Corruption? Contra Costa County

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an idnependent investigatin really is needed.
otherwise we get garbage like the bail judge backing the parole officer.
pat each other on the back........dont care how many peoples lives were desroyed, changed forever, or ended

Hi, I'm new to websleuths but have been researching Jaycee's case and other possible corruption/misconduct in CCCounty.

I think and independent investigation is not only warranted but the citizens of CCCounty should insist on it. Not only are there far too many deaths and missing women/girls in the area Garrido lived, but one has to wonder what else has been going on unchecked.
Hi, I'm new to websleuths but have been researching Jaycee's case and other possible corruption/misconduct in CCCounty.

I think and independent investigation is not only warranted but the citizens of CCCounty should insist on it. Not only are there far too many deaths and missing women/girls in the area Garrido lived, but one has to wonder what else has been going on unchecked.

its sad it takes something like jaycees story to get things done.
should have been done ages ago.
Hi, I'm new to websleuths but have been researching Jaycee's case and other possible corruption/misconduct in CCCounty.

I think and independent investigation is not only warranted but the citizens of CCCounty should insist on it. Not only are there far too many deaths and missing women/girls in the area Garrido lived, but one has to wonder what else has been going on unchecked.

and welcome to websleuths :)
its sad it takes something like jaycees story to get things done.
should have been done ages ago.

Yes, it is sad, but I do hope something will be done now. Garrido left a pretty huge imprint that could have been found as far as we can tell without even knowing more than can easily be found. I'm sure it's been mentioned on here, but a neighbor or some neighbors also said he was cooking meth in the backyard (in his van? which I am trying to find out if that was the source of fires in his backyard). Can you imagine... lots of strange men, drinking and taking drugs during their weird backyard parties. Garrido, a known sex offender, taking meth/cooking meth and bringing such people around not only Jaycee, who has been abused and isolated, but her two daughters (?).
Thank you my2sisters for posting about Michael Gressett.

It will be interesting to see where this goes, but what strikes me as most appalling right off the bat (without even including such a horrifying and sadistic rape) is the weird sexualized office environment that seems to be known, and had been known. I have to wonder why this was allowed to go on, let alone the fact that Gressett was abusing his power with the other female prosecutor who alleges she was raped. It doesn't sound to me like this was just a little off-color and like what other professionals might joke about to release a little tension in the workplace.

How could Gressett be leading investigation into sexual abuse, rape, etc. when his proclivities sexually crossed over with semi-violent kinky sex. I'm not judging anyone's sexual habits if consenting. However, this as made me rethink things of who should have authority in prosecuting and being involved in sex crime cases.

Michael Cardoza, Gressett's lawyer is trying to claim the charges are politically motivated. I try to keep an open mind, but I highly doubt someone would claim such a brutal rape as political motivation.
I know Lisa is probably listed elsewhere as her murder was never solved or at least no one was prosecuted. A number of bodies of those murdered - cases that were not solved, e.g., many of the prostitute murder I believe in the 90's, - were found very close to where Lisa was found near the border of Pittsburg and Antioch, CA.

"Police arrested Duanne Dee Shoemake, 55, in September 1998 on five felony counts of molestation. He was accused of sexually abusing two girls to whom he is related. But even after a Contra Costa County Superior Court judge ruled there was ample evidence to take the criminal case to trial, the District Attorney's office dropped all charges against Shoemake on January 11....Larry E. Cook, the Walnut Creek attorney who represents the girls, said, "It was not for lack of evidence that they dropped the criminal charges." "

Shoemake was the Fire Chief of Antioch at the time and has since retired (I believe he retired not long after this). The claim at the time was that Shoemake gave LE info on who killed Lisa and a plea deal was made.
Thank you my2sisters for posting about Michael Gressett.

It will be interesting to see where this goes, but what strikes me as most appalling right off the bat (without even including such a horrifying and sadistic rape) is the weird sexualized office environment that seems to be known, and had been known. I have to wonder why this was allowed to go on, let alone the fact that Gressett was abusing his power with the other female prosecutor who alleges she was raped. It doesn't sound to me like this was just a little off-color and like what other professionals might joke about to release a little tension in the workplace.

How could Gressett be leading investigation into sexual abuse, rape, etc. when his proclivities sexually crossed over with semi-violent kinky sex. I'm not judging anyone's sexual habits if consenting. However, this as made me rethink things of who should have authority in prosecuting and being involved in sex crime cases.

Michael Cardoza, Gressett's lawyer is trying to claim the charges are politically motivated. I try to keep an open mind, but I highly doubt someone would claim such a brutal rape as political motivation.

notice the lawyer didnt say the chargs were 100 percent bogus........
I know Lisa is probably listed elsewhere as her murder was never solved or at least no one was prosecuted. A number of bodies of those murdered - cases that were not solved, e.g., many of the prostitute murder I believe in the 90's, - were found very close to where Lisa was found near the border of Pittsburg and Antioch, CA.

"Police arrested Duanne Dee Shoemake, 55, in September 1998 on five felony counts of molestation. He was accused of sexually abusing two girls to whom he is related. But even after a Contra Costa County Superior Court judge ruled there was ample evidence to take the criminal case to trial, the District Attorney's office dropped all charges against Shoemake on January 11. "

Shoemake was the Fire Chief of Antioch at the time and has since retired (I believe he retired not long after this).

jesus chirst
notice the lawyer didnt say the chargs were 100 percent bogus........

Yeah, I don't think Gresset or his lawyers deny the affair with the other prosecutor let alone what they claim happened that day except that it was consensual? Also, I haven't seen his lawyers dispute the claims of what went on in the office except what that meant or it's effect?
Yes, it is sad, but I do hope something will be done now. Garrido left a pretty huge imprint that could have been found as far as we can tell without even knowing more than can easily be found. I'm sure it's been mentioned on here, but a neighbor or some neighbors also said he was cooking meth in the backyard (in his van? which I am trying to find out if that was the source of fires in his backyard). Can you imagine... lots of strange men, drinking and taking drugs during their weird backyard parties. Garrido, a known sex offender, taking meth/cooking meth and bringing such people around not only Jaycee, who has been abused and isolated, but her two daughters (?).

I think this stuff when it comes out will be as scarey as the rest of what we know now. There seems to be so much more to this story than we realize.
I think this stuff when it comes out will be as scarey as the rest of what we know now. There seems to be so much more to this story than we realize.

I agree... I can't see how Garrido was not on anyone's radar all those years and how so many visits were made to his house by the fire dept, for his mother, because of complaints by the elderly neighbor he was bilked out of money, wild parties going on, meth cooking, visits by parole and CCC Sheriff's office, registration of a church as a charity, and registration of fictitious business names for an elementary school, his public prosthelytizing, the PI visit .... to name just SOME of it.
I'm hoping Garrido sings, but I kind of doubt that as his goal was to show how he had healed himself (and become a cult leader?) and he is claiming he has been healed for a long time (as a defense that he never touched Jaycee's daughters even though he slept with them every night - or something like that).
I agree... I can't see how Garrido was not on anyone's radar all those years and how so many visits were made to his house by the fire dept, for his mother, because of complaints by the elderly neighbor he was bilked out of money, wild parties going on, meth cooking, visits by parole and CCC Sheriff's office, registration of a church as a charity, and registration of fictitious business names for an elementary school, his public prosthelytizing, the PI visit .... to name just SOME of it.

see no evil hear no evil smell no meth in that neighborhood i guess
see no evil hear no evil smell no meth in that neighborhood i guess

It doesn't surprise me that the neighbors did not turn him in more than one time, it looks. But, it seems many in Contra Costa County have complained that all the Sheriff's dept does is investigate drug related crimes because that is a money maker for them - I'm just paraphrasing my understanding of this as I have not looked into it, but citizens have expressed their concerns and outrage on local forums and here is a related article...
A task force including the sheriff's office and local police visited Garrido's house during a July 2008 sweep to check on compliance — that he lived where he said he did, said Terry. They entered the house and walked through, noticed nothing unusual and left.

"There was no evidence to support any type of foul pay or illicit activity that would violate his position as a (Megan's Law) registrant," he said. "Did we go into his backyard and climb the 8-foot wall into the compound that for 17 years nobody knew he was using? No, we did not."​

Contra Costa County sheriff's Capt. Daniel Terry appears to be incorrect when he says that no one knew Garrido was using the backyard. A neighbor called 911 and reported "suspicious circumstances involving young children in the backyard" in 2006. Sheriff Warren Rupf has since apologized for the department's response to that call and the missed opportunity to rescue Jaycee Dugard.

That same year, the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office assisted the feds in conducting a four month wiretap surveillance of suspected drug-dealers. They conducted subsequent raids in March of 2006. How much time and money did this raid consume? Could those resources have been better used in this community? Some may think not. Some folks may think arresting drug dealers will keep us safer.

The article reports the arrest of prominent gang suspects, subordinates and street-level drug-dealing suspects. And do you know what those arrests created? Job openings. In the next 12 or 18 months you'll read about another fantastical drug bust that's really cleaned up the place.

So, maybe a small time meth cooker isn't of interest? I don't know. Seems if they are claiming that they can't monitor sex offenders, esp of the worst kind, you'd think they would be monitoring the other stuff he was doing.
It doesn't surprise me that the neighbors did not turn him in more than one time, it looks. But, it seems many in Contra Costa County have complained that all the Sheriff's dept does is investigate drug related crimes because that is a money maker for them - I'm just paraphrasing my understanding of this as I have not looked into it, but citizens have expressed their concerns and outrage on local forums and here is a related article...

So, maybe a small time meth cooker isn't of interest? I don't know. Seems if they are claiming that they can't monitor sex offenders, esp of the worst kind, you'd think they would be monitoring the other stuff he was doing.

either garrido was real good at hiding things (and people) while this search was going on or LE is full of it
I know Lisa is probably listed elsewhere as her murder was never solved or at least no one was prosecuted. A number of bodies of those murdered - cases that were not solved, e.g., many of the prostitute murder I believe in the 90's, - were found very close to where Lisa was found near the border of Pittsburg and Antioch, CA.

"Police arrested Duanne Dee Shoemake, 55, in September 1998 on five felony counts of molestation. He was accused of sexually abusing two girls to whom he is related. But even after a Contra Costa County Superior Court judge ruled there was ample evidence to take the criminal case to trial, the District Attorney's office dropped all charges against Shoemake on January 11....Larry E. Cook, the Walnut Creek attorney who represents the girls, said, "It was not for lack of evidence that they dropped the criminal charges." "

Shoemake was the Fire Chief of Antioch at the time and has since retired (I believe he retired not long after this). The claim at the time was that Shoemake gave LE info on who killed Lisa and a plea deal was made.
snips from his face book

Captain Terry of the Contra Costa County said "He needs more money"
Where-oh-where might they get more money?

The trillion dollars spent on the "war on drugs" since 1970 has brought us 35 million arrests and done nothing to eliminate drugs from society. We need to be using that money in better ways, and the horrific nightmare that has been the last 18 years of Jaycee Dugard's life illustrates how we could better use police resources.

I can't help but wonder if the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office would have been able to recognize this man for the insane, dangerous monster he is if they had been fully present.

The Megan's Law (registered offenders) database has grown by about three percent since December, to more than 65,000 names of those living in California communities. For law enforcement, the numbers are overwhelming, said Contra Costa County sheriff's Capt. Daniel Terry. He said about 1,700 registered sex offenders now live in the county — up nearly 50 percent in a decade. About 350 live in unincorporated pockets countywide.[B]"That's 349 more than detectives I have to monitor these people," said Terry. "And as dangerous as these people are, for every one of them that's been through the criminal justice system, there's a handful that are just as dangerous and haven't been caught yet. We're inundated with sexual assault cases."[/B]

THAT IS VERY SCARY - it sounds like Pedophile haven.
Maybe They need to put a huge cage over the entire Town? Put some copes inside to go through each house methodically.
But after reading about the Chief of police all I can say is if you live anywhere near that town MOVE, or at least try hard to get out of there. when some on the force are offenders too based on the bust of the Chief himself. It is no place to stay like he said: "for every one of them that's been through the criminal justice system, there's a handful that are just as dangerous and haven't been caught yet."

They have TWICE the amount of sex offenders then they have police force. :eek:
snips from his face book

Captain Terry of the Contra Costa County said "He needs more money"
Where-oh-where might they get more money?

The trillion dollars spent on the "war on drugs" since 1970 has brought us 35 million arrests and done nothing to eliminate drugs from society. We need to be using that money in better ways, and the horrific nightmare that has been the last 18 years of Jaycee Dugard's life illustrates how we could better use police resources.

I can't help but wonder if the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office would have been able to recognize this man for the insane, dangerous monster he is if they had been fully present.

The Megan's Law (registered offenders) database has grown by about three percent since December, to more than 65,000 names of those living in California communities. For law enforcement, the numbers are overwhelming, said Contra Costa County sheriff's Capt. Daniel Terry. He said about 1,700 registered sex offenders now live in the county — up nearly 50 percent in a decade. About 350 live in unincorporated pockets countywide.[B]"That's 349 more than detectives I have to monitor these people," said Terry. "And as dangerous as these people are, for every one of them that's been through the criminal justice system, there's a handful that are just as dangerous and haven't been caught yet. We're inundated with sexual assault cases."[/B]

THAT IS VERY SCARY - it sounds like Pedophile haven.
Maybe They need to put a huge cage over the entire Town?
Put some copes inside to go through each house methodically.
But after reading about the Chief of police all I can say is if you live anywhere near that town MOVE, or at least try hard to get out of there. They have TWICE the amount of sex offenders then they have police force. :eek:
And some on the force are offenders too based on the bust of the Chief himself.

hey serial killers dump victims there too.
just awesome............i mean who can stop these sickos when there are sickos running the police force?
either garrido was real good at hiding things (and people) while this search was going on or LE is full of it

I'd say both, but Garrido wasn't that good as so much could have been known with just simple investigating and follow-up - this man was operating in the area for over 18 years. He was business partners with the Molinos too (whose properties were just raided - at one of their properties two young children were taken into custody although they said it had nothing to do with the Molinos) - and the murdered prostitute who was impaled on the fence was found on their property. He held a rally for his charity, Gods Desire, on their property just last month or in July. Mr. Molino was also on parole, but I don't know what for. The Molinos claimed they hired ex-cons (and I'm wondering about undocumented workers and if any of their worker visited at Garridos house) - Garrido even went to support them in a public meeting.
songline... I agree and remember that the 'unincorporated pockets' are Contra Costa County Sheriff's domain. As are those industrial areas where the murdered prostitutes and Lisa Norrell were found, I believe. And, if it his hasn't been mentioned yet, Sheriff Warren Rupf has had a long reign in Contra Costa County - I believe over two decades but I might be wrong.

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