Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #41

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I have heard it can survive for 72 hrs on surfaces. In a later post I did mention that we cook them in boiling water so that should kill any germs but I guess some people could use them raw.

I've posted links about surfaces a few times - to summarize, virus can last for up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to 72 hours on plastic and metal.

I received a food delivery yesterday. I washed the frozen food with water and soap on the front porch and then put it in the freezer covered in soap bubbles using rubber gloves. I put the rest of the groceries in the garage for 72 hours because milk comes in plastic jugs, and I don't know how long it survives on glass, like a salsa jar. Crazy whacky world we find ourselves in - washing groceries on the porch. Better safe than sorry.

I wouldn't eat raw food at this time unless it has a peel.
I guess I understand why he waited. The virus was just beginning to make inroads in most of Arizona (Phoenix is going to become a hotspot; Phoenix also had zillions of returning Spring Break students from Florida - so I'm predicting they got the "blue" form of the virus; not good).

Phoenix is also an old people's place, with the middle classes and upper middle classes having more space around them - there's a lot of high density housing, though. High density housing is more of a risk factor than, say, someone in a distant food packing plant having coronavirus (which doesn't live long outside a human host).

If a couple of people share ventilation, as in many older apartments mostly on the Atlantic coast and the Midwest, then you get the virus from any person shedding in that building. Some apartments just share halls and elevators. Elevators are the devil right now.

Public transport of any kind; public restrooms; elevators...avoid. Avoid taxis. Avoid indoor gatherings.

If your state hasn't locked down, obviously you need to personally avoid theaters, stores, etc.

I'm hoping everyone here has the ability to do laundry without going to a laundromat. Clothes don't matter.

In two weeks, you will be so glad you took the measures you're taking. The next week is going to be cruel.
My Aunt live in the Tucson area. There are so many 55+ communities there too, and she lives in a fairly large one. She told me once, all those neighborhoods are referred to as "God's waiting room." You can probably figure out why.
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If the guys is such a wingnut, I suspect he will feel he is a martyr who was thrown into prison like Paul. I hope they keep him there, because I doubt that the reality of prison won't make a whiff of difference to him. In fact, it's a star in his crown.

For sure he’s aiming to be a martyr like Paul and increase his standing with his congregation. That’s why he doesn’t make use of technology to video stream his services as most congregations are doing...even ones that didn’t do it before and had never heard of Zoom like mine!

I suspect that he needs the crowd there to feed off their energy as he preaches and couldn’t do it without them. Sadly for his congregation, he seems to conflate the government limiting gatherings to shutting down religion/worship. It’s not. Rational people who understand scripture know when to obey the government and when to resist. This is the time to show love for their fellow man and obey.
I am not a legal scholar, but it seems to me that Congress and Senate could mandate minimum levels of state-purchased medical supplies for declared emergencies, and then use federal employees (from more than one branch, say the CDC and the NIH) to monitor, make recommendations and to ensure the supplies are stocked. National Guard armories could be used for this, and make a database of what's in storage so that the public could know.

When supplies expire, serious study should be undertaken before they are destroyed or sent out of the country. We have had an obsession with "expiration" that is simply absent from the rest of the world and it is designed to sell more product. Instead of destroying ventilators to keep the prices up, there should be public interest in firms that manufacture basic supplies for the public good. In other words, we should not allow the so-called market to determine whether we have supplies or not.
Yes. I read that some expired masks were fine except for the elastic snapping. Elastic does have a shelf life but also can be replaced.
Macy's Furloughs Majority of Its 130,000 Workers
Macy’s says it will stop paying tens of thousands of employees who were thrown out of work when the chain closed its stores...

The majority of its 130,000, including stock people and sales clerks, will still collect health benefits but the company said that it is transitioning to an “absolute minimum workforce”...

The move is perhaps the most dramatic sign that even big name retailers are seeing their business evaporate and that the $2 trillion rescue package passed by Congress last week may come too late to help out retailers. Nordstrom said last week it was furloughing a portion of its corporate staff.

Gosh I think I scared my 83 yr. old Mother In Law who I luv dearly. She was looking forward to going to her Daughter and Husbands on Sunday. Their Son and GF will be there as they are out of travel quarantine on Sunday. Also bringing along the 7 yr. old from his first marriage. So that's 6 people. Up 1 person from what has been handed down. A 7 yr. old is not going to respect distance and how are all these people going to have a meal together. I hit her with some harsh reality. She is mad that Trudeau has not ordered enough ventilators. My husband will get thru to her. I flat out told her you are putting yourself at risk, stressing our health care and those who love you and follow guidelines. I also told her if you need a ventilator you wont get one and neither will I or your Son (my husband). I cant believe my SIL and husband would put her at risk!!! End of my rant!
I guess I understand why he waited. The virus was just beginning to make inroads in most of Arizona (Phoenix is going to become a hotspot; Phoenix also had zillions of returning Spring Break students from Florida - so I'm predicting they got the "blue" form of the virus; not good).

Phoenix is also an old people's place, with the middle classes and upper middle classes having more space around them - there's a lot of high density housing, though. High density housing is more of a risk factor than, say, someone in a distant food packing plant having coronavirus (which doesn't live long outside a human host).

If a couple of people share ventilation, as in many older apartments mostly on the Atlantic coast and the Midwest, then you get the virus from any person shedding in that building. Some apartments just share halls and elevators. Elevators are the devil right now.

Public transport of any kind; public restrooms; elevators...avoid. Avoid taxis. Avoid indoor gatherings.

If your state hasn't locked down, obviously you need to personally avoid theaters, stores, etc.

I'm hoping everyone here has the ability to do laundry without going to a laundromat. Clothes don't matter.

In two weeks, you will be so glad you took the measures you're taking. The next week is going to be cruel.
My Aunt live in the Tucson area. There are so many 55+ communities there too, and she lives in a family large one. She told me once, all those neighborhoods are referred to as "God's waiting room." You can probably figure out why.
Traveling to Florida? You may be stopped at a checkpoint

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (CNN) - People entering Florida driving on the Interstate will be screened near the state line as government leaders look to stop the spread of COVID-19.


For fun trivia:

Here is a list of the top ten most populated states in the country:

California (Population: 39,747,267)
Texas (Population: 29,087,070)
Florida (Population: 21,646,155)
New York (Population: 19,491,339)
Pennsylvania (Population: 12,813,969)
Illinois (Population: 12,700,381)
Ohio (Population: 11,718,568)

That 21,646,155 does not include snowbirds, tourists, individuals from other countries here on vacation, or other people traipsing through the state.
And for NJ, the issue is population density. Almost 9,000,000 residents with a density of about 1200 per sq. mi. In fact, on that list, NJ is #1. Add to that, most of those reside in the northeastern part of the state, which are basically suburbs of NY.
I just got a text from my soon to be DIL. Her father was rushed to the hospital for a brain bleed. Her mother isn't allowed to be with him and she's falling apart. They're both in their 60s in poor health. My heart is breaking. If ever there was a time we all need to hold each other, the time is now. I hate this virus!
I just got a text from my soon to be DIL. Her father was rushed to the hospital for a brain bleed. Her mother isn't allowed to be with him and she's falling apart. They're both in their 60s in poor health. My heart is breaking. If ever there was a time we all need to hold each other, the time is now. I hate this virus!
Oh man I am so very sorry. Incredibly sad. This virus is so cruel and far reaching. Praying for a good outcome.
I've posted links about surfaces a few times - to summarize, virus can last for up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to 72 hours on plastic and metal.

I received a food delivery yesterday. I washed the frozen food with water and soap on the front porch and then put it in the freezer covered in soap bubbles using rubber gloves. I put the rest of the groceries in the garage for 72 hours because milk comes in plastic jugs, and I don't know how long it survives on glass, like a salsa jar. Crazy whacky world we find ourselves in - washing groceries on the porch. Better safe than sorry.

I wouldn't eat raw food at this time unless it has a peel.

BBM - and on cruise ships for 17 days apparently. I really wish they would tell us specifically what surfaces they found it on.
How do gowns, gloves and masks go out of date?What? They "disinigrate" or whatever?

I know, it is crazy. If you have any gloves, or N95 masks, you will see an expiration date! Same with hand sanitizer, the sanitizer wipes, it all has expiration dates, and I remember when we used to throw heaps of that stuff away. Before we had a CARF accreditation review. Crazy.

Some nit picky lady, dressed like a "Church Lady", "Well, now, what DO we have HERE?!" Hand sanitizer! 2 days out of DATE! Write Up!!!.".
Has anyone posted that the Gov of Kentucky has ordered that no one living there can leave the State?
Wondering why Cuomo didn’t do that?

Not saying one way or the other is good. Just wondering because someone ordering you to not to leave is kinda scary.

I guess I wouldn’t be going anywhere anyway. I would stay in place.
My understanding is that the covid virus is nearly the same as the Spanish Flu. This is a screen shot of a webinar I attended today - couple of microbiologists in Alberta. Webinar is not yet available but will post when it is uploaded

This identifies the difference between viruses and bacteria

View attachment 241060

This shows the relationship between covid Ro and the Ro for other viruses.

View attachment 241059

Thank you for sharing what you have learned. Love this science stuff, makes more sense when I can learn!
How do gowns, gloves and masks go out of date?What? They "disinigrate" or whatever?

They don't, really. Studies in other nations have shown that, definitively. IMO. I suppose that after 50 years, you might not want to use a mask. But our nation's expiry system marks them out of date as early as 3 years (there are warehouses all over the world that have had them stocked for that long - and we probably order new ones from there).

Lots and lots of hastily made, expensive decisions. It's been the American way. Not longterm. Just in the past 50 years. I blame greed, but I also know that some people are greedy. That's why we must have some form of checks and balances.
I just got a text from my soon to be DIL. Her father was rushed to the hospital for a brain bleed. Her mother isn't allowed to be with him and she's falling apart. They're both in their 60s in poor health. My heart is breaking. If ever there was a time we all need to hold each other, the time is now. I hate this virus!

Oh I’m so sorry.i can’t imagine the fear they feel. Praying for them both.
I just got a text from my soon to be DIL. Her father was rushed to the hospital for a brain bleed. Her mother isn't allowed to be with him and she's falling apart. They're both in their 60s in poor health. My heart is breaking. If ever there was a time we all need to hold each other, the time is now. I hate this virus!

Sad to hear and prayers for them. Lets hope for the best and wanted to add that I had read that some nursing homes are making certain exceptions for a close relative to be allowed to be near end-of-life patients. Since that sounds very scary, they may want to check into that with their facility in case there can be an exception made for a close loved one to be there with him.
I've posted links about surfaces a few times - to summarize, virus can last for up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to 72 hours on plastic and metal.

I received a food delivery yesterday. I washed the frozen food with water and soap on the front porch and then put it in the freezer covered in soap bubbles using rubber gloves. I put the rest of the groceries in the garage for 72 hours because milk comes in plastic jugs, and I don't know how long it survives on glass, like a salsa jar. Crazy whacky world we find ourselves in - washing groceries on the porch. Better safe than sorry.

I wouldn't eat raw food at this time unless it has a peel.
I would think glass would be the same as the hard surfaces. I got cash out of a machine on Saturday and have put it in a drawer for a minimum of 72 hrs. You are right though, this behaviour would seem crazy a few months ago.
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