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Who do you think did it? Family or Stranger?

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I've always been fairly firmly in the BDI camp. If the Ramseys didn't know who killed JonBenet, why were they never out there demanding justice like the parents of other murdered children? Instead of making a public outcry for their child's killer to be found and punished, they hid from law enforcement. They refused to be questioned. They stalled interviews for months while they insisted they wouldn't answer questions unless they could be provided with copies of the questions ahead of time. They withheld the clothing they wore the night of JonBenet's death for a very long time, making any evidence found on the clothing completely useless. This is not what innocent grieving parents do. This is what parents do when they are guilty or when they know who is.

You can be certain that if John and Patsy Ramsey weren't wealthy and if the DAs office hadn't been so lazy and corrupt, they'd have been arrested on the spot when JonBenet's body was found in the house. It's rare or maybe even non-existent that children who have been the victim of a kidnapping or murder are found in their own house unless a family member did the killing. Plus the evidence doesn't add up to an intruder, especially that very lengthy ransom note. I don't think PR or JR killed JonBenet, but I think they know who did and that they are guilty of covering it up.

This was the role the Ransom Note played in the case, it bought the parents time, which meant no immediate arrests. Yet once JonBenet was found you have to ask why were both parents not taken into custody for questioning, as it was obviously no longer a kidnapping case? All answers on a postcard to the Ramsey Foundation Boulder Colorado, USA.

I don't think PR or JR killed JonBenet, but I think they know who did and that they are guilty of covering it up.
You might be 100% wrong here, i.e. one of the parents did kill JonBenet, e.g. Mercy Killing, and because the police do not know who tightened the ligature around JonBenet's neck they do not know who to indict?

If the case is BDI All as James Kolar seems to hint at in his book then its definitely the crime of the century as Burke Ramsey was so young?

I reckon PDI is off the table as Patsy injects herself into the frame via the forensic evidence she left behind in the wine-cellar, and if the Boulder Police were not lying when they told John fibers from his Israeli manufactured were found on JonBenet's genital area, e.g. police can lie to suspects under interview, then it looks as if John is in the frame too unless he was assisting Patsy to remove forensic evidence, e.g. bloodstains, see Coroner Meyer's verbatim autopsy remarks.

Which means John might have been saving his own skin or that of Burke Ramsey since an acute sexual assault was perpetrated that fateful night?

The thing is, is John at his age happy to be a proxy suspect as long as the focus is removed from Burke, since with his alleged remarks about the flashlight to Dr Phil during the latters interview with Burke puts John back in the evidential frame.

The case might be JDI with Burke as a circumstantial suspect, and John the person who put the size-12's and Burke's longjohns on JonBenet, why : true to form its a JR tactic smoke and mirrors?

In summary is has been alleged JR's marriage was falling apart, he was having secret assignations with other women, and had turned to JonBenet for comfort with Patsy's indirect allowance by her ignoring it all, and it all ended tragically in JonBenet's death with her being denied medical assistance.

Glad to see that my one post was removed. Was it Hawaiian Garden Spider or Clown Kolar?

For how bad the "discussion", review my post history. First two posts, and it's, no, that's settled, yada, yada... No, actually it hasn't been settled. So much so that we are never going to know, more on that in a bit. But why don't we start with some blissfully unaware of what it means to garrote another human being, let alone one's child. So that wasn't staged. More on this in a bit as well.

Next, the "ransom" to mislead the police. Right, if they weren't clowns, simply for evidence purposes and never mind the thought of finding here ther, something remotely resembling a competent search finds that body within an hour of their arrival. And for how not misleading, yeah, put her there in the open, where you can see her with the door open, or as soon as you open it. Ever think of stuffing her into a box? The dryer, and then some close to hide her? And have you viewed Google map? Here:

Google Maps

See the wilderness there at the bottom? Yeah, so instead of garroting, that would be Bundylike, bash her in the head one more time, throw her into something and then out the window there in the wilderness.

So, I'm supposed to believe that someone who isn't Bundy garroted their own child, and then, the note that won't mislead anyone, within the hour at most, if they aren't clowns.

And someone living in the house wrote that note? Jebus wept. It's two and half pages. First, the more she wrote, the more she would be her. That isn't the note. Next, the note has sufficient explainable dissimilarity to rule Patsy out. And that's all in the piece linked below, the notion of dissimilarity.

And for that gravy train, Wong and that dude, 100% certain, see the long paragraph here:

Cina Wong & David Liebman Denied Request to Testify before The GJ : JonBenetRamsey

Oh, they didn't even come close to following accepted practice, and they interjected themselves, and they did so for money, and as anyone with a functioning cerebral knows, they'd be shredded on cross. Perhaps that explains the posts here in their favor.

And speaking of cross, I was a trial attorney for more decades than I care to remember. And that spider, 30-60 minutes, at night, possibly. So photo the thing, video the thing, take it away, preserve a sufficient amount in a sterile environment for later defense testing, and test the web. Sticky silk. So it's going to collect dust, micro particles particularly well. And so put something else sticky there, for some time, and see what sticks. Then compare to the spider web. Clown Kolar says, it was there, so compelling evidence. And one wonders why the DA's office wasn't exactly thrilled with the PD. Since the testing might have indicated that the web was but a few hours old.

And that CBS show, still posted here on saying how great that was. You know what it means to republish defamatory material? And your defense that you don't moderate is rather contradicted by the removal of my prior post. Don't worry, they won't sue you, as you lack the ability to satisfy the judgment, or maybe you file bankruptcy. CBS couldn't do either, so they paid up. And that case might be this case:

Did a Dingo Really Get Her Baby? | HuffPost

The important part:

On February 02, 1986, a British rock climber fell to his death on Ayers Rock. During the search for his body, Azaria’s missing matinee jacket was found — partially buried in the sand outside a previously unknown dingo den. The examination found matching perforations in the coat consistent with the jumpsuit cuts.

After first saying, it was not possible.

They had found some other clothes by a dingo den prior. But not the dingo dun it, because the dude from Oz land who might have enjoyed CBS opined that, based on his models, a dingo couldn't carry a child by its head. After all was said and done, and over, someone should have asked that clown, So, you were saying something about your models? How did that turn out? There was also the other "expert" and the ultraviolet light who said, no, no, no dingo, this was scissors to cut. How did that turn out? And the other "expert", I found some hemoglobin. Turns out was chocolate shake and some spray, and ain't that a hoot.

And why the accused a right to an attorney:

Coroner Morris also had the class not to single out individuals. Without her saying, it was evident the police, prosecution, and forensic people instinctively reacted as they’d been trained to react—and that was to individually find evidence to support their case interest and not to follow what didn’t fit.

And so the Ramseys maintained their freedom because they were rich, which means that unlike our gal in Oz land, they had the resources to mount an adequate defense. Clown central hasn't hurt either.

And let me interject, CPS case, mom with three kids, claim is, abused the middle child worst of all.

Records depo, middle child's school, primarily done for attendance record and absence of reports of observing any abuse.

But, there's always a but, school counselor note, about 2.5 months before CPS case. [middle child's given name omitted] reports that the only good thing that she could say about her mother is that her mother doesn't beat her when she is bad.

And so, if middle beat worst of all, then mother must beat her only when she is good. That case went to permanent plan hearing (so possible of permanent loss of parental rights, etc.). Everyone but me and my client, mom, brushed that note away as it were a gnat. So see the quote below, from the pathologist. Been there and seen that, and in more than the described instance. Happens every day. Something else that needs to be accepted and then we can act accordingly.

Now for the one pathologist who went on to say, after the whole thing was over:

"The scientist shouldn't become too adventurous, too competitive. The trouble is, we're all so human. I've never seen a case more governed by human frailties."--Dr. Tony Jones, government pathologist in the Chamberlain trial

Now well and truly lastly, the most critical item here. The failure to appreciate the reality that sometimes we just won't ever know. And that's even if no one is clown. Best effort and all the resources needed. Sometimes it's just not enough. My problem was and is, the garroting. I'm not even slightly annoyed by the removal of my prior post. But I am disturbed that some throw out the claim, they garroted their child, as if they were ordering pizza. Please, try to wrap your head what it means psychologically to garrote another human being, and perhaps worst of all, your own child. And the absurd idea of a two and a half page note to mislead when a remotely competent investigation would have found the body within an hour of police arrival, and even on Christmas Day. Sure, check the boxes, she may be in one, check the dryers, might be there, but first a quick run through to observe the open and obvious, you know, like her body laying there in plain view.

As I said, sometimes there is no answer. Need to accept that. My own view is that someone hated either or both of the Ramseys with a rage that I will never understand. This was a case of, I am going to completely negate the humanity of your daughter, entirely dehumanize her, bash, garrote and just enough sexual abuse to have you know that she was defiled, and you spend the rest of your life thinking about that, and did you like the note, as I thought it was a nice touch. Should include this case in the tort textbook in the section on the intentional infliction of emotional distress. Since with that tort, this was the perfect tort. Murder? Sex abuse? Botched kidnap? Means to an end. This was about sending a message. And so also helps, to borrow from Bartlett to Sam, to see the whole board. And the mind that would do that, is also the mind that would garrote a child. Christ, another bash on the head would have been enough to kill her. And still would have provided valuable cover. Would have actually looked more like a botched kidnap.

And with that I am outta it my voluntary some dude a clown, deservedly so, add a Hawaiian garden spider, beautiful by the way, and safe for humans, and never mind an entire thread on some child, a brother, responsible, and never mind that even after someone got sued and wrote the settlement check for saying the same thing. But this site isn't alone, since even on reddit. Pops did it to avoid a check of her genitals. Yeah, as if killing her wouldn't accomplish that quicker. Always helps to think.

Now, for some free advice, again, think of what it means to garrote another human and ask yourself, where is the history of anything even close to that in the lives of these humans. You don't wake up one day and garrote another human. Why even the worst of us start with inanimate objects, then small animals...and when we do find the worst of the abused child, there's injuries aplenty, differing times of infliction, to include healed fractures, plural. And who was that one gal, Smith? Left hers in the car in the lake. And then went away, her way of overcoming the inhibition. And remember that gal who drowned the kids? So they wouldn't be tortured by demons. Ramseys ever mention something like that to anyone? Ramseys ever that certifiably insane? Amazes me, these wild statements and here folks are on the El Paso and Dayton thread, prior history anyone? Yeah, cause you don't go to Walmart and kill 20 strangers without some prior evidence that something is rotten in Denmark. Maybe before we accuse a Ramsey, might want to extend the same courtesy.
You might be 100% wrong here, i.e. one of the parents did kill JonBenet, e.g. Mercy Killing, and because the police do not know who tightened the ligature around JonBenet's neck they do not know who to indict?

If the case is BDI All as James Kolar seems to hint at in his book then its definitely the crime of the century as Burke Ramsey was so young?

My personal opinion is that Burke inflicted the head injury and the sexual abuse. I just can't wrap my head around either of the parents doing a mercy killing. It seems like any parent, even if their son had been the perpetrator, would call 911 in an attempt to save the child's life. I realize the Ramseys aren't "normal" parents, so I leave a little bit of room open for a mercy killing and so there's about a 10% chance in my mind that this happened.

A child Burke's age could easily fashion the instrument of strangulation. I wish the media and LE had not kept referring to it as a garrotte because that makes it sound more difficult to fashion than it was. It's not a complicated device according to the pictures and diagrams I've seen. If Burke ever watched crime shows, read books involving strangulation, played video games involving this type of thing, learned how to make knots while fishing or in the boy scouts, or studied knots and garrottes in books, then I don't think the strangulation device was anywhere near too sophisticated for him to fashion.

I think the parents did the staging of the scene, perhaps together or perhaps only one of them (I'm thinking John), and Patsy wrote the ransom note. She may have been writing the note while John was setting the scene in the basement.
okay SMc.
I heard Elba or Saint Helena are nice this time of year.
My personal opinion is that Burke inflicted the head injury and the sexual abuse. I just can't wrap my head around either of the parents doing a mercy killing. It seems like any parent, even if their son had been the perpetrator, would call 911 in an attempt to save the child's life. I realize the Ramseys aren't "normal" parents, so I leave a little bit of room open for a mercy killing and so there's about a 10% chance in my mind that this happened.

A child Burke's age could easily fashion the instrument of strangulation. I wish the media and LE had not kept referring to it as a garrotte because that makes it sound more difficult to fashion than it was. It's not a complicated device according to the pictures and diagrams I've seen. If Burke ever watched crime shows, read books involving strangulation, played video games involving this type of thing, learned how to make knots while fishing or in the boy scouts, or studied knots and garrottes in books, then I don't think the strangulation device was anywhere near too sophisticated for him to fashion.

I think the parents did the staging of the scene, perhaps together or perhaps only one of them (I'm thinking John), and Patsy wrote the ransom note. She may have been writing the note while John was setting the scene in the basement.


My personal opinion is that Burke inflicted the head injury and the sexual abuse. I just can't wrap my head around either of the parents doing a mercy killing.
Some folks have speculated that the parent who applied the ligature did not realize JonBenet was still alive?

A child Burke's age could easily fashion the instrument of strangulation.
Sure, but its also likely that the ligature was added for affect, and that in a BDI scenario JonBenet was manually choked, thereby leading to coma.

Many think Burke redressed JonBenet in the size-12's to make the Day Of The Week relevant, i.e. wednesday, but this falls down because Patsy would take one look at the size-12's and immediately know due the size factor that they were not JonBenet's!

From Patsy's perspective the longjohns can be seen as neutral since she can claim JonBenet has worn them before, i.e. that actual pair?

Yet if you are the parent doing the staging you have an extensive wardrobe of pajamas, nightgowns and underwear to choose from, and evey motive to do so, i.e. make JonBenet look domestically normal, yet this never happened, why not?

If you are Burke Ramsey doing the staging and you are not in her bedroom but in his bedroom, then you do not have this choice?

So Burke Ramsey aware that JonBenet found wearing a pair of his longjohns would not be out of the ordinary also thinks the Bloomingdale size-12's are fine since other than size they match the pair he removed from her by brand and Day Of The Week, which is a detail he assumes that others will overlook as an aspect of JonBenet's personal choice, e.g. Burke travelled down to the basement with the flashlight to fetch the size-12's, leaving forensic evidence which John realizes needs to be explained away, hence his word in Dr Phil's ear, prior to interviewing Burke.

So there might be two explanations for JonBenet wearing the size-12's and longjohns, one attributed to John the other to Burke. In John's case the only rationale can be smoke and mirrors, as he had the same choice as Patsy regarding clothing.

So on balance BDI seems the more consistent explanation?

I think the parents did the staging of the scene, perhaps together or perhaps only one of them (I'm thinking John), and Patsy wrote the ransom note. She may have been writing the note while John was setting the scene in the basement.
I reckon Patsy added the ligature and asphyxiated JonBenet and also authored the ransom note. Patsy's fibers are embedded into the knotting of the ligature and were left on the sticky side of the duct tape placed over JonBenet's mouth.

If Patsy is covering for John then why inject Burke into a homicide staging, via his longjohns, e.g. potential dna transfer, etc?

So the case today looks more like BDI than JDI, with John quite prepared to leave a trail of smoke and mirrors, so Burke can be left out of the frame.

Another alternative is the case is JDI with Patsy covering and the details simply the outcome of John's irrational decisions whilst under stress which he thinks are excellent staging props?

Also consider that Burke has now offered two explanations to explain away what is likely his touch-dna found in the basement, e.g. one related by James Kolar that Burke opened the Partially Opened Gifts on Christmas Day Afternoon, the other by John via Dr Phil's lips that Burke was again downstairs in the basement without anyone else present.

Can anyone connect the dots ... ?

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While Burke might be involved, it’s important to note that there’s no real smoking gun in this case. It’s just as possible he is completely innocent.
While Burke might be involved, it’s important to note that there’s no real smoking gun in this case. It’s just as possible he is completely innocent.

You are right, there is no smoking gun, but if you accept there was no intruder, i.e. there is zero forensic evidence linking to anyone outside the Ramsey household, then the case is RDI.

If you analyse the case you will find that Patsy and John cover for Burke, e.g. Patsy over the longjohns and John over the flashlight, e.g. how did it travel back downstairs, answers on a postcard to Dr. Phil?

Also the parents initially claimed Burke had been sound asleep all night and never left his room, claims which we now know were false, and were admitted as being so by the parents.

Patsy's has deposited forensic evidence all over the wine-cellar and John allegedlly left his shirt fibers on JonBenet's gentital area?

The only person who appears to have been edited out of the case is Burke Ramsey, maybe this is coincidental and the case is JDI, so why would Patsy inject Burke into the case via the longjohns?

The case simply looks more BDI than any other RDI and is also more consistent with the forensic evidence than any of the other theories.

This disregards the fact we have not seen all the evidence, e.g. the identity of all the dna profiles found on JonBenet, and not simply that of her bloodstained underwear!

I appreciate your thoughts UKGuy.

I still think there is a slight possibility of an intruder, however slim it may be. Of course if that is true, it raises a lot of questions.

If one of the parents was the killer, then perhaps they tried to stage an intruder scenario as best they could. Realising investigators might see through this, they needed a back up plan: inject evidence of all three Ramsey’s to confuse them.

Also, this may or may not be significant at all, but wasn’t there conflicting stories on how JB got to bed that night? Burke said she walked up the stairs. Patsy and John stated that John carried her up. If Burke was involved, there would be no reason to lie about this part - it’s not related to the murder. I think it’s possible that the parents lied to show how John’s fibres ended up on JB.
And with that I am outta it my voluntary some dude a clown, deservedly so, add a Hawaiian garden spider, beautiful by the way, and safe for humans, and never mind an entire thread on some child, a brother, responsible, and never mind that even after someone got sued and wrote the settlement check for saying the same thing. But this site isn't alone, since even on reddit. Pops did it to avoid a check of her genitals. Yeah, as if killing her wouldn't accomplish that quicker. Always helps to think.

Now, for some free advice, again, think of what it means to garrote another human and ask yourself, where is the history of anything even close to that in the lives of these humans. You don't wake up one day and garrote another human.
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I appreciate your thoughts UKGuy.

I still think there is a slight possibility of an intruder, however slim it may be. Of course if that is true, it raises a lot of questions.

If one of the parents was the killer, then perhaps they tried to stage an intruder scenario as best they could. Realising investigators might see through this, they needed a back up plan: inject evidence of all three Ramsey’s to confuse them.

Also, this may or may not be significant at all, but wasn’t there conflicting stories on how JB got to bed that night? Burke said she walked up the stairs. Patsy and John stated that John carried her up. If Burke was involved, there would be no reason to lie about this part - it’s not related to the murder. I think it’s possible that the parents lied to show how John’s fibres ended up on JB.

I still think there is a slight possibility of an intruder, however slim it may be. Of course if that is true, it raises a lot of questions.
Well the slim possibility might be measured at 1% as an IDI has no identifying forensic evidence available.

If one of the parents was the killer, then perhaps they tried to stage an intruder scenario as best they could. Realising investigators might see through this, they needed a back up plan: inject evidence of all three Ramsey’s to confuse them.
What appears as a neatly crafted Intruder Scenario is likely the result of multiple tweaks and amendments to whatever went before, e.g. BDI leads to JonBenet staged in her bedroom, i.e. bloodstain on her pillow, BR's pajama bottoms on her bedroom floor, this then leads to PDI where Patsy attempts to clean up the bedroom crime-scene and move JonBenet downstairs, this transpires into JDI with John wiping JonBenet down and Patsy authoring the Ransom Note at Johns request, to add realism and drama Patsy fashions the ligature and paintbrush handle then asphyxiates JonBenet.

Also, this may or may not be significant at all, but wasn’t there conflicting stories on how JB got to bed that night? Burke said she walked up the stairs. Patsy and John stated that John carried her up. If Burke was involved, there would be no reason to lie about this part - it’s not related to the murder. I think it’s possible that the parents lied to show how John’s fibres ended up on JB.
Yes I agree Burke feels free to state JonBenet walked into the house. They have no explanation for the fibers, John complained during his interview that the interviewers were disrespecting his relationship with his daughter!

The Ramsey housekeeper is on record stating that Patsy was repulsed at Johns requests for intimate acts, including being sick, and that their personal relationship was over.

It has been alleged elsewhere that John was abusing JonBenet with Patsy's tacit agreement, leading to JonBenet's death, e.g. silence?

Hesitant to wade in here at this VERY late date; however, I recently read an opinion by someone close to the case (I think!) who seemed to give a compelling case for the "abuse ring" angle. His bases his theory on, among other things, the fact that a woman in California could prove she new the Whites, and that she seemed very believable in her claims about suffering abuse in such a context.

Also, he discusses the parallels in the "ransom" letter to ideas around "ritual sacrifice", and I think gives some good insight into how things in that letter could relate to sexual abuse.

I do think it's obvious that PR wrote the letter, and that it does express anger at her husband and maybe father.
I just think wealth = the ability to cover up in most cases , I grew up surrounded by a lot of wealth and let me tell you there was always some shady s@#$ going on , I've never thought that , in fact Ive always thought it the opposite for the most part!

In addition to the "wealth" angle, I'm also of the belief that there were a couple of other factors at work here: First, the usual politics that often go along with investigations and second, there are large swaths of people who just can't find anyone guilty, at least formally.
Hesitant to wade in here at this VERY late date; however, I recently read an opinion by someone close to the case (I think!) who seemed to give a compelling case for the "abuse ring" angle. His bases his theory on, among other things, the fact that a woman in California could prove she new the Whites, and that she seemed very believable in her claims about suffering abuse in such a context.

Also, he discusses the parallels in the "ransom" letter to ideas around "ritual sacrifice", and I think gives some good insight into how things in that letter could relate to sexual abuse.

I do think it's obvious that PR wrote the letter, and that it does express anger at her husband and maybe father.

The White's and the woman in California are just old fake news, now discredited dead leads.

Most people think Patsy wrote the ransom note, no kidnapper is going to author one in the middle of an abduction.

JonBenet was denied medical assistance, so whomever asphyxiated her either considered her death as a mercy killing or a necessity to obtain JonBenet's silence?

The thing is if her acute genital injuries were staged then why was she asphyxiated?

The White's and the woman in California are just old fake news, now discredited dead leads.

Most people think Patsy wrote the ransom note, no kidnapper is going to author one in the middle of an abduction.

JonBenet was denied medical assistance, so whomever asphyxiated her either considered her death as a mercy killing or a necessity to obtain JonBenet's silence?

The thing is if her acute genital injuries were staged then why was she asphyxiated?


Boy, it's hard to discuss this with someone who has spent so much time and has so much knowledge about it. I appreciate the patience...

I have no idea why the "acute" genital injuries. I don't have an opinion on why -whether they were done as part of sexual abuse or to cover up previous abuse. However, afterward, why she was asphyxiated, if she was so after the genital injuries, would most likely indicate that she needed to be dead -to silence her. I don't really understand the mercy killing angle.

I guess I'm really on the fence here about the whole nature of this assault. I 100% believe that RDI, but find that several scenarios are believable: One being that she was severely injured accidentally (as a result of smacking her too hard as discipline, etc.) and the genital injuries were, again, to cover up previous abuse.

A second scenario I can believe is that BDI and both JR and PR covered up for him.

Another scenario I think is possible is, I hate to say it, they let others abuse her, California witness or no. So sick, but happens all the time.

In all of these situations, the asphyxiation was to silence her.

A note on BR: If the genital injuries were, indeed, NOT to cover up previous abuse, I would lean very strongly to BR. That seems very much like something a 9 -year-old boy would do, rather than the parents or another adult.

All in all, I am so disgusted at these people and those around them who make excuses for them, saying they're loving parents, etc. Whether or not PR or JR directly caused her death, they objectified their little girl, inviting strangers to ogle her.

The Christmas tours of the house are appalling in and of themselves, in that they invited complete strangers to view not only their home, which should be a place of privacy and refuge for their children, but they, apparently, let those strangers into the bedrooms. What an invasion of privacy of another person! If JR and PR are so lacking in....something... that they would invite strangers in to view their own bedroom, they are absolutely lacking in decency to allow it in the case of their young children.

Just needed to get that out.
Boy, it's hard to discuss this with someone who has spent so much time and has so much knowledge about it. I appreciate the patience...

I have no idea why the "acute" genital injuries. I don't have an opinion on why -whether they were done as part of sexual abuse or to cover up previous abuse. However, afterward, why she was asphyxiated, if she was so after the genital injuries, would most likely indicate that she needed to be dead -to silence her. I don't really understand the mercy killing angle.

I guess I'm really on the fence here about the whole nature of this assault. I 100% believe that RDI, but find that several scenarios are believable: One being that she was severely injured accidentally (as a result of smacking her too hard as discipline, etc.) and the genital injuries were, again, to cover up previous abuse.

A second scenario I can believe is that BDI and both JR and PR covered up for him.

Another scenario I think is possible is, I hate to say it, they let others abuse her, California witness or no. So sick, but happens all the time.

In all of these situations, the asphyxiation was to silence her.

A note on BR: If the genital injuries were, indeed, NOT to cover up previous abuse, I would lean very strongly to BR. That seems very much like something a 9 -year-old boy would do, rather than the parents or another adult.

All in all, I am so disgusted at these people and those around them who make excuses for them, saying they're loving parents, etc. Whether or not PR or JR directly caused her death, they objectified their little girl, inviting strangers to ogle her.

The Christmas tours of the house are appalling in and of themselves, in that they invited complete strangers to view not only their home, which should be a place of privacy and refuge for their children, but they, apparently, let those strangers into the bedrooms. What an invasion of privacy of another person! If JR and PR are so lacking in....something... that they would invite strangers in to view their own bedroom, they are absolutely lacking in decency to allow it in the case of their young children.

Just needed to get that out.
The abuse could also be other family members like a step brother and Grandpa. Grandpa left town on a stand by sleight status. Why such a hurry to get out of town during Christmas.
One of her beauty pageant photographers was arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges July 2019 in Eugene Oregon. At some point during his encounter with police he blurted out "I didn't kill JonBenet". Hmmm. They weren't investigating him for that.
I am sorry I didn't post a new source and now can't delete the post above. I'll try to link a source.
I steered toward the IDI from the start. I didn’t want to accept that parents while in panic mode could do all those horrible things to their own child , write the lengthy ridiculous rn, clean up the scene, preach the plan of what to say/not to say into a very young boy’s head without the whole thing backfiring and you getting caught. Was there a ton of luck involved? It just seems like doing all of this in a very short period of time without a plan while everyone is probably crying, screaming, freaking out, running in circles from just waking up wouldn’t work. But as time passed I now tend to think the IDI may be even harder to accomplish without a shred of evidence left at scene. Because that person is doing all the things I just mentioned above that I thought the parents couldn’t do with the added bonus of breaking in and out of the house without a trail or noise. I’m stumped.
Boy, it's hard to discuss this with someone who has spent so much time and has so much knowledge about it. I appreciate the patience...

I have no idea why the "acute" genital injuries. I don't have an opinion on why -whether they were done as part of sexual abuse or to cover up previous abuse. However, afterward, why she was asphyxiated, if she was so after the genital injuries, would most likely indicate that she needed to be dead -to silence her. I don't really understand the mercy killing angle.

I guess I'm really on the fence here about the whole nature of this assault. I 100% believe that RDI, but find that several scenarios are believable: One being that she was severely injured accidentally (as a result of smacking her too hard as discipline, etc.) and the genital injuries were, again, to cover up previous abuse.

A second scenario I can believe is that BDI and both JR and PR covered up for him.

Another scenario I think is possible is, I hate to say it, they let others abuse her, California witness or no. So sick, but happens all the time.

In all of these situations, the asphyxiation was to silence her.

A note on BR: If the genital injuries were, indeed, NOT to cover up previous abuse, I would lean very strongly to BR. That seems very much like something a 9 -year-old boy would do, rather than the parents or another adult.

All in all, I am so disgusted at these people and those around them who make excuses for them, saying they're loving parents, etc. Whether or not PR or JR directly caused her death, they objectified their little girl, inviting strangers to ogle her.

The Christmas tours of the house are appalling in and of themselves, in that they invited complete strangers to view not only their home, which should be a place of privacy and refuge for their children, but they, apparently, let those strangers into the bedrooms. What an invasion of privacy of another person! If JR and PR are so lacking in....something... that they would invite strangers in to view their own bedroom, they are absolutely lacking in decency to allow it in the case of their young children.

Just needed to get that out.

I don't really understand the mercy killing angle.
Kinda goes like this, one of the Ramsey's accidently injured JonBenet causing her to fall into a coma, e.g. say Patsy, so thinking her head injury has caused irreversible damage and to avoid prosecution Patsy opts to kill JonBenet and stage an Intruder crime-scene?

A second scenario I can believe is that BDI and both JR and PR covered up for him.
This is the theory that is most consistent with the forensic evidence all the other theories have various holes in them, but not large enough to be able to discount them completely.

Another scenario I think is possible is, I hate to say it, they let others abuse her, California witness or no. So sick, but happens all the time.
This is a variant of IDI and that of BlueCrab's theory that Burke had his buddy sleeping over that night, who then left by bike after participating in the assault on JonBenet, hence the bicycle marks in the snow? All these theories lack hard forensic evidence as such they might be termed Unicorn Theories, i.e. you can imagine them but did they ever exist?

A note on BR: If the genital injuries were, indeed, NOT to cover up previous abuse, I would lean very strongly to BR. That seems very much like something a 9 -year-old boy would do, rather than the parents or another adult.
The thing is if the staging was intended to mask prior abuse why was it so badly executed, so bad few folks have any problem recognizing the wine-cellar was staged? Also if the case is not BDI why do both parents go to such lengths in an attempt to write Burke out of the script, e.g. Patsy put Burke's longjohns on JonBenet, Patsy gave JonBenet the size-12's, John took the flashlight upstairs, John and Patsy claimed Burke slept through it all, Patsy in a Boulder Police interview said Burke never owned a pair of Hi-Tech shoes with a compass, yet Burke told the Grand Jury he did, on and on ...

The Christmas tours of the house are appalling
This is where Patsy was back then, she wanted to show off her wealth, lets folks see how cultured she was, with her French paintings and figurines, she wanted to be the local socialite, you know that smart woman with the very talented kids?

The sad truth is all this Dollar Flashing contributed directly to the neglect of JonBenet and Burke, ending with JonBenet's death !


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