Cindy testified that she was behind on a few payments to the credit cards, not that they were in debt up to their eyeballs. The prosecutor surprised Cindy by informing her that George had a credit card that was hugely overspent and in collections. She was completely taken aback at finding that out.
But with regard to Lee...the Sentinel article has a link to the website, and on the website in the Thank You tab, is a .pdf file that has a check transfer from one bank into another, with J. Parker as Trustee (people say she's Mallory's mom). The amount is about $1800. Where is the accounting for the rest of the funds? This does not constitute "thousands" of donated dollars. It will be interesting to find out about that.
As for the BSOD discussion, Lee stated he was gone for 2 hours, Tony says he used Casey's phone to call Amy (whether to just look up her number or to actually use it to call) which means that Tony had the phone until it was taken by LE, but I am confused on something here....If LE picked up Casey's phone "earlier in the evening" as someone stated, and Lee didn't show up until late in the evening to pick up Casey's things, why wouldn't LE pick up Casey's things at the same time, OR why wouldn't Lee pick up Casey's phone as well as everything else?
Something doesn't work out in my head here.