Could you serve as an unbiased juror in this case?

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Could you be a juror in a trial with Terri as defendant?

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I'm open-minded and analytical. I could set aside my personal views and be objective in hearing the case.

From what little the media and LE are giving us, I think that she is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, but I'm not a juror on WS and this isn't a court of law. I would be very open to hearing the case against her, hearing her defense, and then voting in consideration of juror instructions.
If it's okay with you, Puf, I'll just delete the "quote" tags and claim this post as my own. ;) j/k
I could serve as a juror. I don't have anywhere near enough info to know wth happened. Even if I did have a lot of info off the net, from media, from court docs, etc, it still would be a matter of considering only what the prosecutor presents as evidence. I do think I could do it.

Ditto....What I know now, based on media, makes me think she's guilty. OTOH however, there's a lot I'm sure I don't know.
As we say in the ER, even crazy people have heart attacks....meaning, just because you think you know what's going on based on presentation and history, you still have to start with a clean slate to get to the truth.
I voted uncertain because while I want to hear the evidence and make a decision on it, I also wonder if I really could find her innocent if that's the case. Part of my problem is only knowing the soap opera stuff and not any real facts about this case. I might be able to be an impartial juror, but I don't know. I've followed cases for so long that I'm not sure I could I look at the evidence totally unbiased and make a decision either. Doesn't mean I wouldn't want to try, but I am not certain of the what outcome I would come to no matter what the evidence is. That is still up in the air for me. I could surprise myself and be more unbiased and impartial than I think. I just have never been put that in position as of yet.
I voted uncertain because while I want to hear the evidence and make a decision on it, I also wonder if I really could find her innocent if that's the case. Part of my problem is only knowing the soap opera stuff and not any real facts about this case. I might be able to be an impartial juror, but I don't know. I've followed cases for so long that I'm not sure I could I look at the evidence totally unbiased and make a decision either. Doesn't mean I wouldn't want to try, but I am not certain of the what outcome I would come to no matter what the evidence is. That is still up in the air for me. I could surprise myself and be more unbiased and impartial than I think. I just have never been put that in position as of yet.

I don't think any one of us on WSW would be selected for the very reason you put in your post - we have all followed this case much too closely for either side to be comfortable, I believe.
I would like to say I try to be open minded but I think following the case on WS so closely might make it difficult for me and many others to consider only the evidence and the testimonials presented in the court room. All of us regular posters regardless of which side of the fence have probably formed lots of preconceived opinions about the credibility of the people who might come to testify or be charged.

If a complete total stranger got charged for it I think my chances of making it to the jury might be better.
I voted no because I know there is no way I can be unbiased in any case that involves anything harmful being done to a child.
Sad...but true.
I just couldn't do it.
Nope, I could not serve as a juror in this case. To me, she is guilty all the way. MOO
I think I could be fair and impartial. I'd try anyway.
After the Jessica Lundsford case I've learned my lesson on not thinking my opinions are always right,that what seems impossible can actually happen. I thought her father did it until they caught Cooey. I feel so ashamed still!

I came to realize how anything is possible and to never pass judgement until all the facts are in.

I have my opinion that Terri most likely did something to Kyron but for the above reason I just cannot be sure....or allow myself to be "sure".
I think I could be fair and impartial. I'd try anyway.
After the Jessica Lundsford case I've learned my lesson on not thinking my opinions are always right,that what seems impossible can actually happen. I thought her father did it until they caught Cooey. I feel so ashamed still!

I came to realize how anything is possible and to never pass judgement until all the facts are in.

I have my opinion that Terri most likely did something to Kyron but for the above reason I just cannot be sure....or allow myself to be "sure".

I am so glad you said this, STea. I'm ashamed to admit it, but when Polly Klaas was abducted and later found murdered (such a tragic sad terrible case), I thought that Mark Klaas, the ex-husband, did it.

I thought it because he was the ex, he was out of the house, and he knew the layout of the house. I didn't know much about him and I made that decision based on the news.

I'm fallible and only human. I went with stats and the gut feeling. I was surprised when the truth came out, and thank God the truth did come out. Poor Mark!

It put me in the mind of a long-ago case in which a man was hung for the murder of his daughter. He professed his innocence until he was hung. After he was dead, another prisoner admitted to her murder.

Can you imagine that? First of all, he is grieving horribly about his daughter's death and then he is accused, put on trial and hung. Talk about travesty of justice. A tragic and pitiful case.

This years-ago case has always stuck in my mind. It is one of the saddest cases I have ever read.

Anyway, I still believe that TH is guilty. In my mind, all circumstantial evidence points to her. The biggest factor for me is her reticence to cooperate and now her BFF won't cooperate either. That missing time for both of them is a huge problem for me.
I've served on two juries and know that I can be completely unbiased in my duties to render a verdict. The problem that I would have with Kyron's case is that it would probably be a long trial and include a lot of highly sensitive information. Serving on a jury can be emotionally and physically draining, and I'm sure that a trial involving a child would likely cause a lot of stress. I would hope and pray that I was equal to the task. jmo
I did not immediately suspect her, and have no strong "gut" feelings on what happened. I do think Terri Horman is probably responsible for Kyron's disappearance, but if I were called to be a juror I would put aside my own (simple) theories and look at what the evidence says to determine a guilty or non guilty verdict. I am pretty open to different possibilities, altho I am biased against extremely convoluted and conspiracy-type theories. If her defense attorney started posing such alternate theories, it would make me less likely to believe other things he said.
I voted No because, even though the info we're getting hasn't been verified by LE, I know way too many things about this case that a juror just shouldn't have knowledge of. I couldn't forget and block out all of this craziness!
Yes, I could. Frankly, I know very little about the case. I know about people's sexting and divorcing and marrying and parenting and and and ......but I frankly know nothing about how and why Kyron disappeared. It's all speculation. However, I wouldn't be able to talk with you guys anymore and that would be a bummer!
I feel that I could most definitely be an impartial juror. I still have no idea what happened. I've remained on the fence off and on through most of this. I could look at it completely unbiased.
I believe very strongly in our justice system and if the prosecution can't prove guilt, then innocent it is. While my personal opinion is that OJ is guilty as charged, I believe the case presented at trial did not prove it and those jurors followed the letter of the law. I'm also of the personal opinion that Casey Anthony is guilty, but if the prosecution can't prove it in court then she should be set free. As for this case, it is mainly being presented in the court of public opinion and I am also a fence sitter, although I fell off once. I do believe I could be an impartial juror in any case because I feel so strongly about our justice system and the right to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
In another poll 70% believe Terri to be responsible for Kyron's disappearance while in this poll 68% believe they could be impartial.

I sure hope potential jurors who believe Terri to be guilty, but state they can be impartial, do not get on the jury.
In another poll 70% believe Terri to be responsible for Kyron's disappearance while in this poll 68% believe they could be impartial.

I sure hope potential jurors who believe Terri to be guilty, but state they can be impartial, do not get on the jury.

you, the defense team and terri, too, lol!

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