Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #7

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It's absolutely motive imo.

I really wish this sort of thing would stop. It is detrimental to the case and only goes to a bias that has never been proven by evidence, LE, or even simple logic. I think there's enough on this young mother's plate already. We get it. You don't like her and you think horrible things about her. But for the love of all that's holy, can't it just take a darn rest once in awhile?
I really wish this sort of thing would stop. It is detrimental to the case and only goes to a bias that has never been proven by evidence, LE, or even simple logic. I think there's enough on this young mother's plate already. We get it. You don't like her and you think horrible things about her. But for the love of all that's holy, can't it just take a darn rest once in awhile?

ITA - the one line (or less) bashlings are really getting tiresome.
Lonetraveler has explained and refuted the claim. There was no motive to take Haleigh to save Crystal. She would owe the money we have seen and as she has paid.
Lonetraveler has explained and refuted the claim. There was no motive to take Haleigh to save Crystal. She would owe the money we have seen and as she has paid.

I have suggested Crystal had motive and have shown that her actions after HaLeighs abduction can support that motive that was developed months in advance. The investigation has revealed that their is strong indications that HaLeigh is still alive and can be found and returned home. Please help me see what motive anyone else would have to keep HaLeigh alive and hidden and bare in mind the Fact that LE says this is not a stranger abduction and they are not looking for a RSO in the area and have given no Press release to suggest a danger is present in Satsuma by a child preditor. That does leave it at a few individuals feet; Ron,Mist, and Crystal ( Even though Le has stated the are satisfied with Ron's alibi and they do not consider Misty a suspect.)and will assume one of these three have had help by their family. All are saying "I didn't do it", but, one is lying. Who does the public believe?
The three of them have their problems ,but, setting those faults aside I still have to ask who do I believe. I am hesitant to believe Crystal because of her past infraction with LE with falsly charging someone for stealing her car. Her false abuse aligations against Ron that where found unfounded by DCF is another example of this behavior. (Falsly accusing).The incident involve Jr. on Geraldo and the information released after the fact was and is still questionable as to her motive to corrupt her childs statement involving his sisters Abduction. The child support issues has been an argument that focuses on the: Why not both children taken? Crystal still will owe past due chilsupport and she will still owe support payment for Jr. Crystal would have a problem resurfacing HaLeigh without being charged. Has she reall been the hysterical griefing mother who does not know where her child is and if she is even still alive? Has Ron been an Hysterical grieving father who does not know where is little girl is or if she is alive. You ask us to look at a few incidents that have no bearing on where Haliegh is missing and then argue a point of his guilt when the trouble came looking for him and hearsay that accusses Ron of childish pranks that have had no charges filed.; of Peice of chit rating. Crystal is a young women that has made a mistake but I feel it was not only her brain child but Johhny and Connie. LE ties and out of town distant relations to the Sheffield $ Connie are a promising lead IMO
I have read your explanation.

If somebody else from Crystal's family stole Haleigh, are you suggesting a conspiracy?

This thought process does not compute with the fact that R&M stumbled all over their explanation of the scene of the crime.

Le never said they were satisfied with RC and his alibi is solid.....they said we are satisfied with eight hours of the time in question. There are eleven hours of the time in question. He has 8 of them covered. That leaves 3 unaccounted for.

If M&R were solid and the statements consistent, we may talk turkey.
I have read your explanation.

If somebody else from Crystal's family stole Haleigh, are you suggesting a conspiracy?

This thought process does not compute with the fact that R&M stumbled all over their explanation of the scene of the crime.

Le never said they were satisfied with RC and had an alibi.....they said we are satisfied with eight hours of the time in question. There are eleven hours of the time in question. He has 8 of them covered. That leaves 3 unaccounted for.

If M&R were solid and the statements consistent, we may talk turkey.

I respect your opinion ,but, definatly do not agree . My opinion is alot of the news sources in the begining where on the scene and gather as it happened interviews that have been proven to by filled with Misinformation.
Rons alibi is either satisfied with or not. the * work hours in question are as it was stated from the very beginig 4:30pm-3:00 am If it is something that would not give him a solid alibi such as this then why is Ron not behin bars. There would of been some evidence to suggest that Ron and or Misty sent HaLeigh away into hidding and a also sugest a motive.
bbm even if the child dies, disappears, taken by aliens, it doesn't stop the debt, or erase it. YOU STILL OWN THE MONEY! It is not motive, because it doesn't go away....
Hmmm...the last time I checked with Haleigh missing now...she doesn't have to pay for her anymore. Granted, some anonymous donor put up the money which she had no idea was going to happen...but until then she was going to be running up an even larger tab unless someone found a way to make it stop. It did stop. She will never have to pay a dime for Haleigh. (If her plan had worked to get Rj...she would not pay at all and Ronald would in turn be paying her.)

She should have gone to jail like other deadbeat parents, but she was given a pass because her daughter went missing. Many of the warrants I see issued in Putnum County are for people who are behind on their child support. Crystal owed one of the highest debts I have seen out of those parents listed with warrants out for their arrest.

It still sounds like a motive to me.
So Crystal took a chance and kidnapped her own child so she wouldn't go to jail for not paying her child support?

Kidnapping would require major time in jail/prison....that theory doesn't make sense for motive.
If you want to say that Crystal got off easy for somebody paying her support, we could also say RC benefited from it. Haleigh is not there for him to use all that money for. He also benefited by going on the Today Show with his wedding video (which they pay big money) RC seems to way ahead in the money game...if you want to talk money.

Haleigh is the one who should be benefiting, so far I have not seen any such thing. No P.I.'s hired by RC that we heard of...maybe he will pay for Equusearch...we will see..
So Crystal took a chance and kidnapped her own child so she wouldn't go to jail for not paying her child support?

Kidnapping would require major time in jail/prison....that theory doesn't make sense for motive.
Motive has nothing to do with failure. Bank robbers know they could be caught ,but, that does not deter them from being commited. Our prison systems are filled with motives that make no sense.
They have to prove it was her and they have to Find HaLeigh , by the way I thought that this forum was developed for that very thing to prove and find the truth.
Night all.
If you want to say that Crystal got off easy for somebody paying her support, we could also say RC benefited from it. Haleigh is not there for him to use all that money for. He also benefited by going on the Today Show with his wedding video (which they pay big money) RC seems to way ahead in the money game...if you want to talk money.

Haleigh is the one who should be benefiting, so far I have not seen any such thing. No P.I.'s hired by RC that we heard of...maybe he will pay for Equusearch...we will see..

It was court ordered. Spin it as ugly as it can be spun, but it still doesn't change the fact that Crystal chose to not pay that support for sometime. By the way can you explain how $4100.00 went to $12,000.00 and what would you think if you where the donor and the amount owed tripled?
Hey I saw that wrinkled shirt Ron *advertiser censored* to plea for his child and the Haleigh T-shirts that he sports around realy tells me he is raking it in and living at GGS must be hard with all that money.
All the benefits are after the fact, so she was psychic? She knew that if she kidnapped her child, that the arrears would not go away, but some one would pay them, she could sell bracelets and T-shirts to get money from a foundation a Layer would set up, one she hadn't met yet, but would come forward to set it up. Until you get an account of where that money went or how much it was, we can't say how it was or was not used. I don't think she sat around thinking of how to get donations after kidnapping her child. I don't think she had anything at all to do with Haleigh's disappearance. JMO

(bbm) Exactly! These are just some of the points I've raised from the outset of this forum. JMO

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Crystal appears to be very honest. She was sincere with the judge. She doesn't appear to have any meanness at all. I watched as she comforted RC the first day. She seems shy and a little awkward in front of others. With support and some assertiveness training, she will gather strength.
Crystal appears to be very honest.

Honesty is a word I would not associate with Crystal. May I remind you of her past of falsly accusing someone of stealing her car. The abuse alligations where also a lie, and she did know it was a lie and was unfounded by DCF. . The incident with Jr. and the "black man in black" came out of Crystal's mouth. Honesty is not one of Crystal's qualities IMO.She was sincere with the judge.
Sincerity with the judge? Where you there? Have you read all of the court documents? She had no exccuse reasonable enough for that judge to decide any different on custody of the children.
She doesn't appear to have any meanness at all.
Well IMO her meanness showed its ugly head within days of Haleigh's abduction with false aligations against Ron and Misty.
I watched as she comforted RC the first day.

So did I and I still have a problem that she was so composed under the circumstances. (take a look at Crystals face as TN speaks, tell me if she doesn't look a little irritaded with Tn comments aboutHaleighs daddy.
She seems shy and a little awkward in front of others. LOL Ok you see shy and awkward'I see her in a totally different light.
With support and some assertiveness training, she will gather strength.
Kim P did groomed her but for the wrong reasons IMO. .
I enjoy reading your post they are very thought provoking.
Crystal appears to be very honest. She was sincere with the judge. She doesn't appear to have any meanness at all. I watched as she comforted RC the first day. She seems shy and a little awkward in front of others. With support and some assertiveness training, she will gather strength.

She is just not sophisticated in anyway, and there is nothing wrong with that. She always said, Haleigh mommy and daddy love you and miss you- shes about as sincere as it gets- Ron is cunning, I know how he got those kids in the first place and it was very wrong. I just hope her health is ok and that she gets through today as best as she can.
I have one question, If Crystal was that far behind in child support, why did Ron wait that long to do anything about it? Why not do something in the first year ?
I have one question, If Crystal was that far behind in child support, why did Ron wait that long to do anything about it? Why not do something in the first year ?

Probably because he had just started making a living, so he would be able to show the court he had a real job finally, so that if he went after support prior to having employment, and he couldn't prove he had a job, I think he knew more than likely Crystal would get the kids, because he only got custody because he had a job.

Crystal owed; it has been paid. There would never have been an instance or situation where Crystal would not have had to pay those arrears or face jail time. The hearing was postponed; it wasn't dismissed. She would have still faced jail or further fines for having been delinquent. Nothing in the world would stop this process, not even a missing child. Apparently the State of FL believes strongly enough in catching parents delinquent on their child support enough to file a hearing. There is no link to your first statement regarding child support and your follow-up that Crystal has Haleigh somewhere and has a problem making her reappear. That is a victim bashing statement.

Lets say Crystal took Haleigh. Why is she taking the child that has health problems? Why would she after years of not paying support does she take the child, and have to pay for everything? Including all of the medical supplies Haleigh would need, because she would have to pay cash and pay expensive prices because she couldnt use insurance or disability money for the child- so someone tell me why she would do all that? Its not even rational.

I have one question, If Crystal was that far behind in child support, why did Ron wait that long to do anything about it? Why not do something in the first year ?

Ron never did anything about it. The state filed the charges.

Of course none of us know the answer as to WHY he didn't take Crystal to Court. Perhaps it is the same reason he is not slinging mud at her now (or earlier on when the mud was being slung)? Or maybe he did not want to get the mother of his children into trouble with the law? Does it even matter? Crystal is the one that thwarted her responsibility to care for her children. Ron provided for them. From the pictures and videos, they never looked uncared for or wanting for anything.
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