Court: Teaching Credential Required To Home School

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Mar 3, 2006
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California parents who don't have teaching credentials no longer can home school their children, according to a recent state appellate court ruling.

"Parents do not have a constitutional right to home school their children," Justice H. Walter Croskey wrote in a Feb. 28 opinion for the 2nd District Court of Appeals.

Noncompliance could lead to a criminal complaint against the parents, Croskey said.

An estimated 166,000 students in California are home schooled.
California has allowed home schooling if parents either file paperwork to establish themselves as small, private schools; hire a credentialed tutor; or enroll their child in an independent study program run by an established school while teaching the child at home.

Until now, the state has left it up to local school districts to enforce those provisions. The districts have done little.

This undeclared police of laissez-faire has been popular with many.
Hiya Magic!

I wonder what that ACTUALLY means, "a teaching credential"??

But the children were educated at home by their mother, Phillip Long said. Mary Long does not have a teaching credential.
That makes sense to me. I knew a woman one time who was homeschooling her son. She didn't even have a good education herself and the child spent most of the time just playing. Thank God she finally put him back in public school after two years of this. If the parent is educated enough themselves to do homeschooling is one thing, but it can cause harm to a child is the parent is not qualified.
I don't believe you have to have a Master's degree to be certified to teach. You do need to have graduated High School and gone through the college courses (4 years, I think?) to be certified to teach though. I think it is a good idea. Too many kids being homeschooled by parents who don't know enough to teach their children well and raise them to be good members of society. Sorry, but it is true. If you don't have a good education yourself, you can hardly give someone else one.
I don't believe you have to have a Master's degree to be certified to teach. You do need to have graduated High School and gone through the college courses (4 years, I think?) to be certified to teach though. I think it is a good idea. Too many kids being homeschooled by parents who don't know enough to teach their children well and raise them to be good members of society. Sorry, but it is true. If you don't have a good education yourself, you can hardly give someone else one.

I agree with this. I know a few exceptionally educated and intelligent kids who were home-schooled, so it can be done. I also know some who I feel were sold short, educationally speaking.
One of my best friends was homeschooled. He's smarter than most people I know, but he's seriously lacking in the social skills. He says things to people that most people wouldn't say out in public, etc. It's funny and extremely embarassing at the same time.
I don't believe you have to have a Master's degree to be certified to teach. You do need to have graduated High School and gone through the college courses (4 years, I think?) to be certified to teach though. I think it is a good idea. Too many kids being homeschooled by parents who don't know enough to teach their children well and raise them to be good members of society. Sorry, but it is true. If you don't have a good education yourself, you can hardly give someone else one.
Exactly KatK! In Texas, it is a five year program now.
Okay, this is 10 yrs. old, but what has changed?

"In 1997, a study of 5,402 homeschool students from 1,657 families was released. It was entitled, "Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America." The study demonstrated that homeschoolers, on the average, out-performed their counterparts in the public schools by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects."

2007 National Spelling Bee winner home schooled:
Same could be said for public schools. Of course they are too busy trying to not get stabbed, shot, cursed at and trying to teach basic manners, morals, respect (which shouldn't even be their job) etc while trying to teach little Johnny to read and write. The dudes in charge dont care about that. Nor do they care that children aren't cut out of cookie cutter molds and what works for one might not work for another.

This is coming down to money and averages many think. Schools are given funds based on the number of students, 166,000 families make for a lot of funds they don't have.

They also know, via testing, that homeschooled children rank right up there with the public schooled child in testing. They need them.

Personally, I don't care if anyone sends their kids to public schools or homeschools. It shouldn't be the governments worry either. If they start here, next will be private schools...which btw many dont require credentials either...and people PAY them for it. Then when they've jerked those rights away what then?

But folks don't care about parental rights being stripped as long as it's not their rights. Sooner or later though, it IS your rights.

This is not a rant against teachers. Most times their hands are tied with red tape, not enough tools to do the job, poor pay and no respect. It's the Government that this boils down to.
Just wait guys! This will not end with us homeschooling parents. The government will start with the mandatory schooling for 3 year olds and start taking away other private school options.
So long as they only require that those doing homeschooling for their children have the proper education to do so, the education we insist those paid to teach have, I am ok with this idea. If it really is a way for the proverbial camel to get its nose into the tent so that private schools can be done away with, then I don't back the idea. Do you see what I am saying?
So long as they only require that those doing homeschooling for their children have the proper education to do so, the education we insist those paid to teach have, I am ok with this idea. If it really is a way for the proverbial camel to get its nose into the tent so that private schools can be done away with, then I don't back the idea. Do you see what I am saying?

I do see what you are saying. But what the homeschoolers say is that it's the same difference.

If a private Catholic school does not require those teaching to have credentials and a homeschooling family is practicing as a private school, which has been the law all along, then why now?

CA, behind Texas, has been at the forefront of freedom of education. This is not a new thing. Since the 70's families have had the right to make these choices without government interference. Just like the private schools, they take no federal funding and want nothing to do with the public system.

A little ditty I found out from a CA teacher just a bit ago, they are handing out pink slips due to lack of funding. I find that the timing is a bit odd for this to happen at the same time.
California! It is shocking to think California would come down with this law since it is so liberal and open-minded. You can smoke pot openly in California, if you are gay, you can get a civil union (yay!) and if you wanna be a hippy living on the streets, it is totally OK! They embrace differences! Just like I do! But here they go restricting parents on how they want to raise their kids? Insane!

Go after the child abusers and groups like NAMBLA! Those are the kids you should be worried about. Not our kids who are loved and respected.
This will be rebuked. How dare a judge think he has the credentials to establish what parent can home school. He better get geared up, he's stepped his foot in the wrong territory and surely will be drove out.

Praise to the parents and individuals who teach our children that doesn't totally rely on the public school system. It's our right as long as we educate. Get out of our homes before you get shot in the butt.
California! It is shocking to think California would come down with this law since it is so liberal and open-minded. You can smoke pot openly in California, if you are gay, you can get a civil union (yay!) and if you wanna be a hippy living on the streets, it is totally OK! They embrace differences! Just like I do! But here they go restricting parents on how they want to raise their kids? Insane!

Go after the child abusers and groups like NAMBLA! Those are the kids you should be worried about. Not our kids who are loved and respected.

But see, don't cha get it Pixie. You touched on exactly what the hidden agenda truly is. The liberal, try it all and (open-minded) tolerate any and everything so those who do their evils under cover doesn't want those who try to teach correctly education and morals.
]This will be rebuked.[/B] How dare a judge think he has the credentials to establish what parent can home school. He better get geared up, he's stepped his foot in the wrong territory and surely will be drove out.

Praise to the parents and individuals who teach our children that doesn't totally rely on the public school system. It's our right as long as we educate. Get out of our homes before you get shot in the butt.
I hope so KOOL. This ruling is outrageous.

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