Crime scene staging?

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Originally Posted by Brefie
The parents call to 911 tells me they knew a kidnapper was not going behead JBR.

The parents call to 911 tells you the parents called 911.

Really? Because earlier you stated:
"The parents' call to 911 should tell you they weren't going to bow down to extortion, reward kidnappers, or deal with the kidnappers by themselves."

So I think I will afford my self the same option of commenting. Thanks all the same.

Originally Posted by Brefie
So you get a ranson note threatening to do all kinds of awful things to your baby and your reaction is to be righteous and not bow down? LMAO

Uh, yeah.

Uh, yeah, sure. Whatever. LOL

Originally Posted by Brefie
Pretty sure you don't wake up to find your daughter missing, find a ransom note and think, "I'll show THEM!"

No, but I'll call 911 for sure.

As would anyone else with half a brain. The point was that the parents of this 'missing' child don't seem to care that they are supposedly being watched and the parade outside will cause their daughter to be killed.

P.S. You contradicted yourself.
Holdontoyourhat said:
Its possible you have a responsibility to your kidnapped child to call the police. The kidnapper could be deranged. Suppose something bad happens to your child while in the hands of a deranged person, and you didn't call the police?

Suppose the kidnapper is local, and the anticipated phone call comes. The police are then able to trace it to help find your child.

Suppose the phone call doesn't come, but the police acting on your description spot them.

There's way more reasons for the R's to call the police than handle it themselves. You're not questioning the R's decision to call the police. You're questioning JR's response.

Whatever happens after the 911 call is actually a joint R-BPD issue. IOW you have to ask BPD why they weren't concerned about the driveway or the street either.

I absolutely think that everyone/anyone should call 911 in a situation like the Ramsey's were in.

What I'm saying is that they behaved in a way that shows they knew their daughter wasn't kidnapped and that they weren't being watched.

I don't need to ask BPD why they weren't concerned about the driveway - I'd like to know why the RAMSEY'S knew they weren't being watched.

And I also don't think that everything that happened after that was a joint R-BPD decision (not that it matters).

Did the Ramsey's ever ask to have a tap put on their phone? Did they ask for the police cars to be removed? Did they ask the police about fingerprinting Jonbenet's room...the note....the doors, etc?

Of course not. Patsy wrote the note. John intuited that from the beginning. You know the speech patterns of your partner.

They knew they weren't being watched....and that there would be no call for the ransom. They knew there were no kidnappers.
wenchie said:
I absolutely think that everyone/anyone should call 911 in a situation like the Ramsey's were in.

What I'm saying is that they behaved in a way that shows they knew their daughter wasn't kidnapped and that they weren't being watched.

I don't need to ask BPD why they weren't concerned about the driveway - I'd like to know why the RAMSEY'S knew they weren't being watched.

And I also don't think that everything that happened after that was a joint R-BPD decision (not that it matters).

Did the Ramsey's ever ask to have a tap put on their phone? Did they ask for the police cars to be removed? Did they ask the police about fingerprinting Jonbenet's room...the note....the doors, etc?

Of course not. Patsy wrote the note. John intuited that from the beginning. You know the speech patterns of your partner.

They knew they weren't being watched....and that there would be no call for the ransom. They knew there were no kidnappers.
How do you know they didn't ask any questions? Were you there? PR didn't write the note. John didn't intuit it. They aren't PR's speech patterns. They didn't know they weren't being watched. They didn't know there would be no call. They didn't know there were no kidnappers.
Holdontoyourhat said:
How do you know they didn't ask any questions? Were you there? PR didn't write the note. John didn't intuit it. They aren't PR's speech patterns. They didn't know they weren't being watched. They didn't know there would be no call. They didn't know there were no kidnappers.

Back atcha -how do you know all this??
Holdontoyourhat said:
How do you know they didn't ask any questions? Were you there? PR didn't write the note. John didn't intuit it. They aren't PR's speech patterns. They didn't know they weren't being watched. They didn't know there would be no call. They didn't know there were no kidnappers.

I've read several books on the case - including the one written by the Ramseys. I've read Linda Arndt's statements and interviews.

It's been a correct my memory if I'm wrong:

Did the Ramseys act as if the house was being watched? Did they anxiously await that phone call? Did they ask LE to move their cars or put a tap on their phone?

Now: can you tell me how you know those aren't PR's speech patterns? You must know her. I've listened to her talk and seen some of her other writings - and that note sure sounds like her "style" to me.
wenchie said:
I've read several books on the case - including the one written by the Ramseys. I've read Linda Arndt's statements and interviews.

It's been a correct my memory if I'm wrong:

Did the Ramseys act as if the house was being watched? Did they anxiously await that phone call? Did they ask LE to move their cars or put a tap on their phone?

Now: can you tell me how you know those aren't PR's speech patterns? You must know her. I've listened to her talk and seen some of her other writings - and that note sure sounds like her "style" to me.
How did the Ramsey's act? I dunno, I wasn't there. How do I know it wasn't PR's speech patterns?

Just for a moment, take away the RN, fat cats, SBTC, the ligature, the pineapple, the dictionary, the basement, the R's mixed reactions, the strangulation, and headbash. What are you left with?

A sexually assaulted and murdered 6 year old girl. This is the core evidence, really. Its what the perp did. Its what the perp got away with. Its what the perp would be charged with.

So, what type of perp sexually assaults and murders 6 year old girls? It seems its always a psycho male acting alone, and the murder seems to be to prevent the victim from becoming a witness.

This is a good argument for a male perp, because its based on core evidence.
Holdontoyourhat said:
This is a good argument for a male perp, because its based on core evidence.

Logically, the abuse the night of her murder was with a foreign object so prior abuse was also probably foreign objects that could be in the hands of a male or female . Either sex is capable of forcefully creating the skull fracture on a six year old. I dont think we can rule out the female gender.
Brefie said:
The parents call to 911 tells me they knew a kidnapper was not going behead JBR.

So you get a ranson note threatening to do all kinds of awful things to your baby and your reaction is to be righteous and not bow down? LMAO

Pretty sure you don't wake up to find your daughter missing, find a ransom note and think, "I'll show THEM!"
What should they have done instead of calling the police?

What actions would be less suspicious?

Searching the house themselves and finding the body and then calling the police?

I don't understand what it is they should of done instead.

I can't believe they would be thinking of anything except their daughter and getting help while being increasingly paniced and overwhelmed.
Zman said:
What should they have done instead of calling the police?

What actions would be less suspicious?

Searching the house themselves and finding the body and then calling the police?

I don't understand what it is they should of done instead.

I can't believe they would be thinking of anything except their daughter and getting help while being increasingly paniced and overwhelmed.

Actually, it's not the fact that they called 911 - who wouldn't? I sure as would. The point is that PR neglected to inform them about the threat in the note that she would be beheaded if they talked to a stray dog - but on she prattles about blonde hair.
Brefie said:
Actually, it's not the fact that they called 911 - who wouldn't? I sure as would. The point is that PR neglected to inform them about the threat in the note that she would be beheaded if they talked to a stray dog - but on she prattles about blonde hair.
I don't remember her saying anything about hair on the 911 call.
PR said she didn't read the whole note.
If she said anything about details of the note during the call then we'd all be calling her a liar.

Also it may be to much to ask but I would think the police would know how to handle such matters and would not have to be instructed on how to respond to a kidnapping call by panic stricken parents.

Well except in Boulder I guess.
Zman said:
I don't remember her saying anything about hair on the 911 call.
PR said she didn't read the whole note.
If she said anything about details of the note during the call then we'd all be calling her a liar.

Also it may be to much to ask but I would think the police would know how to handle such matters and would not have to be instructed on how to respond to a kidnapping call by panic stricken parents.

Well except in Boulder I guess.

PR: (inaudible) police.
911: (inaudible)
PR: 755 Fifteenth Street
911: What is going on there ma’am?
PR: We have a kidnapping...Hurry, please
911: Explain to me what is going on, ok?
PR: We have a ...There’s a note left and our daughter is gone
911: A note was left and your daughter is gone?
PR: Yes.
911: How old is you daughter?
PR: She is six years old she is blond...six years old
Brefie said:
PR: (inaudible) police.
911: (inaudible)
PR: 755 Fifteenth Street
911: What is going on there ma’am?
PR: We have a kidnapping...Hurry, please
911: Explain to me what is going on, ok?
PR: We have a ...There’s a note left and our daughter is gone
911: A note was left and your daughter is gone?
PR: Yes.
911: How old is you daughter?
PR: She is six years old she is blond...six years old
Sorry I should have looked up the word "prattle" first. Thought you were trying to say PR went on a ramble about hair somewhere.

Although I'll admit it is strange that PR would add the color of JBR's hair to this question by the 911 dispatcher. However PR is also paniced and out of her mind with worry.

Stranger to me is when later in the call the dispatcher ask's PR if anyone signed the note. Did the dispatcher think she would know the kidnapper?
Zman said:
Sorry I should have looked up the word "prattle" first. Thought you were trying to say PR went on a ramble about hair somewhere.

Although I'll admit it is strange that PR would add the color of JBR's hair to this question by the 911 dispatcher. However PR is also paniced and out of her mind with worry.
Not so strange an obsession with her being blonde, when you realize that it was PR who had JB's hair dyed blonde. Blonde was not JB's natural hair color, she was a brunette...
LinasK said:
Not so strange an obsession with her being blonde, when you realize that it was PR who had JB's hair dyed blonde. Blonde was not JB's natural hair color, she was a brunette...

YES! Which I find totally disgusting!

You know, mentioning her hair color would not have even registered for me AT ALL if she had also included some other descriptions of JonBenet.
Holdontoyourhat said:
You're right. Many people would do many different things to protect their family from 'deeper dispair'. No argument there.

Wondering who, though, is going to tighten a ligature around their own daughter's neck so tight as to leave a 'deep furrow'? Isn't that going a bit overboard on the staging thing?

Whoever did that must have really wanted to stage a vicious murder, because it sure looks like a vicious, evil murder, and the RN sure reads like it was written by a vicious, evil person.

In my opinion, sometimes a banana is just a banana. This was a vicious murder, exactly as displayed.

Do you think they would have done that if their only son had accidentally or in a fit of rage killed his sister?
Nehemiah said:
Do you think they would have done that if their only son had accidentally or in a fit of rage killed his sister?
I know you didn't ask me but you brought up a point that throws a wrench in some theories for me.
If the son had accidently killed his sister I cannot see any parent putting anything in their dead childs vagina to throw off police.
But JonBenet seems to have died from the garrote and the skull fraction came immediately after.
So I think she was garroted and sexually assaulted and slammed into something or whatever to cause the skull fracture.
Any crime scene staging would be more like placing the body in a different area than her death or wiping her down to clean her up. Not so much staging but hiding evidence.
LinasK said:
Not so strange an obsession with her being blonde, when you realize that it was PR who had JB's hair dyed blonde. Blonde was not JB's natural hair color, she was a brunette...

Where doe this nonsense come from? Burke's coloring was more like Patsy's...JBR's more like her father's. There may have been some highlighting....a lot different than a complete bleached dye job.
QUOTE>>If the son had accidently killed his sister I cannot see any parent putting anything in their dead childs vagina to throw off police<<

It seems extreme doesn't it??
It's the one thing that sometimes raises a tiny bit of doubt in my mind that the Ramsey's didn't have anything to do with their daughter's death. I cannot fathom a parent doing that, but then again I cannot fathom alot of what goes on in our world.
Clearly in their own warped way the Ramsey's loved JonBenet.
However, if it was indeed a tragic accident and the Ramsey's in their panic, decided to cover it up......that is the one thing that deflects away from the parents in a big way....what parent would do that to their own child?? Certainly not someone like the Ramsey's who were multi millionaires and good , honest god fearing folk.....
Maikai said:
Where doe this nonsense come from? Burke's coloring was more like Patsy's...JBR's more like her father's. There may have been some highlighting....a lot different than a complete bleached dye job.
I've seen pictures of her at age 4, in those pictures she was a brunette, so which is it, did Patsy dye JB's hair then to be a brunette, or at age 6 to be a blonde??? I believe the latter, especially since JB needed to have perfect pageant hair.

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