments of student loans.
Subtitle C—Business Provisions
Sec. 2301. Employee retention credit for employers subject to closure due to COVID-19.
Sec. 2302. Delay of payment of employer payroll taxes.
Sec. 2303. Modifications for net operating losses.
Sec. 2304. Modification of limitation on losses for taxpayers other than cor-
Sec. 2305. Modification of credit for prior year minimum tax liability of cor-
Sec. 2306. Modifications of limitation on business interest.
Sec. 2307. Technical amendments regarding qualified improvement property. Sec. 2308. Temporary exception from excise tax for alcohol used to produce
hand sanitizer.
Subtitle A—Health Provisions
Sec. 3001. Short title.
Sec. 3101. National Academies report on America’s medical product supply chain security.
Sec. 3102. Requiring the strategic national stockpile to include certain types of medical supplies.
Sec. 3103. Treatment of respiratory protective devices as covered counter- measures.
Sec. 3111. Prioritize reviews of drug applications; incentives.
Sec. 3112. Additional manufacturer reporting requirements in response to drug
Sec. 3121. Discontinuance or interruption in the production of medical devices.
Sec. 3201. Coverage of diagnostic testing for COVID-19.
Sec. 3202. Pricing of diagnostic testing.
Sec. 3203. Rapid coverage of preventive services and vaccines for coronavirus.
Sec. 3211. Supplemental awards for health centers.
Sec. 3212. Telehealth network and telehealth resource centers grant programs.

O:\HEN\HEN20312.xml [file 1 of 2]
Sec. 3213. Rural health care services outreach, rural health network develop- ment, and small health care provider quality improvement
grant programs.
Sec. 3214. United States Public Health Service Modernization.
Sec. 3215. Limitation on liability for volunteer health care professionals during COVID-19 emergency response.
Sec. 3216. Flexibility for members of National Health Service Corps during emergency period.
Sec. 3221. Confidentiality and disclosure of records relating to substance use disorder.
Sec. 3222. Nutrition services.
Sec. 3223. Continuity of service and opportunities for participants in commu-
nity service activities under title V of the Older Americans Act
of 1965.
Sec. 3224. Guidance on protected health information.
Sec. 3225. Reauthorization of healthy start program. Sec. 3226. Importance of the blood supply.
Sec. 3301. Removing the cap on OTA during public health emergencies. Sec. 3302. Priority zoonotic animal drugs.
Sec. 3401. Reauthorization of health professions workforce programs. Sec. 3402. Health workforce coordination.
Sec. 3403. Education and training relating to geriatrics.
Sec. 3404. Nursing workforce development.
Subtitle B—Education Provisions
Sec. 3501. Short title.
Sec. 3502. Definitions.
Sec. 3503. Campus-based aid waivers.
Sec. 3504. Use of supplemental educational opportunity grants for emergency
Sec. 3505. Federal work-study during a qualifying emergency.
Sec. 3506. Adjustment of subsidized loan usage limits.
Sec. 3507. Exclusion from Federal Pell Grant duration limit.
Sec. 3508. Institutional refunds and Federal student loan flexibility.
Sec. 3509. Satisfactory academic progress.
Sec. 3510. Continuing education at affected foreign institutions.
Sec. 3511. National emergency educational waivers.
Sec. 3512. HBCU Capital financing.
Sec. 3513. Temporary relief for federal student loan borrowers.
Sec. 3514. Provisions related to the Corporation for National and Community
Sec. 3515. Workforce response activities.
Sec. 3516. Technical amendments.
Sec. 3517. Waiver authority and reporting requirement for institutional aid. Sec. 3518. Authorized uses and other modifications for grants.
Sec. 3519. Service obligations for teachers.

O:\HEN\HEN20312.xml [file 1 of 2]
Subtitle C—Labor Provisions
Sec. 3601. Limitation on paid leave.
Sec. 3602. Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act Limitation.
Sec. 3603. Unemployment insurance.
Sec. 3604. OMB Waiver of Paid Family and Paid Sick Leave.
Sec. 3605. Paid leave for rehired employees.
Sec. 3606. Advance refunding of credits.
Sec. 3607. Expansion of DOL Authority to postpone certain deadlines.
Sec. 3608. Single-employer plan funding rules.
Sec. 3609. Application of cooperative and small employer charity pension plan
rules to certain charitable employers whose primary exempt purpose is providing services with respect to mothers and chil- dren.
Sec. 3610. Federal contractor authority. Sec. 3611. Technical corrections.
Subtitle D—Finance Committee
Sec. 3701. Exemption for telehealth services.
Sec. 3702. Inclusion of certain over-the-counter medical products as qualified
medical expenses.
Sec. 3703. Increasing Medicare telehealth flexibilities during emergency period. Sec. 3704. Enhancing Medicare telehealth services for Federally qualified
health centers and rural health clinics during emergency pe-
Sec. 3705. Temporary waiver of requirement for face-to-face visits between
home dialysis patients and physicians.
Sec. 3706. Use of telehealth to conduct face-to-face encounter prior to recertifi-
cation of eligibility for hospice care during emergency period. Sec. 3707. Encouraging use of telecommunications systems for home health
services furnished during emergency period.
Sec. 3708. Improving care planning for Medicare home health services.
Sec. 3709. Adjustment of sequestration.
Sec. 3710. Medicare hospital inpatient prospective payment system add-on pay-
ment for COVID–19 patients during emergency period.
Sec. 3711. Increasing access to post-acute care during emergency period.
Sec. 3712. Revising payment rates for durable medical equipment under the
Medicare program through duration of emergency period.
Sec. 3713. Coverage of the COVID-19 vaccine under part B of the Medicare
program without any cost-sharing.
Sec. 3714. Requiring Medicare prescription drug plans and MA–PD plans to
allow during the COVID-19 emergency period for fills and re-
fills of covered part D drugs for up to a 3-month supply.
Sec. 3715. Providing home and community-based services in acute care hos-
Sec. 3716. Clarification regarding uninsured individuals.
Sec. 3717. Clarification regarding coverage of COVID-19 testing products.
Sec. 3718. Amendments relating to reporting requirements with respect to clin-
ical diagnostic laboratory tests.
Sec. 3719. Expansion of the Medicare hospital accelerated payment program
during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Sec. 3720. Delaying requirements for enhanced FMAP to enable State legisla-
tion necessary for compliance.
Subtitle E—Health and Human Services Extenders

O:\HEN\HEN20312.xml [file 1 of 2]
Sec. 3801. Extension of the work geographic index floor under the Medicare program.
Sec. 3802. Extension of funding for quality measure endorsement, input, and selection.
Sec. 3803. Extension of funding outreach and assistance for low-income pro- grams.
Sec. 3811. Extension of the Money Follows the Person rebalancing demonstra- tion program.
Sec. 3812. Extension of spousal impoverishment protections.
Sec. 3813. Delay of DSH reductions.
Sec. 3814. Extension and expansion of Community Mental Health Services
demonstration program.
Sec. 3821. Extension of sexual risk avoidance education program.
Sec. 3822. Extension of personal responsibility education program.
Sec. 3823. Extension of demonstration projects to address health professions
workforce needs.
Sec. 3824. Extension of the temporary assistance for needy families program
and related programs.
Sec. 3831. Extension for community health centers, the National Health Serv- ice Corps, and teaching health centers that operate GME pro-
Sec. 3832. Diabetes programs.
Sec. 3841. Prevention of duplicate appropriations for fiscal year 2020.
Subtitle F—Over-the-Counter Drugs
Sec. 3851. Regulation of certain nonprescription drugs that are marketed with- out an approved drug application.
Sec. 3852. Misbranding.
Sec. 3853. Drugs excluded from the over-the-counter drug review.
Sec. 3854. Treatment of Sunscreen Innovation Act.
Sec. 3855. Annual update to Congress on appropriate pediatric indication for
certain OTC cough and cold drugs. Sec. 3856. Technical corrections.
Sec. 3861. Finding.

O:\HEN\HEN20312.xml [file 1 of 2]
Sec. 3862. Fees relating to over-the-counter drugs.
Subtitle A—Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020
Sec. 4001. Short title.
Sec. 4002. Definitions.
Sec. 4003. Emergency relief and taxpayer protections.
Sec. 4004. Limitation on certain employee compensation.
Sec. 4005. Continuation of certain air service.
Sec. 4006. Coordination with Secretary of Transportation.
Sec. 4007. Suspension of certain aviation excise taxes.
Sec. 4008. Debt guarantee authority.
Sec. 4009. Temporary Government in the Sunshine Act relief.
Sec. 4010. Temporary hiring flexibility.
Sec. 4011. Temporary lending limit waiver.
Sec. 4012. Temporary relief for community banks.
Sec. 4013. Temporary relief from troubled debt restructurings.
Sec. 4014. Optional temporary relief from current expected credit losses.
Sec. 4015. Non-applicability of restrictions on ESF during national emergency. Sec. 4016. Temporary credit union provisions.
Sec. 4017. Increasing access to materials necessary for national security and
pandemic recovery.
Sec. 4018. Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery.
Sec. 4019. Conflicts of interest.
Sec. 4020. Congressional Oversight Commission.
Sec. 4021. Credit protection during COVID–19.
Sec. 4022. Foreclosure moratorium and consumer right to request forbearance. Sec. 4023. Forbearance of residential mortgage loan payments for multifamily
properties with federally backed loans. Sec. 4024. Temporary moratorium on eviction filings.
Sec. 4025. Protection of collective bargaining agreement. Sec. 4026. Reports.
Sec. 4027. Direct appropriation.
Sec. 4028. Rule of construction.
Sec. 4029. Termination of authority.
Subtitle B—Air Carrier Worker Support
Sec. 4111. Definitions.
Sec. 4112. Pandemic relief for aviation workers.
Sec. 4113. Procedures for providing payroll support.
Sec. 4114. Required assurances.
Sec. 4115. Protection of collective bargaining agreement. Sec. 4116. Limitation on certain employee compensation. Sec. 4117. Tax payer protection.
Sec. 4118. Reports.
Sec. 4119. Coordination.
Sec. 4120. Direct appropriation.
TITLE V—CORONAVIRUS RELIEF FUNDS Sec. 5001. Coronavirus Relief Fund.”


Sec. 6001. COVID–19 borrowing authority for the United States Postal Serv- ice.
Sec. 6002. Emergency designation.
Except as expressly provided otherwise, any reference to ‘‘this Act’’ contained in any division of this Act shall be treated as referring only to the provisions of that divi- sion.
In this title—
(1) the terms ‘‘Administration.....”
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Coronavirus: One case lays bare America's testing failure (BBC)

"I'm still sick, it hasn't improved. I'm coughing, I've been feverish and my left lung hurts. There have been times the wheezing and the gurgling in my chest have been so bad at night that it's woken me up. There's no doubt I have all the symptoms."

Claudia Bahorik - who is 69 and lives in Bernville, Pennsylvania - does not say this lightly. As a retired physician herself, she has done her research.

But this is the story of Dr Bahorik's determined, though so far unsuccessful plight - involving clinics, hospitals and even a senator's office - to find out if she has the coronavirus.

Can the families of nursing staff, consultants, cleaning staff, porters, pharmacists etc who contract Coronavirus in a hospital who did not have sufficient protective equipment and die sue the hospitals or the government?

I am outraged by the medical staff that are dying needlessly.

A 48 year old man Kious Kelly, (pictured above) who was a Nursing Manager, has died in NY hospital after contracting coronavirus which did not provide staff with adequate protective equipment which is an absolute disgrace.

US coronavirus: Worker at NYC hospital where staff were forced to wear TRASH BAGS dies at 48 | Daily Mail Online

Nobody should be dying because of their job.
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How exactly is it obvious that the employee didn't self-screen? Covid has up to 14 day incubation period (maybe even longer) and people start being infectious before any symptoms show up.
People also know where they have been the previous 15 days and if they are running a fever.
That's okay. I don't need ANYTHING at a store that I am going risk someone doing that to me. That's some form of medieval torture.
Honestly as far as DNA has come, I can't believe that they need more than buccal swab!
I just don't get it. I understand it's a new virus, but I find it hard to believe that scientists haven't already figure out how to isolate a virus from a simple test.
This virus develops deep in the lungs. No runny nose. Yet they do that!!?
HIrisPlex-S DNA test can tell the eye and hair color of an unidentified person. Yet no one can get tested rapidly for a virus during a pandemic?
Moving along!
rsbm for focus
A healthcare worker at our Children's Hospital has tested positive and took care of 10 babies last weekend in the NICU.
The boss claims the employee self-screened but it is obvious the person didn't do it.

How exactly is it obvious that the employee didn't self-screen? Covid has up to 14 day incubation period (maybe even longer) and people start being infectious before any symptoms show up.

People also know where they have been the previous 15 days and if they are running a fever.

@MyBelle not everyone runs a fever with COVID-19. It’s quite possible the nurse was one of the minority and did not know she had come in contact with someone infected. It’s horrible for the parents of the babies she cared for, but isn’t it unfair to jump to the unwarranted conclusion that the nurse caring for those babies acted irresponsibly? I have seen no information supporting your assertion that she did not self-screen. If you have, please link. The link you provided made clear what happened. Quoting:

The health care provider developed symptoms after working at the hospital
and was immediately tested. The provider is now isolating at home.

Dr. Kari Simonsen, the pediatrician-in-chief at Children’s and an epidemiologist, said in a statement that the provider had conducted the daily self-screening for symptoms and other risk factors now required of all staff and visitors to the hospital. The risk factors include potential community and travel-related exposures to the virus.

No patients or others who had contact with the provider have tested positive.


Children's Hospital health care provider with COVID-19 had contact with 10 NICU patients

Can I be infected if I don’t have a fever?

Yes, you can still have coronavirus if you don’t have a fever. This occurs in about 12% of cases.

Coronavirus: how long does it take to get sick? How infectious is it? Will you always have a fever? COVID-19 basics explained
I have no idea if Sweden or France are helping Italy or not.

Maybe they are.
For Help On Coronavirus, Italy Turns To China, Russia And Cuba

First, Chinese teams arrived March 13 with medical equipment and experts who explained that Italy's lockdown was too weak — too many people strolling, not enough protective masks, too many businesses open. Italy soon tightened the screws. Now the Chinese flag is displayed on the large aid shipments of medical supplies with the words "The friendship road knows no borders."

In a mid-March telephone call, Chinese leader Xi Jinping told Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte that China is willing to cooperate with Italy to combat the epidemic and build a "Health Silk Road." Italy was the first G7 country to endorse China's massive Belt and Road global infrastructure initiative.

After the Chinese came the Russians — in an aid operation the Italian media dubbed "From Russia With Love." Nine Ilyushin 76 planes arrived Sunday with virologists, epidemiologists, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.

"Never had so many Russian planes and personnel landed before in a NATO country," a story in the daily La Repubblica said.

Also on Sunday came a medical brigade from Cuba — whose experts had previously battled Ebola in Africa.

Thirty-seven Cuban doctors and 15 nurses (described by La Repubblica as the "most simpatico") were deployed to the Lombardy town of Crema. Photos of the Cuban team posted on Italy's Civil Protection Agency Facebook page had been shared almost 21,000 times by Wednesday morning. The many comments were of gratitude — and anger that the U.S., Italy's traditional ally, seemed absent.

But the U.S. is sending some help. On Saturday, the Air Force "sent a C-130 filled with medical supplies to Italy," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday. "The U.S. military is also finalizing plans to make some of its excess medical equipment deployed there available to our Italian friends."
Am I the only person here who keeps having to tell myself to stop clenching? I used to hate the dentist and I would tighten my entire body up when the drill would spin.
I've noticed I'm doing that a lot lately! (No dentist)
I keep telling myself to stop it!
I'm actually kinda laughing at myself.
Time to ship Gngr off, she snapped!
Going to the butcher in the am.
I ordered a package deal.
Not going to the grocery store and already sick of gluten free bean and pea soup!
I need meat! Hopefully I can make that last until the end of May?
Breaking my self quarantine.
I have already paid,
I'm hoping there isn't a line of people. It's like I'm headed into enemy territory. We are up to 82 cases in my town. 5 dead and one who was in ICU, on a vent, discharged and in kidney failure, so he has to have dialysis until a kidney becomes available. He is 30!
Immunosuppressed and stressed!
I had nightmares the past 2 nights, and woke up with my heart racing, both mornings.

And it doesn't help that 'racing heart rate' is one of the virus's symptoms. :eek:

Luckily I don't have a cough or red eyes...or a fever...

But I definitely feel the impact of the stress.:confused:
Recently, I had occasion to look up the expression/idiom “sea change.” Brian Williams on MSNBC uses it frequently and I hadn’t heard it elsewhere. It actually originates with Shakespeare’s “Tempest” and describes a profound change caused by the sea. But it has come to mean...

“a substantial change in perspective, especially one which affects a group or society at large, on a particular issue.”

Sea change (idiom) - Wikipedia

During this pandemic, I am seeing what seems like a “sea change” in terms of connection, cooperation and sacrifice in this country...qualities that have been in short supply socially. Our perspective has changed.

Instead of using our phones and tablets to isolate, we are using them to connect in creative ways due to our enforced isolation from each other. I’ve just learned about the Zoom app, for example.

Instead of individuals just working independently, we see them coming together and cooperating to make sure the various needs of people are met...from a social distance. The mask-makers come to mind. A group of singers putting on a concert from their individual living rooms, etc.

Instead of self-interest, we are see young and old in the healthcare field sacrificing their dreams of career or retirement to volunteer and risk their lives.

There are many more examples of this “sea change” I see happening...all because of this awful pandemic that has turned the world as we know it upside down in such a short time. I imagine that when this is over, these more noble attributes of humanity will recede once again as we come out of isolation, get busy and start taking each other for granted again. But at least we know what is possible when push comes to shove.

The war on coronavirus has been declared. A war that is supported by the country. And until the war is won, it will take casualties, weapons and money to defeat. But one day, peace will once again, reign. Until then, we all pull together in the same direction. Towards peace.

Government coronavirus advisor warns the next two weeks will be very difficult because of 'continuous tsunami of cases' before the UK situation gets better - as he warns a THIRD of deaths are 'healthy people'

Government coronavirus advisor warns the next two weeks will be 'very difficult' | Daily Mail Online


This scares me. I haven’t set foot out of the house for a week now, other than going into the garden. My Dad told me this morning he’ll follow along with one of the ‘exercise for seniors’ five minute sessions shown the BBC but he is no longer considering going for a walk every day - it’s safer to remain isolated.

On my gratitude list today - there is a quinoa chorizo in the slow cooker and a loaf of bread to make later on. I’m having far more contact with my colleagues as we’ve all joined WhatsApp (whatever that is) and are having regular Skype and TEAMs meetings.

Stay safe, everyone - especially anyone who has to head out today ❤️
For Help On Coronavirus, Italy Turns To China, Russia And Cuba

First, Chinese teams arrived March 13 with medical equipment and experts who explained that Italy's lockdown was too weak — too many people strolling, not enough protective masks, too many businesses open. Italy soon tightened the screws. Now the Chinese flag is displayed on the large aid shipments of medical supplies with the words "The friendship road knows no borders."

In a mid-March telephone call, Chinese leader Xi Jinping told Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte that China is willing to cooperate with Italy to combat the epidemic and build a "Health Silk Road." Italy was the first G7 country to endorse China's massive Belt and Road global infrastructure initiative.

After the Chinese came the Russians — in an aid operation the Italian media dubbed "From Russia With Love." Nine Ilyushin 76 planes arrived Sunday with virologists, epidemiologists, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.

"Never had so many Russian planes and personnel landed before in a NATO country," a story in the daily La Repubblica said.

Also on Sunday came a medical brigade from Cuba — whose experts had previously battled Ebola in Africa.

Thirty-seven Cuban doctors and 15 nurses (described by La Repubblica as the "most simpatico") were deployed to the Lombardy town of Crema. Photos of the Cuban team posted on Italy's Civil Protection Agency Facebook page had been shared almost 21,000 times by Wednesday morning. The many comments were of gratitude — and anger that the U.S., Italy's traditional ally, seemed absent.

But the U.S. is sending some help. On Saturday, the Air Force "sent a C-130 filled with medical supplies to Italy," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday. "The U.S. military is also finalizing plans to make some of its excess medical equipment deployed there available to our Italian friends."

What excess medical equipment? We’re wearing plastic trash bags instead of protective gear. Time to take care of US.
The war on coronavirus has been declared. A war that is supported by the country. And until the war is won, it will take casualties, weapons and money to defeat. But one day, peace will once again, reign. Until then, we all pull together in the same direction. Towards peace.

Yes, that’s a very apt comparison, and I imagined as I wrote about this “sea change” that it was like this during WWII. I was born in January 1946, in the first month of baby boomers right after the war, so I have no memory of everyone pulling together in the same direction. There has been nothing like it in my lifetime on such a scale. Just as there were highs and lows during WWII, so it will be with this war. For those of us whose main job is to “stay home, stay healthy” it will take patience and endurance while we await the end. But it will end. And we will celebrate together at last!
NYPD Commisioner: 'Triple' normal rate of officers out sick
March 25, 2020

“New York Police Commissioner Dermot Shea joins Ayman Mohyeldin to discuss the department's ongoing effort to protect and serve during the coronavirus outbreak in that city. Shea says 3,200 officers have called out sick but that "adjustments" have been made and the department "will lead the way out of this."”
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