Cracked Crab...Priscilla White....Strange??

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think it is a typo and intended to read as if Priscilla is saying "I wanted to save these out for JonBenet" and she took them....

There are typos in other interviews as well.


No, it wasn't a typo. If you read both JR and PR's LE interviews then you will read that PW was making plates of cracked crab for all the kid's so that they could have some before all the adults ate it all up.
6 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, all I can specifically
7 remember was the cracked crab.
I think they had a
8 turkey dinner. But I think she made, she always
9 makes these little hot dogs with barbecue sauce
10 that the kids love.
I remember her specifically,
11 Priscilla coming over this big plate of cracked
12 plate making little plates,
and I wanted to save
13 these out for JonBenet and she took them out and
14 put them in the plate

15 LOU SMIT: What were they?
16 JOHN RAMSEY: I think it was the cracked
17 crab
18 MIKE KANE: What is cracked crab? I'm from
19 the east. I don't know --
20 JOHN RAMSEY: She doesn't take all of it.
21 It's like pieces of crab that are cut up. They're
22 cold.
23 MIKE KANE: They're real crab?
24 JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah. They're boiled like.
25 They're already broken. They're like just chunks
1 of, like somebody has already broken up the legs
2 and I guess it was like king crab that was
3 partially open.
4 MIKE KANE: Okay.
5 JOHN RAMSEY: But she specifically, I
6 just remember her making little plates going down
7 the line. Which, in retrospect, seems a little
8 strange.


23 TRIP DEMUTH: Okay. But you do remember the
24 cracked crab.
25 PATSY RAMSEY: I just remember Priscilla had
1 dip and she said, I know your kids like seafood. I
2 will hold this little plate out for JonBenet to make
3 sure she gets some.
4 TRIP DEMUTH: You remember that.
5 PATSY RAMSEY: I remember that. Well, I
6 thought that is nice to make sure that we don't devour
7 it before the kids get some, but she specifically
8 mentioned JonBenet's name. And at that time it kind
9 of, you know, flew over. But then when you are trying
10 to remember things later, it seems, you know, a little
11 strange.


Johns says that Priscilla giving JB Cracked Crab...."In retrospect, seems a little strange". Patsy said.."But then when you are trying to remember things later (Ames...RETROSPECT!), it seems, you know, a little strange".

You KNOW they discussed what they were going to say concerning PW and that cracked crab. Yeah, J and P...Priscilla saving JB out some Cracked Crab is "very strange" considering JOHN asked her (Priscilla) to save some out for her (JB).

It's so obvious to me that JR and PR knew what "script" they were going to use. It was all rehearsed beforehand. And the "cracked crab" was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to throwing Fleet and Priscilla White under the bus. Having just re-read Steve Thomas' book, it is clear that as the years went by the Ramsey's threw ALL of their so called Boulder "friends" under the bus. They were/are desparate people grabbing at straws. Even in crisis, NORMAL people do not behave the way that they conducted themselves. It is not ONE incident, it is an accumulation of (documented interviews, statements, behaviors) lies and deception that lead to the conclusion that they are GUILTY.
I see NOTHING AT ALL odd, strange or suspect in PW mentioning JB by name, especially when speaking to one of her parents.

What I DO see as odd, strange and particularly suspect is either of the Rs SAYING it was strange.

I always referred to my child's friends by their names. How else to speak of them? Oh...I guess I could use one of the Rs terms when mentioning their daughter- "that child".

Exactly!! Priscilla: Hey, Patsy....I saved that child of yours some cracked crab. I wanted to make sure that the adults didn't devour it, before that child got any.

How stupid would THAT be? I see nothing strange about it either. Even if my child had (actually) been murdered by an intruder , and I was trying to think back at all the odd behavior of all my friends, to see who may be suspicious. The person that had made out little plates for all the kids at a dinner party that I had went to the night before...and had called my daughter by name, saying that she was making HER a plate too...would not even be on my suspect list. How ridiculous were they, to throw PW under the bus, and run over her because of THAT!!! GASP!!! PW saved out a plate for JB and....OMG....actually called her BY NAME!!!!!! She HAS to be GUILTY!!!!!!!! :waitasec:
It's so obvious to me that JR and PR knew what "script" they were going to use. It was all rehearsed beforehand. And the "cracked crab" was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to throwing Fleet and Priscilla White under the bus. Having just re-read Steve Thomas' book, it is clear that as the years went by the Ramsey's threw ALL of their so called Boulder "friends" under the bus. They were/are desparate people grabbing at straws. Even in crisis, NORMAL people do not behave the way that they conducted themselves. It is not ONE incident, it is an accumulation of (documented interviews, statements, behaviors) lies and deception that lead to the conclusion that they are GUILTY.

Thank you for the wonderful post! That is exactly how I feel, but I must add that it was after I read DOI that I knew without a doubt that the R's were guilty.
This is the part I disagree with.Because everybody knows that the scene was not secured,everybody knows how Meyer did the autopsy (one of the big reasons they can't use the dna found under her nails).Not to mention all those people contaminating the scene that morning,the basement in the first place,the broken window,everything they touched,moved.

Even if everything that should have been done was done, maddy, cases of domestic homicide are not solved on the forensic evidence. They're solved by separating the two and interrogating them until one gives the other one up.
No answer from client and any suspicion raised by the shirt is a non issue and cannot be investigated further without help from the clients. This in effect didn't hamstring the investigation it just made the Boulder PD have to collect their case against the R's and be prepared to use the evidence they collected to convict them.They couldn't use traditional police questioning methods.

What should scare the BEJES#$ out of everyone is my Bold.

It DOES, CathyR. If anything, it's just more proof of how the system has taken the handcuffs off the criminals and put them on the cops.

It makes the investigators use forensics very heavily to solve the case.

I've often argued that police rely too heavily on forensics now, at least partly because of the power lawyers now wield. And I'm not alone in that sentiment.

Since no charges were filed I can safely assume not enough evidence was collected that tied the parents to the crime as too much IDI evidence also existed, even without the RN. In other word the PD wasn't able to find enough strong evidence to use against the R's.

In a way, you may be correct. I suggest you check out the thread titled "the cross fingerpointing defense."

Make no mistake: they had plenty of evidence against the Rs. That right there was the problem: not enough against either ONE to know which one did what. Under the law, there's no such thing as "the Rs."
The only way that I would consider the Intruder theory is if the intruder could be anyone that didn't live in that house. Here are two of the reasons I say that:
Don Paugh
John Andrew Ramsey
If you can consider either of these two as intruders, then I might buy into IDI. Because "whoever" committed this crime was protected by the Ramseys and we all know they would not have protected just any old intruder. I see no reason for all the outright lies, bad memories, throwing friends under the bus, and plain old refusing to answer questions because they can't remember what they said the last time they were asked. If anyone on this board can give me logical reasons for this behavior, I would love to hear it and may even change my opinion.
Don't be too quick to assume that the only reason charges were not filed against the Rs was because there was not enough evidence. There was plenty of evidence. Charges were not brought because the DA wouldn't allow it.
LE was told to "treat these people like victims, not like suspects". So they weren't allowed to bring them in for questioning, they weren't allowed to separate them.
And that wasn't because there was "too much evidence of an intruder". There was NO evidence of an intruder. Even the male DNA on her clothes may not have come from an intruder. And that DNA is ALL there is that is not inked to the family. That's hardly "too much evidence of an intruder".
Make no mistake: they had plenty of evidence against the Rs. That right there was the problem: not enough against either ONE to know which one did what. Under the law, there's no such thing as "the Rs."

Absolutely, SD! Suspicion and theory is not enough to convict.
Absolutely, SD! Suspicion and theory is not enough to convict.

It's not just that, otg/B]. Without knowing exactly which suspect did exactly which deed, they have a built-in defense: each other. Each one gives the other reasonable doubt.
This is the part I disagree with.Because everybody knows that the scene was not secured,everybody knows how Meyer did the autopsy (one of the big reasons they can't use the dna found under her nails).Not to mention all those people contaminating the scene that morning,the basement in the first place,the broken window,everything they touched,moved.
All a defense lawyer has to do (no matter whether he defends a Ramsey or an intruder) is talk 3 minutes about LE not securing the crime scene and all the evidence gathered won't be admissible IMO.

They secured it enough. They can fight it but as long as Meyer followed guidelines and did the autopsy within the allowed time frame it is OK. The DNA under nails may/may not be uses but any DNA on cord or rope, paintbrush, panties,long johns etc would be admissible, provided the technology is approved by CO courts. That may be what they are waiting on. Any clue what kind of bills are coming up for a vote soon in CO?
This is just ONE of the examples re what Meyer did wrong:

ST's book,pg 39

"Meyer stayed only 7 minutes ,not taking the time to perform two routine procedures that would have helped establish the time of death-taking vitreous fluid from the eye and obtaining the internal body temperature."
You have no TOD because of sloppy coroner work.
You have no exact COD,I'd blame Meyer for this as well.
You have no idea what those darn abrasions actually are.
Since we have no COD,we have no murder weapon,what was it,the cord or the flashlight for ex,you can't tell cause you can't tell whether the head bash came first or last.
Try convince a jury that the DNA owner/killer (???) caused her death by strangulation.His lawyer will hammer away that it was the head bash that killed her,thanks to Meyer's autopsy "report".
Let's say they will find his DNA on the flashlight.His lawyer will argue that she died by strangulation and his DNA ain't on that cord>>>let's blame it on an accomplice.
They secured it enough.

Yes,after they allowed suspects to touch and move critical pieces of evidence.
Was it so damn hard for Arndt to say "hey,go and search the house,start wherever you like BUT IF you find a dead body (!!!!!!!!) don't touch it!!!!scream,yell,cry but don't touch it!!!"

And this wasn't all........after finding the body she sends (one of the potential suspects now that we have a crime) to "guard" the crime scene,where he was curious enough to touch the damn piece of evidence and move it.

Whenever I see a picture from the crime scene it makes me (sadly) laugh.
Crime scene photo??
The body was moved,
The piece of tape was touched and moved -TWICE
The blanket was moved
The suitcase was moved
The window was shut (or not?)

All we see in most of those crime scene photos is what the Ramsey's wanted us to see.
I agree. I think Linda A going on TV and saying when JR brought up the body that she looked in his face and saw the killer (what is she a mind reader?) was just trying to divert from all the mistakes she made.

The house shouldve been treated like a crime scene with nothing touched. and there was alot including the people wiping down the kitchen counters. The body should not have been allowed to be moved or touched.
I agree. I think Linda A going on TV and saying when JR brought up the body that she looked in his face and saw the killer (what is she a mind reader?) was just trying to divert from all the mistakes she made.

The house shouldve been treated like a crime scene with nothing touched. and there was alot including the people wiping down the kitchen counters. The body should not have been allowed to be moved or touched.

Yes.Not only did she sound&look totally ridiculous,but what she said was totally unprofessional.She basically did the R's a great favour(didn't they always claim the cops were biased from day one?),she knew instantly,yeah right.Well,a cop should investigate first and then draw a conclusion.And if she felt that way about JR why didn't she tell anyone.Just another attention seeker ticked off because she was ignored.I never liked her,she was incompetent&a coward.
So what does Emily Post have to do with this crime? Maybe she's the intruder.


Ames...why in the world would you start a post like this? What does cracked crab have to do with the murder of JonBenet?

The statements made by John and Patsy regarding crab is but one of several "strange" incidents the Whites were accused of doing. Remember the incident with Fleet and John at the Airport? At John's brothers house? At the Paugh residence? At Father Rols office?

I could go on and on but I think discussing cracked crab and Miss Manners has nothing to do with murder.

Ames...why in the world would you start a post like this? What does cracked crab have to do with the murder of JonBenet?

The statements made by John and Patsy regarding crab is but one of several "strange" incidents the Whites were accused of doing. Remember the incident with Fleet and John at the Airport? At John's brothers house? At the Paugh residence? At Father Rols office?

I could go on and on but I think discussing cracked crab and Miss Manners has nothing to do with murder.

It has to do with the murder because JB's parents tried to link it to her murder. By claiming it was "strange" that their hosts wanted to save a plate of crab for JB (even though JR asked her to and plates were saved for other children as well) they were inferring that the crab could have been drugged and that JB was served the crab for that purpose.
Toxicology tests were completely clear- NO drugs or alcohol found.
It has to do with the murder because JB's parents tried to link it to her murder. By claiming it was "strange" that their hosts wanted to save a plate of crab for JB (even though JR asked her to and plates were saved for other children as well) they were inferring that the crab could have been drugged and that JB was served the crab for that purpose.
Toxicology tests were completely clear- NO drugs or alcohol found.

DeeDee, no cracked crab either. So if she did it eat, it had plenty of time to get through her digestive system, so if it had of been drugged, it would have shown up at autopsy. I have friends in Atlanta but I am certainly glad the Ramseys are not one of them. Any of their friends were fair game, just as long as it wasn't a family member!
I have always felt the only reason the Ramsey's brought up the cracked crab was because after they killed her they realized she had eaten the pineapple at home and they feared it would be discovered upon her autopsy. They needed the investigators to believe they carried her up to bed asleep, and never saw her alive again. Not knowing the pineapple in her stomach could be broken down and identified forensically, they knew cracked crab would resemble pineapple in the stomach, so they had to make LE think cracked crab was the last thing she ate.

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