Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #41

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When is the National Guard going to get more involved with food distribution and logistics?!. Instacart, Amazon, Whole Foods...these chains are breaking down before my very eyes as expected. I expect things to get worse Moo. What happens if there’s a problem with fedex, UPS, etc...

Remember we’ve learned from Dr. Mike, the more shutdowns you have, the harder it is to get even supplies in. While shortages are not necessarily the issue, it’s the logistics themselves. People having to go out and expose themselves, all the workers have to take risks, etc.
Does anyone know how long CV lives on marijuana? Tia. A lot of people handle it, trimmers, budtenders, etc.

Also, if you smoke it and it has CV on it, I’m assuming the fire kills it? Or are you breathing it in? Probably a stupid stoner question but I need to know.

Tia for any input.

I saw on the vice channel that the horticulturalists wear masks inside the green house.

That's good, but we know how well that works ... better than a poke in the eye, but no guarantees.
Freezing preserves viruses. That much is known and has been for a long time.
"Research into similar coronavirus strains has shown that, in general, coronaviruses are stable in freezing temperatures and have been shown to survive for up to two years at -20 degrees Celsius,” explained Dr. Mohamad Mooty, Department Chair, Infectious Diseases, Medical Subspecialty Institute, at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi."
How long can coronaviruses survive in a freezer? Up to two years, warns expert

Omgggggggg I wish I didn’t ask :eek:

Thanks everyone though. o_O
Anyone know where do you go to buy Toilet Paper seeds ?.....moo

I think @Niner is growing some. She posted this photo of her garden a while back:

Re: recent loss of appetite.
Anyone think maybe the urge to eat is diminished in order to avoid a trip to the store? Why eat today what you can eat tomorrow? Or, a fear of running out of food?

Or... fear of needing to use up their stash of toilet paper? :p

The problem is, those N95 masks are supposed to be disposable. Is he planning on reusing them?

A Stanford study states that 30 minutes in a 158F kitchen oven does not reduce effectiveness of an R95 but does sterilize it. I posted the link upthread somewhere. They tried various methods and found that all chemical/liquid methods destroyed the effectiveness of the mask.

It will be way better than nothing if he does that. Those simple surgical masks have really helped in Asia (some studies say that it reduces chance of transmission by 50%). R95 should do even better.

Question: if the virus can only survive a few days on surfaces (presumably including cloth), then why isn't hanging a mask up in the garage and not touching it for a week or two a reasonable way to make it reusable?
Musings....Anyone else watching the news shows, MSNBC...CNBC etc and fascinated seeing everyone remote in from their homes/apts? Most are right there in their living rooms, dens and kitchens. Love checking out the pics ,decor and homes.
OH the little things.....

I thought it was funny today when Katie Tur said she was broadcasting for the BBBC. The Brooklyn Basement Broadcasting Center.

(CNN)Hungary's parliament has voted to allow Prime Minister Viktor Orban to rule by decree indefinitely, in order to combat the coronavirus pandemic, giving the populist leader extra powers to unilaterally enact a series of sweeping measures.

The bill, which has been criticized by international human rights watchdogs, has no specified end date and allows Orban to bypass a number of democratic institutions in his response to the outbreak.
It was approved in parliament on Monday, with 138 votes in favor and 53 against. The bill required a two-thirds majority to pass.

Its provisions go well beyond the various forms of legislation hastily put together by other European Union member states in response to the coronavirus pandemic, dramatically ramping up the strongman leader's powers.

The suspension of parliament, punishments for journalists if the government believes their coronavirus reporting is not accurate, and heavier penalties for violating quarantine regulations are all made possible by the order. No elections or referendums can be held while it is in place.

Orban said on Hungarian national Kossuth radio last week: "We cannot react quickly if there are debates and lengthy legislative and lawmaking procedures. And in times of crisis and epidemic, the ability to respond rapidly can save lives.


Much more at the link:

Hungary's parliament votes to let Viktor Orban rule by decree in wake of coronavirus pandemic - CNN

ABC News

JUST IN: In Louisiana, one of the hardest-hit states, 239 people have now died from coronavirus—a 29.1% increase from yesterday. Gov. John Bel Edwards says New Orleans is expected to run out of ventilators on Sunday and hospital beds by Monday.
Holy cow. This is shocking. That’s more deaths than IL, and Chicago is an absolute hot-bed.
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