If any of you see any ideas you think I can use to cheaply make grab bags for child or adult patrons, please let me know. The main things are that the supply cost be low and that all of the supplies can be sent home.
I need to avoid projects that require things the average person doesn't have, such as a hot glue gun. This in itself can knock a lot of great projects out. I have found ways to send small quantities of white glue and paint home with the kids. We also purchased a bunch of small, cheap paint brushes.
My goal is to basically replace in-person programs and offer a relaxing break for the adults. (I found that making the paper crafts yesterday was relaxing and fun.) The kid crafts help the parents, too, as it provides a ready-made kit to keep their kids busy.
A lot of libraries are doing this right now. So you should follow their Facebook pages and keep your eyes peeled for their next craft grab bag for adults. They seem to be offering them monthly, from what I can tell.