Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #37

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Wow. Dr Birks is explaining how the numbers aren't corresponding with the models. It seems it won't be as bad as originally thought. Obviously it's bad but I'm hopeful the numbers will be lower than expected.

This is unquestionably a dreadful virus. I do not dispute that at all. However, there is NO accurate statistical data in existence. None.

So the fact that we in the U.S. are number one in reported cases, IMO, is a good thing, as we are testing, and getting data. However, the information is surely out there, if one chooses to read it, that shows there are professionals who think there is a rather large population of asymptomatic folk out there, and that number surely adds to the denominator in the death rate calculation.

All that being said, I'm self quarantined :) And I think y'all should be too :)

Coronavirus epicenters like NY and CA need medical supplies, but other states seeing a rapid rise in cases like Michigan are struggling to get the supplies they need and losing contracts to FEMA Michigan coronavirus cases explode but states outside of the hotspots can't get supplies - CNNPolitics
Jeremy Herb on Twitter

Michigan, the site of one of the country's fastest growing outbreaks, has found itself unable to get an adequate supply of personal protective equipment, with lawmakers telling CNN that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had placed an order only to be told by the company later the federal government had placed an order that would take priority.

"Confusion has arisen as both states and the federal government attempt to rapidly secure (personal protective equipment) and testing supplies," the lawmakers wrote. "In the midst of this challenge, the federal government must ensure it communicates a clear chain of command to the states and utilize a data-driven prioritization process to address states' needs."

Yes. That would be fantastic. Get organized, or get out the way, so the governors can create an equipment co-op or something.
Forgive me for asking, but who is Dr. Birks? Is he going by local numbers? Is he looking at places like Connecticut and New York/New Jersey?

Experts here in California (Stanford, UC San Francisco, UCLA, USC, UC Irvine) say that we're flattening the curve - but that we still have a massive storm ahead, with a predicted 2000 people dead in Santa Clara County alone.
She is speaking on the Task Force press conference now.

ETA I mispelled her name. It is Birx.
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Dr. Fauci today's WH briefing
Different drugs in randomized trials

Dr Fauci: The best way to get the best drug as quickly as possible, is to do a randomized trial. He adds he feels "confident" that there will be treatments developed to treat coronavirus because there are a whole menu of treatments being developed.

Yamiche Alcindor on Twitter
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My store had banned plastic bags too. But right now, that's the ONLY type they let us use. That or paper bags.

But we are not allowed to bring our reusables inside.
Reusable bags are dirty and germy. Most people don't wash them. The one thing I am amazed at as how we all managed to stay alive with so many germs trying to kill us.


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"People want to go back to work. I'm hearing it loud and clear from everyone. We have to go back. This is the USA they don't want to sit around and wait. They'll still be social distancing. And washing hands. But they still have to back. We have to go back to work." - Trump

COVID19 on Twitter
Oh sure. We got to go back to work. Of course some of us might die, but this is a sacrifice we should be making for the sake of the economy. All righty then.
Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan is where, just 3 short years ago (long years ago it now seems) my grandson was born. Such a jubilant day...and now this:

'There's only going to be more': NYC nurse dies after contracting coronavirus

An assistant nursing manager at a New York City hospital, who told his family he believed he had contracted the coronavirus after being exposed at work, died Tuesday evening, his sister told NBC News.

The death of Kious Jordan Kelly, 48, was confirmed by Mount Sinai Hospital. It comes amid an escalating crisis in New York in which hospitals are faced with surging numbers of coronavirus patients and shortages of crucial medical equipment and protective gear for staffers.
Reusable bags are dirty and germy. Most people don't wash them. The one thing I am amazed at as how we all managed to stay alive with so many germs trying to kill us.
We have the most amazing immune systems. I tell my students, it's like a vigilant, highly trainable standing army inside us. Scouts, assassins, clean-up crew, General MacArthurs, disciplined foot soldiers, frogmen.

We will have immunity to this, too. Those who survive, and that rate is relatively high. Many of us likely have antibodies to it (though testing will tell us). We have to get through the storm(s) first.
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Proud to see NY's hotels stepping up.
@StRegisNewYork, @LotteNYPalace & @Yotel will provide their facilities for non-critical patients (freeing up beds in hospitals).
@RoomMateGraceNY & @WytheHotel will offer free rooms to medical workers responding to #COVID.
NY thanks you.

Andrew Cuomo on Twitter

The Four Seasons New York is also providing free rooms to medical workers. I posted a link earlier.
We have the most amazing immune systems. I tell my students, it's like a vigilant, highly trainable standing army inside side us. Scouts, assassins, clean-up crew, General MacArthurs, disciplined foot soldiers, frogmen.

We will have immunity to this, too. Those who survive, and that rate is relatively high. Many of us likely have antibodies to it (though testing will tell us). We have to get through the storm(s) first.
Ye, the survival rate is relatively high. But I have a pre-existing condition which doesn't make it so high for someone like me. But this is a really weird virus, some people have no symptoms, some people have mild symptoms, some people have severe symptoms, and some people die. It's very unpredictable.
We will only have antibodies to it if we get the virus and survive. Not really a good way to get antibodies.


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"People want to go back to work. I'm hearing it loud and clear from everyone. We have to go back. This is the USA they don't want to sit around and wait. They'll still be social distancing. And washing hands. But they still have to back. We have to go back to work." - Trump

COVID19 on Twitter

Yep, everyone wants to go back to work. They’d also, I imagine, quite like to live.
There have been over 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the United States.

Could someone direct to a MSM source that documents the average age and relevant pre-existing conditions of the victims?

I didn't think so.

Great question. We're not especially healthy here, and our lifestyle diseases start young. Environmental quality varies, and federal roll-backs to air and water standards very likely don't help. Weaknesses in our health care system, along with the current overwhelming of our hospitals make it tricky to get that info right now. But I bet there will be papers published in the aftermath.
Forgive me for asking, but who is Dr. Birks? Is he going by local numbers? Is he looking at places like Connecticut and New York/New Jersey?

Dr.Birx, M.D., is the United States'coordinator for coronavirus pandemic. She was appointed by Obama in 2014 as U.S. Global Aids Coordinator, and confirmed by Senate, and appointed by Trump as Global Coordinator for coronavirus pandemic. She has impeccable qualifications and expertise.

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