Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #87

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There are many other good reasons to have food delivered. There will be seniors who can't manage the grocery runs or cooking. There are new moms who won't go out with their new baby. There are folks who are providing meals for others ... there are as many reasons as you can dream of.

We do have good reasons to support our local businesses. They put money back into our communities and keep local people employed. Yes, the government will provide assistance (depending on which country you live in), but that's usually to make up for the shortfall, and just for a period until the business can get back up and running. Without that support, things can become grim for vulnerable communities.

And yes, I agree with you that the delivery person does matter.
Me too re the delivery person.

If we have pizza delivered, I wash my hands then leave a tip in an envelope taped to our door saying "thank you!" hoping they have hand sanitiser in their vehicle. They deliver outside, ring the bell and step away to make sure we answer basically. One guy chose not to take the envelope and I felt so bad for him, sign of the times indeed. Another told me I had no idea how much he appreciated the thought. Not sure it's right or wrong to do that, I could overthink it :confused:.
Years ago there was a terrible fire at the Our Lady of the Angels school in Chicago which killed over 90 people most of which were kids. Years later a writer interviewed people who had survived the fire and one survivor had gone on to college to become a psychiatrist. This person stated that he had interviewed his classmates who had survived the fire and said that he could not find one person who he would diagnose with PTSD.

We throw arounds terms like "depression" and "ptsd" very loosely now a days in fact it seems to be the newest fad for celebrities to start claiming they suffer from depression. I am not saying no one with Covid-19 is suffering from any of these mental illnesses but going through a tough time does not equal mental illness.

Such events also point out the need for the government to make sure that all buildings open to the public follow construction and safety codes.

It’s not okay to open a church where people come to harm in order to attend it or while attending it. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech are not unlimited under our current constitutional system.

So, health and safety codes that apply to all buildings and enterprises should include measures to prevent infectious disease. That’s why we require clean water flowing to buildings - it’s not okay to have dysentery, typhoid and typhus.

It would not be okay for a church to have poisonous snakes at large on the premises (it’s been tried) nor for a church to hand out free food that was unsafe or contaminated.

It should not be okay to transmit Covid either. The legal and economic mechanisms need to be worked out and hopefully now will be.
Years ago there was a terrible fire at the Our Lady of the Angels school in Chicago which killed over 90 people most of which were kids. Years later a writer interviewed people who had survived the fire and one survivor had gone on to college to become a psychiatrist. This person stated that he had interviewed his classmates who had survived the fire and said that he could not find one person who he would diagnose with PTSD.

We throw arounds terms like "depression" and "ptsd" very loosely now a days in fact it seems to be the newest fad for celebrities to start claiming they suffer from depression. I am not saying no one with Covid-19 is suffering from any of these mental illnesses but going through a tough time does not equal mental illness.

Such events also point out the need for the government to make sure that all buildings open to the public follow construction and safety codes.

It’s not okay to open a church where people come to harm in order to attend it or while attending it. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech are not unlimited under our current constitutional system.

So, health and safety codes that apply to all buildings and enterprises should include measures to prevent infectious disease. That’s why we require clean water flowing to buildings - it’s not okay to have dysentery, typhoid and typhus.

It would not be okay for a church to have poisonous snakes at large on the premises (it’s been tried) nor for a church to hand out free food that was unsafe or contaminated.

It should not be okay to transmit Covid either. The legal and economic mechanisms need to be worked out and hopefully now will be.

There are many other good reasons to have food delivered. There will be seniors who can't manage the grocery runs or cooking. There are new moms who won't go out with their new baby. There are folks who are providing meals for others ... there are as many reasons as you can dream of.

We do have good reasons to support our local businesses. They put money back into our communities and keep local people employed. Yes, the government will provide assistance (depending on which country you live in), but that's usually to make up for the shortfall, and just for a period until the business can get back up and running. Without that support, things can become grim for vulnerable communities.

And yes, I agree with you that the delivery person does matter.

I agree with you. Working in a grocery store is far less safe (for reasons I’ve posted dozens of links about) than working as a delivery person. Stockers in stores are safer than cashiers - but automated cashiers are already a thing. There are other solutions for cashiers, and those should be mandated.

Stockers in refrigerated warehouses and grocery store back areas are very much at risk. There are various ways to curb the risk - but our best hope is a vaccine, as always.

Delivery driving, compared to stocking, is much lower risk. Where I live, the gig economy workers are mostly very young (lower risk). In California, we prohibit some groups (pregnant women, for example) from working some jobs and we require notice of risk for all jobs where a person could be endangered. I suspect we need to do that for CV-19.

Unfortunately, we’ve waited so long to do anything that’s unified, I am not hopeful that we’ll get compliance. But we will get a vaccine - and we have to wait and see whether people will take it.
1)Where exactly will the money to fund businesses,wages, etc come from??
2). If restrictions are going to be tightened who will be deemed “ essential “??
Let’s be brutally honest here.... if we are going into that kind of lockdown how will people get food? Medicine? Necessary things like that?
While some may support a very strict, national lockdown
Those are some of the same people who expect their groceries delivered, pizza, takeout, and meds, truck drivers, and warehouse workers supplying stores. Those workers ,while considered essential are also humans. Are we all willing to go without all of that?

I've never heard of a lockdown anywhere that didn't allow the purchase of food and medicine. He's not talking about a lockdown where truckers stop delivering groceries to stores or where meds are no longer delivered to pharmacies or hospitals. I would think it was pretty obvious that would be considered essential? Like no questions asked healthcare workers, truckers delivering groceries and medicine and hospitals and doctors etc are essential.

That is not the same thing as access to gyms, pizza, take out and hair coloring.
I still don't get what people think our options are? I get lock downs are hard. Masks aren't hard but all people won't do even that willingly.

But what exactly do people think should be done if our hospitals are crushed under the weight of sick and dying people? Just ignore it? Let the sick just lay in the hallways on gurneys? Just hope there are enough refrigerated morgue trucks to go around?

We can't actually force what healthcare workers we do have to work endlessly because people aren't willing to forgo things. You run out of enough health care workers. Some die. Some get sick. Some go into quarantine.

Imagine the hospital system in all 50 states overwhelmed. So what do we do? Just keep saying everyone has the right to go out without a mask, and do whatever the heck they think falls under their personal liberty while expecting the medical system to be there for them? We can't divert healthcare workers around the country if the whole country is under tremendous pressure. There are actual limits to what we can handle. We can't train enough doctors or respiratory therapists that quickly.

Are people's actual lives just not worth as much as being able to go wherever you want? Does someone who refuses to help prevent a catastrophe even deserve to receive limited care? Should a younger person who wouldn't wear a mask really get prioritized over an older person who wore a mask and got sick anyway while doing what was medically necessary like seeing a doctor? We don't have unlimited medical resources in this country. We will be rationing care at this rate.
Unbelievable. 160,787 new cases++ for US. This number will get worse very fast. 200,000 per day by next week?!?

United States Coronavirus: 10,871,047 Cases and 248,558 Deaths - Worldometer

Not a stretch. Aren’t we up from about 140,000 yesterday? I’m almost speechless at the indifference of many. governor does his briefings via FB live (so no link) but we are one of the states with no mask mandate. He proudly declared today he will not follow a Biden administration lock down of any kind. I wish I could kick our out going president for making this a political issue rather than what it is...a human issue.

ETA: I am so frustrated!
Unbelievable. 160,787 new cases++ for US. This number will get worse very fast. 200,000 per day by next week?!?

United States Coronavirus: 10,871,047 Cases and 248,558 Deaths - Worldometer

And these are just the people who are feeling unwell, and go to get tested.

I cannot even begin to imagine how many daily cases there would be if the US was doing widespread testing - where everyone is tested, feeling unwell or not. How many thousands are walking around while asymptomatic?
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Not a stretch. Aren’t we up from about 140,000 yesterday? I’m almost speechless at the indifference of many. governor does his briefings via FB live (so no link) but we are one of the states with no mask mandate. He proudly declared today he will not follow a Biden administration lock down of any kind. I wish I could kick our out going president for making this a political issue rather than what it is...a human issue.

ETA: I am so frustrated!
Dr Fauci is not in favor of a lock down. Is the esteemed doctor being political when he say's this?

Or is he following science along with whats the best overall strategy that will minimize the harm to us all?

Fauci opposes nationwide lockdown: 'We can turn this around'
Dr Fauci is not in favor of a lock down. Is the esteemed doctor being political when he say's this?

Or is he following science along with whats the best overall strategy that will minimize the harm to us all?

Fauci opposes nationwide lockdown: 'We can turn this around'

I believe Dr Fauci is following science, not politics. I also believe he is a pragmatist and a realist. He knows a total lockdown is unnecessary if people will cooperate. But I also think he is greatly overestimating the willingness of many, many Americans to cooperate and wear masks, wash hands and social distance. So I’m not sure where this leaves us.
I believe Dr Fauci is following science, not politics. I also believe he is a pragmatist and a realist. He knows a total lockdown is unnecessary if people will cooperate. But I also think he is greatly overestimating the willingness of many, many Americans to cooperate and wear masks, wash hands and social distance. So I’m not sure where this leaves us.
Exactly. If you read between the lines, he is saying we may have no choice but to lockdown. That's how perceived his carefully chosen words.
I believe Dr Fauci is following science, not politics. I also believe he is a pragmatist and a realist. He knows a total lockdown is unnecessary if people will cooperate. But I also think he is greatly overestimating the willingness of many, many Americans to cooperate and wear masks, wash hands and social distance. So I’m not sure where this leaves us.
BBM I'm not sure either but it's a bad place IMO.
California has now followed Texas ....

California has become the second US state — behind Texas — to eclipse a million known cases, while the US has surpassed 10 million infections, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

The nation's most populous state — with 40 million residents — ranks 39th nationwide in the number of cases per 100,000 residents.

The timeline of COVID-19 in America often comes back to California.
The February 6 death of a San Jose woman is the first known coronavirus fatality in the US.
That same month, California recorded the first US case not related to travel and the first infection spread within the community.

California hits grim 1 million COVID-19 case milestone, while virus surges in the US Midwest
It was from Nova Scotia and the Premier told the community to stay home, as did Trudeau. Canada is in the same situation again, with concerns about cases doubling in 13 days and overwhelming the hospitals.

Remember this from April? It's happening again.

Stanley Wang may not be a name as flashy as Spiderman or Wonder Woman, but like them, he too is a superhero due to his role in saving humanity.
Mr Wang is one of 44,000 participants currently taking part in a global vaccine trial being run by pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

An Australian citizen originally from Melbourne, Mr Wang was living in Los Angeles when the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted him to relocate to Phoenix, Arizona.
"I work in the travel industry, specifically hotels and hospitality and because of COVID the airlines, cruises and hotels industry really suffered so I really wanted to make a difference and try to help that out," Mr Wang said.

"My mates were really thanking me saying I'm helping out and being really brave about it," he said.
"The Aussie people were more thankful but I think a lot of the Americans were more anti-vaccination saying you know 'you're getting a microchip from Bill Gates', but overall it was positive."

'Like a severe hangover': An Australian's experience of taking part in US COVID-19 vaccine trial
California has now followed Texas ....

California has become the second US state — behind Texas — to eclipse a million known cases, while the US has surpassed 10 million infections, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

The nation's most populous state — with 40 million residents — ranks 39th nationwide in the number of cases per 100,000 residents.

The timeline of COVID-19 in America often comes back to California.
The February 6 death of a San Jose woman is the first known coronavirus fatality in the US.
That same month, California recorded the first US case not related to travel and the first infection spread within the community.

California hits grim 1 million COVID-19 case milestone, while virus surges in the US Midwest

Interesting isn't it that the first case was on the West coast, but the East coast was hit harder faster. It's as though it started in Asia and went around the planet through Europe into the East coast before the West coast got off the ground.

Remember when it was just a couple of cruise ships where everyone should have the right to get off the ship and go home? Local communities were not equipped to quarantine cruise passengers, so they just went home. That's how it was introduced to parts of Canada - sick cruise passengers who went home, went to the bank and grocery store and poof, March 13 national shutdown.
I believe Dr Fauci is following science, not politics. I also believe he is a pragmatist and a realist. He knows a total lockdown is unnecessary if people will cooperate. But I also think he is greatly overestimating the willingness of many, many Americans to cooperate and wear masks, wash hands and social distance. So I’m not sure where this leaves us.
So Dr Fauci's view that lock down is not an ideal course of action at this time is unfounded. Interesting viewpoint.
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