Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #39

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Uh, post up here where I said that.

Now that we've cleared that up, either shelter in place helps, or it doesn't. So, if THE most infected areas of the United States can travel freely as they see fit, then everybody else can too.

So, lets open her up for business!!!

Your words: "Help prevent further spread from NYC to other regions of the country. It's a no brainer for me. Sorry you don't see it."

I don't believe my comprehension has been compromised by my 2nd glass of wine to erroneously interpret your comment here. If you are saying 'help prevent further spread from NYC to other regions' DOESN'T really mean you said NYC is spreading the infection to other areas I'd like you to clarify that for me. Thanks.
Mortality rate for coronavirus patients put in intensive care is close to 50%, shock report reveals

Of the 165 people treated in critical care in England, wales and Northern Ireland since the end of February, 79 died and 86 were discharged, date from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) shows.

A further 610 have been admitted to intensive care and were included in the data but they remain in hospital in the intensive care wards, The Guardian has reported.

Mortality rate for coronavirus patients put in intensive care is close to 50%, shock report reveals | Daily Mail Online

This is extremely concerning.

MEXICO....and so it begins

Deaths from pneumonia skyrocket in the State of #Mexico; funeral homes fear they were caused by #coronavirus
Héctor Farina Ojeda on Twitter

In the last week, there have been around 70 deaths from pneumonia , in Toluca , a third of the monthly average of deaths in the capital of the State of Mexico, which is around 200 , from different causes .

Given this situation, representatives of the Union of Funeral Homes of the Toluca Valley made a call to the health sector to indicate exactly the causes of the deaths, so that the funeral workers take the appropriate measures , both inside and outside these.

“In hospitals, there are cases that are managed like pneumonia . We know that Covid-19 is given through a pneumonia and the talk with the mourner we manifest already made them the protocol to check if they are not infected . We have documents where that cause of death is already coming, "explained Gabino Zarza Sánchez , representative of the Union.

So far, he added, the funeral homes of the Toluca Valley do not have official protocols or instructions to provide care in this type of case , although they are prepared and trained to offer their services when it comes to any death from an infectious contagious disease , including COVID-19 .
Se disparan muertes por neumonía en el Estado de México; funerarias temen que hayan sido por coronavirus - Infobae
MEXICO....and so it begins

Deaths from pneumonia skyrocket in the State of #Mexico; funeral homes fear they were caused by #coronavirus
Héctor Farina Ojeda on Twitter

In the last week, there have been around 70 deaths from pneumonia , in Toluca , a third of the monthly average of deaths in the capital of the State of Mexico, which is around 200 , from different causes .

Given this situation, representatives of the Union of Funeral Homes of the Toluca Valley made a call to the health sector to indicate exactly the causes of the deaths, so that the funeral workers take the appropriate measures , both inside and outside these.

“In hospitals, there are cases that are managed like pneumonia . We know that Covid-19 is given through a pneumonia and the talk with the mourner we manifest already made them the protocol to check if they are not infected . We have documents where that cause of death is already coming, "explained Gabino Zarza Sánchez , representative of the Union.

So far, he added, the funeral homes of the Toluca Valley do not have official protocols or instructions to provide care in this type of case , although they are prepared and trained to offer their services when it comes to any death from an infectious contagious disease , including COVID-19 .
Se disparan muertes por neumonía en el Estado de México; funerarias temen que hayan sido por coronavirus - Infobae

Makes me wonder what protocol is for handling dead bodies with a new virus is. I've been wondering this awhile. Jmo
@Shelby1 I get it. My husband used to be very independent, he went shopping, out with friends, to his own medical appointments.

Now, he goes no where. I have to go to work every day, and when I come home, and he wants to go out, for a drive or something. He wants take out food. Whatever.

He used to be more in denial about the situation, but he gets it now.

My question is, with the plan of every one going to go back to work April 14th, I will probably get sick, and bring it home to him at some point anyways.
This is just so scary...this is no plan for the United States of America.. this is just another knee-jerk response to appease MY governor of Florida....... come on folks, we are one country....there may be slightly different elements but there must be ONE overall plan.........This is just so awful. It illegal too! I know, i debates but we are such a strong viable country ..........can we just have a strategic overall plan in place. Well developed plans always involve contingency emergency changes. We desperately need STRONG Command and Control Logistics. Where are they???? I am so scared for our future........ so scared.

As to STRONG Command and Control Logistics...isnt that what an enforced Quarantine is?

I thought our administration was considering a strong logistical control by closing borders in the Tri-state area to isolate the surging hot spots.

It is baffling to me, because for 2 weeks I have read here, post after post, criticising this country for not taking strong enough action to flatten the curve.

And when a possible strong strict action is contemplated, the same voices are strongly objecting saying I DARE HIM to try it...:confused:.....I don't get it....
OKLAHOMA....Howard Forman

"Just 15 days ago NEW YORK STATE had as many cases (9 days for deaths) as #Oklahoma today. If Oklahoma would like to get ahead of NYS, they might consider locking down NOW. If you aren't learning from Italy, Spain, NYS, & the UK, you are dooming your citizens. What say you, @GovStitt ?"

(((Howard Forman))) on Twitter
New Travel Advisory here

Trump mulls imposing coronavirus quarantine on New York, New Jersey Connecticut

The CDC shortly after issued a Domestic Travel Advisory urging against "non-essential domestic travel" in the tri-state area for 14 days.

"Due to extensive community transmission of COVID -19 in the area, CDC urges residents of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to refrain from non-essential domestic travel for 14 days effective immediately," it said, noting that the advisory doesn't apply to "employees of critical infrastructure industries, including but not limited to trucking, public health professionals, financial services, and food supply."

Such employees "have a special responsibility to maintain normal work schedules," the CDC said, adding: "The Governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut will have full discretion to implement this Domestic Travel Advisory."
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In at least 10 government reports from 2003 to 2015, federal officials predicted the United States would experience a critical lack of ventilators and other lifesaving medical supplies if it faced a viral outbreak like the one currently sweeping the country.

The drumbeat of warnings undermines President Donald Trump's claim last week that "nobody in their wildest dreams" could have imagined the demand for ventilators that now exists. The demand is pushing hospitals to the brink in New York City and threatening to do so in parts of Washington state, California, Louisiana and beyond.

In addition, a 2017 study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that "substantial concern exists that intensive care units (ICUs) might have insufficient resources to treat all persons requiring ventilator support" and that even the supplies held in the so-called Strategic National Stockpile "might not suffice to meet demand during a severe public health emergency."

Federal officials repeatedly warned that US hospitals lacked enough ventilators
As to STRONG Command and Control Logistics...isnt that what an enforced Quarantine is?

I thought our administration was considering a strong logistical control by closing borders in the Tri-state area to isolate the surging hot spots.

It is baffling to me, because for 2 weeks I have read here, post after post, criticising this country for not taking strong enough action to flatten the curve.

And when a possible strong strict action is contemplated, the same voices are strongly objecting saying I DARE HIM to try it...:confused:.....I don't get it....
My keyboard is getting rusty from some of the tears flowing out of my monitor sometimes.........moo
Startling, scary, unconstitutional. The first thing I thought of are the WWII Germany. They just go into private property rounding up New Yorkers to throw out of Rhode Island. Seriously?

Yup. Shades of Wuhan, dragging people from their homes and forcing them into government quarantine.

In at least 10 government reports from 2003 to 2015, federal officials predicted the United States would experience a critical lack of ventilators and other lifesaving medical supplies if it faced a viral outbreak like the one currently sweeping the country.

The drumbeat of warnings undermines President Donald Trump's claim last week that "nobody in their wildest dreams" could have imagined the demand for ventilators that now exists. The demand is pushing hospitals to the brink in New York City and threatening to do so in parts of Washington state, California, Louisiana and beyond.

In addition, a 2017 study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that "substantial concern exists that intensive care units (ICUs) might have insufficient resources to treat all persons requiring ventilator support" and that even the supplies held in the so-called Strategic National Stockpile "might not suffice to meet demand during a severe public health emergency."

Federal officials repeatedly warned that US hospitals lacked enough ventilators
The States received the very same warning I believe.
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