Credit Card Records

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I am sorry part of it was a joke, the other part I read that was what the searchers were looking for a duffle bag and a rug. The way Casey is I also thought it would be appropriate for her to shop for herself since she seems to steal from her mom and friends. Sorry if I misled you. Trying to add some humor to a morose situation.

.........the rug...yes, I remember that.
Could it be there were cc charges for a rug?
They knew as far back as the bond hearing what credit cards they had. The pulled their financials to see if they had assets for the bond. In the hearing they mentioned a default on a $12000 credit card bill. They also know how much they owed on their home, who the mortgage holder was etc. So I am sure by their credit report they can see every credit card they have. Many cases have been solved or helped to be solved by Credit Card and Bank Records, follow the money.
quick question. i do not have credit cards. so i'm kind of stupid to this. Can you see everything charged itemized on a credit card statement? I know some stores if you do not have a receipt for an item you are taking back they can scan my check card and see when that item was purchased. if this is the case and it shows what she bought on what dates that would explain why Cindy wouldn't willingly give them. i'm sure they have contacted the credit card companies and received their own copies.
quick question. i do not have credit cards. so i'm kind of stupid to this. Can you see everything charged itemized on a credit card statement? I know some stores if you do not have a receipt for an item you are taking back they can scan my check card and see when that item was purchased. if this is the case and it shows what she bought on what dates that would explain why Cindy wouldn't willingly give them. i'm sure they have contacted the credit card companies and received their own copies.

An example of my Citi card:
Sale date-
Post date-
Store name or company name w/the phone number
amount charged

If they knew KC was the only one to have the cards just looking at the statements would help place her whereabouts..and then they could have subpoenaed the exact purchases from the CC company..I suspect they have already though..

CA interview was so long ago that it really would have helped them sooner rather than later to have her voluntarily given those to LE when they asked for them..
It was obvious that Cindy was very nervous about those credit card statements. Something very telling about that as far as I am concerned...
It's just a guess but perhaps they aren't releasing them because Cindy isn't pressing charges. If there is no "victim" in the credit card usage, there is no crime, and therefore no reason for them to release them.

LE asked for them. She didn't turn them over.
As I understood, LEE gave receipts that were found among Casey's belongings from Tony's apartment to LE and Jose (I guess copies to one or the other).
LE had asked Cindy in the interview "you didn't give us the credit card statements" and her response was "there was nothing in the statement".
It seems they were trying to help her understand how she wasn't fully assisting them in the investigation.

So, no she didn't at that time (August 1?) give the credit statement. She may have now.
If she didn't , LE more than likely had them subpoenaed.
They certainly can and I am sure they did. It definitely pertains to placing her at times and places and what she bought may be important....

...I was under the impression it was a JC Penney's card, were there others? cant get chloroform and Penney'sfor example..

:waitasec:we are talking about Casey here who knows, she might have seen a cleaning cart somewhere and taken it off the cleaning cart:waitasec:
If Casey was using those credit cards prior to 6/16 and up through 7/15, it is VERY important for LE to have those records. There is a lot of information to be gained: where she was and when, what she purchased and when, etc..

Exactly! A credit card purchase can place an individual at a particular place at a certain time. It all helps build a timeline, in addition to what those purchases were. If there's any item or items that would be unusual for someone with Casey's lifestyle.........that needs to be checked into.

Casey liked to party, so her purchases would likely be clothes, jewelry, and cosmetics. If she purchased tools from Sears, that would certainly be out of character with her lifestyle and a red flag.
I was thinking that there could have been a purchase from an internet site, something along the lines of CHLOROFORM perhaps? CA sure was insistant that there was nothing on there so why didnt she want to just produce the bloody things to prove that? People with nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Something incriminating is on the statements. Can't wait to find out what it is.

I agree! :)
LE would need to run a credit report to get a full listing of the credit cards. The report will state whatever charge accounts there are.
IMO, this is the only way LE would know ALL of the charge cards that exist. I say run the credit report, get the listing of all charge cards, then get a warrant from the judge to get full disclosure of those accounts. And I mean gas cards too.
If Cindy wants to be stubborn, let her be stubborn because this is classed a homicide investigation and involving a small child who went missing just before her 3rd birthday and no stone should be left unturned. Evidence in the trunk points toward Caylee no longer being alive. If Cindy loves little Caylee, she should be very willing to do anything she can to assist LE.

LE has probably done this, IMO.
This is another example of what has irritated me the most about this case: how the players seem to pick and choose what they tell/give LE and wind up wasting alot of unnecessary time and resources. Again, no one can predict how they would respond if they were faced with this situation, but I think I can say that if my child/grandchild were missing, regardless of who was thought to be a person of interest, I would give LE anything they wanted, the first time they asked. OMG, I just wanted to reach thru the video and shake CA and scream "Wake up! What is the matter with you?" And they honestly wonder why the community has turned against them.

so true! nicely put.

I would bet there is not one damn incriminating piece of anything (against Casey) in those statements!!!

Cindy wants to do it her way only. If it is not her suggestion or way of doing it, then "screw it". Cindy Gotta have that CONTROL. nothing to hide at all.

maybe also LE didnt kiss her a$$ every damn day and it hurt her fellings so she is going to make them work harder.

probably a combination of both
But we know that Casey was using them...wouldn't that help in tracing her steps as far as dates were concerned? It would also be relevant to know what was purchased from LE's point of view. Cindy in her interview basically told LE that there was nothing there...not for her to decide IMO. Casey did use the JCP card and said that Lee would be handing those bills over (this was the beginning of August). Receipts could belong to anyone. I think it holds more weight to get the actual bill from the cc company...but not sure.

Fer Sure, Fer sure. Credit card statements are better. The statements can show a pattern of travel, what a person did on a specific day, where they bought an item, the price. Any credits or returns, which in itself can also tell a story of activity.
You subpeona records or people to be brought to a court. I think they would have to get a search warrant with probable cause that CA (or the holder of the card) committed a crime. LE may not have enough probable cause that CA committed some crime to get a magistrate or judge to sign a search warrant for her credit card statements.

That warrant to request the subpeona for the credit card statements would have to be written very specific. LE can't have anything it wants when it appears it's just for a fishing expedition. But, writting warrants is what LE does all the time. Regardless of whether Cindy turned over the statements or not, LE would still go to the credit card companies for the records. More official.
No reason to even wonder how KC learned the art of yanking LE around. Seems CA taught her early on. None of this makes sense. The A's have a missing tiny defenseless grand child. While it may be hard to provide info to LE, that may damn their precious KC, it's also very important to the case on finding Caylee. Sheessssssshhhhh you would think, they don't want Caylee found. Makes no sense to me for them not to fully cooperate. Including taking lie detector tests. The smallest thing can make the biggest difference. Hmmmmmmmmmm, this is exactly why the public questions the A's conduct. Hello A's Caylee is still missing. :furious:
It was obvious that Cindy was very nervous about those credit card statements. Something very telling about that as far as I am concerned...

Some what off topic but still related to this interview with CA, is the indifferent way she reacted when LE was busting out all of KC's lies. It was like k, k, k, k, k, no real emotion, amazing and telling.
Just a thought (and I HAVE NOT READ the other 3 pages since this post...someone may have already said this... BUT using someone else's credit card is a felony REGARDLESS of if the "victim" wants to press charges or not. It's identity theft. The state could prosecute if they chose to with/without CA's "consent". But what I wondered was why LE didn't just subpoena them (actually, I'm pretty sure that they have subpoenaed them since that interview - wasn't it back in Aug?). Anyway, sorry again if this was addressed between pg 1 and 4 of this thread, but I just had this thought...
It's just a guess but perhaps they aren't releasing them because Cindy isn't pressing charges. If there is no "victim" in the credit card usage, there is no crime, and therefore no reason for them to release them.
Hello My First time posting,

Tonight while watching NG there was something said about CA/KC refused to release the credit card records only the reciepts, Sorry if this thread is elsewhere, I looked and couldn't find anything.Was just wondering why they won't release their credit card records? apparently there's something to hide

Seems like LE could subpeona them?
I'm not so sure that LE has gotten the cc statements yet. I know if consent isn't given, then LE has to get a search warrant or some sort of court order - to get that they would have to have probable cause of a crime. I can't say for sure that I think they'd get probable cause on CA or GA. I know having worked with LE that getting a magistrate or judge to give you a s.w. isn't always as easy as people think it is. Sure, they'd have plenty of probable cause to get anything KC would have in her own name, but something in someone else's name... I'm not sure they'd get a s.w. easily.
You are partially that in order to obtain a search warrant for anyone's property, EVEN the suspect, you (the State) has to show probable cause...but in this case..I think the only probable cause they would need to show the Judge is..."Your Honor...this is in the Casey A case, and..." and right then and'd have your warrant. (Okay, I'm being flip, but the point is, in this case probable cause has been more than established for basically all realms of search for anything Casey touched/used/drove/looked at....don't ya think?)
It's just a guess but perhaps they aren't releasing them because Cindy isn't pressing charges. If there is no "victim" in the credit card usage, there is no crime, and therefore no reason for them to release them.

But, those records are still important to the case. At what point were no baby products purchased, for instance?

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