Crime scene photos #2

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I honestly think that Casey thought she would never get caught - the body was in a makeshift pet cemetery - so, someone would look in that area, maybe see the bag, thinking it as a dog or pet of some kind

Foul odor there, pets buried - so my guess is that she really didn't think anyone would check in that area and if they did it would be dismissed - kids playing a prank, dead animal, etc.
OH my GOD, this is the first I am reading this, so It seems that it was a very calculated move, she put the baby in the trunk until she can figure out where is the least likely place that she would be found.
Well a pet cemetery would have bones if ever found and could be dismissed being it is a small body to having been somebody's pet.
OH MY GOD :furious:
That video is quite interesting. They really do seem to be "sensing" something in that area. It would be interesting to see other videos of theirs. I wonder if they "sensed" similarly in other areas as well???

On a different note - regarding the pesticide sprayer...Is it possible that LE found evidence of something chemical that is more "recent" than the remains find? Evidence that the remains/the bag had been sprayed at a later date? Just thinking out loud regarding the rush to pick up those sprayers???


Panther, I believe the trunk was cleaned with pesticides, which lowers the scent of decomp, per Wendy Murphy. And when I did a search on pesticide I learned that some contain chloroform...

That may account for the high levels in the trunk.

As for Caseys search on the computer for chloroform? Well, Casey loved CSI, and I don't doubt she played with the idea in her mind...but she also searched "neck breaking" and there were no signs of that, from my understanding.

I'm curious to see if it was pesticide, or pool chlorine...mixed with the decomp.
I am not one who puts much into the psychic angle, but I did find it interesting they were pretty close. In the following image, the body was found approximately where the red arrow is located. Timing the video and using landmarks, I place the psychic just above the "78.13" on the map - right before the lamp post visible as the road bends.


Here is a zoomed-out view. Again, the arrow indicates where the body was found. The trio in the psychic car stopped where the "R" in "DR" is located. The TES search largely took place in the wooded area in the image center.

That video was fascinating. I want to know if anyone saw a grey bag by the side of the road? If this meter reader saw this bag by the road on the same day, why didn't the physic see it? I heard one of the ladies say that further back in the woods there was water, but this bag was obviously close enough for the meter reader to see it. I am confused.

good work but I think they are on the other side. Very close to the site, but not on the site (I can be mistaken). Fascinating video.
I am not one who puts much into the psychic angle, but I did find it interesting they were pretty close. In the following image, the body was found approximately where the red arrow is located. Timing the video and using landmarks, I place the psychic just above the "78.13" on the map - right before the lamp post visible as the road bends.


Here is a zoomed-out view. Again, the arrow indicates where the body was found. The trio in the psychic car stopped where the "R" in "DR" is located. The TES search largely took place in the wooded area in the image center.


GREAT JOB, now these images explain what I am saying in the post just above this one. This image image is how I too see it.
Thanks for a great job.
I am not one who puts much into the psychic angle, but I did find it interesting they were pretty close. In the following image, the body was found approximately where the red arrow is located. Timing the video and using landmarks, I place the psychic just above the "78.13" on the map - right before the lamp post visible as the road bends.


Here is a zoomed-out view. Again, the arrow indicates where the body was found. The trio in the psychic car stopped where the "R" in "DR" is located. The TES search largely took place in the wooded area in the image center.


I thought this was pretty interesting too they were that close.Thank you for the links.But it was the lady that got out with the dog who said I feel something here?The blonder haired lady right?What was her name?
I thought this was pretty interesting too they were that close.Thank you for the links.But it was the lady that got out with the dog who said I feel something here?The blonder haired lady right?What was her name?

JWG - Thanks so much for these aerial views. They really help to clarify discussion. Just one question, wasn't the body found further into the woods than the read arrow??? I was under the impression that it was more than 30 feet in from the road???
wow hind sight really is 20/20. They were really looking for a needle in a haystack. To me, I know they missed Caylee, but she was found. She could have never been found. Gods hand was in this, it was just in His timing.

I agree with you as well..I also am choosing to believe that little Caylee said enough with the I am---prove them that I am a child of God----stop the LIES NOW......

(hope this makes some sort of sense--between the winds, snow and insomnia......)

Thank you very much.Is she the one who said I feel something here?Do you know her last name?Thankyou every one for showing photo's of the crime scene area.It shows better where she was found.
JWG - Thanks so much for these aerial views. They really help to clarify discussion. Just one question, wasn't the body found further into the woods than the read arrow??? I was under the impression that it was more than 30 feet in from the road???

From the various news videos I have seen it looks like the bag was just a few feet into the woods. About the distance KC could throw it from the edge of the woods. How far is the street from the edge of the woods? 15 to 20 feet maybe. I could have probably put the arrow a little further in, but my understanding is that everyone that has seen the location has been surprised at how close to the road she was.
From the various news videos I have seen it looks like the bag was just a few feet into the woods. About the distance KC could throw it from the edge of the woods. How far is the street from the edge of the woods? 15 to 20 feet maybe. I could have probably put the arrow a little further in, but my understanding is that everyone that has seen the location has been surprised at how close to the road she was.
Wow. Thanks for answering. I hadn't understood this and was still working with the assumption that she had been left between 30 - 60 ft from the edge of the woods!
I was going through the video frame by frame and noticed something on the side of the road, right in front of the crime scene. Let me know what you guys think.


I wonder it this is the "grey" bag that the MR called in on the 11th?
I am not one who puts much into the psychic angle, but I did find it interesting they were pretty close. In the following image, the body was found approximately where the red arrow is located. Timing the video and using landmarks, I place the psychic just above the "78.13" on the map - right before the lamp post visible as the road bends.


Here is a zoomed-out view. Again, the arrow indicates where the body was found. The trio in the psychic car stopped where the "R" in "DR" is located. The TES search largely took place in the wooded area in the image center.


:eek: Wow! Thank you so much for posting these images and calculating where they were compared to where Caylee was found.

The video is very interesting. They did sense something. That dog wanted out of the car on that street. They were so close.
From the various news videos I have seen it looks like the bag was just a few feet into the woods. About the distance KC could throw it from the edge of the woods. How far is the street from the edge of the woods? 15 to 20 feet maybe. I could have probably put the arrow a little further in, but my understanding is that everyone that has seen the location has been surprised at how close to the road she was.

It's quite possible that the bag was originally placed further in, and even buried in some fashion, but that the flood waters dislodged and moved it so that it eventually came to settle where it was located.
I just put this on the Geraldo thread but maybe this is more appropriate.
I was going through the video frame by frame and noticed something on the side of the road, right in front of the crime scene. Let me know what you guys think.


I wonder it this is the "grey" bag that the MR called in on the 11th?

On Friday's show Nancy Grace reported that the bag that the meter man reported on Aug 13th is the same bag that held the remains.

I don't know if there is any truth to it but thats what she reported.

I think thats whats causeing all the confusion.

How could the bag have been under water on Aug13 if the Meter man reported it?
We don't know if it is a book or if it is THE book. It is speculation at this point. LE knows - and hopefully will tell us soon!

I agree that the "phone call" with Caylee that she reports she had on July 15 is very damning...even without the book. If they can prove that baby died in could she have called Casey in July? Of course we know she didn't - the phone records don't support it either. Casey would have to explain why she lied.

Yep -KC thought she had it all figured out. In that last supposed phone call with Caylee on 6/15, KC says all Caylee would talk about was her book and her shoes. I guess she thought all would believe that the nanny kidnapper killed Caylee and dumped her with the book. It will be very interesting to see if any little shoes were found around the crime scene area.
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