GUILTY CT - Aaden Moreno, 7 mos, thrown from bridge, Middletown, 5 July 2015

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I am unclear on the RO timeline. She filed for one, which was granted on a temporary basis until the court hearing a couple weeks later - when a permanent RO was denied.

However, TM was charged with violating an RO in addition to murder, so I am confused about what RO was in effect on July 5th...
Apparently he violated a temporary restraining order when that order was in effect.

"Jarmoc is not the only one pointing fingers at Judge Pinkus. State Senator Mae Flexer, a member of the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee, argues that Pinkus could have contacted Middletown Police when he heard allegations that Moreno violated his temporary restraining order. She is also calling for more victim advocates in family courts."
The judge who denied the RO in this case is the same judge who granted Joshua Komisarjevsky sole custody of his 5 year old daughter just weeks before he commited the Petit family home invasion/murders.

Wow. So he granted sole custody to Komisarjevsky (who already had criminal record before getting custody), but wouldn't issue a restraining order? How does this judge keep on getting re-elected?
Two "mistakes"? Hmmmm that doesn't ring true to me. This judge has messed up big time. While I agree that there are mothers who make it very difficult for fathers to see their children, there are some fathers that should be kept well away from their children too. Poor little baby x
Mother of baby thrown from bridge plans to sue the state

A Middletown mother whose baby was thrown from the Arrigoni Bridge and died is planning to sue the state.

The child’s mother, 19-year-old Adrianne Oyola, feels the state Department of Children and Families was negligent and could have done more to save her child’s life.

After the baby died, it was learned that Oyola feared for her own life, but her efforts to extend a restraining order were rejected by a judge who allowed the father, Tony Moreno, to see his child.

DCF did not comment on the lawsuit, but shortly after the baby’s death last July, DCF released a statement that said “Department staff saw the mother and child on three occasions between June 19 and June 26, and the father was not allowed access to the baby by the mother."

Tony Moreno was arrested and is charged with murdering his own son. He rejected a plea deal and his trial is expected to start in January.
Mother of Aaden Moreno ‘Loses Everything’ in House Fire: Middletown Mayor

The mother of Aaden Moreno, the 7-month-old who was killed last July after police say he was thrown off the Arrigoni Bridge by his father, was the victim of a house fire Wednesday night, according to Mayor Dan Drew.

Drew said in a post on Facebook that Adrianne Oyola and her mother lost everything in the fire but they are safe.

A collection box has been set up in Drew’s office in City Hall for donations to assist the family. The office is open between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Mother of Aaden Moreno ‘Loses Everything’ in House Fire: Middletown Mayor

Oh my word, that is AWFUL. It says that she lost everything. I'm hoping she still has something from baby Aaden; even just a tiny scrap of something.

This poor woman has been out through the ringer. She must have felt the judge failed her & now she has lost literally everything.

Ugh, this is so daggone sad. My thoughts are with her.
Murder Trial Set To Begin For Man Accused Of Throwing Baby From Bridge

Testimony is scheduled to begin next month in the murder trial of Tony Moreno, accused of throwing his 7-month-old son from the Arrigoni Bridge in July 2015.

Moreno's attorney, Norman A. Pattis, said Wednesday at a pre-trial hearing in Superior Court that he expects Moreno to testify during the trial and that Moreno will not deny he was responsible for Aaden Moreno's death.

"There will be no argument by the defense in this case that Mr. Moreno was not responsible for causing his son's death," Pattis said.

Pattis said he will argue at trial for the jury to consider lesser charges for Moreno, including first-degree manslaughter, second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide. Pattis also said Moreno, 23, will not be using an insanity or emotional disturbance defense.

Jury selection in Moreno's case is anticipated to begin Tuesday, with a pool of 80 to 100 prospective jurors expected on that day. Vitale said Wednesday he expects to prepare the jury to begin hearing evidence in the trial by Feb. 8.
Jury Selection Begins In Trial For Father Charged With Throwing Baby Off Bridge

No jurors were selected Tuesday on the first day of the murder trial of Tony Moreno, the Middletown father charged with throwing his 7-month-old son from the Arrigoni Bridge in July 2015.

By the end of the day Tuesday, Judge Elpedio N. Vitale had interviewed more than a dozen prospective jurors for the start of jury selection. Most said they would be unable to serve because of commitments and family and work issues.

Several other candidates said they knew names on a list of potential witnesses who could testify. The jury pool reporting on Tuesday morning included more than 80 people.

Prosecutors are expected to begin presenting evidence on Feb. 8. The trial is expected to last until about Feb. 23.
Attorney: Moreno's Hospital-Bed Statements To Middletown Police Were Coerced

The attorney for Tony Moreno, charged with throwing his 7-month-old son off the Arrigoni Bridge into the Connecticut River, is accusing detectives of coercing a confession by taking advantage of Moreno's dire medical condition.

Moreno, 23, charged with murdering his son Aaden Moreno on July 5, 2015, is scheduled to go to trial on Feb. 8. Jury selection was completed Wednesday.

Attorney Norman A. Pattis on Jan. 18 filed a 23-page motion to suppress hospital interviews from being heard at the trial. The motion is heavily critical of the Middletown Police Department and heaps blame on police officers who responded to the bridge for "escalating the situation" that ended when Moreno tried to kill himself by jumping over the railing.

Another motion filed recently by Pattis seeks to exclude details of the search for Aaden Moreno from being offered as evidence in the trial. Arguments on the motions could begin Jan. 31.

Pattis has said in court that he does not intend to seek an insanity defense, and that Moreno will not claim that he is not responsible for Aaden's death. He will argue for the jury to consider lesser charges, including manslaughter, Pattis said at a hearing earlier this month.
Dramatic Testimony On First Day Of Moreno Murder Trial

Denise Moreno and Middletown police Officer Austin Smith arrived at the Arrigoni Bridge nearly in unison on the night of July 5, 2015.

Moreno had just called 911 to report that her son was on the bridge, that he was suicidal, and that he had his 7-month-old son Aaden with him. Smith took the call from the dispatcher.

As they both got out of their cars on the bridge and jumped over the barrier between the road and the sidewalk on which Moreno was standing, near Aaden's stroller, Denise Moreno called out to Tony Moreno first, Smith testified on Friday. When her son did not respond, Smith said he tried to get Tony Moreno's attention as he was walking away.

"I said, 'Tony, stop!' and he looked at me and began to quicken his pace," said Smith, the first witness to testify in Superior Court Friday as the murder trial of Tony Moreno, accused of throwing his infant son off the bridge to his death, began. 

Smith testified that he called again for Moreno to stop.

"Moments later, he put both of his hands on the railing to his right and hurled himself over," Smith said.

An emotional Denise Moreno testified on Friday that on July 5, 2015, she had a migraine and was in her bedroom. Sometime in the evening she woke up and made a salad, and joked with Tony in the kitchen.

She went back to bed and later was awakened by a phone call from Tony, who told her he was on the Arrigoni Bridge and was asking her to retrieve the baby's stroller and a phone with pictures of Aaden on it.

"I told him to put one foot in front of the other and just keep walking and he said he couldn't," Denise Moreno said.

On the call, she could hear Aaden. At first he made a cooing sound, then she heard a brief cry.
Chilling Text Messages Presented To Jurors In Moreno Murder Trial

Text messages presented in court Wednesday gave jurors a chilling look at the last exchange between murder defendant Tony Moreno and ex-girlfriend Adrianne Oyola in the seconds before, prosecutors allege, Moreno threw the couple's 7-month-old son to his death off the Arrigoni Bridge.

Jurors were shown screen shots of the text messages sent between 11:13 p.m. and 11:53 p.m. on July 5, 2015. Moreno's texts were read out loud by prosecutor Eugene Calistro and Oyola's by a judicial branch employee.

The messages began with an argument, but quickly turned as Moreno made ominous statements about taking son Aaden away from Oyola. In one text, he wrote to Oyola, "You won't talk to me tomorrow or any other day." In another, "Enjoy your new life without us."

Taking the stand Wednesday, Oyola testified her troubled relationship with Moreno came to a head when she refused his marriage proposal on the day of her senior prom in June 2015, a month before Aaden's death.

During that month, Oyola went to her prom on June 6, graduated high school June 16, applied for a restraining order June 17, signed a shared-custody agreement after a court hearing June 29 and suffered the death of her baby on July 5.

Moreno and Oyola had been dating for a few years and got along fine until she got pregnant with Aaden, she testified. Things became strained, and their relationship got even worse after Aaden was born Nov. 19, 2014, she said.

"He wanted to get married and I was on the fence about it," Oyola said.
Moreno In Thursday Testimony: 'I Dropped Him'

Tony Moreno, accused of throwing his 7-month-old son Aaden off the Arrigoni Bridge to his death in July 2015, told jurors Thursday he did not intend to kill the infant.

"Did you intend to kill your son, Aaden Moreno on July 5, 2015?" Defense Attorney Norman A. Pattis asked a tearful Moreno is he sat at the witness stand in Superior Court.

"No," Moreno answered. 

"What happened?" Pattis asked.

"I dropped him," Moreno replied.

Moreno said in testimony that he battled deep depression and suicidal thoughts for years before Aaden was born. At one point, Moreno demonstrated how he was holding the baby on the bridge. As he spoke, Moreno cried and took long pauses trying to fight back tears before answering questions.
Moreno Says Son's Death Was An Accident; Closing Arguments Tuesday

The man accused of killing his infant son by throwing him off the Arrigoni Bridge told jurors who will begin to decide his fate next week that his baby's death was an accident.

Tony Moreno, 23, testified Friday that he walked to the bridge to kill himself and brought 7-month-old Aaden along, but never intended to harm the child. He said he was holding Aaden and talking to him while standing at the bridge railing, pointing out landmarks including the movie theater where he first kissed the child's mother.

Aaden moved in his arms and slipped from his grasp, Moreno said. Already distraught about his relationship with ex-girlfriend Adrianne Oyola and intending to kill himself, Moreno told jurors he did not fully comprehend what happened.

"I just kind of panicked and shut down completely," Moreno said during testimony Friday, his second day on the witness stand in Superior Court. "I started freaking out. I dropped to the ground and I was having a little difficulty breathing. I couldn't make sense of what happened."

Moreno was the only witness called by his defense attorney, Norman A. Pattis. Evidence concluded Friday. Closing arguments are scheduled for Tuesday morning, and the jury could begin deliberations by the afternoon.

Moreno faces up to 70 years in prison if convicted on charges of murder and risk of injury to a child. On Friday, he was emotional while testifying but more collected than he was on Thursday when his attorney asked for a delay because of the difficulty he was having answering questions.
The text messages don't match his version of events. I will believe the texts. This guy is either very mentally ill or just plain evil.
The text messages don't match his version of events. I will believe the texts. This guy is either very mentally ill or just plain evil.
He said he's not claiming mental illness, so it must be Option B.

He's lying through his teeth and the tears are for himself, not Aaden. I don't think the jury will be deceived.

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