Crime Scene Investigators return to Anthony Home with Search Warrant #2

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Just want to clarify.

Fox Orlando reporter Pagues was reporting from the memorial, where people were gathered in the darkness with candles and memorial gifts, cards, toys, etc.

Reporter said he spoke to A's Atty tonight and was told this. Atty was not interviewed on camera.

Okay, don't want to stray too OT.:blowkiss: in case I am wandering off. I'm :sleep:

Oh go ahead and stray... hehe.

But seriously, if the reporter is correct and the attorney had the answer at the tip of his tongue that means it had been discussed. So I'm still pizzed. :blowkiss:
LE & Prosecution would do anything to prevent Baez from having access to insider info.

By now, there is probably a bill pending in the legislature to make it a felony to give Baez insider info , with emergency bill attached.:gavel:

He was looking a bit paranoid tonight on Geraldo, I thought. LOL
I personally need more context to taking it down. This evening? In a week? What is the public consensus so they know when it is not too soon and when it has crossed some time line that becomes "they leave the memorial to rot in the road like they did their granddaughter?".

I would snap under this kind of scrutiny, tragedy or no tragedy, having my every movement and word analyzed and judged by people who don't know me would be too much for me to handle.

On the 11pm wesh Orlando news, just reporting:

"Skip Davis", a free-lance producer working for the Anthony's was interviewed at the memorial.

He stated he will be removing it, I believe tomorrow.

This cause a heated exchange between mourners and the man, Skip Davis, who said he was going to remove it, on behalf of the family.

Part of the heated exchange was also captured on camera and aired about 2 minutes ago.

What I originally posted on the matter was reported by Patrick Pagues, of Fox Orlando on the 10pm news. No one was interviewed in that segment as it was info passed on by the reporter.

I hope this is sufficient context. It's really all I have at this point.:blowkiss:

My opinion is that at a point in time when mourners are still leaving items at the memorial, it is premature to take it down.
Oh go ahead and stray... hehe.

But seriously, if the reporter is correct and the attorney had the answer at the tip of his tongue that means it had been discussed. So I'm still pizzed. :blowkiss:

The guy the Anthony's are having take it down was just interviewed. :rolleyes:
It was a spot on the 10pm Fox Orlando news. Since it concerned the crime scene, I reposted it here.

Thanks for your response as I felt unsettled about it.

I was terribly offended, even though the A's Atty said it would go to needy, to others who could use the stuff.

It disturbed me greatly.
I feel the same way. It is one thing when they trash the one on their own property, but to touch a memorial evidently being allowed by a private party is wrong on so many levels. This is for Caylee and they have no right to it. I think OCSO should issue a citation if they touch it for any reason. It is NOT their property nor is it meant for them. They had their chance to have a memorial for Caylee...they sent it to the trash. The hell with 'em! I am furious!! :furious:

Yuri~ Go stop 'em! Tell them to get the hell away from it and stay away! How DARE they!!! These people are sooooo out of line constantly! They do not understand boundaries of any sort!
On the 11pm wesh Orlando news, just reporting:

"Skip Davis", a free-lance producer working for the Anthony's was interviewed at the memorial.

He stated he will be removing it, I believe tomorrow.

This cause a heated exchange between mourners and the man, Skip Davis, who said he was going to remove it, on behalf of the family.

Part of the heated exchange was also captured on camera and aired about 2 minutes ago.

What I originally posted on the matter was reported by Patrick Pagues, of Fox Orlando on the 10pm news. No one was interviewed in that segment as it was info passed on by the reporter.

I hope this is sufficient context. It's really all I have at this point.:blowkiss:

My opinion is that at a point in time when mourners are still leaving items at the memorial, it is premature to take it down.

Thank you! I agree that is completely premature to be removing. A free lance producer? What the hell does a free lance producer do for a crime victims family? Been part of a crime victims family, we didn't have a free lance producer?
Oh, really?! I have watched this woman since Day 31 and have not missed a single moment of her rants, antics, and lies. She isn't some grandmotherly saint who would do anything for her grandchild, but she is the person who did leave her little body rotting in the field behind her house in order to pretend she was alive to try and save her own daughter's neck. She turned her back on Caylee from the moment she went missing and never looked behind her while collecting funds, flying around the country, and riding in limos to make tv appearances which never once were truly about finding Caylee or finding out what happened to her.

The statement is pretty accurate as to what Cindy would do given half a chance no matter if it is fair or right. Cindy doesn't care what is right. Lying isn't illegal in her book either. So to believe that Cindy would allow someone else to fry in the electric chair to save Casey is no stretch at all. She would do it in a heartbeat without blinking an eye, imo. GRRRRR!

Right on!
The guy the Anthony's are having take it down was just interviewed. :rolleyes:

I see big problems and heated passions when/if this happens. It's going to be a huge deal. A big blow out. The A's are instigating again. Well, we'll see...

Thanks for your great reporting!
The timing is bizarre to even make such an announcement. All they're going through and they have their attorney already talking about removing a little makeshift memorial in the woods? What's wrong with these people? They're completely inappropriate.

ITA! Wouldn't it be wonderful if the owner of this Private Property that the crime scene is on refused to allow the removal of the memorial? At least for a while. That would be just perfect! It IS on his property, after all, so he could prevent the A's from coming there and destroying the memorial. Wish I knew who he/she was!
Oh, really?! I have watched this woman since Day 31 and have not missed a single moment of her rants, antics, and lies. She isn't some grandmotherly saint who would do anything for her grandchild, but she is the person who did leave her little body rotting in the field behind her house in order to pretend she was alive to try and save her own daughter's neck. She turned her back on Caylee from the moment she went missing and never looked behind her while collecting funds, flying around the country, and riding in limos to make tv appearances which never once were truly about finding Caylee or finding out what happened to her.

The statement is pretty accurate as to what Cindy would do given half a chance no matter if it is fair or right. Cindy doesn't care what is right. Lying isn't illegal in her book either. So to believe that Cindy would allow someone else to fry in the electric chair to save Casey is no stretch at all. She would do it in a heartbeat without blinking an eye, imo. GRRRRR!

I Agree 100% ! As I said earlier, CA's actions speak volumes.
I personally need more context to taking it down. This evening? In a week? What is the public consensus so they know when it is not too soon and when it has crossed some time line that becomes "they leave the memorial to rot in the road like they did their granddaughter?".

I would snap under this kind of scrutiny, tragedy or no tragedy, having my every movement and word analyzed and judged by people who don't know me would be too much for me to handle.

Then take heart, Redhead--CA doesn't give a darn what anyone else thinks, so it won't worry her one spec. That's kind of a gift; my mother had it. Made me crazy but that didn't bother her either. LOL. I miss her.
Thank you. I was seriously considering cutting my own wrists as people seem so stupid where the Anthony's ( Cindy) are concerned. I also think she isn't that concerned about Casey not KC. But, rather her own self interests. This thing with initials vs. real names is trying to protect the perps. Use the real names and not the cute internet names when there is a murderer in the fold.

Well Im not stupid but thanks anyway

In regards to the thing with initials its not trying to protect anyone - typing out Cindy Anthony or anyone elses full names that we can do so, is a waste of time and energy when you can use CA or GA

Ive always used Casey though to differentiate from CA Cindy
And Ive always used Caylee and cant stand people writing Klee - !
The guy the Anthony's are having take it down was just interviewed. :rolleyes:

Curious about something, and anyone can answer. How long would anyone have expected for them to have those "memorials" left there? If they wanted to keep them, what happens when it rains?

This just alludes to my prior post - my bet is that this gentleman will preserve the written materials and will donate the other material objects to charity. It's their grandchild: if that's what they wish to do, IMO, I can understand it.
Jose Baez just said this about the CSI search warrant

"Know that they're punched in the stomach they're kicking them while they're down"

Could we please buy this guy an updated book on "Overused platitudes."
A good friend of mine told me this happens - and there are firms out there that handle it. While they will collect and keep the cards and written notes, some families do decide to donate the keepsakes (in this case the toys) to charity. In fact, if the family attorney contracts with a firm to do it, they will also handle the written materials as though to preserve them: laminate, categorize, scrapbook, etc.

makes sense, but i guess i should have said; why make that announcement now? what good is it going to do other than piss people off...caylee hasn't even been officially dead for 48hrs and they're already talking about removing the memorial?
sorry, that would be the last thing on my mind right now.
Shame on the Anthony's for wanting to tear down a memorial for their baby grandaughter. I don't get it.

Why couldn't they just say something like:

"The Anthony Family appreciates all those coming to the memorial and leaving gifts. Since so many of you have been kind enough to leave these little treasures, we would like to collect them on (enter date) to distribute to other small, needy children in our community in honor of our sweet little angel Caylee in time for the Chrismas holiday. Thank you"

Then, maybe we wouldn't be so pissed or offended. Like the one poster said, who wants to see a rotting memorial? (once severe weather hits it)

I would at least give them that. Poor Caylee.....may she rest in everlasting peace.....
A good friend of mine told me this happens - and there are firms out there that handle it. While they will collect and keep the cards and written notes, some families do decide to donate the keepsakes (in this case the toys) to charity. In fact, if the family attorney contracts with a firm to do it, they will also handle the written materials as though to preserve them: laminate, categorize, scrapbook, etc.

I think they should leave it up a little while, after some time though I think it should come down as things start to look cruddy. Everytime I'm on the road and see someone's crusty old fake flower memorial or dirty stuffed animal stuck to a tree or telephone pole it really discusts me to think that someone cared enough one day to put it up, but as time went on forgot to go back and either take it down or replace it with something new. This service sound nice as they can preserve some items for the family so they can look back and remember.
Curious about something, and anyone can answer. How long would anyone have expected for them to have those "memorials" left there? If they wanted to keep them, what happens when it rains?

This just alludes to my prior post - my bet is that this gentleman will preserve the written materials and will donate the other material objects to charity. It's their grandchild: if that's what they wish to do, IMO, I can understand it.

I really want to believe in my heart of hearts that this gentleman is just misspoken. Tomorrow is too soon. The public needs time for a little bit of closure first. And when it is taken down it should be done with a press conference thanking everyone that has helped and an announcement of where the permanent memorial marker will be. How can no one over there have any public relation skills? None? I thought the new attorney had this dialed in a bit....
I think they should leave it up a little while, after some time though I think it should come down as things start to look cruddy. Everytime I'm on the road and see someone's crusty old fake flower memorial or dirty stuffed animal stuck to a tree or telephone pole it really discusts me to think that someone cared enough one day to put it up, but as time went on forgot to go back and either take it down or replace it with something new. This service sound nice as they can preserve some items for the family so they can look back and remember.

And someday, they will want to remember. That's why I don't think this is all so very awful. By preserving the written portion of the memorials, they are preserving the memory of all the people who cared about Caylee.
Thank you. I was seriously considering cutting my own wrists as people seem so stupid where the Anthony's ( Cindy) are concerned. I also think she isn't that concerned about Casey not KC. But, rather her own self interests. This thing with initials vs. real names is trying to protect the perps. Use the real names and not the cute internet names when there is a murderer in the fold.

We respect that Tricia the owner of w/s...she has asked us to NOT use full names both first and last together....those are the rules....that is why we use initials.....if we used CA and CA...people then would really get confused! That is why I use....KC and CA......I can see how it could get a bit confusing.....but after awhile you catch on....:)
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